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Achievements impossible to complete after some time

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I like to complete achievements. However, sometimes I am too busy to do so right after new achiements are released.

The problem is that some achievements became impossible to solo after 1 or 2 weeks of the release since nobody in the game do the group event. For instance, "nap time" in Desert Highlands. I have been looking for group to complete this one for weeks, but nobody is interested.

It would be interesting for many players that Anet do not put achievements behind group events that will be "dead" after one or two weeks. The same can be said for collections or legendary weapons that need "dead" group events.

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It can be a bit challenging to pick up achievements after the initial rush has faded, but it's usually not impossible. I worked on half a dozen group events in PoF last night with a combination of calling out in map chat and using the LFG tool. Things that can help:


- Tagging up. A mentor or commander tag is easy to spot on the map. People are more likely to go to an event they can find.

- Offering a trade. One of the events I needed last night got completed when my map chat call was answered with "Help me with this bounty, and I'll help you with the djinn." There's a small risk that they'll bail, because there's always a few bad apples, but for the most part, the GW2 community is pretty good about such cooperative efforts.

- Use the LFG tool if you've only been using map chat. If listing it under the map in the Open World section doesn't work, try listing it under the Achievements section with "PoF-3AP" somewhere in your listing.

- Post in the Players Helping Players subforum with whether you're NA or EU, what time zone/time of day you usually play, and a request for help with the particular event.

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That's the problem with achievements that require a group cooperation to complete. **Personal** achievements shouldn't require others to complete.

And yes, it sucks, and i hope they don't take 2 years to solve the issue of PoF being kinda dead, and add some proper rewards and incentives to play those maps. (I mentioned two years, because that's pretty much how long they took to make HoT hero challenges "repeatable" as an incentive for people to help each other to complete them, although the community was already doing that, extra incentives are worth it!)

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Verdant Brink - Ongoing Defense is the only remaining achievement I have for VB to this day. It's not exactly a group event, but runs simultaneously with another event for Ordanence Corps outpost which people will always do instead. I found I couldn't solo OD after wave 3 and tried it once with another person and we still couldn't hold it. To the best of my knowledge it was a dead event 2 months after HOT introduction and it really only needs 3-5 people to do, but just takes too long to spawn and other things going on grab people's attention.

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> @"Coelho Nat.4697" said:

> I like to complete achievements. However, sometimes I am too busy to do so right after new achiements are released.

Sure, that happens with a lot of players. The largest single group of players does as many chieves as possible as soon after content is released, but the majority of players finishes them later.


> The problem is that some achievements became impossible to solo after 1 or 2 weeks of the release since nobody in the game do the group event.

I can't agree with your phrasing. First, these are group events; they aren't meant to be soloed. (Plus, it's an MMO; soloing shouldn't be taken as a given for every achievement.) Second, there are always people who haven't done any particular achievement.


> For instance, "nap time" in Desert Highlands. I have been looking for group to complete this one for weeks, but nobody is interested.

You might have trouble finding people, but it's not true that "nobody is interested."


I got that achievement during Wintersday (just a few weeks ago). Someone in /map called out that it was up and asked for help. By the time I got out of combat to mount up and rush there, there were about half a dozen helping out.


> It would be interesting for many players that Anet do not put achievements behind group events that will be "dead" after one or two weeks. The same can be said for collections or legendary weapons that need "dead" group events.

I still can't agree that this is a general problem for the game. There might be a few such events, but there are always going to be new players, always going to be veterans who don't yet have this or that completed or unlocked.


As another example, I finally got the Quaggan escort achievement from Lake Doric this month, after having tried (and failed) to get it right after launch. Arguably it was easier because with only 5 of us, the mobs weren't scaled up as much


tl;dr there are always folks who want to do various achievements. It might be challenging to find them at exactly the same time you want to do the event(s), but they are there. Use /lfg, /map, and even the Player Helping Players folder in these very forums.

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PoF is certainly suffering more than it should be at such an early stage of it's life compared to how bustling HoT is. There is no doubt players exist in the maps, but they are often just a few roamers or dedicated groups for a bounty or griffon quest. I've tried tagging up for the Vabbi Forged meta multiple times, but I have yet to even find 1 taker for it so far. I appreciate not everyone wants to do all content, but group content should never feel abandoned. HoT in comparison along with LS3 just feels alive with activity and chatter. I was in Doric and was constantly seeing big numbers of people joining every event going and at pretty much any point of the day. PoF I am genuinely struggling to find and gather players to do various group content outside of bounties.

