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Do Heart of Thorns adventures need an update?


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I think they are fine the way they are, I currently have gold in most adventures despite beeing terrible at most minigames like those. The way I managed to achieve gold was that I've spent some time practicing until I got it. Since you really don't HAVE to get Gold for anything I don't really see a problem anywhere. As I've said, I have not yet gotten gold in every adventure but I know that I could if I spend enough time practicing. And I'm pretty sure that applies to every single player in GW2 - so no, I don't think there is anything wrong with the adventures, they are a small, sometimes fun, little adventure that awards those that like to invest some extra time but even if you don't you will most likely get Silver which is enough for the "useful" rewards.

And on the note of Solo Content, when do we get Queens Gauntlet back? I hope it's gonna be more challenging next time because that was my favorite activity in GW2 so far. (Or rather that entire season with Scarlets War, the entire build up prior to that and the aftermath pre HoT)

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > You should have included a fourth option....I don't care about Adventures and never play them.


> That was the option I was looking for. I only did them to get mastery points, and if a collection for a legendary weapon required it. There are "adventures" I've never even started. Yesterday I did the drone race with my second account because I can use the mastery points and it was daily. I got my points and will never visit it again.


> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I dont think they need any changes. Getting the gold tier should be very challenging and take a few hours of practice.

> >

> > > @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> > > Hey Lonami,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the post and the data. I'm aiming to make some changes to smooth out some of the frustration points in Adventures, and this is a good glimpse into some places that might need some work.

> > >

> > > I'll update this thread with updates as they become available.

> > >

> > > b.

> >

> > I am very disappointed to hear this.

> > What is the point in having 3 tiers if even gold is usually done on first try (was the case for me on PoF adventures)

> > Just make one achievement called "beat the adventure" if you want everything to be faceroll easy


> He didn't say he'll make the changes OP asks for. Maybe he makes the adventures that you can get gold in with the first attempt harder, so they are more in line with the others ^^

The nerf is already confirmed on reddit.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> Guild Rushes could be transformed into racing adventures somewhat easily. Then add adventures to the guild missions rotation, and you have a lot of new content with barely any development effort. A really good solution for two game modes that are struggling now.


Probably easier said than done. I think the two are different enough that they'd need remaking from the ground up.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I dont think they need any changes. Getting the gold tier should be very challenging and take a few hours of practice.



I agree that they should be difficult, but Fallen Masks as an example is heavily reliant on RNG. On many runs gold is physically impossible... that's not a challenge, that's a pain in the bum. If they kept the time identical but eliminated the possibility of an impossible run that would be lovely.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > Guild Rushes could be transformed into racing adventures somewhat easily. Then add adventures to the guild missions rotation, and you have a lot of new content with barely any development effort. A really good solution for two game modes that are struggling now.


> Probably easier said than done. I think the two are different enough that they'd need remaking from the ground up.


I mean from the design viewpoint, since they're pretty much the same. Won't get into technical details, since guild rushes are almost 5 years old lol.

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I am kinda proud of myself now. I got gold in all adventures even before previous nerfs had happened.

I have to agree though that Fallen Masks is really... tilting I guess. It's not a complete RNG, but remembering the pattern is difficult. Often you have to simply predict which mask will spawn next and run to that area. You were wrong? Restart.

Floor is Lava was difficult for me too. The adventure itself is easy, but if you happen to have even tiny lags the bouncing mushroom may not bounce you. I think ANet should also make bouncing mushrooms work on the client side.


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> @"glass.3245" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I dont think they need any changes. Getting the gold tier should be very challenging and take a few hours of practice.

> >


> I agree that they should be difficult, but Fallen Masks as an example is heavily reliant on RNG. On many runs gold is physically impossible... that's not a challenge, that's a pain in the bum. If they kept the time identical but eliminated the possibility of an impossible run that would be lovely.

On golden masks you can offset lack of practice with good RNG. That is about it. As other people have proven once you have enough practice you can get gold at least every 2nd run.

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I've tried several of the HoT adventures multiple times, but I struggle just getting bronze in most of them. The only ones where I've managed to exceed that are:

Salvage Pit - Gold

Flying Circus - Silver

Punch-o-matic - Silver


That's it. I think I tried the tendril one about 20 times and even watched vids about how to it's supposed to be easy to get gold. Not for me. Can't even sniff silver on it.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> They should add a platinum medal, that’s at the existing times, which reward you with unique skins.


