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PoF need meta events!!!

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i am glad the meta's in PoF are not anywhere close to populated areas, that the rewards suck is pretty much global even in HoT.

PoF is my fav expansion for a reason, no more clouds of enemies blocking every single inch of the map, no more huge bosses getting in the way of normal gameplay.

keep them out, i hope the next expansion has no meta whatsoever, let us casuals have their fun, the hardcore players have enough game for them self.

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They don't need new metas, they need to revise the costs of heart vendor stuff, and better rewards overal on the existing ones:


- For starters, add a PoF version of the Hero's choice chest to Legendary bosses, either bounties or metas, 1 per day per map of PoF (just like HoT).

- Then make sure that Mosaics drop from Champion bounties as well as legendaries (in lesser amounts).

- Also increase the amount of minimum elegies on legendary bounties.

- Add brandstone sparks as rewards for metas (with a randomized amount, like elegies).


That will see a lot of people going back to PoF.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i am glad the meta's in PoF are not anywhere close to populated areas, that the rewards suck is pretty much global even in HoT.

> PoF is my fav expansion for a reason, no more clouds of enemies blocking every single inch of the map, no more huge bosses getting in the way of normal gameplay.

> keep them out, i hope the next expansion has no meta whatsoever, let us casuals have their fun, the hardcore players have enough game for them self.


Thanks for making that decision for the rest of us, bud. And may every map you go to introduce a huge meta because, let's face it, casual players have enough game for themselves.

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Weird as except for Auric Basin, I would never set foot in HoT maps unless I have to.

They're boring and unfun to me personally.


PoF feels more rewarding to me merely on the fact that I like the maps, have a bit of enjoyment getting and doing things on there.

My only issue with PoF maps is the repeatable hearts which I wish could've went away or at least stay completed unless I needed them reset for something.


Brink just very bleh to me. Daytime isn't fun and night time is usually really boring. Have to wait for so long for the bosses to happen and even then they're just meh.

Depths feels the most unrewarding of all of the HoT maps. The meta isn't fun, it doesn't really give much and the map itself is the worst thing I've seen in this game map-wise.

Dragon's Stand is at the mercy of a timer. Can't do anything there without the meta, after the meta you have to rush to see or do or get anything until the map closes or kicks you off.

I want to be able to look around and explore. Up to now, I still don't truly have Dragon's Stand memorized (I can get around fine, but don't really KNOW anywhere there) because I'm always rushing either to 100% the map or to get the Noxious Pods before those areas are closed off again. Not cool.

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First the game is not and will not die to misconception that PoF has no meta. Secondly, take a closer look at the "Event Assistant" each map has some form of meta event even if it is not in the style it was with HoT. Also take another look at the release videos for PoF (or maybe they were post release videos) the developers specifically noted the meta events for the 5 PoF maps. (edited The wiki also notes each maps meta event at the bottom of the page) While this version requires a bit more effort on the part of the players, the plus is they can be completed with either small groups or large groups and scaling is in effect =) I think PoF did infinitely better than HoT if only based on the metas. Hot Metas 7=8/10 PoF Metas 10/10!

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