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Disable Glider / no Glider on.off option in game or change of glider deployment offered.


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The glider function is nice when you need it, but there are times when you do not need it but you are unable to stop. Some jumps do require you to hit the space bar a little longer which makes your glider deploy causing you to overshoot your jump.

As simple as a box to uncheck glider.

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Height isn't where it usually gets me. Doing a long jump forward the glider can pop causing the overshoot mentioned. Since we know it can be disabled in certain areas, it would be nice if there was a checkbox in the options somewhere that we could turn it off for a bit when we felt it was interfering.

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I'm not against a glider toggle switch. But, as Nokomis said, holding down the space bar won't make you jump farther. It's the forward movement (or lack there of) that will determine how far your jump goes. So, while a toggle would be nice, in the mean time you could try to break the habit of holding down the space bar when you're jumping.

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Today's jump puzzle is a great example of the problem I am having. The Spiral in Caledon Forest, it has plenty of places that required short jumps and longer jumps. I have always found these difficult but now with the Glider deployment combined with the Jump function its got worse. Its not the height of the jump its the length, some require a small touch and some require a longer touch causing the Glider deployment.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> Today's jump puzzle is a great example of the problem I am having. The Spiral in Caledon Forest, it has plenty of places that required short jumps and longer jumps. I have always found these difficult but now with the Glider deployment combined with the Jump function its got worse. Its not the height of the jump its the length, some require a small touch and some require a longer touch causing the Glider deployment.


As we've already said, holding down the space bar does not make you jump farther. So, there's no need to try to hold it down longer to jump farther because it won't help anything.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> As we've already said, holding down the space bar does not make you jump farther. So, there's no need to try to hold it down longer to jump farther because it won't help anything.


Really? Then why are the spaces between objects to jump different lengths? If you only jump the same distance each time then spaces would have to be the same distance and not longer or shorter between objects, every space would need to be the same.


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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > As we've already said, holding down the space bar does not make you jump farther. So, there's no need to try to hold it down longer to jump farther because it won't help anything.


> Really? Then why are the spaces between objects to jump different lengths? If you only jump the same distance each time then spaces would have to be the same distance and not longer or shorter between objects, every space would need to be the same.



As others have said, you always jump the same length/height when you press the Spacebar/Jump, no matter if you barely tap it or hold it in.


But jumps are affected by the momentum, how fast you're moving etc, so running you get a longer jump than standing still and jumping etc. In addition to this, you can also slightly "nudge" or adjust the jump in-air by using the arrow keys. You can use this for a lot of the smaller jumps. A good example is the vista in the treefolkcity (that I forgot the name of), that you have to jump/climb some mushroms on the side of the branch to get to, couple of the top ones are easier to get to by just jumping straight up and adjusting with the arrow keys.


Also seen a lot of people not realizing you can actually "turn" while jumping, this is used in several jumping puzzles (notably near the end of OBsidian Sanctum JP), where you make a 90 degree turn in air while jumping, think you can manage almost a U turn. A friend of mine absolutely hates those, and it's been a major source of frustration for him when he has to do one of those for JP.


But just find any spot you want to and test, running jumps with tapping or holding the jump button. And see how long you jump (easiest if you find a no-glider zone to try this with).




On the other hand, got nothing against having a toggle, or even a own bindable "Jump ONLY" button, but have no need for one myself.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > As we've already said, holding down the space bar does not make you jump farther. So, there's no need to try to hold it down longer to jump farther because it won't help anything.


> Really? Then why are the spaces between objects to jump different lengths? If you only jump the same distance each time then spaces would have to be the same distance and not longer or shorter between objects, every space would need to be the same.



Yeah, really, i had the same habit, but you grow out of it, eventually.

The different sized gaps are tackled by how long you press forward, not jump.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > As we've already said, holding down the space bar does not make you jump farther. So, there's no need to try to hold it down longer to jump farther because it won't help anything.


> Really? Then why are the spaces between objects to jump different lengths? If you only jump the same distance each time then spaces would have to be the same distance and not longer or shorter between objects, every space would need to be the same.



You jump different lengths based on your forward movement (the W key or whatever key you're using to move forward). If you don't press the forward movement key, then you'll just jump in place (even if you hold the space bar down, you'll still jump in place). If you hold down the forward movement key as you're starting your jump, your jump will move forward until the jump ends or until you stop using the forward movement key.

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I'd urge the OP to work on retraining their muscle memory instead. For starters, that's something the OP can do (or start doing) today, while if ANet agrees 100% to change this right now, it could be months (or even over a year) before the change makes it into the game.


And there's a fringe benefit: having to be more careful about how long to hold has made me better at jumping. I would hold it too long and while that didn't help my jump, it did make it awkward to press the other keys needed to land where I wanted.


I'm not against the change. I just learned to live without it.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> The glider function is nice when you need it, but there are times when you do not need it but you are unable to stop. Some jumps do require you to hit the space bar a little longer which makes your glider deploy causing you to overshoot your jump.

> As simple as a box to uncheck glider.


This isn’t Mario Holding the Jump Key doesn’t make you jump higher or further, the glider option is perfectly fine players just need to learn not to hold the jump key down since it doesn’t do anything besides deploy the glider.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> This isn’t Mario Holding the Jump Key doesn’t make you jump higher or further, _ the glider option_ is perfectly fine players just need to learn not to hold the jump key down since it doesn’t do anything besides deploy the glider.


"the glider option " ------yes it should.

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Another note, Spacebar is typically the worst button to have Jump bound to, because it tends to be the least precise button on most keyboards. It is the largest button usually with a single trigger in the middle, so depending on where you press the button it takes different amounts of force and timing to get the actual trigger to work. I'd recommend to bind jump to another button (Use left ALT myself).



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I am not against the glider and yes I may sometimes hold the buttons down to long as I am a little older than most and get a little anxious on these jumps. I have tried the suggestions here but none have helped (me ) . I either jump just straight up, or fall short of my goal. One post suggested using the arrow keys, since I use my mouse and keyboard I find the arrows useless (to me). I posted here in hope to start at least a discussion, looks like we have one. Thank You for that.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I am not against the glider and yes I may sometimes hold the buttons down to long as I am a little older than most and get a little anxious on these jumps. I have tried the suggestions here but none have helped (me ) . I either jump just straight up, or fall short of my goal. One post suggested using the arrow keys, since I use my mouse and keyboard I find the arrows useless (to me). I posted here in hope to start at least a discussion, looks like we have one. Thank You for that.


Arrow keys = WASD


Just old habit from gaming over the years to call the 4 buttons you control your character with for arrow keys, before all them FPS games got everyone to use WASD instead. So yeah just standard movement keys, you don't need to move your hand at all from normal gaming position. You can technically also do this with just the mouse (gw2 default, hold down both left and right mouse button for walk forward) but honestly that's pretty tricky with jumps.

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Unintended glider deployment has been bothering me too. Sometimes it is caused by hitting the spacebar too hard which sometimes leads to it being pressed too long. Sometimes I press spacebar too early in the air before I've landed to a platform which causes the glider to open.


Both of these are git gud problems but I also hope we get more options how to control our characters more to our intention.

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