While I do like to shave off time of many (Especially the new race-y/delivery-like) adventures, I'd hate Adventures to get a more prominent role in obtaining things like rare skins. They are not more fun than jumping puzzles, they aren't even really part of the main map experience, thus they don't need to have a focus like obtaining rare skins.


Gaining a higher lifetime ranking is the main goal of doing better (for me), and the gold reward is really just there to make people at least try to get better.

Even though I don't think the adventures need to be changed because only a certain % of the people have them and they are hard to obtain, I really don't care for adventures to have some arbitrary reward for the MMO junkies out there who only feel rewarded if they get lots of junk to show off.


But I guess I might just be odd in that way, that I only like to redo adventures when I don't need to care whether I have to get the maximum reward.


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I also wanted to mention that one of my biggest frustrations with the HoT adventures was how many HoT mastery points were gated behind them. I finally got enough points other ways to finish off HoT masteries (except for Raid masteries) by doing other content (story achievements, etc). But for a long time I tried, and continually failed to try to earn those points via adventures, which in turn led me to essentially give up on trying to advance them at all.

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I tried a few of them but found they were just annoying, frustrating and not in the slightest bit fun.

I accepted that I wouldn't get anything from them mastery wise and went off to do something else.

Even if they got an overhaul I wouldn't go back to them.

They just hold no interest for me, especially the ones needing events to unlock them.

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Adventures are short term fun.. get reward and out.


One thing I would absolutely do.. get rid of Shooting Gallery.

It highlights just how poor the action cam is, its ridiculous respawn timer on shot dummies when in an open world setting is laughably bad.. getting 15 targets for bronze is hard enough on a normal day, when it's placed onto a daily .. well good luck. cos its a shambles.

Put adventures into their own instance would be a massive improvement for ones with such respawn timers.. whoever thought it was cool to place them in a free for all openworld setting whilst under a timer should be made to walk the game of thrones "walk of shame"

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I think Adventures are a good, if but minor, source of testing your prowess -- but I really like the fact that there is discussion on how most of them are lacking either due to element or time constraint. My biggest crutches at the time of this post is Fallen Masks and Scrap Rifle Field Test, with unnecessary RNG on Fallen Masks and timing constraints on SRFT.


I also think the gold time window for "A Fungus Among Us" is a bit too tight, and needs about ~10-20 more of a window. As it stands, getting gold seems to depend on near-flawless if not perfect execution with little to spare. The same can be said for "Flying Circus" but the margin of error is a bit wider and is more based on updraft issues -- but not hitting the boosts can also cost you gold. It still needs some adjustments, but not as much as "A Fungus Among Us".


If we had a good pattern to make best utility of the area, and not having to depend on RNG, "Fallen Masks" will be in a great place.


"Shooting Gallery" either needs to be greatly reworked or taken down. Not many people are precise with their aiming -- I can run it decently as I have experience in both third-person and first-person shooters involving crosshair aim, but I'm taking the side of those who either has twitchy aim or has not had as much experience as me. Putting someone in uncomfortable territory with a chance of getting 1-2 mastery points or loot on the line, is just a poor choice of design IMO.

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Overall the HoT adventures are quite fun. However, I agree some updates are needed.

Specifically to 3 adventures:

* Punch-O-Matic

* Scrap Rifle Field Test

* Fallen Masks


Due to how random each instance/run is it can be very difficult to get Gold rewards/credit. 5 Years and I have yet to get gold on them. For myself, Fallen Masks has been almost impossible to do. Unlike Punch-O-Matic and Scrap Rifle field Test where I have come close numerous times... far too many times.

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I'm not the kind of player who enjoy these adventures. I doubt that any change could change my mind about them. If I can ask one thing about them, then disconnect them from any achievement that is connected to anything non-adventure-related. Disconnect the mastery points from silver and gold achievement. Disconnect them from the collections.

This way, anyone who genuinely enjoys the adventures can continue to do so, while people like me, who do them solely because of the mastery points or the collections, without enjoying them, even beginning to hate the game. This hate is toxic. Please remove toxic content. Don't remove the adventures, remove the toxic connection to the rest of the game.

Relaxing time constraints, especially only for gold, doesn't help.


By the way, there were 2 adventures actually I didn't despise of after the first 5 seconds. Haywire Punch-o-Matic and Scrap Rifle Field Test. It's perhaps the hack&slay character, but they were actually some fun. You can also work out these adventures yourself, without the help of some youtube videos as with most other adventures. Until I found out how ridiculously difficult is was to get even one more score point above silver, which also meant I never ever did them again after the collection was filled.

