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PSA Stop playing DH in rated


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > > im sorry but as long as i can still hit 12k on each True shot every 4 secs, use the leap, spear and big shield from virtues and traps i wont stop. DH overall is better than FB in my opinnion and i see no reason to stop playing it. kitten the meta

> > >

> > > I presume you are talking WvW. Ya it is good for roaming in WvW. It is okay in spvp, but pretty outdated nowadays. It not terrible by any means, but not recommended.

> >

> > spvp


> Even if you are using zeal/dh/radiance raid build in sPvP, with berseker gear, you cannot hit a 12K TS. Also, its CD in sPvP is 6 sec, not 4 secs. Not to mention, that anything can kill you by just looking in your direction.


> Realistically speaking, TS hits about 6K per critic in sPvP.


Scholar, Anulment, Marauder, SoJ + True Shot with Radiance/Virtues/DH

Zeal is useless when using a bow. Thats how you hit 10k because you ALWAYS cit. If you hit 6k your doing something wrong (maybe using zeal).

Also idk how can anything kill me as i have 2 beautifull virtues that gives me a blocking shield, a healing jump that cures condi and a invul ultimate if needed.


If they are ranged:

- Pop Courage and TS to death


If they are melee

- If they are dumb enough to Walk into your traps... profit on it


Im specially good against thieves, they Backstab me and instantly dies! Only ones i have a bit more trouble are the spellbreaker and maybe a good mirage

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I play what i want, you're not my mom.


> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> > you mean 12k dmg by true shot in 1 minute? xD


> for sure he only 2vs1 and that alone target has alot of vulnerability ;)


They're in silver 2, probably facing people playing viper scourge and zerk p/p thief. It's amusing seeing people having fun with builds like that in lower ranks, i just hope they don't get too frustrated when higher level enemies start capitalizing on their mistakes/squishiness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm surprised by the number of DHs I see in rated, despite their obvious poor performance. If I have one on my team, the match is always a tough carry because they bring so little and go down so fast. If there is one of the other team, I focus it every time and watch their team collapse from it. In concept, it looks good, but in practice, it just can't compete.


DH was really strong before PoF. However, with PoF, it looks almost as if they designed all the elites around countering it. In fact, there's not a single meta build that doesn't counter DH.


Mirage - Can evade traps and attacks without even trying. They put out more damage/conditions than a DH can handle

Druid - This is the DH's best match up. Not because they will win. They won't. It will just take the longest for the DH to go down

Firebrand - Also a good match up for the DH for the exact same reason as Druid. DH will never kill it, and over time the DH will lose

Holosmith - Blink and the DH is on the ground. DH has no tools to deal with this spec

Scourge - Outclass DH at its own game. It better controls the points. Can withstand the traps, and removes the DH's boons.

Spellbreaker - This spec eats all guards, but DH is the most vulnerable to it. It's practically immune to traps, strips their boons, and hits through their blocks

S/D Thief - Another spec that can easily ignore the traps and strip boons.

Weaver - Not meta, but can still hold its own easily against DH

Rev - If more people played DH, Rev would be meta


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> @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> Since the FB nerf, there's even _more_ DH in ranked pvp now... even though Core Guard still performs much better while also delivering even more damages.


This is true. The nerfs to FB unfortunately also nerfed power FB out of existence. FB has essentially become staff now: Completely garbage on its own and requires a very specific build/stats to achieve mediocrity.


DH can last longer than core guard in a fight but core guard will output far more damage so I'd agree with Saiyan from a performance standpoint.

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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> DH's don't last longer than Core. They just think that they do.


> I've only won one game with DH on my team, and that was against a team with a DH. We actually score better with a DC than a DH feeding the enemy team.


They definitely survive for a bit more time given the same pressure just not by much.


Core guard is going to put out way more damage in the less time it's alive though.

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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

> In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.


I mean, yeah, sure. If you play DH to just longbow a scourge or something. Skirmishing in melee though.. eh.