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I can easily get the defense of Tarir achievements done because it always seems to have people doing them. My problem has been with the coalescence achievements. I honestly believe that there is one kitten of a difference between them and it's this. Loot. If all of them gave loot the way DoT does? I'd still find groups doing them, instead of making a group in lfg and then giving up after 30 minutes.


Edit: Or add them onto the daily roster. Complete the ley line event in gendarran fields, etc.

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I think these kind of achievements are completely fine. Its literally one of very very few things to very slightly organize a little party for in the open world.


And yeah, it might feel like a bother in comparison to mindlessly zerging pressing 1 and doing autoattacks. But really. Not dead and not impossible.


LFg works here Guild works here Map chat, or even your friendslist helps if you actually know how to ask for a helping hand.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Verdant Brink - Ongoing Defense is the only remaining achievement I have for VB to this day. It's not exactly a group event, but runs simultaneously with another event for Ordanence Corps outpost which people will always do instead. I found I couldn't solo OD after wave 3 and tried it once with another person and we still couldn't hold it. To the best of my knowledge it was a dead event 2 months after HOT introduction and it really only needs 3-5 people to do, but just takes too long to spawn and other things going on grab people's attention.


Now you've challenged me, this one I still haven't done either....though that was a while ago before PoF came out and I almost never go back to HoT maps(except when it's part of a daily)....I've done the event before, just not the 3rd wave(there are only 3 waves) due to death...think that problem is now solved.

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I am not critizing the fact of achievements depend on group events. I am pointing out the ones that depend on group events that will surely "die" because nobody will do them after the 1st week.

An achievement/collection that I have seen lot of players complaining is the Serpent´s Ire. It is necessary a huge group and some coordenation to kill it, but it is hard to find a organized map with a minimal chance of being successful. Fortunatelly, I am done with this one, so I will not come back since the reward is too low for the amount of time you spend. In my opinion, Anet should make:

1 - the reward more attractive, so the event would not die (e.g. Tequatl).

2 - do not put achievements/collection behind group events that are unattractive since everybody will ignore it after some time (e.g. kill the champ in Southsun Cove in the mid of nowhere in order to complete Chuka and Champawat).

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In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.


I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.


> I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.


Try doing "No Fly Zone" nowadays...

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> In my experience there is no such thing as "impossible" achievements. Not as braindead-easy as when the ap hunters are out and about in the early days of content, but I have yet to find an achievement that is really impossible.


> I don't like playing new content right away, as there are too many people around for my taste and you don't really get to explore and experience everything there is in a new map/event/story/whatever when there's a zerg steamrolling any kind of npc resistance, so I don't bother looking at achievements until some time into the content. Yet I stumble upon achievements months (and years) after they've been introduced without even trying for them, and have a pretty good number of them done in all areas of the game (to the amount of 28k+ ap on my main account) just by casually playing.


I believe they meant impossible that there’s never a LFG for the achievement anymore, nobody on the map comes to help, and posting their own LFG doesn’t work. The “impossible” designation coming from being unable to gather the minimum number of players to succeed rather than the achievement itself being impossible.


I realized this early on during LS1 and make it a habit to do all of the group oriented achievements the first night followed by anything that’s typically easier to do when there’s a lot of other players.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> This is how the game has been for a while and looks like they want the game to run this way. Swarming content at the release and moving on to old farms or new release. It's sad how bad they are at this.


Its sad how bad players are at using the numerous tools available to them. Its unrealistic to expect that every piece of content has a constant amount of people waiting for a player to do some random achievement with them.



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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > This is how the game has been for a while and looks like they want the game to run this way. Swarming content at the release and moving on to old farms or new release. It's sad how bad they are at this.


> Its sad how bad players are at using the numerous tools available to them. Its unrealistic to expect that every piece of content has a constant amount of people waiting for a player to do some random achievement with them.




Considering the game is always presented as you can take a break and go back any time without losing anything, it's fair that players expect they don't need to follow the swarm to get what they want. But again, this is a problem at a design level, which anet is very bad at.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > This is how the game has been for a while and looks like they want the game to run this way. Swarming content at the release and moving on to old farms or new release. It's sad how bad they are at this.

