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Why does holosmith have so much damage?

King xiuras.3615

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > While Holo damage is surely too strong, the sustainability is the issue. Someone said “lock down the Holo.” Good luck with that considering they are nearly un cc able, have 8 sec of invulnerability, invisibility and good sustainability.


> Average holo should have access to 2 stacks of stab 2 stunbreaks one being the invuln


> I wouldnt call that unstopabble

> annoying when combined with the extra elixir s sure but thats about it


> Also engis healing took a big hit the heal reset trait got its CD increased to 2 minutes


> The only broken synergy i see so far is mines+vent , maybe make mines simply give dodge bomb a 50%ish damage gain at least then theres a timer to avoid the damage


> Also shockwave radius should be decreased to 450


> The whole holosmith has too much sustain argument doesnt work when thief and mesmer can spam evades distortion and stealth infinetly regardless of spec


> Also warrior and guardians deal high damage while having more sustain


War damage is mostly single target, guards have basically one invul. I can melee them (har har lol trap dh) most of the time, i can't melee Holo.

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > While Holo damage is surely too strong, the sustainability is the issue. Someone said “lock down the Holo.” Good luck with that considering they are nearly un cc able, have 8 sec of invulnerability, invisibility and good sustainability.

> >

> > Average holo should have access to 2 stacks of stab 2 stunbreaks one being the invuln

> >

> > I wouldnt call that unstopabble

> > annoying when combined with the extra elixir s sure but thats about it

> >

> > Also engis healing took a big hit the heal reset trait got its CD increased to 2 minutes

> >

> > The only broken synergy i see so far is mines+vent , maybe make mines simply give dodge bomb a 50%ish damage gain at least then theres a timer to avoid the damage

> >

> > Also shockwave radius should be decreased to 450

> >

> > The whole holosmith has too much sustain argument doesnt work when thief and mesmer can spam evades distortion and stealth infinetly regardless of spec

> >

> > Also warrior and guardians deal high damage while having more sustain


> War damage is mostly single target, guards have basically one invul. I can melee them (har har lol trap dh) most of the time, i can't melee Holo.


This sounds like a gid gud situation mostly


Holo stab lasts 6 seconds


The complains i agree with are dodge damage output and the shockwave radius


Wich are probably part of your problem


Holosmiths big damage skills arenalso single target , then pistol barrage skill and the leap, also sword skills are single target and way weak

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > While Holo damage is surely too strong, the sustainability is the issue. Someone said “lock down the Holo.” Good luck with that considering they are nearly un cc able, have 8 sec of invulnerability, invisibility and good sustainability.

> > >

> > > Average holo should have access to 2 stacks of stab 2 stunbreaks one being the invuln

> > >

> > > I wouldnt call that unstopabble

> > > annoying when combined with the extra elixir s sure but thats about it

> > >

> > > Also engis healing took a big hit the heal reset trait got its CD increased to 2 minutes

> > >

> > > The only broken synergy i see so far is mines+vent , maybe make mines simply give dodge bomb a 50%ish damage gain at least then theres a timer to avoid the damage

> > >

> > > Also shockwave radius should be decreased to 450

> > >

> > > The whole holosmith has too much sustain argument doesnt work when thief and mesmer can spam evades distortion and stealth infinetly regardless of spec

> > >

> > > Also warrior and guardians deal high damage while having more sustain

> >

> > War damage is mostly single target, guards have basically one invul. I can melee them (har har lol trap dh) most of the time, i can't melee Holo.


> This sounds like a gid gud situation mostly


> Holo stab lasts 6 seconds


> The complains i agree with are dodge damage output and the shockwave radius


> Wich are probably part of your problem


Yeah they are. Combined with survival tools it is too much. Something gotta go.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > While Holo damage is surely too strong, the sustainability is the issue. Someone said “lock down the Holo.” Good luck with that considering they are nearly un cc able, have 8 sec of invulnerability, invisibility and good sustainability.


> Average holo should have access to 2 stacks of stab 2 stunbreaks one being the invuln


> I wouldnt call that unstopabble

> annoying when combined with the extra elixir s sure but thats about it


> Also engis healing took a big hit the heal reset trait got its CD increased to 2 minutes


> The only broken synergy i see so far is mines+vent , maybe make mines simply give dodge bomb a 50%ish damage gain at least then theres a timer to avoid the damage


> Also shockwave radius should be decreased to 450


> The whole holosmith has too much sustain argument doesnt work when thief and mesmer can spam evades distortion and stealth infinetly regardless of spec


> Also warrior and guardians deal high damage while having more sustain


To be fair, I can out play most holos on my core guardian solo, but it is not a solo contest. And ya, if you sit there and tank you will not last very long. But you do not have to. And that is the issue with holo. You can be only target-able when you choose to be target-able. And you only do that when stability and offensive skills are available. You come in deal mega aoe damage then elixir or invisibility. I primarily play core guardian, and I do not even have a fraction of holo's mobility and they can deal much higher burst.


