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A quick tip to "ranged" classes in Fractals

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Im playing Druid a lot in fractals and a lot of times i notice classes like elementalists and necromancers standing as far away from the boss as possible,by doing that they probably think they are out of harm's way but in reality they miss out on 25 stacks of might and heals from the druid, alacrity and quickness from a potential chronomancer in the group and passive buffs like spotter, empower allies,spirits and banners + when they actually get low on health it is hard to target them with the short delays small aoe heals and running close to them to do heals is out of the question since 3 more people will be there without heals. You gain absolutely nothing from staying away from the group, you will eventually be hit by something, whether it is an aoe orange cyrcle arenanet is infatuated with lately, maybe some stray mobs like in volcanic fractal etc, you become an inconvenience to the healer who will have a hard time pinning down the heals precicely on you especially if you move and you lose all the buffs. Just a quick PSA


thoughts? any of you who like staying away from the group wants to explain a potential pro side i may not see?

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god I have to say rangers who sit at 1500 and auto attack, then tell me that they do higher dps doing that than anything else, really piss me off. Really I don't care what most people do, I'm just trying to have fun, but these rangers, for some odd reason, just make me salty. Maybe its my 2012 ranger hate coming out again.

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Try being that chronomancer, and having to explain why they aren’t getting the alacrity/quickness they want, and they get salty about it. Then blame you, the chrono, for ‘not doing your job’. Kthx.


Eles I’ve found to be worse at standing max range autoattacking. But it’s ok, *they’re running the meta build*... smh.

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Let me guess, you are playing T3 fractals. It's crazy how people play there. I had to do some fractals in T3 and the most hilarious and frustrating run was Oasis. I joined when they were already at the boss, and learned quickly why they had to reinforce their party. I had to look at the mini map to find my team mates. I seriously thought they got downed at a corner of the arena, or disconnected. I was the only one in melee, with my staff DD. I got no boons, no support, and when I got downed, there was nobody to res me. I couldn't give Basilisk Venom to break the bar because they were all at range 1200 or more. I lie there for the whole split phase healing myself with invigorating precision, but nobody comes to get me back up, until I eventually die. After the first wipe, the same thing happened again, and I told them to stack and res the downed. It was like talking to walls. I've experienced the same in T3 at other bosses, like in Chaos. When the boss starts channeling, and I cast my Basilisk Venom, everybody dodges backwards and nobody gets my venom. And that's if they were at close range in the first place. Old Tom, apparently there is a "strategy" where three players stand at the consoles and the fan and range, while two players melee. That's no way to play these encounters at all!


This all changes at T4 though, the vast majority of players there knows that you have to stack. I only have to ask for stacking when I want to put my venom on their blades before the fight starts to trigger the cooldown already. And granted, many players don't play thief and don't know about Basilisk Venom. The people in T4s play more than one class and know the feeling when people spread and you try to heal. I also see a lot of knocking back mobs in lower tiers, while it should be the goal to pull them together for cleaving.

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To be fair, if you have ever played a traditional mmorpg you are taught that if you are a ranged dps character, you stay at max range unless absolutely necessary, so I can see where that mentality would come from. Hell, even if you played GW1 you were taught to stay at max range because the AI would focus you in a heartbeat otherwise. I don't know a single other mmorpg that requires you to stack up your entire group as much as in GW2.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> To be fair, if you have ever played a traditional mmorpg you are taught that if you are a ranged dps character, you stay at max range unless absolutely necessary, so I can see where that mentality would come from. Hell, even if you played GW1 you were taught to stay at max range because the AI would focus you in a heartbeat otherwise. I don't know a single other mmorpg that requires you to stack up your entire group as much as in GW2.


I'd say it's failed game design when you create clearly ranged options for characters but make rest of the game unoptimal for the playstyle. You don't even need to play other mmorpgs. When you see "1200 range" in a tooltip there is no reason to believe you are supposed to play melee.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > To be fair, if you have ever played a traditional mmorpg you are taught that if you are a ranged dps character, you stay at max range unless absolutely necessary, so I can see where that mentality would come from. Hell, even if you played GW1 you were taught to stay at max range because the AI would focus you in a heartbeat otherwise. I don't know a single other mmorpg that requires you to stack up your entire group as much as in GW2.


> I'd say it's failed game design when you create clearly ranged options for characters but make rest of the game unoptimal for the playstyle. You don't even need to play other mmorpgs. When you see "1200 range" in a tooltip there is no reason to believe you are supposed to play melee.


