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Underwater Mounts???? - (insert suggestions in here)

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Well, if it would be something for an upcoming LS chapter I suppose it would work if the story took us to an under water city. The trick is mostly in what the mount should have as specialty moves. I mean the big rabbit jumps so you can clear terrain more easily, the raptor can make big forward jumps and the skimmer can be used on water and even be mounted from water, etc.


So for an under water mount, what would work? Well, perhaps this under water city is in ruins and has some dangerous parts to it to cross through.


So what you'd need is a move that allows you to clear debris. To make it different from roller beetles smashing through walls, this effect would be clearing debris by motion, so perhaps a bit of an underwater whirlwind effect that pushes debris aside. That would be the skill that dismounts you as well and it would do some damage to enemies present.


Then the movement skill on endurance will be a burst speed boost to clear a short distance very quickly. This will be in the direction of movement chosen, so also for up and down movement which I think will be of great benefit in any under water place. For story purposes the under water city will have some passages that are very toxic or harmful in some way that you can only survive passing through at burst speed or they will kill you.


Then a higher ranking can be used to use the whirwind effect to uncover lost treasures that are stuck in coral for example. And the next rank would give you and nearby allies a speed boost to swimming for a short while.


So basically for the masteries:

Rank 1: Use of mount and gain whirlwind

Rank 2: Gain speed burst with immunity to "toxic" effects

Rank 3: Gain uncover treasures with whirlwind

Rank 4: Gain speed boost after using whirlwind

Rank 5: Gain general damage immunity while using speed burst


All in all a manta ray inspired mount would be coolest for that in my view.


That'd be my suggestion in any case.

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I don't think we need UW mounts, basically because there is almost no UW content in game. Because of that, we would hardly ever use an UW mount.


On the other hand, I think that it would be interesting to change 1 of the Skimmer's abilities to make it able to dive UW. Something like a switch to toggle the surface/UW modes.

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I posted a comment before (see below) about this. A dolphin is already in fractals and has mechanics in place which would be cool. A jellyfish as well can have cool mechanics and masteries. But, I'm still gonna go with kracken/squid unless there's a karka involved (lol). Riding on an enraged-Deep-Sea-Dragon enhanced Quaggan that looks like an oversized angler fish is also tempting. Anyways, here's the original comment for an undersea expansion.....


"I am probably the only one to agree with deep sea exploration as I can see some mechanics come into play. Being this a DEEP sea expansion, the normal breathing aparatus just won't cut it and deep sea offers another challenge. Darkness. How about a mechanic where the pc has to go inside a "jellyfish" which both helps the player with deep sea pressure, breathing and illuminates underwater. It would help sea exploration but offers another challenge......light attracts Sea Devils/Anglers. And I mean huge anglers....no I mean...."is that a quaggan beacon or......omg! An angler boss that take most of the screen and can stun the pc soloing. Luckily, the new "Kraken" squid mount comes in. Three new masteries for the group to aid the unlucky primary player (like where noone wants to be the primary in Be My Guest/fire trap scenario) The 1)charge attack with its spear head knocks back enemies 2) ink blast blinds foes attacking the primary and 3) Jade Maw's embrace holds enemies in place like the Rangers elite bind skill. Largos outfits & story quaggan birthplace and Bubbles! Underwater cities like Atlantis, Shangri-La & "Utopia" (see what I did there?) with airdome included for normal land based play. Name the game Finding Utopia (place your finding nemo reference here), slap an anet dragon label on it and call it a day."

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> Let me add this question for those players that are willing to have another mount, an UW one:

> How many times (maybe per year) do you think you would have a chance to use it? In other words, how many seconds per day do you spend in UW areas?


I spend a lot of time UW when ever I can in frost gorge, Orr, etc farming mobs UW.

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  • 5 months later...

I am all for a single underwater mount. Having searched this thread I see that there is a lot of interest as well. SO as a suggestion:


In real life they are pretty much unremarkable so their abilities aren't going to be predetermined by what they normally do. Being as underwater combat has been buffed and the game is kind of moving away from underwater content, it could be an "all in one" beast. It is already a griffon since it is in a 3d environment. It could teleport half the distance of a Jackal, any direction, when you do a dodge (dbl tap w,a,s,d) mounted. It could do the Raptor tail sweep entering melee. If you are at the surface it could be used to jump straight up out of the water 1/4 the distance of the springer, but only straight up (no leaning) so the vault can be used. Let it travel somewhere between the speed of a skimmer and roller beetle. Finally it could camouflage (turn invisible) by pressing C as long as not moving or press V to spew ink and do half a raptor jump in a random direction.


With all these cool features it should also have limitations. almost no Health. fast in a straight line with skimmer acceleration but if even a slight turn you drop to character walk speed/maneuverability instantly (but doesn't suffer maneuvering issues like other mounts). Chatty among other seahorses so cannot camouflage in line of sight of another seahorse. If another seahorse passes by, the invisible one will call to the passing one, blowing it's cover. Dodge uses half energy, ink uses half bar unless you include a trap-like stack of confusion in the ink cloud... then a full bar.


I am suggesting this from the point of view that we only need one underwater mount in the game so creature model should be grand , Emotes are plentiful (maybe even player trainable like dog) generally, more features but slightly less useful. Only real advantage is to travel distance underwater fast.



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Since the Under Water fights are not so glorius Atm...


What about some Giant Mounts that, except the drivers, can take a bunch of players that can freely roam on their backs, covered by a sort of bubble, attracting every near enemies inside.

And the Drivers can also use some of their mounts skills to affect the area, since they can't dismount until there are no enemies inside or maybe, the ennemies destroy the bubble generator (whut), so it's not worthy to use these mounts if there are no allies inside to protect it.


![](https://i.imgur.com/9uKoksz.jpg "")


Ok it's time for me to take my Bloodstone meds, bbye ! :D




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  • 7 months later...

Okay, but consider this.

In Auqaman the Atlantian's had Water Dragons who looked like a cross hybrid between a Sea Horse and a Dragon. So, in GW2 lore there already exists a Deep sea dragon which is un-named but what if its thralls where Water Dragons, and we raised one from its infancy similar to the SkyScale.. just not as intense or in depth.. The Skyscale was hard enough as it was we dont need a SkyScale Achievement 2.0.

It would also give the devs an Ocean to unlock for us to explore more indepth. Possibly have to face the Deep Sea Dragon too as part of that expansion/story.

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i've had some time to think about a jellyfish mount that you actually don't touch at all...it swims around you really fast and creates a vacuum allowing you to swim at unbelievable speeds (using the dodge bar) maybe it has a natural defence by poisoning near by enemies/use skill 1 either way, sadly we wont be getting any sign of under water mounts in the near future unless jormag is willing to lend us some frozen fish ;)

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> @"HtFde.3856" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > I'm thinking a tiger-shark, but preferably a fantasy marine creature and not something an obvious normal shark or dolphin


> Would you like to ride it, or drive from the inside? ^^


I'd like not to be eaten by whatever mount they come up with, no

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