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Is power DH bow viable for OWPVE/Fractals?


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So I've been running DH with the meta build zeal/radiance + sword/torch|GS. It's fun, and interesting, but I keep thinking that DH was supposed to be using a bow, and most builds that are 'meta' don't include one.


I am sure there's a good reason for that (lack of DPS or sommething), but is it possible to have a DH power build that actually uses a bow? I mostly do Fractals (and still low level at that) and have maybe 3 or 4 ascended pieces (GS/Sword/Torch/Rings and 1 trinket) and open world PVE (specially HOT meta map events).



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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> Forget the meta. Give it a try, if you like it continue using it. I myself loved the Longbow in my old WvW build. Dont play PvE much so i cant say if its good there but why not just give it a try? If it works and you enjoy it, then play it. Dont worry about whats meta and whats meta. Play what you enjoy ^^


Eh, I also don't want to feel useless to the group/stuff specially on fractals. And as a developer I'm used to think that there's always someone that already tried stuff so I don't need to :persevere:

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> @"coredump.2391" said:

> Eh, I also don't want to feel useless to the group/stuff specially on fractals. And as a developer I'm used to think that there's always someone that already tried stuff so I don't need to :persevere:


The only way someone could actually be useless is they dont actually DO anything, as long as you are following the mechanics and things are dying. Then you are doing fine. This whole meta obsession the game has is pointless. As long as its killed thats what counts. As long as you complete the factual or kill the boss that is what matters not doing it that 0.01second faster because you're running a meta build.

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As a Guardian in fractal, you need to adapt to a particular situation by swapping weapons and traits. For instance, Snowblind, you need that Longbow 3 for the knockback on the Ice Elemental. In Swampland, you need that Shield 5 during boss AOE if your group is lack of CC. A good Guardian is defined by how well he can adapt and protect his teammate, while at the same time, dealing damage.


For OWPvE, use whatever weapons you need for your own survival, no one is affected if you died anyway xD.

But currently, I'm going back to core guard build xD with good old sword and shield.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"yLoon.5289" said:

> > For instance, Snowblind, you need that Longbow 3 for the knockback on the Ice Elemental.

> *cough* Scepter #3.



Single target CC 20 secs cooldown vs Group target CC 10 secs cooldown?

With Longbow you can KD/push away that Ice Elemental every time it appears, thus giving more time to kill it before it even comes near to the bonfire. =x

Furthermore, mobs are running around and won't stay put, your Scepter 2 will hit air most of the time. Long cooldown of Scepter 3 doesn't really help much either, thus Longbow AA/2/3 is superior in every way for that situation.

The point is, when the party is lack of CC, filled with beginners, pugs are not pulling up their own weight to CC, pull mob, aoe dmg, Longbow is absolutely viable in that particular situation.


It is crucial that we need to adapt to the pugs we got into, not just blindly follow the "either my way or the high way mentality" which ultimately spoiling the gaming experience for the beginners.


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> @"yLoon.5289" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > @"yLoon.5289" said:

> > > For instance, Snowblind, you need that Longbow 3 for the knockback on the Ice Elemental.

> > *cough* Scepter #3.

> >


> Single target CC 20 secs cooldown vs Group target CC 10 secs cooldown?


You also need to change grandmasters, from Big Game Hunter which is a great source of vuln (especially after the recent nerfs) and a personal 7-10% dmg increase, to Heavy Light, which is practically useless, apart from putting that kb on Deflecting Shot.


Sure, it happens that you can afford to do so during that particular phase of Snowblind, but we are already talking about a single phase of a single fractal and only when the pug sucks. You don't even need cc to deal with the ice elementals, they are very easy to dps down.


But for when you need another source of cc, lb+Heavy Light shouldn't be your first choice. Even for ice elementals, alternating between scepter 3 and shield 5 is enough. You even have F1 and GS 5 for backup.

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Longbow is pretty fine for open world and I usually use that with GS when I frolic around. However, scepter just beats it pretty handily for anything remotely serious (sadly). Even if you need a knock back, you’ll still lose less dps by using scepter+shield than a trained longbow.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:


> But for when you need another source of cc, lb+Heavy Light shouldn't be your first choice. Even for ice elementals, alternating between scepter 3 and shield 5 is enough. You even have F1 and GS 5 for backup.


In a experience group, sure it will be suffice, but this method will failed if others do not know how to assist in cc and having weak dps.

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