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Why does holosmith have so much damage?

King xiuras.3615

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!


> yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.


> cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.


> Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.


Problem is holosmith might be strong and all but it is not a class impossible to counter, even dragonhunter which is not a meta class right now counter holo, spellbreaker counter holo, even druid counter holo because it doesn't get bursted down in seconds.


And against an holo at least you can try contest the point to decap or hold a capped point.

Against a freaking scourge or you leave the point or you die, no other choices.


Bombs on dodge plus dodge yeah it is quite braindead for that too much damage, but other then that it is pretty balanced because you are so squishy once outside of holo mode and once a goodplayer make you waste the 2 invulns you are done. Scourge can keep attack even when CCed like wtf. Scourge doesn't stop 1 second pressure the damage and and making the control points a pure cancer.


Against any class in the game you can contest the freaking point and try for a decap or for a hold, except scourge, broken as hell in a mode with control points.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> >

> > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> >

> > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> >

> > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.


> Thieves(bad ones) have been spamming heartseeker since 2012 for 8k whys one OP but not the other?


> But yes all of the dps power builds will need revision after the weakness meta goes


8k only? that was a bunker holo hitting u :D

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How the fuck am I hitting maximum 6K with Marauder and Surging while **some Holosmiths** people are talking about hit 8Ks or even getting one-shot by Holo Leap?


Exaggerating is one thing, lying is another.


Only nerfs Holosmith needs;

Reducing Minesweeper damage (Maybe a 5 second internal cooldown so it can’t be spammed)

Holographic Shockwave Radius reduced to 450

Holo Leap %7-8 Damage reduction

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> How the kitten am I hitting maximum 6K with Marauder and Surging while **some Holosmiths** people are talking about hit 8Ks or even getting one-shot by Holo Leap?


> Exaggerating is one thing, lying is another.


> Only nerfs Holosmith needs;

> Reducing Minesweeper damage (Maybe a 5 second internal cooldown so it can’t be spammed)

> Holographic Shockwave Radius reduced to 450

> Holo Leap %7-8 Damage reduction


Wish I took a screenshot, but it's true. It was flat 8k.


Engi proceeded to tell me "u bad" after he so skillfully beat me.


> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> >

> > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> >

> > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> >

> > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.


> Thieves(bad ones) have been spamming heartseeker since 2012 for 8k whys one OP but not the other?


> But yes all of the dps power builds will need revision after the weakness meta goes


Idk why people compare it to heartseeker. Thief has no pulsing pbAoE bs around them hitting you for another 5-8k, they got no mines or stability so you CAN retaliate as opposed to just having to kite or dodge.


Also heartseeker doesn't hit 8k unless the target is below 25% hp.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> Holosmith is the most balanced of the specs right now or one of the most balanced at least.


> the only broken aspects are the shockwave having 600 radius instead of 450


> and mines+vent stacking

> one needs a change


I agree. Mine trail needs an icd of 15 seconds and vent stacking dmg needs to be reduced by 10%.



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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> >

> > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> >

> > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> >

> > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.


> Problem is holosmith might be strong and all but it is not a class impossible to counter, even dragonhunter which is not a meta class right now counter holo, spellbreaker counter holo, even druid counter holo because it doesn't get bursted down in seconds.


> And against an holo at least you can try contest the point to decap or hold a capped point.

> Against a freaking scourge or you leave the point or you die, no other choices.


> Bombs on dodge plus dodge yeah it is quite braindead for that too much damage, but other then that it is pretty balanced because you are so squishy once outside of holo mode and once a goodplayer make you waste the 2 invulns you are done. Scourge can keep attack even when CCed like kitten. Scourge doesn't stop 1 second pressure the damage and and making the control points a pure cancer.


> Against any class in the game you can contest the freaking point and try for a decap or for a hold, except scourge, broken as hell in a mode with control points.


Spellbreaker counters holo? Excuse me mate, have you ever played against holo as a sb? Doesn't sound like you have

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> > >

> > > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> > >

> > > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> > >

> > > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.

> >

> > Problem is holosmith might be strong and all but it is not a class impossible to counter, even dragonhunter which is not a meta class right now counter holo, spellbreaker counter holo, even druid counter holo because it doesn't get bursted down in seconds.

> >

> > And against an holo at least you can try contest the point to decap or hold a capped point.

> > Against a freaking scourge or you leave the point or you die, no other choices.

> >

> > Bombs on dodge plus dodge yeah it is quite braindead for that too much damage, but other then that it is pretty balanced because you are so squishy once outside of holo mode and once a goodplayer make you waste the 2 invulns you are done. Scourge can keep attack even when CCed like kitten. Scourge doesn't stop 1 second pressure the damage and and making the control points a pure cancer.

> >

> > Against any class in the game you can contest the freaking point and try for a decap or for a hold, except scourge, broken as hell in a mode with control points.


> Spellbreaker counters holo? Excuse me mate, have you ever played against holo as a sb? Doesn't sound like you have


I haven't had an issue with any holo in my two days of playing sb, nor in my months of playing core war. Minesweeper is overtuned yes, but the class as a whole is very well balanced and fun to fight imo. And that is coming from a warrior player and a thief main. Once you learn to fight them they are a blast.

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> @"nortask.8351" said:

> > @"allias.1420" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> > > >

> > > > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> > > >

> > > > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> > > >

> > > > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.

> > >

> > > Problem is holosmith might be strong and all but it is not a class impossible to counter, even dragonhunter which is not a meta class right now counter holo, spellbreaker counter holo, even druid counter holo because it doesn't get bursted down in seconds.

> > >

> > > And against an holo at least you can try contest the point to decap or hold a capped point.

> > > Against a freaking scourge or you leave the point or you die, no other choices.

