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We need to eliminate supply wasting/trolling please


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Can you prove that the supply was wasted to gain specifically wxp and/or pips. Can you prove or disprove that the player using supplies for gate/wall repair was doing it out of a strategic/tactical advantage or obligation to the team?


I used to have this argument in year 1 for WvW with several commanders and/or other scouts at garrison/tower locations. They wanted me to run all the way to the camp and bring supplies back to the garrison for repairs on gates/walls. Doing it solo, to fully repair multiple breaches took 4-6 hours game time, to fully repair the wall. Whereas if you took supplies direct from the garrison, the walls/gates would have been fully repaired within 2-10 minutes. During those 4-6 hours, the walls were still easy to breach and quickly get back in by enemy standards.


I do believe repairing a wall that's still being hit by enemy siege is unsound, and a waste of good supplies.


However if the keep/garrison/tower isn't under siege fire, yah, i'd argue with quick repair, or 4-6 hours of game time wasted with no help running supplies from a camp. Which I did for 2 years, and it wasn't worth my time ever again.

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The problem with this solution is that it is black and white while individual decisions are situational. Most people that repair SMC walls simply don't know any better and that is more of the fault of the communication rather some so called "malicious" attempt to farm pips, when it is so easy to get participation in these cases anyways just by tagging randoms. As it turns out, 50 people staring at 50 people watching treb shots fly around is not exactly entertaining gameplay. And honestly, SMC is really one of the few cases where it is a thing due to how easy it is to treb outer.


Furthermore, there are many times where you may realize the structure is lost, especially if it's t0/t1 and the only thing you can do is to delay so you hold the thing for more ticks + use supply that will be lost anyways. And if you're regularly t3'ing SMC, I think there's other problems.

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> @"YTKafka.4681" said:

> I think that giving players a timer that they can only take supply only every 30 second would be a good plan. Of course we still have to teach people how to defend and use supply effectively.


Then RIP those who legit solo defend a tower. It would take 1 - 1.5 mins to put up even an AC, which the wall/gate could be open at that point. This imo is a really horrible idea.

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