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Balance patch

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > >

> > > > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > > > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > > > > > > I think the boon convertion comment by karl is probably their intended scourge nerf.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Better not be the only one. Scourge is far too broken to just receive a small change to boon corruption.

> > > > >

> > > > > If they nerf the duration of boon convertions to condis, you probably wouldn't need to nerf anything else given that's where most of the damage is coming from.

> > > >

> > > > They need to make shade skills unusable while cced and give them an animation. Those 2 things would be more helpful right now than changing boon conversion (not a bad change but not as important as the others imo). Problem right now is you can't shut down a scourge cause if you cc them and try to cleave them out you get shade skill spammed and die to condi. Can't dodge shade skills outside of getting lucky predictions which should not be the case with a point wide aoe that kitten out condi damage and boon corruption.

> > > >

> > > > I don't think the damage needs to be touched really outside of the corruption change they are doing because with animations and such the damage would be avoidable so that counterplay alone would be enough to greatly lessen the pressure they put out.

> > >

> > > Making shades unuseable if cc'd for necros is ridiculous.

> >

> > Interested to see why you think so. Idk about you but I think the ability to put out extreme aoe pressure and also have access to cc while disabled seems a bit too strong but maybe I just have no concept of what balance is is a game.


> Shades actually would work well if was a auto hex cast on target, imagine shades working like a moving well tied to the necro, could be counter played with cant be targeted by hexes, hex removal, some stance and boon not alowing to be targeted by hexes(this is what resistance could ment), wich each one could be terminated as well, has we had enchant removals on gw1 and stance restristing skills...and stance cancels etc.


> It feels ironic why gw1 was a complex yet way easier way to balance stuff, since everything was well structured with is own effect and counter, gw2 is a huge disapointment and downgrade of it.

> Gw2 skill balance and class design is like send away good foundations when building a house and fill the terrain with water and try to build a house on a muddy terrain.. a complete disaster.


Too complex for the casual player who is only able to zug zug from point A to B...hence it can't be done

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > > > > > > > I think the boon convertion comment by karl is probably their intended scourge nerf.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Better not be the only one. Scourge is far too broken to just receive a small change to boon corruption.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If they nerf the duration of boon convertions to condis, you probably wouldn't need to nerf anything else given that's where most of the damage is coming from.

> > > > >

> > > > > They need to make shade skills unusable while cced and give them an animation. Those 2 things would be more helpful right now than changing boon conversion (not a bad change but not as important as the others imo). Problem right now is you can't shut down a scourge cause if you cc them and try to cleave them out you get shade skill spammed and die to condi. Can't dodge shade skills outside of getting lucky predictions which should not be the case with a point wide aoe that kitten out condi damage and boon corruption.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't think the damage needs to be touched really outside of the corruption change they are doing because with animations and such the damage would be avoidable so that counterplay alone would be enough to greatly lessen the pressure they put out.

> > > >

> > > > Making shades unuseable if cc'd for necros is ridiculous.

> > >

> > > Interested to see why you think so. Idk about you but I think the ability to put out extreme aoe pressure and also have access to cc while disabled seems a bit too strong but maybe I just have no concept of what balance is is a game.

> >

> > Shades actually would work well if was a auto hex cast on target, imagine shades working like a moving well tied to the necro, could be counter played with cant be targeted by hexes, hex removal, some stance and boon not alowing to be targeted by hexes(this is what resistance could ment), wich each one could be terminated as well, has we had enchant removals on gw1 and stance restristing skills...and stance cancels etc.

> >

> > It feels ironic why gw1 was a complex yet way easier way to balance stuff, since everything was well structured with is own effect and counter, gw2 is a huge disapointment and downgrade of it.

> > Gw2 skill balance and class design is like send away good foundations when building a house and fill the terrain with water and try to build a house on a muddy terrain.. a complete disaster.


> Too complex for the casual player who is only able to zug zug from point A to B...hence it can't be done


i am casual :( we are casual...

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Scourge is a completely broken idea as long as we talk about a game mode where you need to enter small circles to cap them. A class/build that is built around dashing out tons of damage on large areas of effect is pretty much the perfect class to avoid a cap of a circle. It's not like you have a choice to go elsewhere, when you need points.

Only thing you can do is make Scourges explode when someone melees them or take away 50% of the conditions their AE spells create - or make shades a kind of minion that attacks ONE target with conditions and follows them around like mesmer clones.

