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The 2018 Quality of Life Request List

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Going into 2018 with a game that is from 2012 and a lot of changes over the years (thank you BTW) I've been thinking of the little things while playing through PoF (thank you BTW) that still make me say "I wish this was different." Most of these I'm sure had reason when they were implemented, but now, in 2018, with the state of the game as it is, don't seem to make much sense. I have a few on my list and I'm sure others do too. If you do, please feel free to add them to the list, but do keep in mind, this thread is not about complaining about things like the Gem store, or debating other people's lists. This is about QoL, which is at its essence, making the game more fun by tweaking or adding little things (or sometimes big things) to the game. As always, keep it civil, keep it kind.


**Ascended Crafting Time Walls** - I understand that this feature of limited crafting of bits and bobs for an ascended piece of equipment was meant to keep the player coming back daily to do something, but at this point there is so much of that, that having an artificial time sink just seem weird and annoying. Does the sewing machine get tired after making that Spool of Silk Weaving Thread? Does it need a lie down? It really doesn't make a lot of sense since the materials that are required to make those items take time to gather anyway. This time sink adds insult to injury when all you want to do is play the game. Removing these time sinks will not suddenly flood the market with materials or suddenly make the gameplay trivial. It will just make it more fun.


**Armor Repair/Breakage in the PvE Space** - Armor wear and tear is a game concept from the RPGs of days gone by. GW2 in 2018 is a game that is very different than it was in 2012 and this mechanic just doesn't really add anything. Over the years you've trimmed this down and trimmed it down until in it's current incarnation, just seems to be a vestigial tail on a wholly different beast. Do us all a favor and just clip it off already.


**Find Purpose for Items With No Purpose** - We all have these items that are cluttering up our banks, pieces of collections, items from events, bits and bobs from a story being told over 6 years and we all hold onto them because in the back of our minds we have the thought that maybe, they will someday be useful. I did it in GW1 by holding onto Gwens stuff from presearing. For example in my bank right now I have Tassi's Relay Golem, Piles of Experience Scrolls of varying denominations, an Exalted Portal Stone, a Class 2 Rift Stabilizer, Memories of Vlast, and now the Spearmarshal's Plea after getting my Griffin Mount (good job on that collection BTW.) This isn't all the items I'm hording of course but its a sample of items, that once had use, but don't now, but the remain...just items taking up space. But if I destroy them, I'll kick myself if there is something added later that makes them useful. This is more of a request for future added bits and bobs that if you add them and there is going to be an item left over after the adventure, allow us to sell it, or better yet, add shelves in our home instance that we can place them on and remember the adventure. That's what souvenirs are for.


**Soulbound Items** - Another vestigial tail from a bygone era of gaming. GW2 in 2018 is really about the gamer and not really about the individual character. Account binding items makes sense, keeps the market from collapsing and generally is a good idea even in 2018. Soul bound items are not. They seem to be a needless restriction to gameplay that hinders rather than adds fun. With HoT and PoF you added the Specialization system (thank you BTW) and with it more and more build crafting. Soul binding equipped equipment hurts build crafting experimentation by keep us from moving equipment around on characters. Account binding makes sense, that's fine. Soul binding just seems too tight of a restriction for 2018.


**Dismounting Midair** - Having just got my Griffon, the giddy thrill of jumping off a high cliff and calling my griffon to catch me is basically the most awesome thing in the history of awesome. Why can't we just go the other way? I fail to see how having the ability to dismount midair would negatively impact the game in anyway. If you can give me an acceptable argument for this, then by all means do so, but I can't see one.


**Invisible Walls** - This, I know, is more of a cost saving feature from area design but in PoF areas this is very annoying. There are far too many places in areas that should just be reasonably traversable with a mount that you for some reason only known by the departed gods just can't move through. I do not expect you to go back and fix existing areas with such problems. Just be mindful of them in future areas. Minimize the problem and let us explore. Walls on the edge of areas makes sense...in the middle, in front of obviously walkable structures...not so much.


At any rate, this is my short list of things that are minor annoyances in an other words excellent gaming experience. I'm sure others have additions, and I invite them to scribble them down here in an effort to, maybe one day, having the ability to scratch them off as fixed. As always the reminder: This is about QoL, which is at its essence, making the game more fun by tweaking or adding little things (or sometimes big things) to the game. As always, keep it civil, keep it kind.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> This sound more like your pet peeves with the game tbh.

> I save stuff to got this for example https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mysterious_Soggy_Bag ^_^


Um....yes, areas of the game that if changed would add to QoL...that was the point. It isn't a needless complaint post, it's about improving going forward into 2018. Can't improve without talking about what could be improved.

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Slight comment: The Spearmarshal's Plea has a fantastic use. I keep it in a shared slot even though I have the Lily pass as well, because it's a free port for your alts. Use it, you auto-unlock the Vabbi wp in the nw. Duck through to the Desolation (then back in a hurry because there is aggro there), and you've unlocked the north wp. From that wp duck through to Riverlands, Augury wp opens and you can swiftly run into Destiny's Gorge in Oasis. So the Plea gives you a foothold in nearly every PoF map.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> I'm pretty sure the reason you cannot dismount mid-air is so that Anet would not have to deal with the nightmare that would come from people using the Springer/Griffon to gain height and then glide into places they are not meant to go.


Just make it a griffon only ability, like you can mount it in mid-air you should be able to dismount in mid-air. It'll synergize well with gliding, especially in HoT maps where updrafts are a thing.

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I'd like the HUD to get changed in style.

