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Necro needs movement skills tied to weapons


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Yes. The general idea has been that AN hasn't given necromancers movement skills, or in vulnerabilities because we had shroud. Then they took away shroud, and gave us barrier and more mediocre movement skills. Meanwhile base and reapers shroud keeps getting nerfed for damage while still giving no movement skills or in vulnerabilities. Just seems a bit unfair. Sure damage for reaper was buffed, but still not at a level thats meta, while nerfing surviviability. Scourge is a constant target of nerfs, while still having nothing but barrier (which has been up and down with the patches) without movement or survivibility skills.

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Id rather the secondary ability of flesh wurm become a teleport for the minion itself so it can be repositioned in combat. Meanwhile giving necromancers a skill like lightning flash. Click on a target area, turn into a cloud of locusts (similiar to how plague looked before it was changed), move to the area and then reform. Being unable to be damaged while transformed.

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> Id rather the secondary ability of flesh wurm become a teleport for the minion itself so it can be repositioned in combat. Meanwhile giving necromancers a skill like lightning flash. Click on a target area, turn into a cloud of locusts (similiar to how plague looked before it was changed), move to the area and then reform. Being unable to be damaged while transformed.


They could make a spectral elite like that, or just change Spectral Walk to that, and move the Swiftness to the trait.

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They could change so many things in our view that we would almost lose sight of reality...


Anet have a very strict design for the necromancer. It can't have this, it can't have that and can only do what he can do even with new layers of e-spec added successively. The necromancer's thematic is a theme that inspire a lot anet but the shackle they put on it are more frustrating than anything for the players.


Let's be honest, the necromancer, whatever it's spec have the possibility to take up to 4 movement skills that can almost instantly move him from one point to another. If you were in anet's shoes would you really think that it's not enough? Would you take seriously the complaints?


- Spectral walk

- wurm

- March of undeath

- dark path (core)

- death charge (reaper)

- Sand swell (scourge)


Those skills are our mobility skills. Yes they are incredibly user unfriendly. Yes they limit our mobility probably as much as possible. But they are what anet think fit the necromancer thematic when it come to mobility.


Being able to equip 4 movement skills at once is already more than what most other professions can do. It's a shame that they feel so bad to use, have awfull cool down or are gated behind life force but... We got them.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > Id rather the secondary ability of flesh wurm become a teleport for the minion itself so it can be repositioned in combat. Meanwhile giving necromancers a skill like lightning flash. Click on a target area, turn into a cloud of locusts (similiar to how plague looked before it was changed), move to the area and then reform. Being unable to be damaged while transformed.


> They could make a spectral elite like that, or just change Spectral Walk to that, and move the Swiftness to the trait.


an interesting thought, but we already have a spectral elite. lich form.

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> @"Zackie.8923" said:

> give the greatsword a teleport. how cool would reaper be able to teleport beside you? like death!


You mean something like this amazing, and helpful, suggestion?


> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> New GS description… Fast attacks, like Reaper Shroud skills (when traited), with moderate damage. Your Necromancer will no longer be crappy in melee because we have finally made useful skirmishing and position skills . Enemies will no longer laugh when they catch you running outside of your zerg because you will be able to fight back now. (Reaper specialization only)


> GS 1- Speed up the attacks. Like for real. 1 second chill to balance out the increased attack speed.


> GS 2- 600 leap attack. No, not a reticle aiming skill. Ty.


> GS 3- Death Spiral… You become a kick kitten drill of dark energy with your blade and dash forward to drill the crap out of enemies. This drilling rends the armor of foes in front of you. 600 dash range.


> GS 4- Nightfall… Teleport to your target and call down a growing column of shadows that damages and applies conditions on foes per pulse. 900 teleport range that uses a ground targeting reticle.


> GS 5- All good


> *Change the weapon to do moderate damage to balance out these cool new features.


> Thank you for reading these amazing suggestions!


> Edit- And for all the naysayers... go to wvw and run around with your “no, the greatsword is so good” build and watch yourself get torn apart by all the people with better mobility and kiting capability.


> GS reaper is nothing but a sack of health with a stick in wvw... I don’t care what the dps numbers are on stationary bosses in pve, I care about having a competitive melee weapon in wvw, not get stuck running ranged condi 24/7.



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Like others said, it’s all gotta be thematic for some damn reason, oh and necro can’t have mobility because it’s tanky.


Honestly I think it’d be ok if our pull skills instead teleported our enemies to us so they’d quit getting caught on the damn terrain. Make it count as a hard CC so then you can have stability stop it from happening. Our attacks have long enough wind ups anyway to let something like this happen.

