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Loot for healers


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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I noticed in PvE that participation works just fine for support classes, so it surprises me that they don't get it done in WvW. When I do Octovines with my thief, I only get more than 145% participation if I participate in more than one lane. When I play chrono, I get almost 200% by simply playing one lane. Apparently, the game takes into account how many people received my boons. And I'm doing a lot of dps with my thief, so it's not about that.


> In general, I think support classes should get more credit. If you play a hand kiter or tank in raids, you should get more credit than the dps class. You have much more responsibility and it requires more experience and skill. I would even be fine if the dps got 0.5 LI while the support classes get 1 LI per raid kill.


Hm, my chrono never gets good participation on anything even with full boon build.


Ele in WvW gets credit for healing.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Hell no.


> Tagging mobs is required ( and as healer you can manage to aoe tag too ), and healers were probably the worst mystake ANET made.

> Oh right, i forgot about underwater combat, which makes Healers probably the second worst mystake ANET made.


I'll mark you down as no heals from me, as you don't think you need any. ...and no, when I'm saving other people, constantly, I have no time to tag anything.

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Yes, I can figure out, for my own selfish sake to just give up the non-stop healing, and tag some stuff. I wasn't looking for advice, I was trying to report a game mechanic that I believe is flawed.


FYI - I am NOT healing myself (not some stinkin' self-healing afk auto-bot standing in a corner), and I am not asking to get credit for self-healing. I was non-stop healing other players last weekend, working my hind-end off doing it (because some people think having a healer means they are invulnerable), dodging and kiting to not have to waste healing on myself, and getting squat for the effort. All because I was trying to do the best for the group. Sure boons may provide something back to the healer, but if you play WvW then you know any group worth its salt will strip any boons in half a sec, so if we're playing against groups of any reasonable skill then boons mean very little and in fact can even be detrimental for allies.


Honestly, I was just reporting that healing others is grossly out of balance on the ugly end of the stick, and saying as far as I can tell, skills that heal others aren't worth using, as it results in a loss of loot.


In the mean time, I'm trying to decide my relationships with my guilds, moving forward, and it's not because the guilds are full of bad people, but because of game mechanics. This just makes me sad.

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It's been said that healers are given credit towards kills for cleansing, healing and boon sharing only when these actions are effective rather than per skill use, and that credit for healing scales with how much was healed. Obviously, it's a mechanic to minimise passive afk farming possibilities. This means overhealing and overstacking boons or cleansing when there are no condis is equal to attacking the air. It means that defensively buffed (protection, aegis, resistance, toughness) squad in a way has less potential for effective healing done. I'd assume you also have to heal/support someone who actually gets kill credit themself in order to get your share, and probably you have to do this before the kills. Hence, reaping proper credit for the first bomb's kills is virtually impossible if you don't attack. And boons, well, they get stripped... Also, having too many healers in squad or being partied with very self-sufficient characters will have big impact on the healer's loot potential (wvw), because as the fight goes on party allocation has effect on who gets your support first and hence whose credit you're sharing. For example, as an auramancer your aura heals will be distributed by party/proximity basis since the heal is technically a side effect of an aura buff you give (rather than healing lowest hp char and giving an aura as a side effect). Your boons such as regen may go to waste if the recipients are already full with them from other sources, or if they just get removed/corrupted. The loot problem is an extension of the silly mechanics of gw2 healing. While loot for supporters definitely could use some improvement, the mechanics and the ui the healers have to deal with also do.

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but. i am always healer in wvsw. ventari revenant. tempest ele. and now a new marshal druid. (made marshal because it have more stats i like)


healers are very nice to play and the participation to tier 6 you get in few minutes. as a healer. with my druid i healed my team against a big zerg and at that time i had reached tier 5 participation.


i once did wvsw with my mesmer. ofc dps

i played 1 hour and didn’t even reached tier 6. i had 5 max. or i did something wrong.


but ele also does dps with aoe heals.

but i am doing wvsw for fun and reward track

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> @"Cinnamonfox.4965" said:

