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Why is matchmaking so broken?


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I was hopeful at the beginning of the season, but match quality has been very poor. Here are the reasons I see for that;


1. ANET prioritizes speed over quality in matchmaking.

2. Power creep in general. More specifically, every class can more or less do everything. We have Warriors stealthing, Thieves standing toe to toe and Guardians teleporting.

3. Repeated rough seasons have drawn down the population. In particular, the "competitive" seasons that amplified win and loss streaks really hurt PvP.

4. Win trading and other forms of exploitation and cheating have not been suppressed aggressively enough.

5. In my opinion, balance has been very partisan, tilted to or against specific classes.


If I were Queen at ANET, how would I resolve these problems?


1. Match quality would be prioritized over speed. As a corollary to that, mid level players would be prioritized over top players.


2. I would direct that **CORE** classes would be the power standard. *All Elite classes would be alternative **and not superior** ways to play as was originally stated.* On the design side I would take a close look at the products coming out. Dragon Hunter and Scourge have both been quite problematic. I'd ask why.


3. Punishment for cheating and exploitation would be severe, regardless of the identity of the perpetrator.


4. I would aggressively court the devs who created GW1. Failing that, I'd take a close look at how GW2 can learn from the success of the earlier game.


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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> One bad match after another. I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with "finding your level." I was gold last season I played .. now steadily falling through silver with one non competitive match after another.


> https://www.dropbox.com/s/kn8qcqyjw8erjca/gw011a.jpg?dl=0


Out of 10 matches you won 3 and lost 7.

Out of 7 loses only 2 had a point difference of more than 200. 3 had a point difference of ~150.

Out of 3 wins I had a point difference more than 200. 2 had a point difference of ~150.


I don't feel you want balance matches you want to win

>I've been busting my kitten for years, it's not unreasonable to expect to win a few.


Anet can make the match making as good as they possibly can but that is just it. Its designed to make matches not hand you wins.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > One bad match after another. I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with "finding your level." I was gold last season I played .. now steadily falling through silver with one non competitive match after another.

> >

> > https://www.dropbox.com/s/kn8qcqyjw8erjca/gw011a.jpg?dl=0


> Out of 10 matches you won 3 and lost 7.

> Out of 7 loses only 2 had a point difference of more than 200. 3 had a point difference of ~150.

> Out of 3 wins I had a point difference more than 200. 2 had a point difference of ~150.


> I don't feel you want balance matches you want to win

> >I've been busting my kitten for years, it's not unreasonable to expect to win a few.


> Anet can make the match making as good as they possibly can but that is just it. Its designed to make matches not hand you wins.


I am the very last person who wants to be "handed" wins. My build is core Mesmer, which I play because that is what I like, ( and for protest against what I feel were some unjust decisions. ) **If I wanted to be handed wins, I'd play another well known easy-mode class.**


The basic goal of matchmaking is, ( or should be, ) to make even matches. A level playing field is a prerequisite for true competition. I'd claim that a 70% loss rate, ( and many of those by stomp,) illustrates that the matches are not even.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> The basic goal of matchmaking is, ( or should be, ) to make even matches.

It is but then *Anet kittens you up the kitten for playing such matches*.


When you loose as many or more rank points going 450v500 in a "balanced" match as you get by winning a steamroll 500v100, you just wanna tableflip.


The matchmaker may be working decently. The ranking system is broken as all kitten and it's always been.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > One bad match after another. I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with "finding your level." I was gold last season I played .. now steadily falling through silver with one non competitive match after another.

> > >

> > > https://www.dropbox.com/s/kn8qcqyjw8erjca/gw011a.jpg?dl=0

> >

> > Out of 10 matches you won 3 and lost 7.

> > Out of 7 loses only 2 had a point difference of more than 200. 3 had a point difference of ~150.

> > Out of 3 wins I had a point difference more than 200. 2 had a point difference of ~150.

> >

> > I don't feel you want balance matches you want to win

> > >I've been busting my kitten for years, it's not unreasonable to expect to win a few.

> >

> > Anet can make the match making as good as they possibly can but that is just it. Its designed to make matches not hand you wins.


> I am the very last person who wants to be "handed" wins. My build is core Mesmer, which I play because that is what I like, ( and for protest against what I feel were some unjust decisions. ) **If I wanted to be handed wins, I'd play another well known easy-mode class.**


> The basic goal of matchmaking is, ( or should be, ) to make even matches. A level playing field is a prerequisite for true competition. I'd claim that a 70% loss rate, ( and many of those by stomp,) illustrates that the matches are not even.


1: If you are playing CORE mesmer in this "meta" and aren't above average in skill level don't expect to carry games or win majority of your matches up because you are a liability to your team.


2: If you can't ADAPT to the Meta/builds then you aren't going to get out of gold or maintain yourself to stay in gold.


Match making can be fair IMO and i agree at times they DO suck, HOWEVER in your case you aren't really helping or providing much at all for your team hence the score difference. If you have OVER 3 deaths in a match you are becoming a huge burden to your team (with core Mesmer in this current meta im sure you are dying ALOT). If you are forcing others to carry you because you want to play what you like then that's the result of you failing to play what's consider meta/viable. I can't see CORE mesmser doing good against Scourges, reaper, Druid, Holo, FireBrand, Core Guardian, or even Warriors(spell breaker). Unless your playing core mesmer to just +1 which i can provide a list of other classes that can do it better.


In short don't blame match making for rating and win/loses if you are playing a class/spec because that's what you like and want to "protest"on.

