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Is it worth coming back to GW2?

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Hi, I started playing GW2 when it came out and played the hell out of it for a few months, but then I had to quit because of work/studies, and now after so many years I'm thinking of coming back.


And the question is: Is it worth coming back?


I'm asking this because I don't have much time to play daily, I play Thief and I mainly PvP, but I would like to try the new Raids. I've been reading the forums and apparently Thief is in a quite bad state, PvP is quite broken, and it's super hard to find a Raid while playing Thief.



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> @"RxBlacky.9384" said:

> Hi, I started playing GW2 when it came out and played the hell out of it for a few months, but then I had to quit because of work/studies, and now after so many years I'm thinking of coming back.


> And the question is: Is it worth coming back?


> I'm asking this because I don't have much time to play daily, I play Thief and I mainly PvP, but I would like to try the new Raids. I've been reading the forums and apparently Thief is in a quite bad state, PvP is quite broken, and it's super hard to find a Raid while playing Thief.


> Thanks.


You are about to get 10+ different **opinions** which are all honest answers.

- Thief is fine, best suggestion is to buy at least the HoT ex-pack as daredevil elite spec is great to add to both a condi or a power build.

- Many people on forums claim pvp is broken but as always, we know that players with a negative view will be louder than those with a positive one. There are some balancing concerns but the best advice is to give it a try - plenty of people still enjoy the game mode.

- Raiding is probably your toughest topic there. If you have time constraints, it may be difficult as some elitist groups may not want a thief (have to wait longer to gather party)but as far as I am aware the profession is still very viable and able to contribute well within raid environment as long as gearing is also appropriate.


Edit: for raid content especially, it's probably advisable to check out some build guides for meta configuration - metabattle or similar.



Certainly worth looking how the game has developed as there are many great changes.

Best of luck.


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Since the PvP is avaible regardless the status of your acccount, i suggest you to login and try some games.

If you realize that it sucks, then drop it ( and because you will be sure about your feelings, there won't be any doubt left ).


About raiding, you are right.

Because of thief and your situation, you should probably pass ( unless you want to start your own raid ).

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Pvp balance is not that bad in the sense that at least most classes have a viable build or 2 (not ele or rev though), but it's still quite bad. Spamming is encouraged and smart play becomes secondary. Scourge, Mirage, Spellbreaker and Firebrand are the ones to blame for this.


So no, wait for the balance patch next week, and then make your decision.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"RxBlacky.9384" said:

> > Hi, I started playing GW2 when it came out and played the hell out of it for a few months, but then I had to quit because of work/studies, and now after so many years I'm thinking of coming back.

> >

> > And the question is: Is it worth coming back?

> >

> > I'm asking this because I don't have much time to play daily, I play Thief and I mainly PvP, but I would like to try the new Raids. I've been reading the forums and apparently Thief is in a quite bad state, PvP is quite broken, and it's super hard to find a Raid while playing Thief.

> >

> > Thanks.


> You are about to get 10+ different **opinions** which are all honest answers.

> - Thief is fine, best suggestion is to buy at least the HoT ex-pack as daredevil elite spec is great to add to both a condi or a power build.

> - Many people on forums claim pvp is broken but as always, we know that players with a negative view will be louder than those with a positive one. There are some balancing concerns but the best advice is to give it a try - plenty of people still enjoy the game mode.

> - Raiding is probably your toughest topic there. If you have time constraints, it may be difficult as some elitist groups may not want a thief (have to wait longer to gather party)but as far as I am aware the profession is still very viable and able to contribute well within raid environment as long as gearing is also appropriate.


> Edit: for raid content especially, it's probably advisable to check out some build guides for meta configuration - metabattle or similar.



> Certainly worth looking how the game has developed as there are many great changes.

> Best of luck.