From all bruiser builds: holo, scrapper, SB, core guardian, sword ele and druid, holo has the best team fighting options by a large margin. The damage unquestionably need to be toned down. And the passive elixir S, but that is not engi only issue. It should be done to all passive defenses to all classes as a whole.


Note, not sure why you brought thief and mesmer into this. They do not compete with holo in anyway, as they perform completely different roles.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > It seems like it has an enormous amount of damage from nowhere because of the dodge roll damage. Against a thief, the dodge roll can crit upwards of 12k (assuming all mines hit and everything crits) and there's not much you can do to avoid it besides just never going melee. The knockdowns you don't like are due to overcharged shot and holographic shockwave (neither of which crit upwards of 2.5k btw) and prime light beam (which has an insanely large telegraph so it's fine if it hits for a bit more).

> >

> > The cc damage or even the damage from photon forge isn't all that ridiculous, what's absurd (this is coming from someone who mains engi) is the dodge roll damage ability of holo. It carries bad players because they can dodge spam burst whenever they screw up their cc or their damage combos and good players seemingly can't be stopped because they know how to not only land their damage combos but also their dodge roll damage..

> >

> > Summary: Dodge roll damage is killing you, other stuff I'm assuming you know how to dodge.


> Except that the leap into cc makes it difficult or impossible to get out of the way of the giant laser. The damage is OP because it's difficult or impossible to evade. I've been killed too many times while my abilities were disabled by a long knockdown.


> The spec is way overpowered.


I'm not gonna lie, that didn't make much sense to me... if you are talking about holographic shockwave then idk what to say besides dodge it or bring some stab. Mesmer especially has so many ways of dealing with a spec like holo so I'm not sure what else to tell you. I'll try giving a bit of a rundown of what it does if that helps you with the fight a little more.


Breakdown of what skills you want to dodge or what ones are often used, what they do, and what they look like:

Forge 1- It's an auto with a giant sword swinging around. Most people don't spend time utilizing the auto as the damage isn't that good and other skills they could be using are better. If someone does auto you, just move out of range or los. The heat they generate from autos will often prevent them from using other skills that would help them stick to you


Forge 2 (leap)- A leap that applies swiftness and does a considerable amount of damage. The big thing to note is the holo is animation locked during this skill so any interrupts on them will be incredibly effective if they don't cover themselves with stability. This is their main tool to stick to you in fights so if you can kite after they use the skill you can avoid any follow up damage from the player. It's on a short cd so you have to play very actively around it. Don't waste too many dodges trying to avoid it because you won't have enough to deal with al their cc if you do. Good option is to try and burst them while they leap because there's nothing they can do to stop you.


Forge 3 (Corona burst)- This skill is whe one where they take out a large hammer and swing it around themselves (not to be confused with the slamming animation of 5). This skill hits once on the cast for a small amount of damage and then 3 seconds later explodes on the holosmith for a fairly large amount of damage (most holos will couple that damage with holo leap or jump shot to make an their burst just that much more oppressive) the annoying thing about fighting this skill is that when traited it grants stability to the holosmith. This can be frustrating to deal with as it makes counter cc and shutdown combos almost impossible unless you time your skills right. The animation is large on this so avoiding the damage shouldn't be too hard so your main focus should be playing around the stability. Know that the holo will want to engage om you while they have stability up so see if you can bait out some of the holos cooldowns and then punish them after they miss.


Forge 4 (Unload for engineer)- This skill isn't too bad to deal with. The projectiles don't have a ton of damage and the meta spec has no condi damage so the burns won't worry you. Projectile reflection is nice if you have it without sacrificing too many defensive skills, otherwise just kite or los the short range projectiles.


Forge 5 (Holographic shockwave)- This is the big cc. The animation is very obvious as you will see the engineer jumping high into the air with a hammer above his head (sort of looks like the warrior's hammer burst skill if that helps you recognize what it looks like) and once he hits the ground a wave of light will expand out and knock people down (the damage is rather small so you're biggest issue with this skill will the be the cc). Good things to remember with avoiding this c:

1) It will often be used pretty early on so the holo can try to burst you down quickly

2) Dodging in towards the shockwave will guarantee you don't get hit by it after you come out of your dodge frame from keeping even with the wave

3) If you want to dodge outward, wait until the wave is about to hit you (I mean like right on top of you) and then dodge. This may be something you want to practice with.

