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Kit The Traveler - 20 Legendary Weapons Give-Away


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## I am hosting a legendary give-away for NA & EU


This contest will last the entire year! On **December 24th** I will give away 20 legendary weapons to lucky contestants. 5 will be given away on Twitch through my channel, 5 on Reddit, 5 on Twitter, and 5 on the official Guild Wars 2 forums.


Upon entering, be sure to use a valid e-mail address and, **in the "Full Name" field, be sure to type in your DISPLAY NAME + GAME ID (ex: User.1234) as well as your in-game character name**. Please ensure your display name and ID are correct, otherwise I will not be able to send you your prize!


**You may enter through each method, but you can only win once!**


If you would like to watch my journey of making them be sure to follow me at [twitch.tv/kitthetraveler](

"twitch.tv/kitthetraveler"). I will be streaming throughout the year. If not, just follow me on twitter [@KitTheTraveler](
"@KitTheTraveler") for up-to-date screenies monthly!


If you would like to help the creation of this contest, I would greatly appreciate any of the following: T6 mats, Ectos, or Mystic Coins. Please do not send gold because it will gold cap my mail and mess up any events I have in between. My display name is Pixie.5940 or you can use "Kit The Traveler".


I understand this contest will last a very long time, so please be sure to check back at least once a month on Twitter [@KitTheTraveler](

"@KitTheTraveler") or on [Twitch.tv/KitTheTraveler.](


**Entries to the contest end on December 1, 2018. The winners will be announced on December 24, 2018!**


To enter the contest, please click this link!

[ENTER CONTEST](https://gleam.io/F4OhZ/legendary-giveaway-forum "ENTER CONTEST")

Find the other methods of entry on my website at [www.KitTheTraveler.com](http://www.KitTheTraveler.com "www.KitTheTraveler.com")!


PS: ArenaNet Moderators. If it's possible I would like to keep this thread active because I have links directing to this page. If it's alright, I will be bumping this thread once a month to keep visibility and ensure that it doesn't get deleted. Thank you! ~KitTheTraveler

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm sure you mean Display Name, rather than Account Name, as no one should ever supply their Account Name (e-mail address associated with their game account) to anyone else.


> It's a nice gesture, and good luck.


The account name, like yours being "Inculpatus Cedo.9234", is what we need for verification and confirmation purposes. We need this so we can guarantee the correct winners get the Legendary Weapons. The last time I ran a contest someone made an account (on Reddit) that was very similar to the actual winner's name and he was given the prize by mistake. It took me a rather long time to re-create that legendary item and give it to the actual winner. This contest is significantly larger in scope, so I want to avoid any of those issues.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> That's called a Display Name, which is displayed for all to see. An Account Name is private, and consists of the e-mail associated with a game account. Notice the log-in screen asks for one's Account Name and password.


@"pixie.5940" shares company with a lot of us, by using "account name" to refer to the UserID.1234 we see, since that is how it is with other games or websites. But these are jargon terms that don't have any technical definitions and since it's ANet's game, they decided to use them in a particular way.


I think it might be helpful to rephrase the requirement to something like:

> Please provide the following for me:

> * A valid external email address, so I can contact you outside the game.

> * One of your character names (hopefully one which you plan to have in December).

> * Your in-game userID (what ANet calls Display Name, the one that appears here when you post, e.g. mine is @"pixie.5940")


> The reason I'm asking for all three of these is [fill in the blank].



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  • 1 month later...

Bumping <3 Since I don't want it to vanish. Contest still rolling. We are 4/20 weapons fully made. 10 pres prepping to be made. 14 weapons so far in total. <3 Trying keep people in the loop. The part that hardest for me is clovers. Me and MF don't see eye to eye. >;P heh. The other weapons are still being bided on to get the full 20.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just bumping this post for Kit. According to her twitch stream she says she's about half way done collecting all the items necessary, thanks to those who have been donating. She's been delayed a little bit, but is back on track to getting the things she needs. The primary thing slowing her down are account-bound items such as clovers, obsidian shards and karma.


Just another FYI for new folks entering this thread and scrolled all the way down without reading the first post, feel free to sign up for this legendary item give-away as well. Additionally, item donations greatly help the farming process. Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

The contest is now concluded! A great big "thanks" to everyone who entered and even bigger thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way.

I am in the process of confirming all the winners and will post their names on my website tomorrow. Sorry for not updating the official GW2 forum post, but I recently had surgery that very well saved my life and have been recovering for a while now. The Kit the Traveler stories and adventures will resume after the new year begins.


Thanks again and congratulations to the winners!


**Mods are welcome to close this thread. **


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