Yeah this guy basically covered all the bases, but Thief isn't in as bad a state as people like to claim. The condi thief build is actually considered preferable/meta in certain Raid fights, where the power staff daredevil can still keep up in several others though is not considered "optimal." The core problem is really certain people within the community itself who believe that if the build is not optimal for performing in the top 5% of speed runners within the community, then it is the same as being completely unplayable, when the reality is that a party consisting of only only power Staff DDs for DPS roles, ONLY AUTO-ATTACKING still meets the meager DPS requirements for a no-updraft Gors. (Yes, my Raid guild has attempted this successfully for funsies) At the end of the day only you can decide for yourself if the class you like best can work for the content you want to try. There are definitely raiding guilds out there, or general pve guilds that have weekly raids, that will allow a thief in to the party without hassle. You still have to learn the encounters and how to play your class ofc, but at the end of the day they are mostly mechanics heavy and fairly forgiving on DPS checks. Know the mechanics, and you'll find your place somewhere.

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Don't expect to much out of the achievement rewards, to get the higher rewards you need more points than you can get from the standard achievements (not counting the obnoxious and tedious ones)

a lot of the living world season, and anual seasons gave achievement points that helped veterans gain a big lead in achievement total

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It is also worth noting... the forums are a REALLY bad place to find out the real state of things. The best method is always to give it a shot for yourself. Every class subforum is filled with the mains of that class going "My class is in a bad state, please buff" and the non-mains going "This class is OP, please nerf". WvW, PvE, PvP forums will ALWAYS be filled with "Nerf all classes, buff all classes, game mode isn't good enough, game mode is fine what are you talking about, seperate balance, please keep balance uniform."


Basically no one has any idea what anyone else wants, or even what they themselves want. No one actually has a clue what is good or bad for the game. Everything is wrong except when it isn't. Only you can decide for you what the reality is, and that's the honest truth.

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If you don't have much time don't bother with raiding. Especially as thief. First, community won't invite you. Second, you may need some training and making schedules with 9 other people with limited time is impossible in real life, not mentioning the game. Don't even try pugging if you respect yourself.


For open world roaming or pvp it may be worth trying but don't buy expansions yet unless you are certain you want to come back.

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Is it worth coming back? Yes. If you enjoyed the game before, you'll likely continue to enjoy it. A lot of things are different now, but you'll get the hang quickly.

If you're going to run PvP: the metas have changed. You'll want to read up on that. Might be worth rolling up a new character, you have nothing to lose there.

If you're looking to raid: as always, find your own friends. Your Thief might have trouble with LFG because of meta snobbery. Kittens gotta kitten.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> It is also worth noting... the forums are a REALLY bad place to find out the real state of things. The best method is always to give it a shot for yourself. Every class subforum is filled with the mains of that class going "My class is in a bad state, please buff" and the non-mains going "This class is OP, please nerf". WvW, PvE, PvP forums will ALWAYS be filled with "Nerf all classes, buff all classes, game mode isn't good enough, game mode is fine what are you talking about, seperate balance, please keep balance uniform."


> Basically no one has any idea what anyone else wants, or even what they themselves want. No one actually has a clue what is good or bad for the game. Everything is wrong except when it isn't. Only you can decide for you what the reality is, and that's the honest truth.


A fairly good summary of large percentage of forums.

Somebody said this before - "if you ask two players what they want to change about the game, you're likely to get three conflicting opinions"

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> My advice: roll a new class. Honestly I would recommend Guardian. It is viable in all game modes.


> For example nobody will let you join squad in WvW if you're Thief, Ranger or Engineer. You can do your own thing still, though. Just be aware of that.


Simply not true at all.


Never have an issue getting grps or squads on any of those classes.

Thief in wvw is absolute fun and a deadly roamer if played right.

Asking every man and there dog to gravitate to a guardian just so you can run heal bot rallybot and sprintbot makes for a boring wvw matchup.


Maybe jump out of your meta mindset and enjoy the game.