4) If the holo wasn't smart enough to cover this with stab it's a huge anim so you can easily interrupt it and counter burst.


Prime light beam (Elite Skill for holo)- This is the mega laser skill you see a lot. The animation is the holo taking a knee sort of like a DE who wants to 1 shot you and they will start charging this really big laser in front of them. The windup is pretty significant so you should be able to dodge it once you figure out timing of the windup. You either need to LoS this skill or dodge it. If you don't dodge it you can be hit upwards of 7k on crit (yes it's too much damage but you really have excuse to not avoid the skill unless you are in a 5v5 and they open with that from stealth (if they do that it will deal less damage because the skill is stronger when above 50% heat and they will likely have not built up the heat necessary to make it stronger). Meta build runs surging runes so don't melee them right after they use the skill or you will get stunned and that just defeats everything you did to get to this point.


And that's the breakdown of holo forge. Rifle everyone should be fine with by now as there's been plenty of builds that use it for you to figure out what it does.

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> @"King xiuras.3615" said:

> I recently started playing pvp again because of the new league. I'm playing thief and druid. I am really amazed about how easy holosmith can do so much damage, like when i am playing thief. When the engi gets one knock down, its over for sure cuz it has so much damage like what the hell. Hes literally one shotting...... Idk if its me but the damage seems to be too much to be honest.


The damage seems high because it can be stacked to mostly happen within a short period of time, kind of like a power shatter mesmer can seemingly one shot you.


If you'll notice, [corona burst](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corona_Burst "corona burst") does two hits, separated temporally. The second hit typically lands right as the holo is also doing a [holo leap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holo_Leap "holo leap"). With the right set of traits and runes, the majority of a holo's attacks are going to be crits, so that's usually a massive chunk of damage there. Follow it up with either a [Holographic Shockwave](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holographic_Shockwave "Holographic Shockwave") (guaranteed crit) or a [photon blitz](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Photon_Blitz_(PvP) "photon blitz"). Throw in quickness with [Elixir U](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_U "Elixir U"), and you can stack a ton of damage in a short period of time.


However, if you are playing a thief, you should also learn what the tells are, as they are some of the most obvious tells in the game. If you can't dodge the most obvious hits, you're doing it wrong. If a holo is bursting you like this, your best choice is to [shadowstep](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadowstep "shadowstep") far away until they're done bursting. Disrupts the whole burst and forces them on cooldown, during which you have approximately 15 seconds to wail on them with relativee impunity, which is more than enough for most thieves to kill a holo that isn't using double elixir S. If you're running an S/D thief, [Flanking strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flanking_Strike "Flanking strike") is a great way to screw with holos as well.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> no perma immunity to cc like a spellbreaker


It's actually closer to around 10s.


My recommendation if you're fighting a spellbreaker is to pop the first CC you have available on them to wear down that timer. I almost always use my overcharged shot IMMEDIATELY on any spellbreaker that rolls up for this reason. Once you've burned that automatic stability trait and waited a few seconds, you can slam them with almost any CC you want.


It's particularly hilarious against warriors that seem to think they're the hottest stuff on the planet, only to realize that their automatic stunbreak was burned as soon as they entered the fight, and they're vulnerable for the next 30s. I've been the death of several warriors in teamfights because of this, without ever actively attacking them.


TL; DR: There are counters for everything. Try the class out, learn its weaknesses. Then exploit them.

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> I think the problem with Holo is not even damage but how long they can survive and how rather forgiving Heat/Overheating mechanic is (and the timing on those). Say you kited the burst out, you start to pressure Holo, he goes in Hulk-Mode within rather really short time again so you are forced to run. Even if you somehow get them low, they have plenty of survival tools. The biggest difference to say zerker thief is that Holo attacks are mostly AoE, it is not just some BS dealing high damage to one target but huge aoe murdering possibly half of your team.

> And as many mentioned, something needs to be done about mines. At the moment you can't really melee Holo.


> This is general issue with PoF: too much easy, effective AoE on short CDs. The expansion is extremely melee unfriendly - which i personally find (to put it really nicely) extremely bad design given that pvp in this game is all about standing in circles.


I told you many times ....

If you defend Stuffdaredevils , it will become the normal and implanted in other classes .