But playing core (with gs or hammer) allows you to just get in, get your burst out with F1+2+JI, and get out and do way more damage in those few seconds than most dragonhunters would ever hope to achieve and have way more impact and provide much more immediate pressure.


Sadly I think DH is just a sub-par spellbreaker at this point in almost every regard. Bonus points for the fact that S/D completely destroys it.


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Seen alot of DH lately yes, but alot of them are bad. The good ones, the ones that stand out, can truly hold there own. I've been there, but I feel FB has far to much to offer in team fights AND 1v1 attempts. I'm speaking about FB DPS/Support. The statement is true, why bring a DH when a FB can not only bring the burst but can provide the support.

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I am also not understanding why i'm seeing so much dh in ranked. It's kind of annoying. What made this popular to do now for guard mains? I mean, i used to main symbol dh, but in this meta, i just use power mirage, sb, druid or scrapper if i wana bruise. My guard is only used for support fb if the team needs it.


Actually, whenever i see a guard on the enemy team, i always switch to support fb just in case the enemy is also support fb. And when i find out the enemy was actually a dh, well, lol.

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

> > In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.


> I mean, yeah, sure. If you play DH to just longbow a scourge or something. Skirmishing in melee though.. eh.


> But playing core (with gs or hammer) allows you to just get in, get your burst out with F1+2+JI, and get out and do way more damage in those few seconds than most dragonhunters would ever hope to achieve and have way more impact and provide much more immediate pressure.


> Sadly I think DH is just a sub-par spellbreaker at this point in almost every regard. Bonus points for the fact that S/D completely destroys it.


The problem is that the burst from core is really predictable and countered by a dodge. After that, you’re sitting in melee and then have to soak up all the passive cleave that people throw around. DH burst may not be as big, but a push/pull chain along a trap makes it a lot less avoidable.


But really, neither build is in a great place. Both builds are generally less effective than other bruisers in just about every way.


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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

> > > In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.

> >

> > I mean, yeah, sure. If you play DH to just longbow a scourge or something. Skirmishing in melee though.. eh.

> >

> > But playing core (with gs or hammer) allows you to just get in, get your burst out with F1+2+JI, and get out and do way more damage in those few seconds than most dragonhunters would ever hope to achieve and have way more impact and provide much more immediate pressure.

> >

> > Sadly I think DH is just a sub-par spellbreaker at this point in almost every regard. Bonus points for the fact that S/D completely destroys it.

> >

> The problem is that the burst from core is really predictable and countered by a dodge. After that, you’re sitting in melee and then have to soak up all the passive cleave that people throw around. DH burst may not be as big, but a push/pull chain along a trap makes it a lot less avoidable.


> But really, neither build is in a great place. Both builds are generally less effective than other bruisers in just about every way.



The way you play core burst isn't a raid dps rotation, you count dodges from a target in a fight then burst when you know he's out of dodges.

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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > > DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

> > > > In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.

> > >

> > > I mean, yeah, sure. If you play DH to just longbow a scourge or something. Skirmishing in melee though.. eh.

> > >

> > > But playing core (with gs or hammer) allows you to just get in, get your burst out with F1+2+JI, and get out and do way more damage in those few seconds than most dragonhunters would ever hope to achieve and have way more impact and provide much more immediate pressure.

> > >

> > > Sadly I think DH is just a sub-par spellbreaker at this point in almost every regard. Bonus points for the fact that S/D completely destroys it.

> > >

> > The problem is that the burst from core is really predictable and countered by a dodge. After that, you’re sitting in melee and then have to soak up all the passive cleave that people throw around. DH burst may not be as big, but a push/pull chain along a trap makes it a lot less avoidable.

> >

> > But really, neither build is in a great place. Both builds are generally less effective than other bruisers in just about every way.

> >


> The way you play core burst isn't a raid dps rotation, you count dodges from a target in a fight then burst when you know he's out of dodges.


You’re missing the point. Yes, you can sit and wait for opportune times to burst, but you won’t get that often since there’s a lot more than just 2 dodges to keep track of (blocks, invulns, evades, etc.) and while you wait this or try to bait it, you’ll have to be in melee. For any team fight, this means wading in a ton of AoE/condis.


