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PSA Stop playing DH in rated


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Its not competitive at even skill level in this meta. The damage is not good enough anymore and not enough condition cleanse. Don't waste your time telling me how well your doing I didn't say you couldnt do ok just you wont be winning against people as good as you are playing more competitve builds and thats the whole point of rated imo.

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What about people that dont have lamerbrand?


Does that means that they need to stop playing cause they are not folowing Anet class "progression" ?


ALso players play whatever they have or like, it Anet fault to make a game so faulty has this one, where players actually buy to keep their gimmicks for less effort on gameplay.


If trully u want decent pvp... change game.

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> @"Rune Darkmoor.3269" said:

> Honestly. As much as I love firebrand, unless your bunking with it, DH would be the better offensive fighter due to its strong ranged option and CC for dealing with the Scourge/FBunk meta. FB Bunk is very overturned tho, won't lie.


> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > base radiance hammer guard is superior to DH right now.


> I’d argue the opposite. DH at least has a ranged option for when there’s a scourge.


> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > base radiance hammer guard is superior to DH right now.


> I’d argue the opposite. DH at least has a ranged option for when there’s a scourge.


Power Ranger out performs DH by a lot when it comes to range pressure.

Core Radiance builds and FB Radiance build variants out performs DH in damage; as well as, team support roles... you don't need to bring a DH when they have a single Scourge and you **definitely** don't want to bring a DH when they have two Scourges.


No competent Guard has issues with a single Scourge and I'm not talking about the bunker team-support Firebrand builds.

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Saiyan.1704, DH feels way to dependable from the traps power creep momentum, and DH is no longer the daze traps spammer from its release, wich class was built to be, that ends with the class kind being lost, since it needs that power creep momentum.

Traps feel like they are the main weapon of the class rather the bow :\

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I think the reason that DH seems weak is because one of it's biggest strengths was always point control/pressure via trapspam, but now that Scourges are a thing, it's impossible to compete with them in that regard... Their ability to utterly own an area (especially if there are two of them) is out of control. Is DH a bad choice? Probably not... Does it have the carry potential of a bunker FB or even that of what it had before PoF? Of course not. That said, I'd probably rather have a competent DH on my team than a lot of the other class/specs right now though (Eles, Reapers, Rev's, Non S/D Thiefs, Scrappers), so they're not in the worst place.


Also, not all DH's have to be played meditrapper...

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At the start of match I asked a Guardian why he was playing DH. Him and his friend laughed. Probably because the other team had 2 thieves, Engi, Nec, and a Mesmer.... He got obliterated numerous times on and off point. Told him (politely) that he needed to learn Firebrand... he didn't say a single word whole game.


@"Mysticjedi.6053" i'm not doubting you reached Plat2 on DH at all. I hit Plat (Diamond/Legendary at the time) in season 2 where most Guard said was impossible cause we were in such a bad spot. Thing is, the majority underperforms heavily on DH to the point where they're a huge hindrance to the team.

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> @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> At the start of match I asked a Guardian why he was playing DH. Him and his friend laughed. Probably because the other team had 2 thieves, Engi, Nec, and a Mesmer.... He got obliterated numerous times on and off point. Told him (politely) that he needed to learn Firebrand... he didn't say a single word whole game.


> @"Mysticjedi.6053" i'm not doubting you reached Plat2 on DH at all. I hit Plat (Diamond/Legendary at the time) in season 2 where most Guard said was impossible cause we were in such a bad spot. Thing is, the majority underperforms heavily on DH to the point where they're a huge hindrance to the team.


Everyone has different experiences. I don't feel like I am a hinderance. I can provide exampes, but I am sure examples can be given to show my experiences aren't the norm. No one as quit b/c I am DH. We'll see where FB is left after Feb. 6

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> im sorry but as long as i can still hit 12k on each True shot every 4 secs, use the leap, spear and big shield from virtues and traps i wont stop. DH overall is better than FB in my opinnion and i see no reason to stop playing it. kitten the meta


I presume you are talking WvW. Ya it is good for roaming in WvW. It is okay in spvp, but pretty outdated nowadays. It not terrible by any means, but not recommended.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > im sorry but as long as i can still hit 12k on each True shot every 4 secs, use the leap, spear and big shield from virtues and traps i wont stop. DH overall is better than FB in my opinnion and i see no reason to stop playing it. kitten the meta


> I presume you are talking WvW. Ya it is good for roaming in WvW. It is okay in spvp, but pretty outdated nowadays. It not terrible by any means, but not recommended.



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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > im sorry but as long as i can still hit 12k on each True shot every 4 secs, use the leap, spear and big shield from virtues and traps i wont stop. DH overall is better than FB in my opinnion and i see no reason to stop playing it. kitten the meta

> >

> > I presume you are talking WvW. Ya it is good for roaming in WvW. It is okay in spvp, but pretty outdated nowadays. It not terrible by any means, but not recommended.


> spvp


Even if you are using zeal/dh/radiance raid build in sPvP, with berseker gear, you cannot hit a 12K TS. Also, its CD in sPvP is 6 sec, not 4 secs. Not to mention, that anything can kill you by just looking in your direction.


Realistically speaking, TS hits about 6K per critic in sPvP.

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