The Bomb trait its for core specs ...it doesnt have anythng to do with PoF ....what ?do you want core thief...ehm i mean enginner to be unplayable ? :P


Now lets wait for which class will get the medamage of Rifle thiefs in the next x=pack , minus the stealth + utility mobility skills :P

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the only broken thing bout holosmith is shockwave having 600 radius and vent stacking with mines probably


i find that all professions do about the same damage with serker gear so i dont see why everyone is QQing so much bout holosmith

heck other professions have even more sustain and utility too


also everyone complains no one mentions solutions , just flat out makin the spec useless

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I have tried holo yesterday...OMG... enemies were dropping like flies. I even didn't get all what I was doing...and games were full of downed players wherever I was smashing my keys.

Who said firebrands are op lol? Holo is just plain ridiculous.

Having tested all professions(except ranger & rev new elites) holo is by far the biggest offender to powercreep.

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> @"Kicast.1459" said:

> I have tried holo yesterday...OMG... enemies were dropping like flies. I even didn't get all what I was doing...and games were full of downed players wherever I was smashing my keys.

> Who said firebrands are op lol? Holo is just plain ridiculous.

> Having tested all professions(except ranger & rev new elites) holo is by far the biggest offender to powercreep.


Yeah in bronze league you can be proud of being a hero go above gold even plat 1-2 where people know how to counter holo and you die in a matter of seconds when people know how to completely waste your 2 invulns.


A good spellbreaker can shield5 plus one dodge to deny all the photon forge damage plus elite, without even popping a defy pain, both passive and active.


Scourge melt holo because condis are a big deal for holo and even using elixir gun you need like 3 seconds to remove condis. Everything on holo has a delay activation.


Even the turret healing requires seconds to completely have all the heal.


Instead scourge is fine right? Being able to still shade spam while CC'd or completely deny capture points and buffs in certain maps.


Please distinguish better the chocolate from the sh*t.


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> @"Kicast.1459" said:

> I have tried holo yesterday...OMG... enemies were dropping like flies. I even didn't get all what I was doing...and games were full of downed players wherever I was smashing my keys.

> Who said firebrands are op lol? Holo is just plain ridiculous.

> Having tested all professions(except ranger & rev new elites) holo is by far the biggest offender to powercreep.


Yeah. Holosmith is pretty disgusting right now.

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If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.

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> @"ezd.6359" said:

> If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.


Holo spamming skills? Try and play holo against a decent player and spam and see what happens, you must be a bronze league player if you think holo is spam.

Please don't tank when you don't know anything and all because you get rekt hard because you don't know how to play.


Scourge is a spam noob profession that even a noob can be a champion with it at his first try, holo is not. Deal with it.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"ezd.6359" said:

> > If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.


> Holo spamming skills? Try and play holo against a decent player and spam and see what happens, you must be a bronze league player if you think holo is spam.

> Please don't tank when you don't know anything and all because you get rekt hard because you don't know how to play.


> Scourge is a spam noob profession that even a noob can be a champion with it at his first try, holo is not. Deal with it.


Necro has 2 evades thats all, very slow skills and clear animation. Easy to kill if you have brains. I played engi in HoT sometime, new version is stupid so i don't like it (no fun at all).





It is only thing they are doing. Because why not? They have more damage than others + CC, if enemies will not use "save" skills and try to attack back - they will die faster than holo. But if they use blocks etc they will die some seconds later... What the point to do anything else?

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Man with all this damage my holo has I wonder why nothing ever dies when there's a firebrand around...

Or why it takes so long to kill druid...

And a good sword weaver...

And any level spellbreaker...


Also kind of makes me wonder why if holo is so strong and ez why scourge and mirage still shut it down completely in 1v1 and teamfights without requiring any setup from the players...

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> @"Kicast.1459" said:

> I have tried holo yesterday...OMG... enemies were dropping like flies. I even didn't get all what I was doing...and games were full of downed players wherever I was smashing my keys.

> Who said firebrands are op lol? Holo is just plain ridiculous.

> Having tested all professions(except ranger & rev new elites) holo is by far the biggest offender to powercreep.


Lol, that's what happens when you fight f2p players in bronze. :)


> @"ezd.6359" said:

> If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.


A good engineer does not spam skills.


A good engineer plays their keyboard like a goddamn opera. There's a rotation to follow and a certain time frame to follow it. If it seems like spam, it's because we're [playing a whole different level than the rest of the classes](

"playing a whole different level than the rest of the classes"). :)



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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> Man with all this damage my holo has I wonder why nothing ever dies when there's a firebrand around...


You forget to clear condi. Press elixir button!


> @"Ario.8964" said:

> Or why it takes so long to kill druid...

Because another stupid design. Druids just run around spamming 1 heal sometimes. But fear not, they have not enoug dmg to kill you. Just chase them until they die... eventually.


> @"Ario.8964" said:

> And a good sword weaver...

Good weaver? What is it?


