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PoF need meta events!!!

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> @"Kronos.3695" said:

> There are meta events in PoF maps, but since the rewards sucks, nobody is caring to command squads and do them.

> HoT metas worked only because a lot of collections were tied to them, not clearly for the rewards (excluding obviously the whole year of tarir multiloot).


nah, i dont care about any collection ... sometimes going auric, chakk ... just to try luck on infusion... and in that way u get some materials, items....

PoF maps was one time event, finish achievs and go out... i never come back there.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Kronos.3695" said:

> > There are meta events in PoF maps, but since the rewards sucks, nobody is caring to command squads and do them.

> > HoT metas worked only because a lot of collections were tied to them, not clearly for the rewards (excluding obviously the whole year of tarir multiloot).


> nah, i dont care about any collection ... sometimes going auric, chakk ... just to try luck on infusion... and in that way u get some materials, items....

> PoF maps was one time event, finish achievs and go out... i never come back there.


You don't, but they're what kept the map alive in the last two years.

Nobody would go back and complete the metas if they didn't have to work on collections and achievements in the first place :)

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> @"Kronos.3695" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"Kronos.3695" said:

> > > There are meta events in PoF maps, but since the rewards sucks, nobody is caring to command squads and do them.

> > > HoT metas worked only because a lot of collections were tied to them, not clearly for the rewards (excluding obviously the whole year of tarir multiloot).

> >

> > nah, i dont care about any collection ... sometimes going auric, chakk ... just to try luck on infusion... and in that way u get some materials, items....

> > PoF maps was one time event, finish achievs and go out... i never come back there.


> You don't, but they're what kept the map alive in the last two years.

> Nobody would go back and complete the metas if they didn't have to work on collections and achievements in the first place :)


There's even another group of players that don't care about achievements, collections, or rewards, they just like the events or dislike, which ever the case maybe...I personally prefer the PoF maps and the bounties. I also prefer the slightly smaller meta events there, the ones that don't require an entire map to complete, however, I have come to the conclusion that to properly complete the Serpents Ire meta you need three(3) full squads, especially for the bomb part, with each one taking care of a portion of the fight against the 5 Zealots, 1 for DPS, 1 for CC and 1 to provide boons(with each squad divided into 5 teams of 10, so you would have 30 players at each Zealot working in rotation). I usually only go to an HoT map when it is either part of the Daily or I find that I need to buy something from one of the vendors.

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It isn't just the metas. The HoT maps shower you with currencies and keys which you can open chests with and buy stuff with. In general, there's a certain level of coherence to the maps you're on, and you knew where to go to do an event.


PoF has trade contracts, which accumulate REALLY SLOWLY and do not have a good cash conversion. They're just an alternate means spending karma. The elegy mosaics again, do not give you money. The only thing the heart vendors do is give you the option to spend karma to buy keys. The chests that these keys go to are scattered wide and have inconsistent drops, so they're generally not worth the effort. The good events on the map are hidden away, and are usually more trouble than their worth.


There are meta events on each map. Casino rush, treasure hunts, Maws of Torment and Junundu Rising, Serpent's Ire and that one forged one, Hall of Ascension, etc, but the only worthwhile thing to get are the pulsing brandsparks. Otherwise, you just do events for the Unids.

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PoF has meta events. Maw and Ire are such things. They are just not rewarding.

I personally like those maps. They are all about exploration and everytime I go around I find new hidden gems. The amount of detail is beautifull and the design is stunning.


This game is not dying and such an argument to use to make a point is frankly ridicilious. What would kill a game is if they do not sattisfy ALL of the fanbase. You might love meta events. There are also plenty of people who dislike those.


The power of Arenanet is that they make content for all people. they did say that PoF is all about exploration. Just like they said that HoT is all about working together.


GW2 is attracking a much broader audiance then GW1. However, that is done by leaving some standards what GW1 was renowed for. With PoF I feel like they have taken a step back to make content more focussed on content for their most loyal customers.