> >

> > Its sad how bad players are at using the numerous tools available to them. Its unrealistic to expect that every piece of content has a constant amount of people waiting for a player to do some random achievement with them.

> >

> Considering the game is always presented as you can take a break and go back any time without losing anything, it's fair that players expect they don't need to follow the swarm to get what they want. But again, this is a problem at a design level, which anet is very bad


It has very little to with design and much more with the players being not even remotely capable of organizing a group of 5 players because they are too used to a swarm of players.


Most achievements are completely possible without a swarm, but a large part of the community has falsely convinced themselves, since before HoT really, that you need a swarm of players for everything.


No amount of good design is going to get rid of that conviction other than making all the achievements so easy that they basically are a guarantee when simply doing the events.



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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > This is how the game has been for a while and looks like they want the game to run this way. Swarming content at the release and moving on to old farms or new release. It's sad how bad they are at this.

> > >

> > > Its sad how bad players are at using the numerous tools available to them. Its unrealistic to expect that every piece of content has a constant amount of people waiting for a player to do some random achievement with them.

> > >

> > Considering the game is always presented as you can take a break and go back any time without losing anything, it's fair that players expect they don't need to follow the swarm to get what they want. But again, this is a problem at a design level, which anet is very bad


> It has very little to with design and much more with the players being not even remotely capable of organizing a group of 5 players because they are too used to a swarm of players.


> Most achievements are completely possible without a swarm, but a large part of the community has falsely convinced themselves, since before HoT really, that you need a swarm of players for everything.


> No amount of good design is going to get rid of that conviction other than making all the achievements so easy that they basically are a guarantee when simply doing the events.




You can make achievements based on things that do not require organisation or big group of players.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > This is how the game has been for a while and looks like they want the game to run this way. Swarming content at the release and moving on to old farms or new release. It's sad how bad they are at this.

> > > >

> > > > Its sad how bad players are at using the numerous tools available to them. Its unrealistic to expect that every piece of content has a constant amount of people waiting for a player to do some random achievement with them.

> > > >

> > > Considering the game is always presented as you can take a break and go back any time without losing anything, it's fair that players expect they don't need to follow the swarm to get what they want. But again, this is a problem at a design level, which anet is very bad

> >

> > It has very little to with design and much more with the players being not even remotely capable of organizing a group of 5 players because they are too used to a swarm of players.

> >

> > Most achievements are completely possible without a swarm, but a large part of the community has falsely convinced themselves, since before HoT really, that you need a swarm of players for everything.

> >

> > No amount of good design is going to get rid of that conviction other than making all the achievements so easy that they basically are a guarantee when simply doing the events.

> >

> >


> You can make achievements based on things that do not require organisation or big group of players.


Well, some people like to "organize" a big group or maybe just 5 people for achievements. (like Fractals, dungeons, PvP or WvW and group events)




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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > This is how the game has been for a while and looks like they want the game to run this way. Swarming content at the release and moving on to old farms or new release. It's sad how bad they are at this.

> > > > >

> > > > > Its sad how bad players are at using the numerous tools available to them. Its unrealistic to expect that every piece of content has a constant amount of people waiting for a player to do some random achievement with them.

> > > > >

> > > > Considering the game is always presented as you can take a break and go back any time without losing anything, it's fair that players expect they don't need to follow the swarm to get what they want. But again, this is a problem at a design level, which anet is very bad

> > >

> > > It has very little to with design and much more with the players being not even remotely capable of organizing a group of 5 players because they are too used to a swarm of players.

> > >

> > > Most achievements are completely possible without a swarm, but a large part of the community has falsely convinced themselves, since before HoT really, that you need a swarm of players for everything.

> > >

> > > No amount of good design is going to get rid of that conviction other than making all the achievements so easy that they basically are a guarantee when simply doing the events.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > You can make achievements based on things that do not require organisation or big group of players.


> Well, some people like to "organize" a big group or maybe just 5 people for achievements. (like Fractals, dungeons, PvP or WvW and group events)





Nothing stops them doing so. Now try completing anomaly achievs without a zerg. Or some Shatterer stuff. Or even many of PoF achieves that people already have difficulties to complete and expansion is not even half year old. These are serious desing mistakes they keep repeating. I learned some time ago the best way to play GW2 is rush everything then leave until next big patch hits.

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