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What is the name of the actor that voices the announcer of Bell Choir Ensemble?

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X-Files Season 11 Episode 4, The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat, had an alien character with a voice that I instantly recognized as someone I heard before, but they didn't put the name of the actor in the credits of the chapter. It took me a while to recognize where I heard it before. Until I finally remembered this:



It was the same voice actor as the Bell Maestro NPC and the announcer for Bell Choir Ensemble and Sanctum Sprint!


In the [Voice actor page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Voice_actor "Voice actor page") in the wiki only John St. John is listed as "PvP announcer", but the PvP announcer doesn't sound the same as the one in these activities. In PvP, the Announcer has almost the same voice as Knut Whitebear and Captain Magnus.


Then again, John St. John has [a wide range of voices](

"a wide range of voices"). So it could still be him.


Does anyone recognize that voice actor, or at least recognize the voice from other places, like characters in cartoons or other video games?


Maybe some from ANet knows if it's indeed John St. John, or knows the actual name of the actor if it isn't, so we can update the wiki with the credits?

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