To be fair, that's just a hasty conclusion. You can't read one skill description and know how the game works. And the thing is, the 1200 range *does* come into play, just not in PvE instanced content.

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I blame Social Awkwardness for a lot of this, actually. The fact that the red ring delineates the zone in which it triggers is NOT intuitive. Many players think the red ring is a sign that they ARE triggering it, and that they need to move even farther away from each other. I had a guildie with this problem recently, and when I talked to him that was his thinking. And even those who do understand it have the "dodge in random directions constantly" playstyle baked in after so long with SA as a default instability in every t4 fractal; the best you can hope for is players who do their random dodging within a small radius of the boss.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Let me guess, you are playing T3 fractals. It's crazy how people play there. I had to do some fractals in T3 and the most hilarious and frustrating run was Oasis. I joined when they were already at the boss, and learned quickly why they had to reinforce their party. I had to look at the mini map to find my team mates. I seriously thought they got downed at a corner of the arena, or disconnected. I was the only one in melee, with my staff DD. I got no boons, no support, and when I got downed, there was nobody to res me. I couldn't give Basilisk Venom to break the bar because they were all at range 1200 or more. I lie there for the whole split phase healing myself with invigorating precision, but nobody comes to get me back up, until I eventually die. After the first wipe, the same thing happened again, and I told them to stack and res the downed. It was like talking to walls. I've experienced the same in T3 at other bosses, like in Chaos. When the boss starts channeling, and I cast my Basilisk Venom, everybody dodges backwards and nobody gets my venom. And that's if they were at close range in the first place. Old Tom, apparently there is a "strategy" where three players stand at the consoles and the fan and range, while two players melee. That's no way to play these encounters at all!


> This all changes at T4 though, the vast majority of players there knows that you have to stack. I only have to ask for stacking when I want to put my venom on their blades before the fight starts to trigger the cooldown already. And granted, many players don't play thief and don't know about Basilisk Venom. The people in T4s play more than one class and know the feeling when people spread and you try to heal. I also see a lot of knocking back mobs in lower tiers, while it should be the goal to pull them together for cleaving.


You guessed wrong and you would be surprised at how many people in t4 fractals stay as far away as possible from the group. People on t4 even still wipe during the double seals in cliffside and cant dodge a 3 second windup slam from the last boss in nightmare fractals and die, people still cant cc the last boss on chaos and they wipe fro mthe tornado. You assuming t4 are all experienced pros and t3 and below dont know tactics is ridiculous

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If Kitty happens to be in carry-mood and playing a healer build there, she usually tells people once to stack up. If they do take some damage while staying at range, Kitty tells them to stack or they won't get any heals. If they still stay at range, Kitty shows the vengeful wrath of the healer in full ( in other words, ignoring them and watching them die at range and making sure people don't waste time trying to ress that person). ^^

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

>You assuming t4 are all experienced pros and t3 and below dont know tactics is ridiculous


That weas never my expressed assumption. Although I'm surprised about our different experiences when it comes to T4s. Maybe I'm just lucky, or my LFG filter works better ^^


I only join LFG groups that have some requirements like pots and food, and ask for specific roles, like dps or healer. The players who need someone to carry them know they will be kicked from these groups so they are less likely to try.

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> If Kitty happens to be in carry-mood and playing a healer build there, she usually tells people once to stack up. If they do take some damage while staying at range, Kitty tells them to stack or they won't get any heals. If they still stay at range, Kitty shows the vengeful wrath of the healer in full ( in other words, ignoring them and watching them die at range and making sure people don't waste time trying to ress that person). ^^


I empathise with this; if players aren't willing to communicate, then I have no obligation to save them.

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> If Kitty happens to be in carry-mood and playing a healer build there, she usually tells people once to stack up. If they do take some damage while staying at range, Kitty tells them to stack or they won't get any heals. If they still stay at range, Kitty shows the vengeful wrath of the healer in full ( in other words, ignoring them and watching them die at range and making sure people don't waste time trying to ress that person). ^^


Learning (or not) by pain, eh? But that's right, no point in trying to save those people when it's better to just concentrate on those who are doing it right. On my healer, I still miss the ability from Wildstar to represent circles (quasi-guilds). On my slinger healer there, I always had the circle "Wont save you from stupid".

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I call it the **necromancer syndrome**. Running off somewhere because you think you are the tankiest person in the room just to die in the worst possible position.

Always made me wonder why people ask for four necromancers and a druid back then during the high toughness days since the majority of the necromancers so effectively avoided the boons and all of your healing.

