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Going far at the start is always the best choice


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So here's the split: 1 goes home, 3 go mid, one (who is always a warrior, thief, or ranger) says fuck it-I can get far so fast it won't even matter!


Its a 3v4 at mid, your team loses mid. They then go 3v1 to your home and take that too. But you, you glorious bastard on far, are just finishing up your duel. One more minute, surely that's all it'll take. Hey, so they knocked you off the point long enough to cap it- but you fight on! You'll cap it back in only another two minutes, and then you can bunk far and hold it 2v1 all game. It'll be a huge advantage for your team.


Meanwhile your teammates are respawning in 1s and 2s, only to meet 3 or 4 people at a time. It's called farming, and your team is the one getting farmed. Not your fault that they can't win a 4v4, no sir, fucking scrubs. After all, you cant understand that its really 2v4. Or they cam sit in spawn and group up, letting two points tick for a minute at a time.


Someday you'll be blessed with a team who can carry your heavy ass, people who are worthy of your fucking brilliance in dueling on far while the point is capped. The 5 points you'll get from that kill will absolutely outweigh the points they get.


5 losses today from incompetent fuckwads. Anyone have any pepper?

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Yeah, I hate when people go far at start... Even if your team miraculously wins mid, everyone who just died is going to spawn and clear you out anyways. At best you denied them like 15-25 points, and if your team is good enough to win mid shorthanded, you were probably going to annihilate them no matter what you did... So it's like risking a lot to gain literally nothing.

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Going far is viable if you know you won't win mid (read: you lack a key meta component such as fb while enemy has one). It should be said that out of all the people going far, at least 8 out of 10 should stop doing it. Far is for those that _know_ that can win, or at the very least, force a 1v2 for a respectable amount of time.


If your spellbreaker goes far, against a weak thief for instance, means the thief will be forced to flee.


What gets me is when they go far without saying anything in team chat. Then proceed to go far for the rest of the game.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Going far is viable if you know you won't win mid (read: you lack a key meta component such as fb while enemy has one). It should be said that out of all the people going far, at least 8 out of 10 should stop doing it. Far is for those that _know_ that can win, or at the very least, force a 1v2 for a respectable amount of time.


> If your spellbreaker goes far, against a weak thief for instance, means the thief will be forced to flee.


> What gets me is when they go far without saying anything in team chat. Then proceed to go far for the rest of the game.


Yep, pretty much this.


It's one thing if you can kill or force a decap quickly. It's another if you're sitting on an already capped point wasting time. If your team is lacking in the necessary support at mid, sometimes it's wiser to split 2 home, 3 far.

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> You announce in team chat that you will take home point at start and tell the rest to go mid. Match starts and you see on the map that 2 of your teammates have decided to go to home point as well...


This actually happens a lot in unranked. I`m not good/confident enough for ranked so I practice unranked to get that muscle memory but sometimes my practice turns to kitten all because i give into the frustration caused by the idiotic behavior of my team mates.

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So much misinformation here.


3 people shouldn't die at mid on an open. Rotate off the point and don't die. It's not that hard. What you are going to do is cap home, keep mid & far neutral (maybe even cap far), and now you have a 1-2 cap advantage. The enemy team HAS to rotate off mid or get stuck in a drawn out fight while having zero caps.


But do as you want.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> So much misinformation here.


> 3 people shouldn't die at mid on an open. Rotate off the point and don't die. It's not that hard. What you are going to do is cap home, keep mid & far neutral (maybe even cap far), and now you have a 1-2 cap advantage. The enemy team HAS to rotate off mid or get stuck in a drawn out fight while having zero caps.


> But do as you want.


You've played since pof dropped right? It's literal 2s burst, unless you're on a druid or spellbreaker you aren't running away from a 3v4. Either way, you go off cap and they get the point. All so you can duel like a pr0.

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1-3-1 split is actually the most common split in higher tiers.

As long as people are competent enough to not go full out offense when they are outnumbered and insta die, its really the best strategy.


