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5-man ranked Q needs to come back

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Eddbopkins.2630 "Ats are not the answer. Im an adult i dont have a set times i can play video games"


Well since your an adult you wont need to worry about playing video games then =P....otherwise be an adult and make the time for AT's if you want to do them not excuses about why you cant because I am 100% certain there are quite a few "Busy" Adults with real life commitments that set aside time for monthly AT's and for "video games" in general.


Its almost as if they actual are adults who know how to manage their time to do some of the things they want in life who woulda thought it was possible!

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> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> 5 man q ranked was terrible and you would do best to think about why it was bad for other players instead of just blindly complaining about it not being in game.


> Also unranked and ATs exist.


Yeah? but why did all the decent players leave the game? your post makes sense tho, the only ppl that still play PvP are trash at the game.

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> @"Spartyr.6795" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"Rune Darkmoor.3269" said:

> > > *cough* ATs *cough*

> >

> > Ats are not the answer. Im an adult i dont have a set times i can play video games


> This is BS. If you're coordinating with 4 other adults then you are making a set time to play video games.


but my set time with those 4 other "adults" may not coincide with the AT times therefor a pointless endeavor to even log on.


if you are under the age of 25 and work less them 10 hours a day then your opinion on the matter doesn't interest me so please dont quote me (i dont need message alerts from someone who is a child no disrespect intended) . AT are not the answer for a 5 man competitive que. Not once since they started have i had the random free time to come up with a group of 5 people that i can rely on and compete in any of the ATs.

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Eddbopkins.2630 "if you are under the age of 25 and work less them 10 hours a day " lol plenty of people are older than you with far more commitments in life and still find time to do what they want in the off time whether its AT on guild wars 2 or other hobbies....


Far as your age goes only 25? your still pretty young compared to other "Adults" on this game and to be completely honest the ones that are considerably older with their own day jobs and family commitments I don't see too many of them taking the time to complain about the time they don't have for video games .


Of course that's probably because their actually making the time and enjoying them selves vs taking the time to sit on the forum complaining they don't have the time ...Ironic but do feel free to keep complaining on the forum about how you don't have the time for "video games" but you have time for the forums though right =P

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> @"Luciferior.4802" said:

> Eddbopkins.2630 "if you are under the age of 25 and work less them 10 hours a day " lol plenty of people are older than you with far more commitments in life and still find time to do what they want in the off time whether its AT on guild wars 2 or other hobbies....


> Far as your age goes only 25? your still pretty young compared to other "Adults" on this game and to be completely honest the ones that are considerably older with their own day jobs and family commitments I don't see too many of them taking the time to complain about the time they don't have for video games .


> Of course that's probably because their actually making the time and enjoying them selves vs taking the time to sit on the forum complaining they don't have the time ...Ironic but do feel free to keep complaining on the forum about how you don't have the time for "video games" but you have time for the forums though right =P


Im way older then 25. Not going to put my real age here but im at least 30...(an old person) i just put 25 down cuz i think thats when people actually start to grow up leave college and idk start there careers if they lucky enough to get a job.


It takea idk 30 seconds to type this crud out at work. So yes i got timw to forum play but not actual gw play.


You muat be one of those little kids who sit at home n have hpurs to do anything. Sry to hear that your so special.


Also stayon topic please 5 man q bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!

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Eddbopkins.2630 "Im way older then 25. Not going to put my real age here but im at least 30" "You muat be one of those little kids who sit at home n have hpurs to do anything. Sry to hear that your so special."


Ah those excuses are so fresh everyone else must be a kid because they have their act together but not you lol classic


And lol "Also stayon topic please 5 man q bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!"


I am curious how you would even do a 5 man que tbh considering you cant even find time for a monthly AT which you can plan ahead by a month to participate in but your expecting to just log on get 4 other people to just join up with ya? interesting logic I'm curious to see how that turns out...


Also I have to point out " Not going to put my real age here but im at least 30...(an old person)" Assuming 30 is a accurate age for you or even a general estimate I really love to burst your bubble but being born in the 80s doesn't really make you old none of us born in the 80s are even remotely old I my self was born the year Metallica released Master of Puppets ..that should give you a good idea how old I am.


That being said me being a full time student *ontop of a job *being In my 30s and I can still find time to play games or join an AT if I wanted what excuses were you using again? Oh that's right "Ats are not the answer. Im an adult i dont have a set times i can play video games" And more lol "You muat be one of those little kids who sit at home n have hpurs to do anything. Sry to hear that your so special." but since you went out your way to assume about me I will return the favor.


You must be one of those people who always needs an excuse to cover for them because they couldn't keep up or get with the program those monthly ATs must be hard to plan for having to set aside a few hours a month at minimal in advance.


Oh and um I cant claim I have good grammar or spelling because I don't but "It takea idk 30 seconds to type this crud out at work. So yes i got timw to forum play but not actual gw play." Maybe you might want to take more than 30 seconds to type that crude out I had to google translate a few of your words to get an idea of what you were attempting to communicate a shame though I would have figured *(an old person)* would have learned how to communicate clearly and effectively by a certain age...I guess some people are just slow learners meh I can relate.

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