I mean, I like clean HUDs, I turn off everything if possible (this cost me an ending in Dishonoured 2 because I failed click on Corvo to un-stone him - I disabled the PRESS [X] TO DO [THAT]). Especially as Thief, the only thing I need is my health (which could also be invisible due to the red screen borders as indicator), initiave and maybe malice. Even if playing another profession, having a reverse HUD would be cool, too. Reverse HUD's only display things that are in a bad shape, just like in your car. Why would the fuel warning symbol be illuminated when your fuel level is fine? Just show things that are on cooldown and the others not.


Right now the HUD, despite the little details like the yellow splatter art when in combat, the blue one when in water and some detail of your current mount, e.g. the Raptors shards, looks like it's drawn in MS Paint. A circle with no sort of shadow or Anti Alias as health and sqares as skill bar.. Maybe remove the hard edges of it, or add a little bit of a drop shadow, or make the health orb content fluent, just SOMETHING.


Right now, I feel like our HUD is as static as in 1993:

![](https://i.imgur.com/MXndjLH.jpg "")

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I'd give it a thumbs up, except for the dismounting in thin air, which Anet has already said would break too much of the game. I know it's not logical, but it's a game and gameplay is always going to trump logical. It's not logical we heal after we step out of combat for three seconds, but it's sure nice to have. With the griffon, it would be too easy to exploit too many things that weren't meant to be exploited. I can already "break" a number of things with mounts that were never meant to happen.

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If you get rid of the timegating on Ascended crafting you bet the market would be flooded with items...keep in mind that people constantly gather materials, they even have characters just for that purpose and to hold all the extra that doesn't fit in material storage. Most of the items that have no purpose with the exception of collection items are just that, items you can keep for possible future use or just dispose of; the Exalted Portal Stone and the Spearmarshal's Plea both give you free teleport's into their respective maps(not that it's expensive mind you)...so those are still useful.

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> @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > I'm pretty sure the reason you cannot dismount mid-air is so that Anet would not have to deal with the nightmare that would come from people using the Springer/Griffon to gain height and then glide into places they are not meant to go.


> Just make it a griffon only ability, like you can mount it in mid-air you should be able to dismount in mid-air. It'll synergize well with gliding, especially in HoT maps where updrafts are a thing.


That would still require Anet to do tons of testing any go through every single area of the game and erect invisible walls.


Not worth the major headache.


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Slight comment: The Spearmarshal's Plea has a fantastic use. I keep it in a shared slot even though I have the Lily pass as well, because it's a free port for your alts. Use it, you auto-unlock the Vabbi wp in the nw. Duck through to the Desolation (then back in a hurry because there is aggro there), and you've unlocked the north wp. From that wp duck through to Riverlands, Augury wp opens and you can swiftly run into Destiny's Gorge in Oasis. So the Plea gives you a foothold in nearly every PoF map.


You my friend have changed my life ! why did i not think of that *facepalm* I will now use that to get into POF maps instead of wasting teleport to friend. Thanks =)

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > I'm pretty sure the reason you cannot dismount mid-air is so that Anet would not have to deal with the nightmare that would come from people using the Springer/Griffon to gain height and then glide into places they are not meant to go.

> >

> > Just make it a griffon only ability, like you can mount it in mid-air you should be able to dismount in mid-air. It'll synergize well with gliding, especially in HoT maps where updrafts are a thing.


> That would still require Anet to do tons of testing any go through every single area of the game and erect invisible walls.


> Not worth the major headache.



I'm confused, why? Dismounting off our griffon in mid-air to glide isn't going to get us anywhere special that the springer or griffon alone can't already do. We can't gain elevation while gliding unless we ride an updraft, which is not only a HoT specific mechanic, but it's also an intended mechanic. We can mount in mid-air, which is technically already gamebreaking, dismounting our griffon in mid-air will not break anything.

> @"Ahnog.8795" said:

> There has to be some consequence for death. Armor repair is that consequence right now. It already doesn't cost a thing.


The consequence for death is paying the WP fee and having to run all the way back to the fight, or in the case of raids, having to watch your squad carry you because they can't res you.

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- Library is one thing that I would love very much. Carrying all those tomes just takes unnecessary space in my inventory.

- Armor damage is an annoyance.

- I remember a few years back reading an article given by a map designer (can't remember who) who said that invisible walls is the staple of people who don't know how to make maps or are just too lazy.

- It doesn't matter which way or angle you happen to look at it but Soulbound makes no sense whatsoever. None.

- Build templates.

- Oh and why don't you make minor runes junk? Would be easier to sell.

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-dont soulbind guild weapons (needed to craft some skins, if you dont have the job und that char you waste 10 recommendations)

-giev fractal 40 farm back or at least implement a **viable **karma farm area equal to that

-create simplified sprite mode without losing texture quality - the visual noise gets overwhelming and intransparent more and more

-stop creating ugly skins release some good ones without this glowing/sparkling/etc bullcrap

-moar dyes

-permanent total makeover contract

-racial changer (for the ones that made the mistake to creat an asura)

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I'd like to see:


- Visual updates/improvements to older armor/Outfits. A lot of them have really weird feet and you can see the designers have learned a lot over the years

- More uses for already existing materials

- Less new materials

- A pair of generic, tight pants for female light armor (think the male light version of the Ascalonian pants or female medium pants)

- Build Templates

- Cosmetic slots for auras

- Completed Gem Store armor sets ( Chests/Legs for Jackal Rune, Outlaw, etc.)

- No more camera auto change after I fix it how I like it ^_^


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