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Are changes to a baseline function of BLChests fair without communication?


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> @"Swoll.1483" said:

> It is extremely deceptive of them, and I'm requesting a refund through my CC (little good it will do). If/when that fails, I've resolved to never spend another dime in their store. I've always been of the mind if you like the game you should support it but after being taken advantage of in this regard I have no interest in supporting the company further.


> I would also like to point out that I love this game, I feel it is the best on the market, and I am a fanboy in every sense of the word. But this store 'move' was extremely disheartening to me over all and I'm just sad about it.


The thing is, you (we) bought the keys knowing exactly what we were buying. There was no trickery involved whatsoever. You were apparently happy with the offering at that time or you would not have made the purchase. The fact that they upgraded what you could get with those keys at a later date does not matter. To try and block your CC due to buyers remorse is a bit fraudulent and deceptive in itself.

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> @"Swoll.1483" said:

> It is extremely deceptive of them, and I'm requesting a refund through my CC (little good it will do). If/when that fails, I've resolved to never spend another dime in their store. I've always been of the mind if you like the game you should support it but after being taken advantage of in this regard I have no interest in supporting the company further.


> I would also like to point out that I love this game, I feel it is the best on the market, and I am a fanboy in every sense of the word. But this store 'move' was extremely disheartening to me over all and I'm just sad about it.


You will want to stop your CC company from doing that if you want to continue playing GW2. That will get you permanently banned from the game. ANet's contract with the company who handles the credit card transactions (Digital River) is such that if you do a charge back that they have to permanently ban you.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Swoll.1483" said:

> > It is extremely deceptive of them, and I'm requesting a refund through my CC (little good it will do). If/when that fails, I've resolved to never spend another dime in their store. I've always been of the mind if you like the game you should support it but after being taken advantage of in this regard I have no interest in supporting the company further.

> >

> > I would also like to point out that I love this game, I feel it is the best on the market, and I am a fanboy in every sense of the word. But this store 'move' was extremely disheartening to me over all and I'm just sad about it.


> You will want to stop your CC company from doing that if you want to continue playing GW2. That will get you permanently banned from the game. ANet's contract with the company who handles the credit card transactions (Digital River) is such that if you do a charge back that they have to permanently ban you.


Thanks for the info, I have been waiting for the charge to post so I could request, but since I have a considerable investment in this game, and it will likely do nothing to request a refund, I will probably not go through with the request. Sadly I will just have to boycott the store, and share my opinion with others when there is occasion to do so.

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I don't get the problem here ... Anet changes the content of BL chests all the time at their own schedule. It's up to the player to ensure when they open one, they know what they could get. This is easily done with the preview Anet added. When it happens and what the content is changed to is irrelevant.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get the problem here ... Anet changes the content of BL chests all the time at their own schedule. It's up to the player to ensure when they open one, they know what they could get. This is easily done with the preview Anet added. When it happens and what the content is changed to is irrelevant.


The problem is not the change. They do that all the time. The problem is the back to back of a key sale, and then the change.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I don't get the problem here ... Anet changes the content of BL chests all the time at their own schedule. It's up to the player to ensure when they open one, they know what they could get. This is easily done with the preview Anet added. When it happens and what the content is changed to is irrelevant.


> The problem is not the change. They do that all the time. The problem is the back to back of a key sale, and then the change.


Again, I don't see the difference. You don't know what the future changes are or when, so claiming something is underhanded because a different combo or series of future BL Chest changes gives better value makes little sense. It's the same thing if Anet added skins I wanted to the next BLC change, but I spent all my keys the current BLC configuration. It's not underhanded, it's just the way the BL chests work. If you don't like how they work, don't buy keys.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> So after this, I mailed with Anet (of course I had little to no expectation of an actual retribution, but I wanted to try, if only for the sake of making it heard, nonetheless).


How do you think this should work out? I dont think its possible to take away all the things you got from those chests earlier, particularly since you used things like wardrobe unlocks and dye-packs already, so its impossible to refund it.



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I bought both on-sale packs, and I am cool with the changes afterwards. I got what I paid for and for what's advertised.


I won't go to the dealer and ask for a car refund when a new model is advertised. I understand the transparency criticism, but I don't think it applies in this particular instance.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > So after this, I mailed with Anet (of course I had little to no expectation of an actual retribution, but I wanted to try, if only for the sake of making it heard, nonetheless).


