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Warrior vs non-necro players.


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Any warriors tired of the BS kitting, running away and resetting fights? I remember back in the days, where warrior was the only class with high mobility and rightly so because it is a melee class. Nowadays, all these stealth classes with insane mobility and range are running rampant in WvW.


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All the time ppl cry about some type of situation...

So you say necro is ok, u can catch him and kill him. In another topic... scourge need to be nerfed. Then thief and mesmer op, stealth burst mobility... u know that they have roles ... so they are burst mobility roamers.... you just want on warrior 5000 range teleporting autoattack or what ? I play all classes... and SB have really nice mobility... for catching ppl or for disengage... featherfoot grace is top skill.... also u can take bulls charge.... if im leaving fight with mesmer/ thief... they never caught me.

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> @"Choppy.4183" said:

> While warrior isn't the top of the heap for mobility anymore, you can certainly build mobile enough to keep most people from resetting on you.


yes I agree, but even if warrior traits for a speed build, others have mobile builds too and you often engage in an endless chase. The only ones that cannot reset are necros, but they are deadly on melee fights. The rest of the classes have very good mobile builds.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Any warriors tired of the BS kitting, running away and resetting fights? I remember back in the days, where warrior was the only class with high mobility and rightly so because it is a melee class. Nowadays, all these stealth classes with insane mobility and range are running rampant in WvW.




only class with high mobility? when was that?


dude back in the old days only thief had mobility.


warrior, ranger, and ele were all tied for 2nd, but were a ways away from thief.

and they haven't lost that mobility, if anything they've gained mobility.


heck everyone has mobility (except necro) to such an extent that mobility isn't an advantage anymore(unless u fight a necro), now teleporting is the advantage.



anyway, yeah the endless chase is annoying, but hey. at least your GS has 2 mobility parts to it. try playing a Reaper x.X


as for range are running rampant......i kinda disagree. with the number of blocks, reflects, invulns, charges, and rushes. ranged characters like...well ranger, deadeye, engineer, or elementalist. are finding themselves in close combat more often than not.



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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Any warriors tired of the BS kitting, running away and resetting fights? I remember back in the days, where warrior was the only class with high mobility and rightly so because it is a melee class. Nowadays, all these stealth classes with insane mobility and range are running rampant in WvW.



3/10 l2p wtf ? O.o


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OP is a hypocrite as he *absolutely* runs away and resets 1v1s he is losing - and only fights within escape distance of structures his team owns. The only reason I'm even engaging this topic is the anticipation of the entertaining Trump-like responses that are sure to follow. "no u!"


Source: Personal experience from last week.

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Virtually every warrior I have met will either chain up blocks or things like Endure pain in conjunction with breaking off and fleeing so as to reset a fight so they can come back in with full health. When I am on my own warrior I have far less NEED to reset a fight then I do on thief as example simply because of all the self heals I have coming in. If I am against a thief and he pulls back to reset, I have my health going back up just as quickly along with all that stuff coming off cooldown.


Simple fact. When someone flees a fight (1v1) to reset, the person he was fighting resets as well. If someone flees a 1vx to reset, it probably a smart thing to do. Hit and run is how you beat superior numbers. Standing in one area just swapping hits so as to see which one drops first is hardly an example of smart fighting. That some professions better at it hardly means any other must play to that classes strengths.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> OP is a hypocrite as he *absolutely* runs away and resets 1v1s he is losing - and only fights within escape distance of structures his team owns. The only reason I'm even engaging this topic is the anticipation of the entertaining Trump-like responses that are sure to follow. "no u!"


> Source: Personal experience from last week.


There is only one entity in the world that can use "No u" and that is Master Chief...




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