I'm sure they will make content you will like more pretty soon. As a fact, with Istan they did bring back meta's

In short. I don't mind meta's, but the world should have more then that. We are all different, please stop wining and demand to be in the front line all the time to be spoonfed.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Kronos.3695" said:

> > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > > @"Kronos.3695" said:

> > > > There are meta events in PoF maps, but since the rewards sucks, nobody is caring to command squads and do them.

> > > > HoT metas worked only because a lot of collections were tied to them, not clearly for the rewards (excluding obviously the whole year of tarir multiloot).

> > >

> > > nah, i dont care about any collection ... sometimes going auric, chakk ... just to try luck on infusion... and in that way u get some materials, items....

> > > PoF maps was one time event, finish achievs and go out... i never come back there.

> >

> > You don't, but they're what kept the map alive in the last two years.

> > Nobody would go back and complete the metas if they didn't have to work on collections and achievements in the first place :)


> There's even another group of players that don't care about achievements, collections, or rewards, they just like the events or dislike, which ever the case maybe...I personally prefer the PoF maps and the bounties. I also prefer the slightly smaller meta events there, the ones that don't require an entire map to complete, however, I have come to the conclusion that to properly complete the Serpents Ire meta you need three(3) full squads, especially for the bomb part, with each one taking care of a portion of the fight against the 5 Zealots, 1 for DPS, 1 for CC and 1 to provide boons(with each squad divided into 5 teams of 10, so you would have 30 players at each Zealot working in rotation). I usually only go to an HoT map when it is either part of the Daily or I find that I need to buy something from one of the vendors.


Serpent's ire doesn't scale great but we've absolutely been able to do it with only 10-15 at each zealot, and it was not nearly so organized as you're suggesting for specific roles. It was just whomever happened to be on the map. The important part is really knowing how to control/time your CC. To the OP, there are two map metas in The Desolation (Junundu Rising and Maw of Torment), one in Vabbi (Serpent's Ire), one in Crystal Oasis (Casino Blitz), One in Riverlands (Path to Ascension), and an admitedly terrible one in Highlands (Treasure hunt... blah). The maps just aren't great at advertising them across the entire map, and instead they operate a litle bit more like, say, the Orr metas that people did for a long time, or the Harathi Hinterlands meta. They also reward items that can sell for a decent profit, with a reasonable chance to drop a choice chest containing one of the named Sunspear weapons for the collections (I've never done a Serpent's Ire without at least one person getting the chest).

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> @"embarbarada.2096" said:


> If you don´t want the game to die, you need to add meta events in POF maps.



That would be an incredibly stupid thing to do.


The maps are not made for bigger/more metas, and adding them in would require reworking the maps almost entirely. Otherwise, you'd wind up with conflicts between old and new content, making both frustrating and unsatisfying.


What you want is for new maps in the LS to have meta events that the map is made for. And look, first map of LS4 has that. ANet hasn't left meta events behind, they've just learned some lessons from HoT and the problems it had.

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Having two expansions is a nice contrast and since they took different routes its a great way to say, hey what works and what doesn't in short and long term views. I do tend to agree, the build up found in the HoT maps creates more of a feel of replayability, but I also know others that love just the pure option to explore in PoF. Personally a balance between the two for XPac 3 would be a good mix. Areas to explore but that also have this building meta would be a good route especially if those areas to explore augmented but were not required for the meta. Example side areas that provided their own points of interest that also provided things like resources and/or were opened because of events in the meta. Its also odd, mounts were needed in PoF because of the size, but it also tends to move players about faster leaving less time to enjoy an area, aka it creates the sense of move on thru.


Agree with the above, I find myself travelling back to HoT more than I do PoF, be that for meta, collections, gathering, HPs or just for a fight. I thought with LS4 they were going to layer in more into the PoF but was wrong so far there.

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The game isn't going to die any time soon.


That said I think there are definite issues with PoF, which has been noticeable since day 1.


Firstly the zones are massive compared to the old world and HoT zones. The amount of chatter on Map chat, unless there is someone giving directions for a Bounty Train or direct help with a specific event, is next to non-existent. This coupled with the size of the zones adds up to a perception that there isn't anyone out there.


