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Will there be an incentive to play WvW before the release of Guild Wars 3?!

Nuka Cola.8520

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > will there b gw3?

> > >

> > > Probably after the next expansion.

> >

> > mmm... just improve gw2 with a new system via expansion.


> Looking at the first 2 expansion, i don't see how the third expansion is gonna fix anything. More chances of it breaking a bunch of stuff that will take em 6-10 months to fix.


I think they've burned too many players to even think about gw3.

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Theres no need for a Gw3...


All Anet needs to do.. is to **get good**.

And L2B...

And fix this game cause atm gw2 is a mess, from reward system to the gameplay...


@RodOfDeath.5247, i think Anet is OK with that... they have been increasing the on the stuff that is making players leave.

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> @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > > will there b gw3?

> > > >

> > > > Probably after the next expansion.

> > >

> > > mmm... just improve gw2 with a new system via expansion.

> >

> > Looking at the first 2 expansion, i don't see how the third expansion is gonna fix anything. More chances of it breaking a bunch of stuff that will take em 6-10 months to fix.


> I think they've burned too many players to even think about gw3.


I wouldn't be excited about GW3 at all if it was just like GW2. But if it was like GW1 (pve and pvp wise), with improved GW2 combat and build variety of gw1, i'd be all over that chitt.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> **Why do people constantly want a larger carrot to play something,** WvW currently has plenty incentives to play it, and it's original incentives you know, servers competing against one another, roamers seeing who was better, and guilds fighting other guilds, was plenty of an incentive to login and enter a map. But it seems that seeing whos better, isn't an incentive anymore, and these current WvW'rs want a golden goose draped in legendary armor and weapons everytime they login.


Because its an mmo.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > Why would they need to create a gw3?

> > For the same reason they created GW2?

> >

> > Either way most of the time it is at least 2-3 years between announcement of a game and release. GW3 has not been announced yet. No rush. GW2 offered achievements/gear skins for GW owners btw.

> >


> Do you understand that gw1 was not really a full fledged mmorpg? That's why gw2 was created? Why would you need to create gw3 over gw2? other than having to update the engine.


> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > Because when the game gets old, people lose interest even if new content is introduced. Not to mention how ridiculously poor gw2 engine is for 2018 standards.


> There's a game called WoW, it's pretty old, yet it's survived for 14 years.... There's a game called Everquest, it's pretty old, yet it's survived for 20 years...

> Gw2 just hit 5 years and just now hitting it's new cycle for content. There are many reasons why people lose interest in a game, certainly a lot for gw2, creating a new game while having the same philosophies as gw2 won't solve anything. Well they can change it for gw3! well why not change it now then? Combat is going in the wrong direction for me in gw2, I certainly don't think they would change that in gw3. Having a cash shop that basically sells four things regularly, black lion weapons, outfits, gliders, mounts is gonna get old.


> They can barely get a complete expansion by todays standards with 2 years to work with, nevermind having to redesign a new engine and entire new game which would take this team 5+ years to do. Getting a new engine would be one reason to change games, but you would have to ask your player base to start over, after spending however much money on gw2.


> Bottom line, don't get your hype and hope up for gw3, even less for wvw, I highly doubt they would bring that back after how it's turned out in gw2.

> There, that's your incentive to play wvw before gw3, play it before you completely lose it.



WoW doesn't have the amount of subs it used to have, and will never have as much. Its also the most popular mmo there is. If they were to announce WoW2, i can guarantee you that there's gonna be more monthly subs to this game than what's currently present in WoW.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> WoW doesn't have the amount of subs it used to have, and will never have as much. Its also the most popular mmo there is. If they were to announce WoW2, i can guarantee you that there's gonna be more monthly subs to this game than what's currently present in WoW.


That's my point, it's old game which many did get tired of, but you don't see them making a wow2, their engine is even older than gw2. They're never going to hit 12mil again, and most likely won't with a wow2 if they went with subs. But I highly doubt wow2 would have subs, you just need to look at their current games to see how they now operate to figure that out. Hell you don't even need to pay for subs anymore in wow, just farm gold for the token.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > WoW doesn't have the amount of subs it used to have, and will never have as much. Its also the most popular mmo there is. If they were to announce WoW2, i can guarantee you that there's gonna be more monthly subs to this game than what's currently present in WoW.


