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Do you guys even have a counter?


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"Fairly new to the game and in PVP...." That's gonna be your biggest issue. I main reaper, and yes when i fight people who are unawares i can almost feel like I'm pretty good. However against people/classes that know how to fight a necro/reaper/scourge even, it can feel almost pointless to leave spawn at times. Once you get better overall you'll begin to figure it out. I'm sure other will be along to give you a more nuanced explanation as to why and how. Just know that it is entirely possible to beat the necro class, a better player is a different story.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Lol. Players who know, what the necromancer class is capable of, will win 90% of the time while fighting againdt necros.

> Its the worst 1v1 class existing in the game


And then out of the 10 remaining %, 9% of the time they will be able to retreat unharmed. Thanks god there is the last % where the reaper win.

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Any sort of mobility or CC whatsoever because here is the thing with Reaper, we can’t stop you from disengaging, our only chase skill is via RS2, and chill doesn’t affect movement abilities, most of which just outright cleanse it. Use range when we are in Reaper shroud but the moment you see us pop RS3, (Reaper is in shroud, black column forms from him, stability buff applied) you can go in and just CC us to death, as that’s our only reliable stability, if out of shroud, same thing.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> Fairly new to the game and in PVP no matter what class I try your profession is just unbeatable. Saw a reaper in a match take 3 people at once. That can`t be ok... So i`m asking what profession is giving you the most trouble?

Power Reaper is a burst spec. New (=bad) players will always lose to burst specs as they don't know when they should dodge, counterpressure or interrupt.


Just take a look at Power Shatter Mesmer. It's pretty balanced but the forum is full of "nerf that shit!" postings.


It's on you to learn the class mechanics or stay bad and start to cry for nerfs. ;-)


Side Note: The 3 people died, because Reaper has a lot of AOE, but in contrast is one of the most immobile specs in the game. If the 3 players would have spread out and ranged the Reaper, he would have died faster than he could have typed "GG".

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> Fairly new to the game and in PVP no matter what class I try your profession is just unbeatable. Saw a reaper in a match take 3 people at once. That can`t be ok... So i`m asking what profession is giving you the most trouble?


Reaper gets countered by everything since the notorious tri-patch-nerf of 2017. It's a horror show out there, omg the BLOOD! THE BLOOD! Someone think of the children!

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"emblack.3754" said:

> > Fairly new to the game and in PVP no matter what class I try your profession is just unbeatable. Saw a reaper in a match take 3 people at once. That can`t be ok... So i`m asking what profession is giving you the most trouble?


> Reaper gets countered by everything since the notorious tri-patch-nerf of 2017. It's a horror show out there, omg the BLOOD! THE BLOOD! Someone think of the children!


tri-patch-nerf it is. except for condi scourge who are good against melees, all the other necros dont have a single class right now that they have an advantage agaisnt.. in other words necros get countered by every other class and decent spec. i am in higher gold terretory right now and can win a team fight for my team with a power reaper... however i lose agaisnt every class in a 1v1.

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> @"emblack.3754" said:

> Fairly new to the game and in PVP no matter what class I try your profession is just unbeatable. Saw a reaper in a match take 3 people at once. That can`t be ok... So i`m asking what profession is giving you the most trouble?


to kill a reaper. `stick to range` , and grind him down, he has little ot no range capability. but stay mobile in case he drops some wells on your location


or, if you have a decent number of `stun/dazes` . you can learn to identify his high dmg attacks and interrupt them easily (all reaper skills are interruptable).


or access to alot of `evades on command/ vigor` .


Reaper is `slow, heavy` . but `high alpha dmg and high hp` . yet it `lacks attack speed` . and the `only way it keeps its hp up is to remain in combat` . `if it doesn't have something to hit, it dies fast.`

so by that logic. `blinds are DEADLY` for a reaper. slow attacks + blinds = alot of time wasted for a missed attack.




to kill a Scourge, stick to range. and have a FK TON of vitality, heals, and condition removals. unlike reaper, this class isn't going to be slow attacking. or limited to melee. it is instead entirely reliant on wearing you down with tons of conditions for damage over time.


.....few classes have the condition removal to survive scourge. so its really recommended to keep at range.

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> @"arenta.2953" said:

> to kill a Scourge, stick to range. and have a kitten TON of vitality, heals, and condition removals. unlike reaper, this class isn't going to be slow attacking. or limited to melee. it is instead entirely reliant on wearing you down with tons of conditions for damage over time.


I've played against enough Scourges to tell you that once you're in their circle, you're toast because you can't get out. Cripple on every attack(!) ensures that unless you can blink (shadowstep) or leap you're not going anywhere and if you can't go anywhere, you will die.


I think putting both Cripple and Torment on every power was thoughtless and lazy. Although there was a similar effect with Chill Reaper before PoF, it was nowhere near as intense as it is with Scourge.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"arenta.2953" said:

> > to kill a Scourge, stick to range. and have a kitten TON of vitality, heals, and condition removals. unlike reaper, this class isn't going to be slow attacking. or limited to melee. it is instead entirely reliant on wearing you down with tons of conditions for damage over time.


> I've played against enough Scourges to tell you that once you're in their circle, you're toast because you can't get out. Cripple on every attack(!) ensures that unless you can blink (shadowstep) or leap you're not going anywhere and if you can't go anywhere, you will die.


> I think putting both Cripple and Torment on every power was thoughtless and lazy. Although there was a similar effect with Chill Reaper before PoF, it was nowhere near as intense as it is with Scourge.


yeah...honestly only 1 class i can think of that truely counters scourge.....and that class isn't exactly ideal


Soulbeast. with its stance for healing and dolyak stance, it has some breathing room. and with the grandmaster for survival skills that remove 2 conditions and grant fury for each survival skill


plus lightning reflexes to dodge back 600.


it looks like its made to defeat condi scourge........until you remember it lacks dps

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