When both teams are equally matched MMR wise, GW2 pvp is basically a numbers game in all honesty, where the outnumbered grp should almost always win the fight, or at least not lose it. If you rush in 3v4 on mid for example and people have that "OhMaWgAwD FIGHT oN pOiNT!!!11"-mentality and tank literally every aoe in the game cause they "At least die on point", obviously you will give the enemy team an easy snowball setup.


In all honesty if people are even halfway competent and have the bare minimum of map awareness, you just can stall mid a bit without fully engaging the node...even if you give it up. It takes ~10 seconds for your guy on close (who wasn't contestet if enemy goes for a 1-4-0 split) to catch up to the mid grp and make it an even fight. So you still have one cap each, since there still is a 1v1 goin on on far. If enemy didnt get the fullcap on mid when your close guy gets to the mid fight you even have an advantage.

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> 1-3-1 split is actually the most common split in higher tiers.

> As long as people are competent enough to not go full out offense when they are outnumbered and insta die, its really the best strategy.


No, it's almost always a huge gamble. No matter what you force mid to lose, don't tell me "well engage 3v4, just don't die, it's easy lol" in this burst meta. No matter what, going far guarantees a loss at mid. Also don't tell me it's more viable in higher tiers, as if their far defender isn't also in a higher tier.


It's only viable when your far rusher is an amazing dueler while confident their defender is bad, or as part of a 5-man premade team strategy when you are trying to pull off some deception/unpredictability. For ranked though it's absolutely horrible, only works like 10% of the time. As already mentioned, if your midbros are good enough to not die in a 3v4 at mid, then if it was 4v4 you would have bowled over the enemy team.

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> @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > 1-3-1 split is actually the most common split in higher tiers.

> > As long as people are competent enough to not go full out offense when they are outnumbered and insta die, its really the best strategy.


> No, it's almost always a huge gamble. No matter what you force mid to lose, don't tell me "well engage 3v4, just don't die, it's easy lol" in this burst meta. No matter what, going far guarantees a loss at mid. Also don't tell me it's more viable in higher tiers, as if their far defender isn't also in a higher tier.


I think you are missing my point. First of all, i said that engaging a 4v3 is a bad idea and that the best you can do is maybe contest the node. Even if you give it up thats fine, since you ll have close cap and far still contested...so its one cap for either grp. Sure, the 1v1 on far is a gamble, but as long as its contested, thats all you need.

If people actually know how and when to disengage, even if you dont get mid, its still a stalemate (cap-wise).


Also, in all fairness, if people get insta bursted in <5 seconds thats completely on them.



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I saw a few times a ranger bunker going far and keeping the point either contested or capped by him forever, sometimes being able to retain it 1 vs 2 effortlesly. I was in the two sides of this kind of matches and I can say that when the player really knowns what's doing this tactical choice isn't bad at all. In fact in the old tournaments the basic rule was to dispute all the points since the beguinning.

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Maybe a team with a half fucking brain wouldnt hard commit on mid when they know it's 3v4 and instead wait for the guy freecapping close before going all in, but that is probably asked too much. If you know you will win your 1v1 on far it's a solid carry if your team isn't total bronze trash.

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> @"vorpal.1497" said:

> Your backpedaling is embarrassing. Even if you are a FB, if 4 people want to burst you down they can and will.


I really cant help you, if you dont understand what you read.

At any rate, if you get bursted down instantly, you either are completely unaware of your surroundings or really bad at utilizing positioning / defensive skills.

Altho I usually frown upon using this phrase, its really a "l2p issue"

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If mid is lost then what's preventing the team from playing sides or having the OP fall back to home or even push far to 1v2 (assuming enemy mid will push soon) before the mid collapse?


All honesty, the majority of people, *A:* Don't know rotations and *B:* Map pinging and map drawing for general, basic, team communication.


These items are more apparent in early Plat 1 and lower. Lack of communication is 99% the reason why most players can't move up.


Btw I'm no far yolo hero and I totally agree with you that players who go far and do a 1v2 while raging at team are clueless about how out-rotated his team really is...

