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RIP Dhuum CM


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And CM got nerfed, im sorry "bug fixed". Even if it was really bugged, it was perfectly doable. Once many groups manage to kill it it should become a feature, not get nerfed in the disguise of a bug fix. If nobody managed to kill it to this day then sure it probably would require fixing, but that's not the case here.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> And CM got nerfed, im sorry "bug fixed". Even if it was really bugged, it was perfectly doable. Once many groups manage to kill it it should become a feature, not get nerfed in the disguise of a bug fix. If nobody managed to kill it to this day then sure it probably would require fixing, but that's not the case here.


Out of curiosity, which of the changes do you think is making the impact? There were a number of them and at first glance they do appear like bug fixes, not nerfs, but i'm not super knowledgeable about the CM.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Coconut.7082" said:

> > Many groups manage to kill KC despite the countless bugs, should we call them a feature too?


> Why not, but yeah cm is rip now. Sell group are already up on lfg on eu.

Seriously, why not?

Let's leave all the bugs in the game as they are and call them features, right?


I don't see anything in the patch notes that makes the CM more sell-able than before (except for the 10% bomb bug which was stated as a bug a long time ago, and was an annoyance even in normal mode).



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Its kinda sad that anet cant make encounters be this hard without something being bugged.


Doubt it was bugged in the first place, wouldn't surprise me if it was "fixed" just to please people that were constantly complaining about break bar, the same as they were complaining about black guy aoe, and oh look now he has a permanent circle on him, that makes im 10 times easier to see and avoid. .

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So, people who did Dhuum CM, with the broken bar bug, that helped them ez do this boss doesn't bother you? Or many other exploits?! But the bug things being fixed bothers you?! You did Dhuum CM regularly? Or what? Don't even get you, don't want to! I'm glad they fixed many things about the green mechanic, catching the orbs too (witch isn't 100% the best atm, sometimes the balls go trough you no matter what, you can't get them, you need to go for other ones). Now I can go and try CM, I wasn't even trying until they fixed these bugs!

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> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> So, people who did Dhuum CM, with the broken bar bug, that helped them ez do this boss doesn't bother you? Or many other exploits?! But the bug things being fixed bothers you?! You did Dhuum CM regularly? Or what? Don't even get you, don't want to! I'm glad they fixed many things about the green mechanic, catching the orbs too (witch isn't 100% the best atm, sometimes the balls go trough you no matter what, you can't get them, you need to go for other ones). Now I can go and try CM, I wasn't even trying until they fixed these bugs!


Did you even do cm? That bar was making the fight harder, since you could push, and pull black guy into your team, it's a clear nerf to make it easier for people that can't manage their skill usage and just spam everything.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Coconut.7082" said:

> > Many groups manage to kill KC despite the countless bugs, should we call them a feature too?


> Why not, but yeah cm is rip now. Sell group are already up on lfg on eu.


Our sell group ([uS]) actually put up our sell LFG before the update, we were able to sell it under the old conditions.

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Oh poor Cynn did Dhuum CM the hard way now he doesn't want people to get it done in a easier way.

Any bug should be fixed, doesn't matter if it makes the fight harder or easier. If this is how the devs want dhuum cm to work then its how it should be.


When W4 came out I did deimos CM on the 3rd week or so (don't really remember which week but was early), then after that they released the update so tears in cm don't remove aegis. I did CM with tears removing aegis but I didn't come to the forums complain when anet changed the tears to not remove aegis in CM


And btw Cynn, ppl are selling dhuum cm for like 2 weeks already.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> And CM got nerfed, im sorry "bug fixed". Even if it was really bugged, it was perfectly doable. Once many groups manage to kill it it should become a feature, not get nerfed in the disguise of a bug fix. If nobody managed to kill it to this day then sure it probably would require fixing, but that's not the case here.


Regardless of the effect of any bug, game companies will always got to significant lengths to fix them. EVERY game company. being known as a company that doesn't fix it's game bugs is a very serious and negative impact for how the customer views the care that companies address problems in the game.

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I dont think they should fix this bug at all! Sorry im joking. :) I'm still trying to get this achievement done .. I don't care about the tittle .. just want to complete this. But I need a team to play with at my play time .. being oceanic player in eu server, we play at odd time.. I hope I will get it done eventually. So far i have done ~2 tries under ~3 hours. I have managed to complete all the others wing 5 achievements at my play hours with pug so now I only need Dhuum cm to complete all .. dhuum cm requires more practice with same group of ppl and if only I can gather a group to play at my playtime. Eu peak hours is 3am for me. If I play everyday at eu peak hours.. I will lose my job in real life. I hv also tried switching to NA to seek for ppl to play with.. and na peak hours is 1pm for me, oh but I'm at work lol. >.<



Anyway --- I believe most if not all will get better with dhuum and people will eventually get this achievement done WHether the bug is fixed or not. It's just less tedious and works as intended.

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Calling these bug fixes "nerfs" is a little off as far as I am concerned. The mode is less annoying now, that is all. Most will still continue to struggle for a while even if things became a little "easier". The AoE circles, as plump of a solution as they may be, should have been there from the beginning. A high difficulty shouldn't be achieved by tedious shit such as throwing as much RNG as possible at the players or making mechanics hard to see.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Nobody becomes famous playing GW2, no reason to be upset Cynn :)


You cant blame him....You know how many hours his team spent dedicated to get this killed? Few under 10% attempts.. they tried a lot but I guess they should be very proud too having it done with annoying bugs on. :) Oh btw.. is echo stuck on wall or gate intended too?

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Nobody becomes famous playing GW2, no reason to be upset Cynn :)


> You cant blame him....You know how many hours his team spent dedicated to get this killed? Few under 10% attempts.. they tried a lot but I guess they should be very proud too having it done with annoying bugs on. :) Oh btw.. is echo stuck on wall or gate intended too?


Yes, still get stuck on the stairs, behind corners.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Nobody becomes famous playing GW2, no reason to be upset Cynn :)


> I'm not upset, but it's sad to see something properly challenging for once get nerfed so quick.


I suggest that no raid bugs should be fixed from now on to give you proper challenge, even if it means leaving progress blocking bugs on their own. I think you deserve such a challenge :)

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > It's a bug fix not a nerf. There's a difference between those two.


> It's only a bug if a dev says so. There are plenty of other enemies that lose breakbar after you cc them, please fix them then.


Actually its a bug if it is behaving in a way that does not align with what the developers were intending. But its irrelevant, difficulties of things change. I remember my group purposefully finished sammy cm right before the condi food nerf (which lowered group dps across the board). So sammy cm became more difficult after that update, then after pof it became easier because of dps creep, now the difficulty has risen again because of distortion nerf (shock wave usually hits 3 times). Difficulty is never preserved across updates.


edit: btw, not fixing bugs are how you get the current state of dungeons. Now Anet can't even read that code anymore, and has no idea what it is doing.

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