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The strange nature of toxicity


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There's a couple things you can do with situations like that. 1) If they just go offline to whisper send them a mail enclosed with salt packets, rage sigils/runes and humiliation dye. If they block you this won't work but if it's only an offline whisper then do that and block em to give them a taste of their own medicine.

2) Troll them. I know some people aren't big fans of this but the fact of the matter is you will get bm'd eventually. It happens cause 12 year olds in this game get mad when their op build doesn't carry them so they rage a ton. If you want to have some fun with them just troll them by asking stupid questions, following them around map, etc. Only do this if you don't care about the win.

3) Ignore them and play to the point that they eat their words. If someone bm's you, a good and constructive thing you can do is take their words as truth (to a lesser extent of what they tell you) and see what you can improve on then apply it and play better so they have no basis to talk to you. If you fix mistakes and continue to get better then rage won't bother you because you can look at your own progress for proof that you are getting better and people are less likely to rage at you (idiots still will but those people are a lost cause so I pay them no mind)

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> Well it's true and it's bad. This is not good but with my personnal experience, as a nice guy in life, the pvp matchmaking system can sometimes (often ?) get me mad. At those moments I can talk very bad to people or not playing at my fullest to help my team.


> When I'm happy and play at 100% for my mates but the game still continues to put me always and always with the 4 worst players of the whole match and, so I lose 8 or 10 matches in a row, I just don't have pleasure at all and can talk trash to others.


> I'm sorry to all people but it's just too much because of their stupîd matchmaking system.


> I'm pretty sure this is the same for some other people. People can be toxic yes. But the game's system develop this toxicity.


Then you are just a guy who pretends to be a nice guy. Just as toxic as other toxic persons. You are still the same person with your feelings, actions and choices no matter if it's in life or in pvp.

Maybe you think you are a nice guy in life because you are too afraid to act like you do when you get mad in pvp, because you know it can trigger someone to respond in a way that could hurt you physicaly or get other consequenses that you won't risk online?

And don't blame your toxic behavior on someone else, the matchmaking or whatever. It's all on you. It's your own choice how you want to react to your feelings.

If you get so mad for loosing in a game that you have to trash talk other people and can't focus to play properly so it affect other peoples experiances negative, you are not a nice guy. You are a toxic guy.


You should take a look on your own playing, what you could have done better to win the match instead of blaming others or and being toxic about it. You know you have to carry yourself to a victory right? If you want to win you always have to carry. Learn from your misstakes and successes. And from others ofcourse. If you go blind and blame your loss on the matchmaking system or other people you will never do any progress.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Was just playing a match on my holo. Went mid with the group at the start... enemy team spiked me down, despite double elixir-s. Firebrand on our team calls me a noob and instantly starts talking trash about me for the rest of the match. Go on to play the rest of the match.


> We win by a decent margin (Foefire, 360-500, enemies were on our lord when we won, so it was narrow). I got the award for most kills and damage. He does the standard offline whisper "get gud nub" so I can't whisper him back.


> What I can't comprehend is people like this. We lost the first engagement, but won the whole match. It happens. Normal PvP stuff. How are people so immediately judgmental that they can't see past themselves?


You can see there are a lot of toxic and salty comments here, accusing you and the willingness to make you feel down. Ignore them. If you got focused down when you have a salty FB it just means he's unable to play his class fully, as it's meant to be supportive so he decides that bashing other people for this incompetence will make him feel better and compensated.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> I have trouble finding time to type out useful things like "2 coming home" or whatever, dunno how people find the time to write out all these insults.

True. 90% of the time, whatever side that has a player talking after the round starts will be the side to loose. For some reason, sore loosers/afkers/morons are always incredibly chatty.


The best teams are the ones that know what to do even after a wipe on mid and then go and do it without saying a word.


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> @"Demon.6743" said:

> It's so common... Just ignore. Yesterday I 1v2 a ranger + deadeye in sPvpv and the ranger did typical offline wisper saying it's sad I cannot 1v1.... But he is right because it was 1v2



I hate to admit but I do enjoy a pinch of salt in my diet - not too much however. Personally I would never whisper first to mock or get salty. At the end of the day, this is just a game and a way for many people to blow off steam, not get wound up. I sometimes respond to PMs if I think the conversation is worth my time.


Some of the best whispers from people who have been beaten:

" You only won because you outnumbered me, bet you can't 1v1" (in a fair 5v5) - Yes, your team didn't like you enough to come and help you :sweat:


(after playing as thief or mesmer) Warrior whispers -" you won cos you cheated and don't play with honor, always stealthing or teleporting. If you fight like a man you would lose" - I don't even respond to this if they choose to be this much of a gooseberry.

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> @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> Unranked shouldn't betaken so seriously. Especially when 5 people on discord could literally be playing against 5 randoms. There is no measure of "good". So just have fun.


But what If someone's definition of fun is to have a relatively balanced match? PvE, casual players are having fun it's alright, unranked is for that and I like to fool around in unranked too. But still, when you get stomped, can't do anything about it and your fun was to test your skill, find a worthy opponent instead of goofing around, what then? Well we have to face the bitterness that's what, it has to happen from time to time :tired_face:

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> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > Unranked shouldn't betaken so seriously. Especially when 5 people on discord could literally be playing against 5 randoms. There is no measure of "good". So just have fun.


> But what If someone's definition of fun is to have a relatively balanced match? PvE, casual players are having fun it's alright, unranked is for that and I like to fool around in unranked too. But still, when you get stomped, can't do anything about it and your fun was to test your skill, find a worthy opponent instead of goofing around, what then? Well we have to face the bitterness that's what, it has to happen from time to time :tired_face:


I never said fooling around = fun. Play serious, but also remember its a game. Also there is no such thing as balance. If Anet "balanced" pvp according to how people wanted it, that notion of balance would be the new OP.

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