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  • 2 weeks later...




>Added 30 seconds to the timer for the Shooting Gallery adventure.

>Added 30 seconds to the timer for the Fallen Masks adventure.

>Added 25 seconds to the timer for the Haywire Punch-o-Matic Battle adventure.

>Added 30 seconds to the timer for the Scrap Rifle Field Test adventure.

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The Floor is Lava is part of the dailies today and it still seems nearly impossible. In my opinion it is rather ridiculous that I am rank 7 on the daily scoreboard late in the day with a max of only 20/25 targets.


It seems to me that either the difficulty of the adventure prevents people from getting gold, or the vast majority of people just don't bother trying for gold to begin with. Either way this adventure could also use some love to make it a bit more forgiving, especially since this adventure seems to be one of the least popular/succesful ones for getting gold on, according to OP's data.




Edit: Got 24/25 targets and am ranked 4th on the daily scoreboard. Is there really a maximum of only 3 players who got gold on this the entire day, on a day when this adventure is part of the dailies?

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> @"Finse.8526" said:

> The Floor is Lava is part of the dailies today and it still seems nearly impossible. In my opinion it is rather ridiculous that I am rank 7 on the daily scoreboard late in the day with a max of only 20/25 targets.


> It seems to me that either the difficulty of the adventure prevents people from getting gold, or the vast majority of people just don't bother trying for gold to begin with. Either way this adventure could also use some love to make it a bit more forgiving, especially since this adventure seems to be one of the least popular/succesful ones for getting gold on, according to OP's data.



> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Edit: Got 24/25 targets and am ranked 4th on the daily scoreboard. Is there really a maximum of only 3 players who got gold on this the entire day, on a day when this adventure is part of the dailies?


I find most people just go for getting the daily done, regardless of the adventure it is. I also do this. Get the daily done and move on.


From my experience with that daily, to get gold you really need to optimize your speed and the order you do the targets. Take advantage of all the speed mushrooms, and your glider, do your best to spend little to no time on the floor.

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First: Big thumbs up for Lonami for the analysis.


I've read several good ideas in this thread. Unfortunately, the reply from @"Byron Miller.4629" is not one of them: simply adding time so that less skilled players can also achieve gold cannot be the solution. Please, before doing that, ask yourself why people want gold and why you want to help them with that?

* Is it because they need the attached reward (Mastery Point)? Then consider giving them that reward somewhere else: One MP on bronze, the second on silver.

* Or is it some kind of "prestige" or "completionism"? Then think how the players who already had gold will feel: frustrated, betrayed, toxic. (* see below)


Instead, I like the idea of adding a reward tier better. Lets take the Fallen Masks as an example. Current first-time rewards (according to Wiki) are:


**Masks - Tier - Reward**

25 = Gold -> Fallen Masks: Gold (Mastery Point)

15 = Silver -> Fallen Masks: Silver (Mastery Point)

10 -=Bronze -> Bag of Gear


Change it to something like this:

25 = Platinum -> Fallen Masks: Platinum

20 = Gold -> Fallen Masks: Gold (Mastery Point). The rewards for repeated gold should be slightly reduced to reflect the reduced difficulty.

15 = Silver -> Fallen Masks: Silver (Mastery Point)

10 = Bronze -> Bag of Gear



So what do you get from the first-time Platinum reward? Open for suggestions. Maybe an [Auric Basin: Hero's Choice Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auric_Basin:_Hero%27s_Choice_Chest "Auric Basin: Hero's Choice Chest")? Or add a Mastery Achievement "Complete 2/5/10/... adventures with Platinum" (like the LW mastery achievements) and have a REALLY nice reward at the end.


This way you would reduce the difficulty for players who need the gold tier rewards and at the same time not "punishing" the players who achieved gold before the change. Achieving Platinum would be the challenge for those who like adventures, who always want to improve their results ("shave off time") etc.


Oh, and I also like the idea of adding certain (slightly adapted?) adventures to the available guild missions. Adding a weekly (monthly?) leader board thing with some rewards for first, second, third place could also pull more players into the adventures.



Looking forward to your comments.



(*) Off topic... but I remember how furious I was when Anet changed the requirements for the "Been there, done that" title (100% world completion), after I achieved it _including_ the WvW maps.

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