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Current Ranked Player Quality

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Is it just me or has the average quality of rank players in the last few days dropped dramatically?

Even with a new influx of players, I would have expected that by rank 20 that they would understand the basic idea behind how point capture progression should work in Pug type teams.

But for some reason, every match now we have only 2 members head to middle while one heads to away and 2 head to home, crippling everything from the beginning as everyone dies besides those who wont stop stacking on an empty home point needlessly defending it for all time leaving the enemy able to just barrel though and take away and home with no opposition.


My rank has plummeted hundred of points as a result just today, with no way of going up due to the same team tactics. Has anyone else experienced this? Every match results in our team ending up with 100-200 points as a result, worse they do not even make an attempt to reply to communication.... IN RANKED.


It does not help that my build is very team oriented either (though in some 2v1 fights i can take down one of of the two..... but never both).

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Maybe because people are no longer trying anymore? Maybe people don't find it worth getting into. Maybe because most of the players who used to try are gone now.


Maybe because PvP is just a revolving door. Where people come to just farm gold and PvE rewards. Then just sit the rest of the season out. I can tell you for sure. I would most certainly fit in this bracket of player.


I no longer find it, worthy of me putting forth effort to compete. If ANet will not put in the basic effort of keeping PvP clean and most of the **ToS violators and trolls** out. If ANet is not going at least try, to give me a balance match but once every 8 or 10 matches. If match quality is just constantly this low. I'm better off just farming like the rest here. And take my competitive needs outside of GW2. When the need arise. Nothing to do but numb up, and accept the low quality matches in GW2's Ranked PvP. Grinding them PiPs oh yeah!

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> Match quality has been atrocious the past few days. Mismatches are the rule rather than the exception. I've adopted a policy of playing ranked only when I'm fresh. I also play unranked test matches first. If I don't like the matching I don't queue ranked, knowing the climate is bad.


But since ranked and unranked have different queues(with different max party sizes), doesn't it only provide "possible" climate?

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> Maybe because people are no longer trying anymore? Maybe people don't find it worth getting into. Maybe because most of the players who used to try are gone now.


> Maybe because PvP is just a revolving door. Where people come to just farm gold and PvE rewards. Then just sit the rest of the season out. I can tell you for sure. I would most certainly fit in this bracket of player.


> I no longer find it, worthy of me putting forth effort to compete. If ANet will not put in the basic effort of keeping PvP clean and most of the **ToS violators and trolls** out. If ANet is not going at least try, to give me a balance match but once every 8 or 10 matches. If match quality is just constantly this low. I'm better off just farming like the rest here. And take my competitive needs outside of GW2. When the need arise. Nothing to do but numb up, and accept the low quality matches in GW2's Ranked PvP. Grinding them PiPs oh yeah!


Sadly this is me now as well.

I moved last week and just realized I haven't loved on in 5 days or so... I dontbknow What a worse, that I have some hard decay...


Or that don't care.


Llamas and wings were the worst thing to ever happen to PvP.



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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> They should remove duoq from ranked.



Duo queue is not even a minor issue. The main issues in sPvP are.....


A.) Anet don't enforce and police their Ranked PvP mode matches.


B.) Stacked matches, match after match after match, causing match quality to be at a all time low.


C.) Population decline because of A.) and B.).


D.) Matchmaker system can no longer work as attended. Even if it was doing what it should. Because of C.), Thus very consistent poor quality.


E.) Less and less players caring because of D.).


That is the gist of it. No matter if they was to get rid of duo queue. Unless ANet tackles points A.) and B.) aggressively. Nothing will improve.

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I sat out last season because I fried my computer, and the season before that I spammed matches to get my Ascension done and ended up in low gold.


