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Daily Log in Board Game

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Yes, I mean like some other MMO's.


The major differences I had in mind would be the board game could be locked behind daily completionist, and it should cost a token to roll. The tokens could cost 50 silver. Max 2 rolls or trys daily.


Maybe some very small chance at black lion key or scrap, or a wardrobe unlock. The otherwise being a random amount of coin, random material, or luck, or temporary buff.


Put some achievement points for completing the board.


If not a board game how about a slot machine? Put your two gold in for a chance at something great, absolute garbage, or anything in between.


No polls. LOL


All that is left is for the game's host and name to be suggested...

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Can you explain a bit more for those of us who have never played a MMO with this system? Is this literally just a board game where you get 1 move per day, or is there more to it?


If so what kind of board game? Something fairly simple like Snakes & Ladders? Or could it be more complicated, like Monopoly? Are you playing against other people, or just on your own? What happens if you miss a day, is your progress saved or do you have to start over? Does it affect anything else in the game or is it a stand-alone system?

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No problem.


Typically these games give you 2 rolls with a dice, with a 60 minute cooldown between each roll.


The value of the dice roll will determine how many moves a player can make.


Each spot on the board will have different results such as:

* Move 2 spots forward

* Bonus roll

* Move back

* Get item "a"


Realistically other than a karma buff, or gold find, or small xp, the board shouldn't affect the rest of the game for players.


Progress is saved from the last spot the player was on. It should be in unison with the daily log ins, except playing it could be optional.


Completing the board, maybe just a 1 time reward of 10-15 AP, then after that a small gold reward or nothing. IDK


You are just playing on your own.


It is for fun.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> I would rather see polymock finally introduced. It is an asuran game from GW1 that is a lil bit comparable with chess (or pokemon). So a board game within the lore.

> As for real gambling. We allready have this in game in the amoon casino


> @"calb.3128" said:

> I’m quite content with the current login rewards system, though a standalone polymock game will always be welcome. :)


Polymock is so much more than a daily board game. It would definitely be a in game system with a fair amount of effort, and not likely just a daily log-in game. It is welcome though.


I too am content with the daily quests, but I wouldn't mind seeing this added in because I enjoy it.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> I would rather see polymock finally introduced. It is an asuran game from GW1 that is a lil bit comparable with chess (or pokemon). So a board game within the lore.


Quaggan also wants Polymock! (as an expanded minigame with both vs ai and vs other players, not as a daily reward)

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> @"Danikat.8537"


> No problem.


> Typically these games give you 2 rolls with a dice, with a 60 minute cooldown between each roll.


> The value of the dice roll will determine how many moves a player can make.


> Each spot on the board will have different results such as:

> * Move 2 spots forward

> * Bonus roll

> * Move back

> * Get item "a"


> Realistically other than a karma buff, or gold find, or small xp, the board shouldn't affect the rest of the game for players.


> Progress is saved from the last spot the player was on. It should be in unison with the daily log ins, except playing it could be optional.


> Completing the board, maybe just a 1 time reward of 10-15 AP, then after that a small gold reward or nothing. IDK


> You are just playing on your own.


> It is for fun.


If the game only consist of RNG and doesn't have any strategy at all... then NO.

Polymock - > Yes please.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Yes, I mean like some other MMO's.


> The major differences I had in mind would be the board game could be locked behind daily completionist, and it should cost a token to roll. The tokens could cost 50 silver. Max 2 rolls or trys daily.


> Maybe some very small chance at black lion key or scrap, or a wardrobe unlock. The otherwise being a random amount of coin, random material, or luck, or temporary buff.


> Put some achievement points for completing the board.


> If not a board game how about a slot machine? Put your two gold in for a chance at something great, absolute garbage, or anything in between.


> No polls. LOL


> All that is left is for the game's host and name to be suggested...



That works in BDO, but it's not fit for GW2. BDO is a more P2W game than GW2, so it needs the boosts from the game.

Also even in that game they already removed the board game.

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