> How do you think this should work out? I dont think its possible to take away all the things you got from those chests earlier, particularly since you used things like wardrobe unlocks and dye-packs already, so its impossible to refund it.




Possibly getting the number of statues equal to the number of chests he/she opened (I am going to assume that this is the bone of contention and not the change in seasonal item).


He/She had 0% chance of getting them if he/she didn't submit a ticket. He/She had a small chance through making a ticket. There was nothing to lose by doing that and it's not like there's a huge ticket queue where something this trivial would hold up tickets with a much more serious issue (like issues with gem purchases or EP purchases, hacked accounts, etc).


And it also puts on record that a player was unhappy with the timing.

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I find my opinion divided.


I don't think it's unfair. ANet had the right to run their business however they see fit. As with all decisions, businesses risk that the decision backfires and causes a PR issue that will affect their bottom line long term. Sometimes PR will influence business decisions. I doubt it will in this case. It certainly did nothing during Mountgate except provoke a non-apology and a statement they would not add more mounts to the _current_ license.


Consumers have the right to spend or not to spend their money. They also have the right to complain. Often, those complaints will be for naught. Sometimes, they learn lessons as well, which can benefit them in future dealings with the company. The lesson here is that a company which is using a grab bag sales tactic whose purpose is to get more money out of people than they would normally be willing to spend for a given item is also going to use other tactics to get people to spend more.


Yes, I think this was deliberate. The alternative would be for me to believe that some of ANet's marketing staff does not know what the rest are up to. I don't believe that.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Thinking on it, what's the difference between this and Boxing Day/ Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Ghastly Tuesday?


> They give a sale/good deal (or so people think) just before releasing a newer/better thing.


Exactly ... everyone complaining about this makes it sound like it's some nefarious cash grab from Anet. I've got about a dozen sets of unlimited farming tools that I have no use for, because shared inventory slots exist. Does that make me think I didn't get my value from them? Absolutely not. While I'm unhappy that I don't need them all anymore, I still got what I paid for from them.


The point is, the question here is "Did people get the value for keys they used" ... well, people did because when they opened those chests AT THAT TIME, they knew what they could get; the decision to use those keys AT THAT TIME, was theirs; they could have held onto them to gamble on better offerings in the future. It's nonsense to complain that there was better value from a future offering, so Anet is being dishonest or unfair. This thread is just sour grapes.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Thinking on it, what's the difference between this and Boxing Day/ Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Ghastly Tuesday?

> >

> > They give a sale/good deal (or so people think) just before releasing a newer/better thing.


> The point is, the question here is "Did people get the value for keys they used" ... well, people did because when they opened those chests AT THAT TIME, they knew what they could get; the decision to use those keys AT THAT TIME, was theirs; they could have held onto them to gamble on better offerings in the future. It's nonsense to complain that there was better value from a future offering, so Anet is being dishonest or unfair. This thread is just sour grapes.


The point is, which you seem to continually miss, is that holding a promotion for an item before you drastically change/upgrade it is deceptive and rubs people the wrong way. Everything else you're talking about is moot.

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> @"Swoll.1483" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > Thinking on it, what's the difference between this and Boxing Day/ Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Ghastly Tuesday?

> > >

> > > They give a sale/good deal (or so people think) just before releasing a newer/better thing.

> >

> > The point is, the question here is "Did people get the value for keys they used" ... well, people did because when they opened those chests AT THAT TIME, they knew what they could get; the decision to use those keys AT THAT TIME, was theirs; they could have held onto them to gamble on better offerings in the future. It's nonsense to complain that there was better value from a future offering, so Anet is being dishonest or unfair. This thread is just sour grapes.


> The point is, which you seem to continually miss, is that holding a promotion for an item before you drastically change/upgrade it is deceptive and rubs people the wrong way. Everything else you're talking about is moot.


That point isn't missed, it simply doesn't make sense. There isn't any deception ... if you bought the item, then at the time you bought it, you must have felt it was worth the value ... or you wouldn't have bought it. When or if it changes isn't very relevant. Again, the question is if a consumer feels the price is worth the value the item gives. If they bought it, then they must have thought yes. Claiming there is some deception at play indicates you don't act like someone that spends their money on things they think are worth the money .. or just acts out because they feel they didn't get the value from the times in the first place. Seems to me that's not an Anet issue.