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OK, few things to understand about how to cooperate with people who are pushing far on initial split. Understand that some builds are designed for far pushing, winning 1v1s and delaying node caps/drawing agro in 1v2s or sometimes 1v3s. These types of builds are much more effective while doing their job, rather than expecting them to always stay in a team fight with everyone else. I'll use this example, considering the far push guy is actually a good player on a class that is designed to far push:

* Far pusher gets to node and holds neutral while your team finishes home cap and vies for mid 3v4 for a VERY BRIEF amount of time before home capper arrives mid to make it 4v4. If your team can cap home and at least keep mid neutral, this is an easy way to get 20-40-60 point lead before the enemy team scores a single point.

* Far pusher is holding neutral and the longer he does this, the higher the chances become for him to rope a dope a 1v2, which is the best case scenario. If he does not get a 1v2, usually a good player will eventually kill the enemy player and full cap the node, but really what he wants is the 1v2 so your team can benefit the 4v3 at home/mid.

* If your team cannot survive 3v4 for the10s that it takes the home capper to arrive mid to make it 4v4, they shouldn't be staying in that team fight to begin with. They should be falling back to home to defend and when 1 enemy peels off the mid fight to go 2v1 far, then your team will have advantage 4v3 at mid. Then you push back in. Not doing this is a rotational error in fault of the people who losing the 4v4.

* Good player now holding far your team's color is capable of holding the node 1v2 or least holding it neutral in 1v2 while your team 4v3s home and mid.

* Usually when an enemy is set into respawn, they will go to their home "your team's far" and try to 2v1 the good player at far or sometimes noob throw a 3v1, allowing your team 4v3 at home and mid or sometimes even 4v2 = easy win unless you have randoms who can't identify the advantage and start trying to push far with the good player 1v2ing and occasionally drawing 1v3s, which in turn will invite back-capping on your nodes. Let the good bunker stay at the far point alone and do his job.

* If the player is truly good who pushes far, players will begin to avoid him because they realize trying to kill him 2v1 is a waste of time and is throwing the match. A good player will know how to rotate accordingly to reallocate his weight for the team in other places. For example, the enemy starts ignoring him and trying to push your team's home. The good bunker will go begin defending home, let him do it alone.

* A good bunker or player in general, would usually push far, will also be able to identify situations before the initial split such as: Your team rolled with 2 mirages, 2 thieves and 1 bunker druid vs. 2 scourges, 2 firebfrands, 1 holo. In this case, a good bunker will call for the team to 1 home, 3 go far, and he will go to mid and draw numbers as long as he can before he has to peel back to home to help defend, hoping the 3 far pushes can stagger the enemy far quickly and take node for a initial 2 cap against the team that is clearly dominant in large team fights. <- This kind of shit, these kind of plays is the entire idea behind the far push, which sometimes needs to be executed on nodes that are not FAR.


The above is how an actual good player is going to play. The idea is to allocate his weight into 1v2s on whichever node is advantageous to do so at the time, granting his team 4v3 on the other two nodes. A team needs to understand how to cooperate with the purpose of a bunker or any good player on any class, who recognizes an opportune moment to snag a 1v2 that he knows he can hold, to grant the team superior numbers elsewhere. In other words, let him do it alone unless he calls for a +. The problem that the OP is complaining about is a worst case scenario where you see this kind of crap happening:

* Thief pushes far against an enemy bunker druid on initial split. Decides to stay and fight the bunker druid, despite the bunker druid having a full cap due to the thief's inability to hold a cap because of stealthing. The thief will not kill the bunker druid but for whatever reasons he decides to stay and waste time anyway.

* A Scourge suddenly peels away from the team fight at mid "where he should be staying", from a team fight that was at a neutral standpoint, so that he can go and slowly far push solo against some class that he knows he'll lose a 1v1 against.

* Some player repeatedly pushes far and dies every time, accomplishing nothing, like a bot, but keeps doing it anyway.


Just before you blame "the far push guy" who is 1v2ing on a node your color, ask yourselves: "Is he actually doing something stupid or is he carrying the team?"


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