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I certainly agree we could use some more movement. Rather than reworking a whole weapon, which I cannot see Anet doing. How about revamp one skill on an offhand weapon for movement ? Just some examples, obviously not all of them.


Focus - Reapers Touch: Send yourself in spirit form to target, target foe teleport to that foe and causes vulnerability, target friendly and teleport to friendly causing regeneration.

Warhorn - Wail of Doom: Send yourself to target in wraith form causing target to become disoriented/dazed.

Dagger offhand - Deathly Swarm: send yourself in a deathly swarm flying to target and blinding them.

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How about:

Lich form removed from the game. The necromancer now have a new elite skill:

_Spectral leap_: Port you to a targeted location, cast 1/2. After porting, you are spectral attuned for 4s, granting you 2% life force each time a foe hit you (ICD 1s). 3 charges, cool down per charge 60 seconds. Range 900.


This make spectral mastery pretty good, give us some much needed mobility and allow us to get rid of lich form...

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It doesn't even need massive mobility. It just needs to be able to stand its ground if it can't catch up. Shroud skills are a great way to do this since the specs affect gameplay across the board. Coming from the thief perspective where mobility comes down solely to weapon skills: this is really bad. The same weapons are only ever the ones used. The lesser kits just perpetually suck in comparison and only nassive powercreep can change that. Necros in terms of kit diversity are amazing right now. Everything is comparably good, unlike the thief where you have kits like d/d, p/d and s/p and to some extent p/p that are generally regarded as terrible, except d/d in raid dps settings.


Make core necro a little more mobile in its teleport.


Make reaper actually be a persistent threat in its melee range that can't just be kited instantly out of its life force and then killed (i.e., give it huge lf gains and lower shroud entry cooldown to soak damage as needed).


Make scourge largely immobile while providing great zoning and area denial.


Then you can switch weapons to tweak your kit to provide some overlap.


Mobility powercreep is already a huge problem in the game. Other specs need to be toned down. It's just necro's specs need identities and means to execute on them.


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I agree with ANet that Necros should have a hard time escaping a bad situation. I do not agree with them that Necros should be unable to stop foes from fleeing.


While Necromancers do need more gap closing ability, this should be of a form that doesn't work (either well, or at all) as an escape. To-target leaps and teleports are good. Pulls are good (in theory, in practice they're not reliable enough). I wouldn't mind seeing some pulls get changed to be a knockdown+teleport.

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> @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

> Sword - has a movement skill for every profession that uses it, leap, jump, blink, shadowstep etc..

> otherwise choices are abundant. I like several suggestions given in this thread but realistically which would Anet most likely do ?


Realistically anet will do nothing to improve the necromancer's mobility because it's part of the kit that they call "necromancer's design". Our best bet would be a new e-spec designed specifically around mobility and most likely anet would try as much as possible not to give it instant ports. Look the idea up to now have been that the necromancer's mobility is to deprive other profession from their own mobility. Anet's dev just can't bring themself to give the necromancer something simple that reduce the gap between him and other professions.


Anet's ideal is that the necromancer do not bring himself up to others level, he bring others down to it's level. The necromancer do not chase other, he keep others close to him. The necromancer do not improve it's survivability, he reduce other's offense.The necromancer do not cleanse condition, he consume them or send them back... It's a very narrow and stupid design but as much as possible anet try to keep treading this path.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> They could change so many things in our view that we would almost lose sight of reality...


> Anet have a very strict design for the necromancer. It can't have this, it can't have that and can only do what he can do even with new layers of e-spec added successively. The necromancer's thematic is a theme that inspire a lot anet but the shackle they put on it are more frustrating than anything for the players.


> Let's be honest, the necromancer, whatever it's spec have the possibility to take up to 4 movement skills that can almost instantly move him from one point to another. If you were in anet's shoes would you really think that it's not enough? Would you take seriously the complaints?


> - Spectral walk

> - wurm

> - March of undeath

> - dark path (core)

> - death charge (reaper)

> - Sand swell (scourge)


> Those skills are our mobility skills. Yes they are incredibly user unfriendly. Yes they limit our mobility probably as much as possible. But they are what anet think fit the necromancer thematic when it come to mobility.


> Being able to equip 4 movement skills at once is already more than what most other professions can do. It's a shame that they feel so bad to use, have awfull cool down or are gated behind life force but... We got them.


Good explanation. Bottom line ... there is no way Anet will ever ignore the theme of a class when considering it's 'stuff'. SO many people ignore that.


My bet ... necro 'mobility' can only improve with 'at distance' or 'projection' effects, and nothing for the current specs either ... would need to be a new e spec.

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