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Wintersday was over, we knew a new chest was coming soon. I hoarded my keys specifically because I wanted to use them when the new chest arrived. Other people probably used the keys in a last-ditch attempt to get a Wintersday chest item they hadn't managed to get yet. Bad luck to have cashed in before the black lion statuettes were offered, but that's just the way things go.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Swoll.1483" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > Thinking on it, what's the difference between this and Boxing Day/ Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Ghastly Tuesday?

> > > >

> > > > They give a sale/good deal (or so people think) just before releasing a newer/better thing.

> > >

> > > The point is, the question here is "Did people get the value for keys they used" ... well, people did because when they opened those chests AT THAT TIME, they knew what they could get; the decision to use those keys AT THAT TIME, was theirs; they could have held onto them to gamble on better offerings in the future. It's nonsense to complain that there was better value from a future offering, so Anet is being dishonest or unfair. This thread is just sour grapes.

> >

> > The point is, which you seem to continually miss, is that holding a promotion for an item before you drastically change/upgrade it is deceptive and rubs people the wrong way. Everything else you're talking about is moot.


> That point isn't missed, it simply doesn't make sense. There isn't any deception ... if you bought the item, then at the time you bought it, you must have felt it was worth the value ... or you wouldn't have bought it. When or if it changes isn't very relevant. Again, the question is if a consumer feels the price is worth the value the item gives. If they bought it, then they must have thought yes. Claiming there is some deception at play indicates you don't act like someone that spends their money on things they think are worth the money .. or just acts out because they feel they didn't get the value from the times in the first place. Seems to me that's not an Anet issue.


And stilllll not getting it lol

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Black Lion chest loot tables change regularly and predictably. ArenaNet's only "crimes" were discounting Gem Store items and making lootboxes feel more rewarding. I would assume that those are things you all would *want*, yes?


Editorial: Well, no... what we **want** is a game fueled by joy and experience rather than compulsion... but that is far more finite and doesn't work on this scale in modern economy, so we have to settle for "better". At least they're **trying**... */glares at EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Konami, Microsoft...*

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> @"Swoll.1483" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Swoll.1483" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > Thinking on it, what's the difference between this and Boxing Day/ Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Ghastly Tuesday?

> > > > >

> > > > > They give a sale/good deal (or so people think) just before releasing a newer/better thing.

> > > >

> > > > The point is, the question here is "Did people get the value for keys they used" ... well, people did because when they opened those chests AT THAT TIME, they knew what they could get; the decision to use those keys AT THAT TIME, was theirs; they could have held onto them to gamble on better offerings in the future. It's nonsense to complain that there was better value from a future offering, so Anet is being dishonest or unfair. This thread is just sour grapes.

> > >

> > > The point is, which you seem to continually miss, is that holding a promotion for an item before you drastically change/upgrade it is deceptive and rubs people the wrong way. Everything else you're talking about is moot.

> >

> > That point isn't missed, it simply doesn't make sense. There isn't any deception ... if you bought the item, then at the time you bought it, you must have felt it was worth the value ... or you wouldn't have bought it. When or if it changes isn't very relevant. Again, the question is if a consumer feels the price is worth the value the item gives. If they bought it, then they must have thought yes. Claiming there is some deception at play indicates you don't act like someone that spends their money on things they think are worth the money .. or just acts out because they feel they didn't get the value from the times in the first place. Seems to me that's not an Anet issue.


> And stilllll not getting it lol


It isn't deceptive though. PR wise it wasn't the best decision to have that sale (which they do do periodically) right before they made the exact change that they made. It's not like this was the first time in the history of BLC's that they've changed the contents. Or a time when a change in what's in them wasn't expected. Wintersday just ended so a change in at least the Seasonal item should have been expected. And given the whole situation with loot boxes in general, one should have thought of the BLC's as they are loot boxes. This move does make the BLC's more fair than they had been in the past.


They should have had the sale coincide with the change, especially since this time they did limit the number you could buy at sale prices. Then more people would get their hands on the statues and be more likely to buy more as they've got some and have investigated what they can get and how many statues they would need.


But it's not a huge deal that they didn't and nothing that ANet needs to be roasted for.

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