OP.. only area really that thief is shunned is raiding, doesn't mean its not viable but raiding is predominatly and elitist speed run dungeon grp and thief simply doesn't sit well with them unless your well known and high skilled.. doesn't mean you wont get to raid but you might find it a bad experience waiting around to try.


PvP is always "outta balance" again due to the nature of players gravitating to the next meta awesomesauce builds.

PvP in GW2 needs a long hard look at itself for sure, but when your trying to satisify PvE, PvE, Wvw, Fracs and Raiders.. something is bound to not balance well all of the time.


Best advice OP is give it a months try out, see what you like and don't like and decide from there

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Actually core thief for spvp in one of the few core viable builds.


I'm gonna have to disagree. Core thief was completely outclassed by Hot elite specs in power, mobility, and in condi. Pof brought power that outclassed core. Take away power condi and mobility and what else does a thief have?

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Thanks a lot for all your replies, after reading them I'm almost certain I'll enjoy the game as much as I used to back in the day, and I'll give it a try.


About rolling a new class, any recommendations for a rogue lover? I really like the thief playstyle (mainly the mobility and stealth), but I wouldn't mind rolling a different class with similar playstyle.

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> @"RxBlacky.9384" said:

> Thanks a lot for all your replies, after reading them I'm almost certain I'll enjoy the game as much as I used to back in the day, and I'll give it a try.


> About rolling a new class, any recommendations for a rogue lover? I really like the thief playstyle (mainly the mobility and stealth), but I wouldn't mind rolling a different class with similar playstyle.


My bro played a thief for a long time then switched to Mirage (Mesmer elite from PoF) this expansion and has loved it. Stealth, tricks, mobility--sounds like you might enjoy it.

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> @"RxBlacky.9384" said:

> Thanks a lot for all your replies, after reading them I'm almost certain I'll enjoy the game as much as I used to back in the day, and I'll give it a try.


> About rolling a new class, any recommendations for a rogue lover? I really like the thief playstyle (mainly the mobility and stealth), but I wouldn't mind rolling a different class with similar playstyle.


There are some elite specs that bring more rogue-like aspects to existing core classes. If it's a mobility thing that you particularly like about Thief in GW2, give the new mesmer Elite a shot. Mirage has a TON of mobility, and in some cases more than what thief has. It also has some (limited) access to stealth if that's your game. Really the number of classes with stealth focus is limited to those two, though Ranger has a limited quantity of stealth via Longbow and if you run trapper runes... and Engineer can get access to the stealth Gyro if you take the HoT Scrapper elite spec. Of the two the Ranger is definitely the more mobile one but also has strictly worse stealth access.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > My advice: roll a new class. Honestly I would recommend Guardian. It is viable in all game modes.

> >

> > For example nobody will let you join squad in WvW if you're Thief, Ranger or Engineer. You can do your own thing still, though. Just be aware of that.


> Simply not true at all.


> Never have an issue getting grps or squads on any of those classes.

> Thief in wvw is absolute fun and a deadly roamer if played right.

> Asking every man and there dog to gravitate to a guardian just so you can run heal bot rallybot and sprintbot makes for a boring wvw matchup.


> Maybe jump out of your meta mindset and enjoy the game.


> OP.. only area really that thief is shunned is raiding, doesn't mean its not viable but raiding is predominatly and elitist speed run dungeon grp and thief simply doesn't sit well with them unless your well known and high skilled.. doesn't mean you wont get to raid but you might find it a bad experience waiting around to try.


> PvP is always "outta balance" again due to the nature of players gravitating to the next meta awesomesauce builds.

> PvP in GW2 needs a long hard look at itself for sure, but when your trying to satisify PvE, PvE, Wvw, Fracs and Raiders.. something is bound to not balance well all of the time.


> Best advice OP is give it a months try out, see what you like and don't like and decide from there


You never been kicked from a squad for being a thief? It's not my mindset dude. It's the general consensus. Thieves and Rangers get ridiculed in WvW if they're not roamers.