All though, the benchmark I set for myself is to never let anyone got down, yes, even people like that. Carry hard or go home. You can talk to them after the fight. Some are more likely to listen if notice how much of a difference a druid can make.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> I call it the **necromancer syndrome**. Running off somewhere because you think you are the tankiest person in the room just to die in the worst possible position.

> Always made me wonder why people ask for four necromancers and a druid back then during the high toughness days since the majority of the necromancers so effectively avoided the boons and all of your healing.

> All though, the benchmark I set for myself is to never let anyone got down, yes, even people like that. Carry hard or go home. You can talk to them after the fight. Some are more likely to listen if notice how much of a difference a druid can make.


The druid wasn't there to heal the necromancers. The druid was there to heal the minions. Because it was the minions that dealt the majority of the damage (bleed stacks)

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> @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > I call it the **necromancer syndrome**. Running off somewhere because you think you are the tankiest person in the room just to die in the worst possible position.

> > Always made me wonder why people ask for four necromancers and a druid back then during the high toughness days since the majority of the necromancers so effectively avoided the boons and all of your healing.

> > All though, the benchmark I set for myself is to never let anyone got down, yes, even people like that. Carry hard or go home. You can talk to them after the fight. Some are more likely to listen if notice how much of a difference a druid can make.


> The druid wasn't there to heal the necromancers. The druid was there to heal the minions. Because it was the minions that dealt the majority of the damage (bleed stacks)


True, I actually forgot about the "old" Lich Form minions. All though, the necromancers themselves still died quite a bit the few times I bothered with such a pug.

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> Im playing Druid a lot in fractals and a lot of times i notice classes like elementalists and necromancers standing as far away from the boss as possible,by doing that they probably think they are out of harm's way but in reality they miss out on 25 stacks of might and heals from the druid, alacrity and quickness from a potential chronomancer in the group and passive buffs like spotter, empower allies,spirits and banners + when they actually get low on health it is hard to target them with the short delays small aoe heals and running close to them to do heals is out of the question since 3 more people will be there without heals. You gain absolutely nothing from staying away from the group, you will eventually be hit by something, whether it is an aoe orange cyrcle arenanet is infatuated with lately, maybe some stray mobs like in volcanic fractal etc, you become an inconvenience to the healer who will have a hard time pinning down the heals precicely on you especially if you move and you lose all the buffs. Just a quick PSA


> thoughts? any of you who like staying away from the group wants to explain a potential pro side i may not see?


i can't speak for ele or necro


but for deadeye. its fairly self sufficient. stacking might on itself at 9 stacks per 3 round burst.

self buffing fury, vigor, and quickness.


it is nice t obe near group and get the buffs sure. but in defense of deadeye, its kneel means it loses so much mobility, so being away from the group means less attacks coming its way, and thus less moving needed to survive.



not saying its the best idea, but it does help due to the ammount of knock downs/knock backs. plus AoE.

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> @"arenta.2953" said:

> but for deadeye. its fairly self sufficient. stacking might on itself at 9 stacks per 3 round burst.

> self buffing fury, vigor, and quickness.


> it is nice t obe near group and get the buffs sure. but in defense of deadeye, its kneel means it loses so much mobility, so being away from the group means less attacks coming its way, and thus less moving needed to survive.



> not saying its the best idea, but it does help due to the ammount of knock downs/knock backs. plus AoE.


If you play Deadeye in fractals, you only get into groups that don't expect anyone to stack anyway ^^ sorry

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"arenta.2953" said:

> > but for deadeye. its fairly self sufficient. stacking might on itself at 9 stacks per 3 round burst.

> > self buffing fury, vigor, and quickness.

> >

> > it is nice t obe near group and get the buffs sure. but in defense of deadeye, its kneel means it loses so much mobility, so being away from the group means less attacks coming its way, and thus less moving needed to survive.

> >

> >

> > not saying its the best idea, but it does help due to the ammount of knock downs/knock backs. plus AoE.


> If you play Deadeye in fractals, you only get into groups that don't expect anyone to stack anyway ^^ sorry


yeah, though i've done decently up to fractal 82 =)

......though i tend to end up becoming...as my groups nickname me..."stealth medic"........kinda sad when i spend all my time ressing teammates......i the weak one Dx

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Yea I see your point. But idk rangers have a lot of healing power themselves so why aren’t they close to bosses? Some people should know that the buffs and heal skills have a radius. And if you aren’t in that radius you won’t get it. That’s why your suppose to be somewhat close instead of drifting off.

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