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Scourge is indeed low risk high reward, as mesmer, but what they must nerf to the ground in spvp are support roles ( firebrand and druid currently ).

healing coefficients should be zero or similar.


It should be possible to play on a point and be alive for minutes.

As it should be possible to have bunker which can hold a point in 1v1 with mo problems.


Toughness/healing power really need to go from necks, and some skills need to be reworked for spvp.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"vicious.5683" said:

> > Are you going to buff power Reaper? Or should I keep recommending people not playing this game?


> Power Reaper has seen multiple buffs recently.... just saying.....


The changes managed to put power Reaper in a worse position though. They have spent the last 3 patches turning power reaper into a total glass cannon, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact being a glass cannon cannot work on a melee class with no ability to stick to a target.


In order for Reaper to be viable again it needs one of two things, it needs to either have it's sustain back so that it can be a bruiser again, or it needs to be given the tools required to stick to a target.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

> > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > Assuming that all goes well and we don't have any unexpected issues, the next balance update is scheduled for February 6th.

> >

> > Are you guys going to give us any sneak peak of the Balance Patch? D:


> We are planning PvP/WvW splits, changes to the Confusion condition, regeneration effectiveness prioritization, boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!! There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!


> -Karl




anet balance team dev with Smiter's Boon icon for their avatar?


yea, i feel safe for the upcoming balance patches


especially as a mesmer watching Mimic and Well of Precognition flopping around being absolute joke picks, among others

(i get that Well of Precognition was too powerful before, but come on, current iteration is a joke, and it's on par with Smiter's Boon: too powerful at first, then nerfed into an abysmal waste of space for a spell)


taking the dev team seriously is impossible right now, why make this a further mockery by accepting a "joke" and throwing it in our faces, when it was actually pretty sad in the first place from the original Guild Wars


not trying to name call, pick on, or offend, but this is getting incredibly disheartening and if you guys can't understand our frustration, it's actually even worse than i thought

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> @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > @"vicious.5683" said:

> > Are you going to buff power Reaper? Or should I keep recommending people not playing this game?


> "ya dude, don't play this game. they haven't buffed power reaper"


> Interesting.


More like, "ya dude, don't play this game. Balance team is clueless 90% of the time, and they are slow AF to implement necessary changes."


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> @"Alpha.1308" said:

> not trying to name call, pick on, or offend, but this is getting incredibly disheartening and if you guys can't understand our frustration, it's actually even worse than i thought


This, so much. I appreaciate any bit of communication we get, but the tone really comes off as if the balance team was having a lot of fun.. well, we don't. PvP is a dumpsterfire since PoF, anyone I knew who was still holding on already gave up a month ago. It's an insufferable, garbage balance state, and their tone doesn't really convey that they understand how people feel. They are just having fun internally, messing around with some numbers, quite possibly making things even stronger..


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> @"vicious.5683" said:

> More like, "ya dude, don't play this game. Balance team is clueless 90% of the time, and they are slow AF to implement necessary changes."



literally this

F2P games have many more balance updates, and much more frequently than this game


are they perfectly balanced?

no, not at all

but at least they keep the players attention, and they're actually trying stuff out, and keeping us in the loop of it


inb4 "quality over quantity"

yet, if you look at the "quantity" of the few meta picks, whether that be pve or pvp, there is no "quality"

and "off meta" is a joke in this game, other games being "off meta" you'd get "slightly" less effectiveness, this game is leagues different between the two


> @"witcher.3197" said:

> This, so much. I appreaciate any bit of communication we get, but the tone really comes off as if the balance team was having a lot of fun.. well, we don't. PvP is a dumpsterfire since PoF, anyone I knew who was still holding on already gave up a month ago. It's an insufferable, garbage balance state, and their tone doesn't really convey that they understand how people feel. They are just having fun internally, messing around with some numbers, quite possibly making things even stronger..




the power creep in this game is despicable, you can't suggest that you won't make e-specs direct upgrades, and then make e-specs direct upgrades


nothing is entertaining to watch, to play as, or to play against


it's sad that they thought they actually had a grasp on e-sports, but they went and tried to halt pvp balance to ice berg speed, as if that's really how they'd progress their game in that area


this game could have been so good, possibly even in e-sport level, if they tried hard enough, or at least a much larger WvWvW playerbase and actual enjoyable mass fights there, there's not many good games with large scale fighting like that, this game almost had it, and they just..... left it in the dust.....


they just didn't care, didn't try, didn't something, not sure exactly, but it went horribly wrong somewhere, and this super hard e-Bone for not wanting to split pvp and pve and leaving WvW in the middle of the two is also a horrifying downfall to that

(among many other mechanical errors for e-sports material, such as too much RNG in effects and traits, etc, but, you know, another story)

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > >boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!!