> That's my point, it's old game which many did get tired of, but you don't see them making a wow2, their engine is even older than gw2. They're never going to hit 12mil again, and most likely won't with a wow2 if they went with subs. But I highly doubt wow2 would have subs, you just need to look at their current games to see how they now operate to figure that out. Hell you don't even need to pay for subs anymore in wow, just farm gold for the token.



We can't really compare WoW to any other mmo on the market. WoW has the longest legs there is. You ask me why would they create GW3, well, because the game is nowhere near as profitable as WoW (or GW2 in 2012-2013). With time and one disappointing expansion after another, the numbers are only dropping. There's no reason to make WoW2 when there's still so much hype surrounding the game (especially with the new expansion and vanilla wow coming soon'ish). This does not apply to GW2 at all. Just look at the Q3 2017 Earnings, its crap.


With GW3, if done right, they have a chance of getting people back, lots of them. The same people who left gw2 with huge disappointments. This is not happening with GW2, no matter how good the expansion is gonna be (and lets be real here... the next expansion will be as mediocre as the first two because that is how Anet sees their expansions). WoW has also upgraded to DX11 (or are they in DX12 nowdays??). GW2 is still stuck with the trashy DX9 in 2018. Their engine is simply atrocious, and they don't have the resources to upgrade it to DX12.

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I sincerely hope there will not be a GW3. I mean, there's probably a reason why there is no WoW2, just think about that for a moment.


On Topic: Yes, of course and yes you do it "for fun", I don't see the problem there, why did humans even invent games to begin with? "For Fun"! Why do you play GW2? "For Fun" if you're not having fun then you should move on, I'm having fun in GW2 and in WvW, I agree that there is room for improvement but the game would be boring if nothing would change anymore so room for improvement to me just means that we will continue to see change.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> With GW3, if done right

Same company running gw2, what do you think is going to happen?


>Their engine is simply atrocious, and they don't have the resources to upgrade it to DX12.

But they magically will have enough resources to build an entirely new game engine and game? Even if they went with Unreal engine they would need time to adapt it to their needs. Barely have the resources to run this game, but they'll be able to make an entirely new game that will solve all the current problems.... ok.



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> @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > All im saying is that if they don't give some major incentive for wvw, even less people will play that game mode, and when wvw is empty, those still playing will lose interest and leave as well. That's how you ruin the best part of gw2.


> And all I'm saying is that you have all the incentive you need. More so when you think about it. The players have all the power to do whatever they want with this mode.


> There's been GvG, which has had pushback, but is not the big scary monster it used to be.

> There's been community coordinated events -- necro blobs, ranger blobs, map events, etc..

> There's been coordination between guilds and unguilded for cooperative map play (still a struggle but it's happening).

> There has emerged community forums for each server that are populated with players who argue like a family.

> There's been a spy network that has emerged that created subterfuge and believe they are rightly part of what entails gameplay.

> There's even a political game behind the game, which keeps a good number of players engaged (not my particular cuppa, but it does it for others).


> What you CAN work on is getting players to stop stacking -- to realize that spreading out yields better gameplay -- that the reward is in the environment you create and the entertainment you get from it -- that this sandbox can be anything.


> Stop waiting for Anet to play parent and hold hands and give you a digital reward that you'll forget about in a month.


> You are not restricted in pretty much ANY way from creating the kind of gameplay you want.


> Here, have some chalk.



This. Absolutely this. ANet gave us the sandbox, it's up to us how we play in it. Sure, the sandbox could use some improvements, but we the players decide how we play in it. Some servers like to build sand castles, while others prefer to roughhouse and throw sand in each other's eyes.

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I don't want a GW3 because GW2 has the goods I need - it just needs to deliver on what it currently has and improve on it. If there was anything to be made, then I would consider if it was for something like an engine overhaul for more optimisations both client/server side and netcode but with scaling that allowed for the previous potatoes to still play up to the super duper most current pc/mac/linux setups. As for now gw2 needs to concentrate on it's current potential, get some more people in to bring more ideas and brainstorm over current problems and how to solve them, but both players and devs need to adapt to each other and be more open to ideas - I want a future for this game. Don't make me eat a Quaggan. I swear I'll do it.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > will there b gw3?