The second issue is one of re-playability. I've just started my last character through the PoF storyline, my 9th Character. I'm certainly not a hardcore player, but I'm starting to finish quite a few of the achievements and collections. This is what 4 nearly 5 months after release. Sure other players will take their own characters through, but it appears that the initial rush has slowed down quite dramatically. The new Istan lootfest seems to have stripped players from the PoF zones too.


It is quite common for a people to shout and shout for assistance for Bounties. I tried to do the Lord Hanif event the other day in Vabbi, it spawned just above the Bounty Board. Prior to taking it, one other player came. It took about 10 seconds to get from the nearby WP to the Bounty. One player!


The LFG boards for PoF compared to HoT can be completely empty. Not just one zone but ALL of the zones. This can happen at all times of the day not just off peak times.


The other day I took a bit of a break and headed back to HoT. What struck me was the amount of Loot available, this was in Verdant Brink. Loads of Airship Cargoes, Meta events going on, it seemed that PoF is a poor relation. Sure the Tradeskill nodes are out there, but it just seems very slow paced with very poor rewards. It would be interesting to see what a player could loot in an hour in say Verdant Brink compared to Crystal Oasis (both of them the starting zones). Ok whilst it shouldn't be about the loot - it is, players will naturally go to where they will get the best rewards. PoF needs something to bring players back to repeat stuff.


It definitely needs looking at. Ok perhaps a major meta event isn't required, but what on earth happened to quest chains?


Here is an example. In Talatat Quarry, Crystal Oasis there is a nice little event to protect Stoneworkers from Choya. It scales quite nicely so if you are on your own (fairly frequently) you only really need to protect two or three workers to get around 5 or 6 quarried stones back to the the event NPC. With more players it takes a little more time.


So you protect the stone workers and get the stone back. You've been asked to do the event because Zalambur needs stone to rebuild Amnoon. So you get you reward and the Quest giver heads off in the general direction of Amnoon and eventually just disappears.


What? Was that It? Why didn't she report back to Zalumbur or one of his employees? Where was the next quest? Hmm maybe the next quest will be better.


Ah here we go, Sandsharks have been spooked and are jumping out all over the place. Hmm you have to stun them and then taken them back, whilst all the time killing enemies around them. It is timed very very tightly if you do it on your own, but can be done. So you complete it and get a little thank you from the NPC. Ok lets see what happens. Errr he goes into his house. Lets wait something might happen! Err yes I'm never going to get those minutes back that I've wasted waiting for something to happen.


Ok this seems better, we have a load of Dolyaks and they've been spooked. Got to collect them all (Pokémon... er no) - so you round them all up and errrmm no follow on.


This is Crystal Oasis, the first zone you come to, the one that should really make you go Ooo. Graphically it does (at least when the expansion isn't locking up completely but I digress and there is another thread for that) but event wise? Err no. Nothing seems joined up and that is a shame but this in my opinion is the major problem with the entire expansion.


If I were to sum it up, it feels like a glorified Living World Episode. Nothing really matters, nothing has consequences like HoT, it seems like it is on rails. The Crystal Oasis Story seems short, almost as if something was cut out of it compared to the other zones. In HoT if you failed on certain events, you didn't get further. You have to work together to get the rewards. PoF just seems very very sterile.

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I loved pretty much everything about HoT and still go back there routinely. My issues with PoF are many:


1) Lack of compelling/rewarding meta events. Compare to HoT, which at least hit one or the other. I still go back to HoT all the time just for fun! I did the TD meta twice and AB meta once today already, in fact! PoF is simply not on the same level with regard to these types of events.


2) Lack of flavor. PoF brought back repeatable hearts, which are universally awful content - but I can just skip that after doing it once. A bigger issue is the number of flavorless escorts and random one-off events. This is exactly what made core Tyria feel so uninspiring and HoT so awesome by comparison. HoT does chain events that tell a story that tells you what's going on in a localized area and how it relates to the rest of the map. This makes it more fun than "Oh no! The stupid sand shark pups are escaping! Spend 5 minutes putting them back in the pen for no reward!"