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> @"RxBlacky.9384" said:

> Hi, I started playing GW2 when it came out and played the hell out of it for a few months, but then I had to quit because of work/studies, and now after so many years I'm thinking of coming back.


> And the question is: Is it worth coming back?


> I'm asking this because I don't have much time to play daily, I play Thief and I mainly PvP, but I would like to try the new Raids. I've been reading the forums and apparently Thief is in a quite bad state, PvP is quite broken, and it's super hard to find a Raid while playing Thief.


> Thanks.


I think of the various game modes, PvP would be the easiest to re-adjust to and Raids the most difficult so you are 50/50. Would recommend come back and try the PvP and if you still enjoy it then go for the raids. PvP lends itself to limited time, but Raids don't as much so would be weary to say you could just jump in and out of that. Good gaming!

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> @"RxBlacky.9384" said:

> Thanks a lot for all your replies, after reading them I'm almost certain I'll enjoy the game as much as I used to back in the day, and I'll give it a try.


> About rolling a new class, any recommendations for a rogue lover? I really like the thief playstyle (mainly the mobility and stealth), but I wouldn't mind rolling a different class with similar playstyle.


Mobility for sure used to be a big plus for thief, but these days there are quite a few alternatives and what the classes lack in mobility they can add by way of mounts, gliders and build specs.


Personally I have at least 1 of each class I play.. helps to know what other classes are capable of .. useful for competitive gameplay I think.

Play around with builds, don't just look at what metabattle says is flavour of the month.. enjoy :)

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > My advice: roll a new class. Honestly I would recommend Guardian. It is viable in all game modes.

> > >

> > > For example nobody will let you join squad in WvW if you're Thief, Ranger or Engineer. You can do your own thing still, though. Just be aware of that.

> >

> > Simply not true at all.

> >

> > Never have an issue getting grps or squads on any of those classes.

> > Thief in wvw is absolute fun and a deadly roamer if played right.

> > Asking every man and there dog to gravitate to a guardian just so you can run heal bot rallybot and sprintbot makes for a boring wvw matchup.

> >

> > Maybe jump out of your meta mindset and enjoy the game.

> >

> > OP.. only area really that thief is shunned is raiding, doesn't mean its not viable but raiding is predominatly and elitist speed run dungeon grp and thief simply doesn't sit well with them unless your well known and high skilled.. doesn't mean you wont get to raid but you might find it a bad experience waiting around to try.

> >

> > PvP is always "outta balance" again due to the nature of players gravitating to the next meta awesomesauce builds.

> > PvP in GW2 needs a long hard look at itself for sure, but when your trying to satisify PvE, PvE, Wvw, Fracs and Raiders.. something is bound to not balance well all of the time.

> >

> > Best advice OP is give it a months try out, see what you like and don't like and decide from there


> You never been kicked from a squad for being a thief? It's not my mindset dude. It's the general consensus. Thieves and Rangers get ridiculed in WvW if they're not roamers.



Never been kicked, never been ridiculed and thief is my main, closely followed by my ranger.. maybe its down to the player and how they play the class rather than the "general consensus".. I have been in wvw since before launch and the only thing I have grown to hate is the zerg/karma train wars that began to dominate the gamemode.. thankfully that has tailed off alot again.

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Thief is fine!

But it might be harder to find a group in Raids, though.

If you are willing to try a new profession, i'd suggest engi (can inherit some gear from the thief as well), or Guard (will have to get all new gear - although if you only played a few months after launch, you're probably not using that great gear anyhow).

If you want a very mobile class with some stealth, try Mesmer/Mirage. It's one of the best DPS, and you can always roll either Mirage or Chronomancer and get an easy slot on raids.

For PvP thief is still very relevant, it's pretty viable in all specs, even.

I'd advise checking out meta-battle for build ideas, or snowcrows.



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