This season I started at literally the bottom of gold 1, and have slowly but steadily climbed to gold 3 and am hoping to touch plat before the season ends. I've controlled match quality by queuing consistently at times I've found the balance of player skill most favorable to me. My goldilocks point is the morning queue (central time US). I find that in general player skill (for both my team and the opponent) at that time seem noticeably lower then. The thing is that the other team seems just weak enough for me to exploit, while my own team is just good enough to make use of the 1v2/1v3s I can pull, or they're cleaving revivers/stomping/back capping and doing other basic spvp tasks. Having started in bronze a couple seasons ago, I've seen that when _everyone_ is so bad, it can make matches uncarry-able. And having now been thrown into low plat matches, when _everyone_ on the map seems better than me, I'll openly admit to being the weak link and therefore risk close losses due to feeding kills.


So I queue less often, and only at particular times. My win-loss ratio is 3 to 2 this season, while before I struggled to stay above 50-50. Not saying this will help everyone, but being a bit more strategic minded about when you queue might make a difference.

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> @voltaicbore.8012 said:

> I sat out last season because I fried my computer, and the season before that I spammed matches to get my Ascension done and ended up in low gold.


> This season I started at literally the bottom of gold 1, and have slowly but steadily climbed to gold 3 and am hoping to touch plat before the season ends. I've controlled match quality by queuing consistently at times I've found the balance of player skill most favorable to me. My goldilocks point is the morning queue (central time US). I find that in general player skill (for both my team and the opponent) at that time seem noticeably lower then. The thing is that the other team seems just weak enough for me to exploit, while my own team is just good enough to make use of the 1v2/1v3s I can pull, or they're cleaving revivers/stomping/back capping and doing other basic spvp tasks. Having started in bronze a couple seasons ago, I've seen that when _everyone_ is so bad, it can make matches uncarry-able. And having now been thrown into low plat matches, when _everyone_ on the map seems better than me, I'll openly admit to being the weak link and therefore risk close losses due to feeding kills.


> So I queue less often, and only at particular times. My win-loss ratio is 3 to 2 this season, while before I struggled to stay above 50-50. Not saying this will help everyone, but being a bit more strategic minded about when you queue might make a difference.


You are mild proof to what I'm saying. At this point. You are not competing against other players in Matches. Rather you are competing against the Matchmaker. Inorder to stack matches in your favor. Via what I like to call **Out of Match METAs**.


When other players start noticing and observing this. They then start to care less and less about in match performance. Because as people have said in multiple forum post. These **Out of Match METAs**, are stronger than your in Match performance, after a point. At that point, the simple question becomes what's the point of the Ranked system.

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I just came from a game in which I was assigned brand new bronze players in Gold. They acted like they had no idea what they were doing and we lost badly. This kind of match kills PvP.


I'm really pretty angry that ANET would set it up like that. Unranked is one thing.. but I'm busting my kitten here, don't give me guaranteed losses.

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Matchmaking tends to become really predictable and unavoidable at a point for Solo Queuers because there are so many things with the algorithm that really doesn't compliment a good Solo Queue experience (min/max rating difference, Duos, profession limit, swapping, queue giving up too early to find a good match). This gets progressively worse after the first few weeks.


#Tin foil hat:

Solo'rs get to a point where no matter when they queue (optimal time or not), the system leans toward giving you a more uneven match instead of a close one. For example, I can go on a huge win streak, but there is a point where I just know the next game will trigger the start of the loss streak, then the 50-50 phase, then the 33% phase, then the 66% phase, back to the 50-50 phase, then a win streak again until the system is happy with your overall statistics versus everyone else's. The cycle has happened every season so far. If you just Solo, you likely end up in the cycle no matter what rating you are. It's predictable and unavoidable since the algorithm really doesn't look at much at an individual skill level. It just looks at the end result and plays with it.