3) Rewards. Where are they? Why am I spending 10 minutes on events that give me no rares? Meanwhile, I can head over to TD and just loot without even doing events if I want to!


The one thing I think they did really well with regard to PoF events were the bounties. I LOVE champions on demand! This system alone saved PoF for me, because I honestly wouldn't be spending time there without them. Having said that, it's quite annoying that these things go on cooldown when they fail. Too often the legendaries are on cooldown because some guy who didn't know any better spawned them with no chance of completing them! Also, once again, where are the rewards? Can we at least get a once-per-boss-per-day bonus that would make it worth running these things?


I miss HoT's events when I'm in PoF. You guys just did an absolutely brilliant job with that in HoT and I am really disappointed and perplexed on why you reverted to tired core Tyria style events. This was a bad move. I hope you can fix it!

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> @"Andy.5981" said:

> The game isn't going to die any time soon.


> That said I think there are definite issues with PoF, which has been noticeable since day 1.


> Firstly the zones are massive compared to the old world and HoT zones. The amount of chatter on Map chat, unless there is someone giving directions for a Bounty Train or direct help with a specific event, is next to non-existent. This coupled with the size of the zones adds up to a perception that there isn't anyone out there.




> If I were to sum it up, it feels like a glorified Living World Episode. Nothing really matters, nothing has consequences like HoT, it seems like it is on rails. The Crystal Oasis Story seems short, almost as if something was cut out of it compared to the other zones. In HoT if you failed on certain events, you didn't get further. You have to work together to get the rewards. PoF just seems very very sterile.


This 100% this... Over all the events are just blunt, meaningless.

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I like the events, but without the rewards there are too many other things to get to in game for me to find time for them. I personally think that every meta event chain should have sufficient rewards to be competitive with other events of similar commitment and population. But I'm also a WvW player, and I've learned by now through that that there are some developers who just don't believe that all content should be similarly rewarding to lure more players in.

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Tuning the excisting meta events, yes. Bringing in some new meta events yes. Back to the Hot hamsterwheel mentality with the endless map wide events catering loot/grind addicts no. Dont confuse meta events with map wide meta events btw. Im glad LS3/Pof got back to casual friendly events which you can just hop in to. And tis nonsense that the Hot maps are always full, the oposite is true, 3 out of 4 events is deserted most of the time, or people dont have the patience to sit them out. Except you pre group with a large crowd, but thats not everyones cup of tea.

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> @"ancientoak.4258" said:

> Tuning the excisting meta events, yes. Bringing in some new meta events yes. Back to the Hot hamsterwheel mentality with the endless map wide events catering loot/grind addicts no. Dont confuse meta events with map wide meta events btw. Im glad LS3/Pof got back to casual friendly events which you can just hop in to. And tis nonsense that the Hot maps are always full, the oposite is true, 3 out of 4 events is deserted most of the time, or people dont have the patience to sit them out. Except you pre group with a large crowd, but thats not everyones cup of tea.


You're welcome to your own opinion, but not your own facts. The HoT meta events are and have always been popular enough to fill maps and complete events. If you aren't using LFG properly to get onto the right map instance, that's on you. That's just how megaserver works: Map populations rise and fall, and players move to meta maps when the time comes, leaving depleted map instances behind. You can argue that there must be a better way or that you simply don't like the way this works, but it is what it is. What is simply not true is that HoT meta events are not getting completed.

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> @"Kronos.3695" said:

> There are meta events in PoF maps, but since the rewards sucks, nobody is caring to command squads and do them.

> HoT metas worked only because a lot of collections were tied to them, not clearly for the rewards (excluding obviously the whole year of tarir multiloot).


This sums it up well. I still do HoT meta events for a lot of stuff since there’s so many rewards and collections tied to them. I only do PoF events for farming t6 mats occasionally.



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