> > > Don't forget about Reaper's already pathetic defense, when you nerf Might->Weakness corruption duration!

> >

> > Why nerf Scourge when you can ignore Scourge and nerf core necro instead? 10/10 change

> >

> > Boon conversion table was never a issue before Scourge happened.

> >

> >

> Well, the greatest strengths of a scourge come from core necro. Scourge on it's own only applies 3 conditions. With scepter that goes to 4, with core traits it goes to **all** because of the corruption table.

> They weren't such a big "issue" because boon corruption didn't have synergy with reaper, it does with scourge. But they were there, and a lot of them worked just as well.

> I don't think they should change the table either, but some stuff like weakness is a bit too strong atm.


All a scourge does now is fear and push a circle at the player. This can be instant death if all clears and resistance are used up. In pvp, scourge bubbles overlap the points and players try to fight on point. If there are 2 scourge, then there is no clearing it without 3 or more people. Scourge has so much toughness, and the circles have a radius almost too wide for a warrior to throw and hit with an axe while remaining condi clean. It is not the scourge by itself, but when there are 2 together, or one with a toughness guard, then they get huge advantage. If one side has a bunker, and the other does not, the one with the bunker is the winner.

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OK.. One thing at a time:

1) Well, to fear you, most of the times a scourge will have to already have a circle on you, or you have to be on top of him. Because except for staff marks, there's only a fear in the shade skills.

2) Indeed if you're squishy and stand still for long enough you'll get destroyed.

3) Scourge "bubble" is it's elite skill. It's kinda nice, but as far as elites go, not that gamebreaking.

4) If you mean Shades, yeah, i've argued a lot of times that there should be a counterplay to shades. Either a passive counterplay like an activation time, or icd for Manifest Shade's "passive" effect, or better yet active counters like making them targetable with a break bar that dissipates the shade, or a aoe that stays on the ground for like 10 seconds that prevents shades from being recast on it.

5) Meta build scourges (which usually are the ones that'll hurt you) don't have any more toughness than any other class.

6) Welcome to GuildWars post expansion release. If you don't like bunkers now, you should have seen them ~2 years ago.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> @"ToPNoP.2493"

> OK.. One thing at a time:

> 1) Well, to fear you, most of the times a scourge will have to already have a circle on you, or you have to be on top of him. Because except for staff marks, there's only a fear in the shade skills.

> 2) Indeed if you're squishy and stand still for long enough you'll get destroyed.

> 3) Scourge "bubble" is it's elite skill. It's kinda nice, but as far as elites go, not that gamebreaking.

> 4) If you mean Shades, yeah, i've argued a lot of times that there should be a counterplay to shades. Either a passive counterplay like an activation time, or icd for Manifest Shade's "passive" effect, or better yet active counters like making them targetable with a break bar that dissipates the shade, or a aoe that stays on the ground for like 10 seconds that prevents shades from being recast on it.

> 5) **Meta build scourges (which usually are the ones that'll hurt you) don't have any more toughness than any other class.**

> 6) **Welcome to GuildWars post expansion release. If you don't like bunkers now, you should have seen them ~2 years ago.**


Metabattle scourges runs either Deadshot Amulet or Sage's Amulet and neither have toughness, which makes scourges open to bursts. Not really though because you have to time out your dodges very carefully when you have fury since everything necros do corrupt boons and you don't wanna have +10secs of Weakness on you to utterly nullify your bursts.

I remember very well that time when tempests ruled unchallenged with their supreme bunker status. Being unkillable by condis was a real thing since Diamond Skin was an OP trait and toughness amulets were still around. Very broken. It was far more powerful than Firebrands. At least you can burst out firebrands, as long as you time your rotations well. They don't have good disengage skills and invulnerability skills, despite being aegis spammers. The old healer diamond skin tempest was a monster, I doubt that holosmith would kill it in a 1v1, sad it is a thing of the past, I'd love to watch the duel.


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Realistically, things aren't going to get better balance wise until they have a pvp balance team that can do balance changes on their own schedule completely separated from the pve side of the game.


And yet with how old the game is at this point, there is a possibility they will never be able to do this.

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