> > >

> > > Probably after the next expansion.

> >

> > mmm... just improve gw2 with a new system via expansion.


> Looking at the first 2 expansion, i don't see how the third expansion is gonna fix anything. More chances of it breaking a bunch of stuff that will take em 6-10 months to fix.


More expansions = more to go wrong. Add to that the turnover in staff and the notorious issue of newly recruited programmers being unable to comprehend their predecessor's work and you have a problem that will only get worse over time. Entropy rises (again).

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We need a purely dedicated wvw team, enough to cover all the work that needs to be done, but not too many that it muddies the soup of ideas. I'm not sure how many are assigned to WvW for balance, bug fixing, ideas, etc but whatever the number is, it needs to be increased and given focus. Something that gives everyone a sense that wvw is undergoing some form of progression over time that doesn't involve watching the grass grow (meaning timely/more frequent changes/tweaking and not keeping the masses in the dark).

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> We need a purely dedicated wvw team, enough to cover all the work that needs to be done, but not too many that it muddies the soup of ideas. I'm not sure how many are assigned to WvW for balance, bug fixing, ideas, etc but whatever the number is, it needs to be increased and given focus. Something that gives everyone a sense that wvw is undergoing some form of progression over time that doesn't involve watching the grass grow (meaning timely/more frequent changes/tweaking and not keeping the masses in the dark).


Yup. We need this for a very long time. Sadly, looks like anet forgot this game mode is even in their game.

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Ok.. Define "Incentive"


Because right now WvW offers.

* Loot (just you know.. stuff like money)

* Reward Tracks

* Legendary back Item

* Legendary Armor

* Custom Weapon Skins

* Custom Armor Skins

* It's own unique "mastery" system that you don't need to hunt down points for.

* Exp

* WvW Exp

* Challenge

* Rage inducing balance Issues.


Really.. what more do you want. If you like WvW, the rewards are not bad at all.. if you don't like WvW, there should be nothing added that makes you want to suffer thorough it.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > Why would they need to create a gw3?

> > For the same reason they created GW2?

> >

> > Either way most of the time it is at least 2-3 years between announcement of a game and release. GW3 has not been announced yet. No rush. GW2 offered achievements/gear skins for GW owners btw.

> >


> Do you understand that gw1 was not really a full fledged mmorpg? That's why gw2 was created? Why would you need to create gw3 over gw2? other than having to update the engine.

Other than updating the engine? Yeah thats sort of **why you make games**.


Or are you saying that since we had The Witcher, we didnt need The Witcher 2 or 3 sequels? They are all rpgs!

Since we had Starcraft, it was meaningless to create Starcraft 2? Its still the same rts!

Half-Life 2 was just like Half-Life, Valve could have just stopped right there. Didnt need a sequel.

Dont even get me started on Grand Theft Auto. The first game was *fine*. Why create 5 freaking copies? We didnt need them.


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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Ok.. Define "Incentive"


> Because right now WvW offers.

> * Loot (just you know.. stuff like money)

> * Reward Tracks

> * Legendary back Item

> * Legendary Armor

> * Custom Weapon Skins

> * Custom Armor Skins

> * It's own unique "mastery" system that you don't need to hunt down points for.

> * Exp

> * WvW Exp

> * Challenge

> * Rage inducing balance Issues.


> Really.. what more do you want. If you like WvW, the rewards are not bad at all.. if you don't like WvW, there should be nothing added that makes you want to suffer thorough it.

Shill much?

Most WvW players don't have any interest in loot!


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Saying that WvW needs more incentive to bring in more players is not so simple. It's currently being discussed in other threads that WvW lacks a unified voice so it makes meeting the WvW community requests and needs difficult.


roamers want good small skirmishes.

zerg fighters want large battles.

some servers want to play more defensive games.

some servers want to just fight and get kills.

some servers want to win and some just want to be somewhere in the middle, purposefully tanking their scores mid-week to keep rank.


