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The strange nature of toxicity


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Was just playing a match on my holo. Went mid with the group at the start... enemy team spiked me down, despite double elixir-s. Firebrand on our team calls me a noob and instantly starts talking trash about me for the rest of the match. Go on to play the rest of the match.


We win by a decent margin (Foefire, 360-500, enemies were on our lord when we won, so it was narrow). I got the award for most kills and damage. He does the standard offline whisper "get gud nub" so I can't whisper him back.


What I can't comprehend is people like this. We lost the first engagement, but won the whole match. It happens. Normal PvP stuff. How are people so immediately judgmental that they can't see past themselves?

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> You should have made him lose for being so rude. You'd have lost the match too but who cares, you're supposedly the "filthy casual noob" he assumes you are, and so you have nothing to lose. Maybe then they'll learn not to BM and demoralize their own team.


Throwing would just vindicate their accusation.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > You should have made him lose for being so rude. You'd have lost the match too but who cares, you're supposedly the "filthy casual noob" he assumes you are, and so you have nothing to lose. Maybe then they'll learn not to BM and demoralize their own team.


> Throwing would just vindicate their accusation.


I don't disagree, that's why I'm saying might as well give in. They won, but either way he was going to get shat on by his own team, and winning doesn't disprove the accusation either. Might as well at least take away their victory. If they are getting that upset, odds are the match means more to them than it did him.

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I found a phenomenal article a few years ago that talked about how people who are especially toxic/sexist/racists etcetera in video games are usually people lacking power in real life. It wasn't some guess-work feel good article or anything, it was actually researched. I think it was that famous strategy game that commissioned it, whatever stronghold is based off of. They paid some university or whoever to find out why all their players were losers. (I know, I know, I'm full of specific details.)


Long story short, it's common sense. People who are rude online are little kids or adults with crappy jobs. I doubt you're going to find Bill Gates raging in WoW because why the fuck would he give a fuck, he'd just be relaxing if he was going to play a game.

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As a holo it is not always a good idea to rush in with everybody else becasue the initial condi/power spike can melt you down. If you, with two invulnerabilities, died quickly then it was a bad play. However, that FB should have done something too, to clean condis and heal once you were invuln, so he wasn't better and the thrashtalk wasn't needed, especially in the initial fight that actually is meant to give you cruicial information on what the enemy runs and what to do to counter them or prevent them from countering you. Unless the burst happened in like 2 seconds then there was no time to react properly.

So all in all if it happened that you would die to burst later on in the game then his trash talk, although bad in the first place, would be justified. Otherwise he was just a silly little guy.

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Got called out for afking after dude who was standing in spawn said, "this due is afk'ing botting (which actually may have been true), i stop to look/reply as i just respawned, in those 5 secs, he calls me out for being afk as well. All this went down the last minute or so of the match. People are in a odd place in the world, not just gw2.

I'd also suggest not hard rushing mid. I don't usually as im a necro and like to think i can live a bit, but i see a lot of classes yolo into mid and melt, on both sides of the coin.

I telemarketed for a while. I never understood how upset people would get over being yelled at by strangers. I feel the same way here.

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> @"Cougre.6543" said:

> He's not wrong you know. Usually immediate death in the mid fight is an indicator of poor play, this is speaking from personal experience.


> @"SaltyDogs.9073" said:

> Deserved. Next time don't get bursted down first.


Mmk. I stealthed and everything, positioned myself in a hard to reach area. Still got bursted. But thanks for the meaningful, helpful commentary.


I know it's world shattering to see people get bursted who are avoiding bursts, but surprise. It happens.


> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> As a holo it is not always a good idea to rush in with everybody else becasue the initial condi/power spike can melt you down. If you, with two invulnerabilities, died quickly then it was a bad play. However, that FB should have done something too, to clean condis and heal once you were invuln, so he wasn't better and the thrashtalk wasn't needed, especially in the initial fight that actually is meant to give you cruicial information on what the enemy runs and what to do to counter them or prevent them from countering you. Unless the burst happened in like 2 seconds then there was no time to react properly.


I didn't actually rush in. I stayed off to the side, stealthed and was picking a target. Once I uncloaked, however, I got bursted. FB watched me die from bleeding, then called me a noob when he couldn't pick me up while I was down.



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Well it's true and it's bad. This is not good but with my personnal experience, as a nice guy in life, the pvp matchmaking system can sometimes (often ?) get me mad. At those moments I can talk very bad to people or not playing at my fullest to help my team.


When I'm happy and play at 100% for my mates but the game still continues to put me always and always with the 4 worst players of the whole match and, so I lose 8 or 10 matches in a row, I just don't have pleasure at all and can talk trash to others.


I'm sorry to all people but it's just too much because of their stupîd matchmaking system.


I'm pretty sure this is the same for some other people. People can be toxic yes. But the game's system develop this toxicity.

