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The matter on players tapping and contesting towers/keeps


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So... for those suggesting a damage threshold:

- how much damage

- Gate or wall

- When does that damage reset?

- If it's 'x' damage, then does it have to be repaired before the WP is opened?



So.... instead of one person tapping, two players hitting a wall with a cata..


- is it a percentage?

- is it a quantity?

- Is it different for walls and gates?



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I don't get it, you guys scream less seige more hand to hand open field, but then complain about contested way points at the hand of a few roamers and the solution to this very valid tactic is there should be more seige...


They're going to change this, there will be no scouts left on half the servers and structures will be seized left and right by the bigger servers. Why not just admit, you dont want open field fights, you just want uncontested wps so you can port your zerg in to go after 2 guys on a cata?

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> I don't get it, you guys scream less seige more hand to hand open field, but then complain about contested way points at the hand of a few roamers and the solution to this very valid tactic is there should be more seige...


> They're going to change this, there will be no scouts left on half the servers and structures will be seized left and right by the bigger servers. Why not just admit, you dont want open field fights, you just want uncontested wps so you can port your zerg in to go after 2 guys on a cata?


As a solo/small scale roamer who does tap points for strategic purposes, I like what you are saying :)

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The defensive seige too, that won't get refreshed as often as it is now (which is less often than it was before Hot, but I digress), it wont get refreshed as often if there's no reason for anyone to stop by every now and then and do so, also no reason for anyone to stop in, check supply count, check that tacts haven't been screwed with or if troll seige is being built in a corner somewhere. And think about this, WT gave us the ability to know how many enemies are at a tower that has the tactic enabled, but answer honestly, how many of you have responded to those red dots only to find no seige available to fight back what's attacking let alone type a call out while trying to defend.


Because we can tap an objective with our fists someone is more likely to go check the tap, refresh the defense seige, build more if necessary and call out before theres a major problem. If you take the job of checking swords even from a tap away from your scouts, they'll grow complacent and just start afking somewhere until a camp flips like everyone else does now.

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The player in question in the very first post is using a permanent evasion, so you can't hit them. Also looks like permanent boons. They're able to regenerate fast to the point of taking absolutely no damage, even on a burst skill. And they are able to do what some thieves are calling a "Double Skip" on Shadow Step allowing them to skip like a rock on a pond to double to triple the distance WITHOUT the use of a Shortbow.


Tactically yes, hitting up an enemy garrison that has a waypoint to keep it contested is a conditional part of the game. However when 5-8 players of the same genre can't damage the target, can't catch the target, for up to 8-12 hours, for multiple days even weeks on end...going to say that's not a player. I'm going to say that's an Arenanet employee thinking he's a smartass. Or one of the computer programmers whose slipped in a few choice items for his own use. Maybe even a employee of arenanet whose "Testing" nerfs or buffs to his own hearts content outside the contrains of arenanets offices.


I don't know what is going on up in Washington, but if the WvW Forums Moderator can't stop to read, then maybe we have more than some Arenanet employee problems of those that actually play the game and abuse it.

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Ohhhh the enemy theif in question is the same thief, that can "Jump" into Valley in Eternal Battlegrounds, near the Watergate wall. He's actually gotten off quite a few times, hitting the Valley gate on north entrance FROM INSIDE OUR OWN GARRISON. Seriously either the one fix that anet said they fixed at Watergate, disallowing players from Jumping in, no longer works, and the fix is broken. Or Arenanet wasn't paying attention AGAIN for giving thieves the ability to Staff Jump at Watergate. From my eyes and my scout teams that moved on to other servers, it's not just abusers from SBI doing the same thing.

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