My point is that it is not enough to say "We need incentive to play WvW!", and it is not enough to say "Well we already have all of these rewards, stop whining!" because we are not all looking for the same thing.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Other than updating the engine? Yeah thats sort of **why you make games**.


> Or are you saying that since we had The Witcher, we didnt need The Witcher 2 or 3 sequels? They are all rpgs!

> Since we had Starcraft, it was meaningless to create Starcraft 2? Its still the same rts!

> Half-Life 2 was just like Half-Life, Valve could have just stopped right there. Didnt need a sequel.

> Dont even get me started on Grand Theft Auto. The first game was *fine*. Why create 5 freaking copies? We didnt need them.



You're going to use single player games as your examples? ok then.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Other than updating the engine? Yeah thats sort of **why you make games**.

> >

> > Or are you saying that since we had The Witcher, we didnt need The Witcher 2 or 3 sequels? They are all rpgs!

> > Since we had Starcraft, it was meaningless to create Starcraft 2? Its still the same rts!

> > Half-Life 2 was just like Half-Life, Valve could have just stopped right there. Didnt need a sequel.

> > Dont even get me started on Grand Theft Auto. The first game was *fine*. Why create 5 freaking copies? We didnt need them.

> >


> You're going to use single player games as your examples? ok then.


What's so special or different about an online game? EA, 2k and Activision all pump out a new iteration of their titles yearly.


Personally I'd really like to see the other 7 cores of my CPU not sitting idle while the game chugs along at 20 fps in a zerg fight.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Other than updating the engine? Yeah thats sort of **why you make games**.

> >

> > Or are you saying that since we had The Witcher, we didnt need The Witcher 2 or 3 sequels? They are all rpgs!

> > Since we had Starcraft, it was meaningless to create Starcraft 2? Its still the same rts!

> > Half-Life 2 was just like Half-Life, Valve could have just stopped right there. Didnt need a sequel.

> > Dont even get me started on Grand Theft Auto. The first game was *fine*. Why create 5 freaking copies? We didnt need them.

> >


> You're going to use single player games as your examples? ok then.

What, you want online games?


Why was Battlefield 2 created when Battlefield 1942 is one of the greatest game of all time, we didnt need any more.

Why do we have Destiny 2? Pointless, its the same game.

Why was Lineage 2 even considered?


Dont even have to stick to the sequels. Answer me this: why do people want Camelot Unchained? No really, its just another MMO. Why isnt any of earlier MMOs enough? We already had DAoC? Wasnt that enough, just like you consider GW2 enough?

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lol you guys.


MMo games are not made to just last a year, single player games are made to tell their story and then you're done, you might get some season pass dlcs and some online play, but it's nothing like a mmo lasting 5-10 years and have expansions every 2 years that adds major content, mmos add expansions, single player games add sequels. EA doesn't run mmo's, they closed a number of them they inherited over the years, they don't want to keep servers running for games, their setup is making a new game every year to add a feature or two, update the roster so they can charge $80 again, why do you think they love their sports games so much. Those games do not have monthly subs or major cash shops like gw2 to support them.


Most sequels don't even use completely new engines either unless there's been a big gap between the sequels. Starcraft was like a decade old of course it was meaningful to give it a sequel on a new engine. If you're going to restructure a game like they did between gw1 and gw2, lineage 1 and 2, then yes obviously a sequel is needed. How much do you guys honestly think will change between gw2 and gw3? This same team running gw2 is somehow going to make gw3 better than gw2 because of a new engine? Giving us dx11 and no lag in wvw isn't going to solve current wvw problems.


GW3 will bring a new engine and new setting, what I don't think you guys get is anet has spent a good amount of time and resources getting gw2 to where they finally wanted it now. We know gw2 could use an engine update, but both anet and the players have sunk quite a lot into gw2 already, it isn't going to get replaced any time soon.


The OP wanted to know what incentive is there to play wvw before gw3? play because you don't know when gw3 will come out, if it even comes out, if it even will have wvw in it. Enjoy current wvw for it's current incentives, or don't.


P.S Why do people want Camelot Unchained? because DAOC is like 17 years old?

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