SPvP is more than a series of duels.


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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > > > DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

> > > > > In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.

> > > >

> > > > I mean, yeah, sure. If you play DH to just longbow a scourge or something. Skirmishing in melee though.. eh.

> > > >

> > > > But playing core (with gs or hammer) allows you to just get in, get your burst out with F1+2+JI, and get out and do way more damage in those few seconds than most dragonhunters would ever hope to achieve and have way more impact and provide much more immediate pressure.

> > > >

> > > > Sadly I think DH is just a sub-par spellbreaker at this point in almost every regard. Bonus points for the fact that S/D completely destroys it.

> > > >

> > > The problem is that the burst from core is really predictable and countered by a dodge. After that, you’re sitting in melee and then have to soak up all the passive cleave that people throw around. DH burst may not be as big, but a push/pull chain along a trap makes it a lot less avoidable.

> > >

> > > But really, neither build is in a great place. Both builds are generally less effective than other bruisers in just about every way.

> > >

> >

> > The way you play core burst isn't a raid dps rotation, you count dodges from a target in a fight then burst when you know he's out of dodges.


> You’re missing the point. Yes, you can sit and wait for opportune times to burst, but you won’t get that often since there’s a lot more than just 2 dodges to keep track of (blocks, invulns, evades, etc.) and while you wait this or try to bait it, you’ll have to be in melee. For any team fight, this means wading in a ton of AoE/condis.


> SPvP is more than a series of duels.



start the team fight putting up ring of warding and save your big CDs while keeping your eyes on the target you want to burst, then you JI combo when its out of dodges.


you act like starting the team fight with shield of wrath f1 ji hammer 2 is the ONLY option of skills you absolutely must use in the first 5 seconds of midfight?

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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > > > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > > > > DH can only last longer than Core Guard by burning both F3s and Renewed Focus and leap out twice with F2 wings. Then they'll respawn about 30 secs later without a single defensive cooldown.

> > > > > > In most matchups a DH can definitely survive longer since they have access to ranged damage that lets them avoid a lot of damage. However, they won’t burst as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I mean, yeah, sure. If you play DH to just longbow a scourge or something. Skirmishing in melee though.. eh.

> > > > >

> > > > > But playing core (with gs or hammer) allows you to just get in, get your burst out with F1+2+JI, and get out and do way more damage in those few seconds than most dragonhunters would ever hope to achieve and have way more impact and provide much more immediate pressure.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sadly I think DH is just a sub-par spellbreaker at this point in almost every regard. Bonus points for the fact that S/D completely destroys it.

> > > > >

> > > > The problem is that the burst from core is really predictable and countered by a dodge. After that, you’re sitting in melee and then have to soak up all the passive cleave that people throw around. DH burst may not be as big, but a push/pull chain along a trap makes it a lot less avoidable.

> > > >

> > > > But really, neither build is in a great place. Both builds are generally less effective than other bruisers in just about every way.

> > > >

> > >

> > > The way you play core burst isn't a raid dps rotation, you count dodges from a target in a fight then burst when you know he's out of dodges.

> >

> > You’re missing the point. Yes, you can sit and wait for opportune times to burst, but you won’t get that often since there’s a lot more than just 2 dodges to keep track of (blocks, invulns, evades, etc.) and while you wait this or try to bait it, you’ll have to be in melee. For any team fight, this means wading in a ton of AoE/condis.

> >

> > SPvP is more than a series of duels.

> >


> start the team fight putting up ring of warding and save your big CDs while keeping your eyes on the target you want to burst, then you JI combo when its out of dodges.


> you act like starting the team fight with shield of wrath f1 ji hammer 2 is the ONLY option of skills you absolutely must use in the first 5 seconds of midfight?

Are you even reading my posts? Not sure how to respond if you think that I’m only talking about openers. Ring of awarding won’t save you from cleave. No one will burn through 2 dodges in the few seconds of duration that it has. Most classes also have a LOT more than just 2 dodges to avoid damage.


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