> @"Ario.8964" said:

> And any level spellbreaker...

Try to not fight them when they have damage immunity, just wait 5 seconds then kill them.


> @"Ario.8964" said:

> Also kind of makes me wonder why if holo is so strong and ez why scourge and mirage still shut it down completely in 1v1 and teamfights without requiring any setup from the players...

May be this holo never tried to spam skills or he constantly attack clones?


Can you plz go to youtube and find a video where a high level holo plays duels strategically?

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> @"ezd.6359" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"ezd.6359" said:

> > > If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.

> >

> > Holo spamming skills? Try and play holo against a decent player and spam and see what happens, you must be a bronze league player if you think holo is spam.

> > Please don't tank when you don't know anything and all because you get rekt hard because you don't know how to play.

> >

> > Scourge is a spam noob profession that even a noob can be a champion with it at his first try, holo is not. Deal with it.


> Necro has 2 evades thats all, very slow skills and clear animation. Easy to kill if you have brains. I played engi in HoT sometime, new version is stupid so i don't like it (no fun at all).


> IS



> It is only thing they are doing. Because why not? They have more damage than others + CC, if enemies will not use "save" skills and try to attack back - they will die faster than holo. But if they use blocks etc they will die some seconds later... What the point to do anything else?


3 CC skills, 2 of them are so easy to dodge or block (shockwave and elite) and the rifle one.

Scourge have no counters. Holo has counters and that's why only bronze players complains about it.


The only braindead thing of holo i agree are the bombs on dodge, other than that pretty balanced.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> A good engineer does not spam skills.

Most creative ones swap 3-4-5 just for fun.


> A good engineer plays their keyboard like a kitten opera. There's a rotation to follow and a certain time frame to follow it. If it seems like spam, it's because we're [playing a whole different level than the rest of the classes](

"playing a whole different level than the rest of the classes"). :)

PvE? PvP is different. You don't have power creeps here, enemies can't kill you if you miss 1 skill (but they will probably).



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> @"ezd.6359" said:

> If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.


It's pretty gross. Pro player Frostball was streaming ranked some hours ago (he plays Mirage for tourney, Spellbreaker for ranked queues) and he kept getting pushed off of points and killed by Holosmiths on his Spellbreaker. He literally had to spend his [shield Stance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Stance "Shield Stance"), [Whirlwind Attack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whirlwind_Attack "Whirlwind Attack"), and [Dodge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge "Dodge") to clear the Holosmiths' [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper") so he wouldn't eat them, and even then eating quite a few was still altogether unavoidable.

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> @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > @"ezd.6359" said:

> > If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.


> It's pretty gross. Pro player Frostball was streaming ranked some hours ago (he plays Mirage for tourney, Spellbreaker for ranked queues) and he kept getting pushed off of points and killed by Holosmiths on his Spellbreaker. He literally had to spend his [shield Stance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Stance "Shield Stance"), [Whirlwind Attack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whirlwind_Attack "Whirlwind Attack"), and [Dodge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge "Dodge") to clear the Holosmiths' [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper") so he wouldn't eat them, and even then eating quite a few was still altogether unavoidable.


That's the problem. Everyone is blaming holo for the damage output when the problem is the mines. Holo pre mine build being meta wasn't even in the competitive meta because it's skills were highly telegraphed and easy to dodge. The mine build is what made it the current dps machine.


Summary: Don't nerf holo just yet. Nerf the mines and dodge damage and then see what happens.

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> @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > @"ezd.6359" said:

> > If you see how holos play on plat level, you can only laugh reading pros and cons. Because there is none. Pros? Cons? Holos just spam all skills, thats all. Even when they can't touch you they spam skills. No matters what is happeing and which skill your enemies use - just spam skills - profit! ... oh if they managed to bring you to 10% hp somehow (sometimes holos foget their rotation) transform to "mini", use "invis" then run away, reread macros guides.


> It's pretty gross. Pro player Frostball was streaming ranked some hours ago (he plays Mirage for tourney, Spellbreaker for ranked queues) and he kept getting pushed off of points and killed by Holosmiths on his Spellbreaker. He literally had to spend his [shield Stance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Stance "Shield Stance"), [Whirlwind Attack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whirlwind_Attack "Whirlwind Attack"), and [Dodge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge "Dodge") to clear the Holosmiths' [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper") so he wouldn't eat them, and even then eating quite a few was still altogether unavoidable.


When Frostball plays ranked he generally doesn't wear any armor which puts him at a major disadvantage in direct fights against any power specs, so it really isn't a good way to make a case for holosmith being op. Though maybe he was wearing armor when you were watching, I don't know.

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