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I've been adding people on my team/opposition to friends list after games to check ranks. It seems like there are A LOT of people who are just doing their qualifying matches and do not have rank yet. Makes sense that there is an influx of new/returning players just prior to launch, but it has been painful. I'm 4W-6L over the past 10, so it is still more or less a coin flip as to who gets the terrible players and loses, but too many matches have been over within 2 minutes and super boring.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> My advice is to quit playing for the day after 2 losses in a row. Any further games invite a loss streak. **Also, after the PoF release, PvP is likely to be pure chaos for some weeks. I don't plan to play ranked as I'll lose less rating to decay than I would playing in the mess.**


The chaos is tempting hehehe.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > They should remove duoq from ranked.

> >


> Duo queue is not even a minor issue. The main issues in sPvP are.....


> A.) Anet don't enforce and police their Ranked PvP mode matches.


> B.) Stacked matches, match after match after match, causing match quality to be at a all time low.


> C.) Population decline because of A.) and B.).


> D.) Matchmaker system can no longer work as attended. Even if it was doing what it should. Because of C.), Thus very consistent poor quality.


> E.) Less and less players caring because of D.).


> That is the gist of it. No matter if they was to get rid of duo queue. Unless ANet tackles points A.) and B.) aggressively. Nothing will improve.


Highly accurate. I enter every ranked match with the mentality that I am going to play my best and do everything I can to win, but when I see 2 people go Home at start (and stay there for full cap), people fighting off point in bumkitten nowhere, people not rotating, people rotating early giving up points, people not stomping or rezzing, etc. I stop trying, accept the loss, and start stat padding. It's the only way to stay sane.


Sadly, I see those things in almost every game, even at Gold/Plat.

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> Is it just me or has the average quality of rank players in the last few days dropped dramatically?

> Even with a new influx of players, I would have expected that by rank 20 that they would understand the basic idea behind how point capture progression should work in Pug type teams.

> But for some reason, every match now we have only 2 members head to middle while one heads to away and 2 head to home, crippling everything from the beginning as everyone dies besides those who wont stop stacking on an empty home point needlessly defending it for all time leaving the enemy able to just barrel though and take away and home with no opposition.


> My rank has plummeted hundred of points as a result just today, with no way of going up due to the same team tactics. Has anyone else experienced this? Every match results in our team ending up with 100-200 points as a result, worse they do not even make an attempt to reply to communication.... IN RANKED.


> It does not help that my build is very team oriented either (though in some 2v1 fights i can take down one of of the two..... but never both).



Wow that's harsh. I'm curious what Rank are you finding all this bad play. Nvm, you said already.



I don't keep playing if I am losing repeatedly. At that point, frustration will cloud my judgement.

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> @LUST.7241 said:

> Matchmaking tends to become really predictable and unavoidable at a point for Solo Queuers because there are so many things with the algorithm that really doesn't compliment a good Solo Queue experience (min/max rating difference, Duos, profession limit, swapping, queue giving up too early to find a good match). This gets progressively worse after the first few weeks.


> #Tin foil hat:

> Solo'rs get to a point where no matter when they queue (optimal time or not), the system leans toward giving you a more uneven match instead of a close one. For example, I can go on a huge win streak, but there is a point where I just know the next game will trigger the start of the loss streak, then the 50-50 phase, then the 33% phase, then the 66% phase, back to the 50-50 phase, then a win streak again until the system is happy with your overall statistics versus everyone else's. The cycle has happened every season so far. If you just Solo, you likely end up in the cycle no matter what rating you are. It's predictable and unavoidable since the algorithm really doesn't look at much at an individual skill level. It just looks at the end result and plays with it.



I don't think it's tin foil hat. Because me and a team mate have had the same experience every season.


I duo que and solo que. If I or we get 3 wins, it's time to stop playing, because the loss streak is coming.

It feels like gambling.

Time to cash out, take my wins and bide my time.

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I was doing pretty good pre PoF. The past couple weeks I was having an average of 2 wins to every loss. Since PoF launched yesterday, I haven't won a match since., and watching the mini map to see what my team is doing...well more like watching what they are not doing...is very reminiscent of the beginning of the season.

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