> It's been said that healers are given credit towards kills for cleansing, healing and boon sharing only when these actions are effective rather than per skill use, and that credit for healing scales with how much was healed. Obviously, it's a mechanic to minimise passive afk farming possibilities. This means overhealing and overstacking boons or cleansing when there are no condis is equal to attacking the air. It means that defensively buffed (protection, aegis, resistance, toughness) squad in a way has less potential for effective healing done. I'd assume you also have to heal/support someone who actually gets kill credit themself in order to get your share, and probably you have to do this before the kills. Hence, reaping proper credit for the first bomb's kills is virtually impossible if you don't attack. And boons, well, they get stripped... Also, having too many healers in squad or being partied with very self-sufficient characters will have big impact on the healer's loot potential (wvw), because as the fight goes on party allocation has effect on who gets your support first and hence whose credit you're sharing. For example, as an auramancer your aura heals will be distributed by party/proximity basis since the heal is technically a side effect of an aura buff you give (rather than healing lowest hp char and giving an aura as a side effect). Your boons such as regen may go to waste if the recipients are already full with them from other sources, or if they just get removed/corrupted. The loot problem is an extension of the silly mechanics of gw2 healing. While loot for supporters definitely could use some improvement, the mechanics and the ui the healers have to deal with also do.


When the change was released it was described as "a percentage of damage done by the people healed/buffed for a time after being healed/buff". That has some implications. For example if those people do no damage(perhaps they keep going down despite the healint ...) then there is nothing to be shared.

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I do WvW almost on a daily basis. At times, I play healer, at others, I deal damages: I can clearly see the difference in the amount of drops I get. I find it unfair because when I do healer, I take risk to save others, a lot more than when dealing damages where I stay backline. So, yes, I can only agree on OP's post. I am part of those who would appreciate getting rewarded properly when I work for others as healer. :)

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I think rezzing people must give at least some battle bonus, because there have been fights where I barely tagged the enemy, and spent most of my time rezzing, and still got the gold medal reward.


There are Halloween utility consumables that grant bonus attributes to players you revive for about 30 (or maybe 60) seconds.

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Are healers useful in zergs ? I know in skirmish and small groups they are awesome but don't zergs rotate each other until someone pirate ships the other ?


Also guards are mostly boons bubbles and shields where healers heal damage.


I think i am stuck in an old meta but i never saw healers very useful against burst damage or instant downing. Mainly zergs.

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> @"Anthony.7260" said:

> Are healers useful in zergs ? I know in skirmish and small groups they are awesome but don't zergs rotate each other until someone pirate ships the other ?


> Also guards are mostly boons bubbles and shields where healers heal damage.


> I think i am stuck in an old meta but i never saw healers very useful against burst damage or instant downing. Mainly zergs.


They are really good and you can see difference if you dont have any healer... or have 3 in zerg. But in zerg play is harder to play them.... too much ppl so u mostly stick with commander (there is most of mellees which need most of heals)

I mostly roam solo, if im going join commander... i mostly choose one of my healers (all minstrel ) .. auramancer, ventari rev, firebrand..

Firebrand is best of them... coz of boon spam, nice heals, rezist spam, condi cleanses, some reflects and big survivability.

Ventari after some chances in outgoing healing is weaker... also he is too slow... sometimes i find myself in midline, backline with no option fast catch frontline with my character... so tablet was there... healing commander... but i was out crippled, chilled with low hp...

Auramancer is good.... but still FB is better in everything :dizzy:

Being healer is only about moral satisfaction... you would never farm as much as dps tag class... and i hope they will not change it... i dont want to see 15 leechers on healers ... then whole zerg doing nothing :D

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> @"Anthony.7260" said:

> Are healers useful in zergs ? I know in skirmish and small groups they are awesome but don't zergs rotate each other until someone pirate ships the other ?


> Also guards are mostly boons bubbles and shields where healers heal damage.


> I think i am stuck in an old meta but i never saw healers very useful against burst damage or instant downing. Mainly zergs.


If there was any time for the healer to apply any healing I wouldn't have been in danger of dying in the first place so ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play an ele and I can say that I can’t see that class, at least, or guardians being “dedicated healers”. My heals are on too much of a cooldown for all that, and my primary attack in water stance also does damage so I will be getting the loot regardless.


Honestly, I can integrate my heals into my normal stance-dance routine so that I have 100% uptime on the ones with cooldown while still rocking out some major damage, so I’m not sure for ele or guardian that this is an issue.


Could be for Druids maybe?

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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> I play an ele and I can say that I can’t see that class, at least, or guardians being “dedicated healers”. My heals are on too much of a cooldown for all that, and my primary attack in water stance also does damage so I will be getting the loot regardless.


> Honestly, I can integrate my heals into my normal stance-dance routine so that I have 100% uptime on the ones with cooldown while still rocking out some major damage, so I’m not sure for ele or guardian that this is an issue.


> Could be for Druids maybe?


When I am using heal druid I use staff, which normally hits for enough and can tag multiple things at once due to tagging anything in the way to the target (if enemy to do damage, if friend to heal).

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