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This is somewhat new players suggestion: could we see people's ranks when starting? At least of our own team? I know that it is sort of shooting to my own leg as relatively low rank player (low gold) but it would greatly help me to decide who's actions to follow as a support class (hybrid druid). As far as I can see it would not hurt much to see the ranks of the opposite side, because it could affect to strategies and it would benefit experienced players (again, shooting to my own leg, but I think that experienced players should have an advantage: they have worked for that).

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > One bad match after another. I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with "finding your level." I was gold last season I played .. now steadily falling through silver with one non competitive match after another.

> > > >

> > > > https://www.dropbox.com/s/kn8qcqyjw8erjca/gw011a.jpg?dl=0

> > >

> > > Out of 10 matches you won 3 and lost 7.

> > > Out of 7 loses only 2 had a point difference of more than 200. 3 had a point difference of ~150.

> > > Out of 3 wins I had a point difference more than 200. 2 had a point difference of ~150.

> > >

> > > I don't feel you want balance matches you want to win

> > > >I've been busting my kitten for years, it's not unreasonable to expect to win a few.

> > >

> > > Anet can make the match making as good as they possibly can but that is just it. Its designed to make matches not hand you wins.

> >

> > I am the very last person who wants to be "handed" wins. My build is core Mesmer, which I play because that is what I like, ( and for protest against what I feel were some unjust decisions. ) **If I wanted to be handed wins, I'd play another well known easy-mode class.**

> >

> > The basic goal of matchmaking is, ( or should be, ) to make even matches. A level playing field is a prerequisite for true competition. I'd claim that a 70% loss rate, ( and many of those by stomp,) illustrates that the matches are not even.


> 1: If you are playing CORE mesmer in this "meta" and aren't above average in skill level don't expect to carry games or win majority of your matches up because you are a liability to your team.


> 2: If you can't ADAPT to the Meta/builds then you aren't going to get out of gold or maintain yourself to stay in gold.


> Match making can be fair IMO and i agree at times they DO suck, HOWEVER in your case you aren't really helping or providing much at all for your team hence the score difference. If you have OVER 3 deaths in a match you are becoming a huge burden to your team (with core Mesmer in this current meta im sure you are dying ALOT). If you are forcing others to carry you because you want to play what you like then that's the result of you failing to play what's consider meta/viable. I can't see CORE mesmser doing good against Scourges, reaper, Druid, Holo, FireBrand, Core Guardian, or even Warriors(spell breaker). Unless your playing core mesmer to just +1 which i can provide a list of other classes that can do it better.


> In short don't blame match making for rating and win/loses if you are playing a class/spec because that's what you like and want to "protest"on.


Actually, I go some matches without a death and often die less than my teammates. While I can't claim ninja skills.. I have at least the ability to read the map and an understanding of the mechanics of my class.


More important, why is it that a core class is a "liability?" **That bespeaks serious imbalance if you can say, without controversy, that only certain classes/builds are appropriate.**

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I was wondering why matches are just so terrible, and then I started messaging players and talking in/say. I was pretty surprised how many times it turned out that the main issue was just Smurphing accounts, particularly in the Gold3 to Plat3 range. Players that are well above this range are smurphing on alt accounts for shorter queues, and for the ability to manipulate their main account to the top while having fun on alt accounts.


It’s unfortunate, but as bad as balance is right now this community/game mode/player base pretty much killed itself. Some blame goes to balance, but most people that want to get serious about this game fall into Gold3-Plat3 range and they just walk away eventually.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I was hopeful at the beginning of the season, but match quality has been very poor. Here are the reasons I see for that;


> 1. ANET prioritizes speed over quality in matchmaking.

> 2. Power creep in general. More specifically, every class can more or less do everything. We have Warriors stealthing, Thieves standing toe to toe and Guardians teleporting.

> 3. Repeated rough seasons have drawn down the population. In particular, the "competitive" seasons that amplified win and loss streaks really hurt PvP.

> 4. Win trading and other forms of exploitation and cheating have not been suppressed aggressively enough.

> 5. In my opinion, balance has been very partisan, tilted to or against specific classes.


> If I were Queen at ANET, how would I resolve these problems?


> 1. Match quality would be prioritized over speed. As a corollary to that, mid level players would be prioritized over top players.


> 2. I would direct that **CORE** classes would be the power standard. *All Elite classes would be alternative **and not superior** ways to play as was originally stated.* On the design side I would take a close look at the products coming out. Dragon Hunter and Scourge have both been quite problematic. I'd ask why.


> 3. Punishment for cheating and exploitation would be severe, regardless of the identity of the perpetrator.


> 4. I would aggressively court the devs who created GW1. Failing that, I'd take a close look at how GW2 can learn from the success of the earlier game.



Anet increased matchmaking to 5+ minutes, IIRC. for a few days to a week (forgot the length because I wasn't on every day to check). They changed it back because it caused general QoL issues when queuing. We also had Super Fast queueings (<2 minutes) in the past as well but match quality was noticeably bad.... I definitely don't want longer queues when there's not even a noticeable difference to match quality. I definitely don't want quicker queues if it means ill get lower ranks on my team. I think we're as close to that sweet spot than we've ever been.


As for, _"Low Population = Poor Match Quality"_, this has been debunked several times... it's just not true. I can list several references in GW2 matchmaking history; as well as, other games who has a **lot** higher player ratio compared to GW2 yet their matchmaking is just as terrible.

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