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Best just ignore them or have fun with it. They won't stop. The game is full of them. Otherwise you could block every person who gets you flustered in the game, but soon you will not be able to communicate with very many people.


Perhaps the real issue is that it bothers you after you log out. It's a game....a GAME

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > As a holo it is not always a good idea to rush in with everybody else becasue the initial condi/power spike can melt you down. If you, with two invulnerabilities, died quickly then it was a bad play. However, that FB should have done something too, to clean condis and heal once you were invuln, so he wasn't better and the thrashtalk wasn't needed, especially in the initial fight that actually is meant to give you cruicial information on what the enemy runs and what to do to counter them or prevent them from countering you. Unless the burst happened in like 2 seconds then there was no time to react properly.


> I didn't actually rush in. I stayed off to the side, stealthed and was picking a target. Once I uncloaked, however, I got bursted. FB watched me die from bleeding, then called me a noob when he couldn't pick me up while I was down.




Well if that is the case then you were just unlucky and the enemy team made a good call to focus their main burst on you as soon as possible. Everyone knows that an untamed holo can wreak power burst havoc. So in this case FB was either a baddie, or couldn't react fast enough. Moreover, if you were not getting cleaved and he didn't bother to pick you up, then he made a kinda newb-ish move.


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Just immediately block anyone who does talk about something that isn't related to immediate team tactics in mature way. Also try to refrain from talking about generally anything yourself in same manner, it's better that way.


It doesn't matter if he was right or wrong negative feedback in any way just hurts teamplay. You can try to make remarks about what's happening in short but don't start arguments, nice way to end on block list.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Was just playing a match on my holo. Went mid with the group at the start... enemy team spiked me down, despite double elixir-s. Firebrand on our team calls me a noob and instantly starts talking trash about me for the rest of the match. Go on to play the rest of the match.


> We win by a decent margin (Foefire, 360-500, enemies were on our lord when we won, so it was narrow). I got the award for most kills and damage. He does the standard offline whisper "get gud nub" so I can't whisper him back.


> What I can't comprehend is people like this. We lost the first engagement, but won the whole match. It happens. Normal PvP stuff. How are people so immediately judgmental that they can't see past themselves?


because a good amount of the community always think their "carrying or never" do any mistakes at all. Players like that are the 1s I hate most because they can literally fuck up an entire game within seconds. This game has a VERY VERY SMALL portion of players that understand the match ups/game basics of standard shit lol.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Was just playing a match on my holo. Went mid with the group at the start... enemy team spiked me down, despite double elixir-s. Firebrand on our team calls me a noob and instantly starts talking trash about me for the rest of the match. Go on to play the rest of the match.


> We win by a decent margin (Foefire, 360-500, enemies were on our lord when we won, so it was narrow). I got the award for most kills and damage. He does the standard offline whisper "get gud nub" so I can't whisper him back.


> What I can't comprehend is people like this. We lost the first engagement, but won the whole match. It happens. Normal PvP stuff. **How are people so immediately judgmental that they can't see past themselves?**


' **Absence of healthy competitive environment is the root cause of toxicity** '


I'm sorry for your painful experience Vagrant.... when you have a game company who promotes toxicity instead of promoting healthy competitive environment, that is what is expected.



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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Was just playing a match on my holo. Went mid with the group at the start... enemy team spiked me down, despite double elixir-s. Firebrand on our team calls me a noob and instantly starts talking trash about me for the rest of the match. Go on to play the rest of the match.


> We win by a decent margin (Foefire, 360-500, enemies were on our lord when we won, so it was narrow). I got the award for most kills and damage. He does the standard offline whisper "get gud nub" so I can't whisper him back.


> What I can't comprehend is people like this. We lost the first engagement, but won the whole match. It happens. Normal PvP stuff. How are people so immediately judgmental that they can't see past themselves?


@"Burnfall.9573" Has this right. The reason you're running into people like this is because they thrive in an environment that does not retain people of the opposite personality.


A word to the wise that I've taken is to immediately block anyone that says anything inflammatory to you via whisper, because all they're doing is looking for a hook to vent a thousand years of salt that they have piled up over being bad for too long, and then they block you so you cannot give it back.


Or.. yknow, **quit pvp**. There's no real reason to play it right now, and the pve community is nicer, outside of raids.


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Sadly, online gaming is a catalyst for lack of emotional control. There’s so much emphasis on building a sense of worth based on either performance or ability to troll someone else that no one really feels any shame for having the emotional maturity of a spoiled child.


And it’s not that surprising when you think of it. Success measured by game performance is a given and the anonymity/disconnect from consequences just makes childish outbursts and 4-chan style trolling an easy tool for deflection when faced with any form of criticism.


And the more people act like this, the more it encourages others to do the same.


It’s just people framing their weaknesses like it’s a strength.

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