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Any reason not to delete my revenant?


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I am so bored with the class due to the lack of choice in skills. A great concept and I like the legend swapping (reminds me a bit of Dervish) but the gameplay is so stale. Been trying Condi, was excited for Renegade but was very dissapointed. Still need to try Herald but doubt it will make the class any more exciting and diverse.


Any reason I should hold on and not delete him? I could roll myself a Necro, Warrior, or Elementalist in that slot

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Delete him, Revenant was meant to be a cash cow for Arena net to help it sell HoT.


It will always be sub par with other profesions,because other profesions get OP elite specializations, while Revenant gets balanced/mediocre legends attached to a core,that was meant to be weak so that HoT players will be more inclined to use the Herald traitline.

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Because none of us have any clue what Anet will do next (possibly not even Anet). It is possible revenant could receive a buff that makes it completely OP. It seems like they just do things for no reason, and without need, like buff some of the strongest condition specs during the condition nerf patch.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> If it's only a few months old then why even ask, just delete it...


Because I have invested gear and levels. Since I am not a main Rev player I wanted to hear from others whether I am missing something that makes this class fun or hear about where the class is really strong. Just wanted to see if anyone defends the Rev before deleting the work and gold I invested in him :)

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?


Really? I have never seen a group asking for a Renegade in LFG. I know he gives unique buffs, but thought they are kinda meh

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?


Renegade is passable in fractals, but _**never**_ demanded. I don't know about raids, perhaps there are a couple bosses where people will always slot a renegade for some reason. With middle of the pack DPS, low self sustainability, and support options that other specs do better (druid/chrono), renegade isn't exactly a top pick in PvE either.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?


> Really? I have never seen a group asking for a Renegade in LFG. I know he gives unique buffs, but thought they are kinda meh


Dunno, haven't had any problem PUGing PvE raids in prime time. Most problems came from absence of kill proof but noone ever complained about my DPS or performance.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> Because none of us have any clue what Anet will do next (possibly not even Anet). It is possible revenant could receive a buff that makes it completely OP. It seems like they just do things for no reason, and without need, like buff some of the strongest condition specs during the condition nerf patch.


Well this is my issue exactly. If there were a few added utility choices per legend or a few neutral skills that function like glyphs (or not) and a few simple buffs, then Rev would be really awesome and fun for me since I do like the concept. But there is no communication from ANet about their plans and intentions for the class :(

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Rev had some pretty dominant moments in PvP and is still strong in WvW (edit: and I guess early raids it was highly requested? Not much of a PvEr), so power-wise there is a reason to hang on to it.


Playstyle wise, its probably always going to be pretty stale. It's the nature of the legend design.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?

> >

> > Really? I have never seen a group asking for a Renegade in LFG. I know he gives unique buffs, but thought they are kinda meh


> Dunno, haven't had any problem PUGing PvE raids in prime time. Most problems came from absence of kill proof but noone ever complained about my DPS or performance.


There is a difference between in demand and acceptable. Chronos, druids, warriors, and to an extent eles are in demand. Renegades are acceptable.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?

> > >

> > > Really? I have never seen a group asking for a Renegade in LFG. I know he gives unique buffs, but thought they are kinda meh

> >

> > Dunno, haven't had any problem PUGing PvE raids in prime time. Most problems came from absence of kill proof but noone ever complained about my DPS or performance.


> There is a difference between in demand and acceptable. Chronos, druids, warriors, and to an extent eles are in demand. Renegades are acceptable.


Isn't acceptable just fine? Why exactly should rev be "in demand"?

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > > > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > > If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?

> > > >

> > > > Really? I have never seen a group asking for a Renegade in LFG. I know he gives unique buffs, but thought they are kinda meh

> > >

> > > Dunno, haven't had any problem PUGing PvE raids in prime time. Most problems came from absence of kill proof but noone ever complained about my DPS or performance.

> >

> > There is a difference between in demand and acceptable. Chronos, druids, warriors, and to an extent eles are in demand. Renegades are acceptable.


> Isn't acceptable just fine? Why exactly should rev be "in demand"?


I agree, if you can run a rev in the higest difficulty content then it means the spec if fine in terms of numbers, it does not have to be in demand to be a good spec IF you enjoy playing the class

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > > > > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > > > > If you are a PvEr, renegade is quite demanded in both fractals and raids. Anything competitive - nah, any class can do everything better so why being hapless tryhard?

> > > >

> > > > Really? I have never seen a group asking for a Renegade in LFG. I know he gives unique buffs, but thought they are kinda meh

> > >

> > > Dunno, haven't had any problem PUGing PvE raids in prime time. Most problems came from absence of kill proof but noone ever complained about my DPS or performance.

> >

> > There is a difference between in demand and acceptable. Chronos, druids, warriors, and to an extent eles are in demand. Renegades are acceptable.


> Isn't acceptable just fine? Why exactly should rev be "in demand"?


The original poster in this chain said that renegade was in demand. It is not, that is the only point I am making. If we want to expand on that, condi renegade is low to mid tier sustained dps with poor burst capabilities and minimal relevant utility with the exception of burst boon-rip for Dhuum. It generally won't be kicked by the average pug group, but you will also never see those groups requesting one.

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And I thought I was the most sensitive revenant pussy out there...



Alright. Sorry, wrong choice of a word. Not "demanded" but it's still rather playable and passable for a raid. At least from the perspective of buffbot herald I had in HoT. Those people I raid with, always ask me if I want to join their raids on weekends and somewhere around that week. That's the meaning of "demand" for me. Sure thing it's not anywhere near other DPS builds and I wish it was a bit better but it's much better than it used to be.


> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

>is still strong in WvW


- _____________________ -


Any build on can be "strong" because everything on WvW hits really hard. Even some onetrick pony builds which are sooooo good against your typical "Ima wvwer, ima strong" cattle.



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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> Because I have invested gear and levels. Since I am not a main Rev player I wanted to hear from others whether I am missing something that makes this class fun or hear about where the class is really strong. Just wanted to see if anyone defends the Rev before deleting the work and gold I invested in him :)


Unless you went some weird stat build the gold will not be wasted at all.

Assuming you went a meta Rev build which is Vipers you can very easily use that gear on Warrior and Guardian. Even if you went full zerkers it is still useful on guardian. Vipers and zerker trinkets are used across various specs. Weapon stats can easily be swapped.


As for levels? Leveling in this game is Irrelevant because of how many tomes are thrown in your face.



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Fractals: Actually , it's good as healing renegade if you have already another source of might except of druid (such as a warrior or even thief can give some might) with boon duration it's not that hard to get to 20+ stacks solo ... the radius of F2 is just a little to short for me .


WVW: supremacy of hammer herald tho ... u can see tons of those in the enemy line.


RAIDS : healing revenant is meta to tank Deimos in wing 4.


sPvp : power herald is fine (cause great to burst Firebrand down) but struggle if you don't have your own firebrand to cleanse or if the enemy teams runs 2 or more condi build.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > If it's only a few months old then why even ask, just delete it...


> Because I have invested gear and levels. Since I am not a main Rev player I wanted to hear from others whether I am missing something that makes this class fun or hear about where the class is really strong. Just wanted to see if anyone defends the Rev before deleting the work and gold I invested in him :)


No one can tell you why a class is fun for you to play. if you don't like it, delete it. It's personal preference.

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