> > >

> > > Bombs on dodge plus dodge yeah it is quite braindead for that too much damage, but other then that it is pretty balanced because you are so squishy once outside of holo mode and once a goodplayer make you waste the 2 invulns you are done. Scourge can keep attack even when CCed like kitten. Scourge doesn't stop 1 second pressure the damage and and making the control points a pure cancer.

> > >

> > > Against any class in the game you can contest the freaking point and try for a decap or for a hold, except scourge, broken as hell in a mode with control points.

> >

> > Spellbreaker counters holo? Excuse me mate, have you ever played against holo as a sb? Doesn't sound like you have


> I haven't had an issue with any holo in my two days of playing sb, nor in my months of playing core war. Minesweeper is overtuned yes, but the class as a whole is very well balanced and fun to fight imo. And that is coming from a warrior player and a thief main. Once you learn to fight them they are a blast.


Funny that, I've played against some good Holos and barely managed to win. Just hopped on a holo for the first time today, spent some time in duel arena and destroyed warriors having played for about 4 hours. In any case, are you NA or EU? Maybe we can meet up in meow Arena?

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> How the kitten am I hitting maximum 6K with Marauder and Surging while **some Holosmiths** people are talking about hit 8Ks or even getting one-shot by Holo Leap?


> Exaggerating is one thing, lying is another.


> Only nerfs Holosmith needs;

> Reducing Minesweeper damage (Maybe a 5 second internal cooldown so it can’t be spammed)

> Holographic Shockwave Radius reduced to 450

> Holo Leap %7-8 Damage reduction


I think vent is the trait that needs rework because the way mines work if a player dodge roll twice the second dodge is replaced with mine detonate


Vent is the trait that will proc twice. So maybe that needs the 5s cd instead



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> @"allias.1420" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> > >

> > > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> > >

> > > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> > >

> > > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.

> >

> > Problem is holosmith might be strong and all but it is not a class impossible to counter, even dragonhunter which is not a meta class right now counter holo, spellbreaker counter holo, even druid counter holo because it doesn't get bursted down in seconds.

> >

> > And against an holo at least you can try contest the point to decap or hold a capped point.

> > Against a freaking scourge or you leave the point or you die, no other choices.

> >

> > Bombs on dodge plus dodge yeah it is quite braindead for that too much damage, but other then that it is pretty balanced because you are so squishy once outside of holo mode and once a goodplayer make you waste the 2 invulns you are done. Scourge can keep attack even when CCed like kitten. Scourge doesn't stop 1 second pressure the damage and and making the control points a pure cancer.

> >

> > Against any class in the game you can contest the freaking point and try for a decap or for a hold, except scourge, broken as hell in a mode with control points.


> Spellbreaker counters holo? Excuse me mate, have you ever played against holo as a sb? Doesn't sound like you have


With many of them shield 5 to block shockwave and the projectile photon forge plus one dodge for the elite, plus 2 defy pain for the other burst.


The tools not to get bursted in one second are there for spellbreaker, it is the only profession holo can't faceroll in few seconds if distracted.


Even good dragonhunters kill holo... just they are not present in the meta.


The only bad thing of holo are the dodge damage (bombs plus vent) and even a retard can get the work done with that and saw many of noobs holos win bev6 of that.


When i play holo myself even if maybe not as strong i use the tools variant which is in my opinion way morr high skill intense.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > How the kitten am I hitting maximum 6K with Marauder and Surging while **some Holosmiths** people are talking about hit 8Ks or even getting one-shot by Holo Leap?

> >

> > Exaggerating is one thing, lying is another.

> >

> > Only nerfs Holosmith needs;

> > Reducing Minesweeper damage (Maybe a 5 second internal cooldown so it can’t be spammed)

> > Holographic Shockwave Radius reduced to 450

> > Holo Leap %7-8 Damage reduction


> I think vent is the trait that needs rework because the way mines work if a player dodge roll twice the second dodge is replaced with mine detonate


> Vent is the trait that will proc twice. So maybe that needs the 5s cd instead




Not everyone gets hit by Vent though. You need to be on top of the Holo to get hit by that. But Minesweeper damage is crazy >.>


And to be honest I never missed any Minesweeper hits as a Holo, almost every mine of mine hit (No pun intended), due to dodging over enemies.

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> @"allias.1420" said:

> > @"nortask.8351" said:

> > > @"allias.1420" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > > ThEy tOtALLy aRe gLaSs cAnNoNs iT iS L2P iSsuE!

> > > > >

> > > > > yEs hOlO lEaP cRiT mE yEsTeRdAy fOr 8k dAmAgE bUt iTs FiNe, iT hAs ThE loNg CoOlDoWn oF 2 sEcOnDs aNyWaY.

> > > > >

> > > > > cOrOnA pULsEs fOr 6K aNd iS mInDlEsSlY uSeD oFf cD bUt iTs fiNe.

> > > > >

> > > > > Once boon conversion gets adjusted and we evolve from the weakness spam meta, maybe then people will realize that holosmith should have been nerfed as well.

> > > >

> > > > Problem is holosmith might be strong and all but it is not a class impossible to counter, even dragonhunter which is not a meta class right now counter holo, spellbreaker counter holo, even druid counter holo because it doesn't get bursted down in seconds.

> > > >

> > > > And against an holo at least you can try contest the point to decap or hold a capped point.

> > > > Against a freaking scourge or you leave the point or you die, no other choices.

> > > >

> > > > Bombs on dodge plus dodge yeah it is quite braindead for that too much damage, but other then that it is pretty balanced because you are so squishy once outside of holo mode and once a goodplayer make you waste the 2 invulns you are done. Scourge can keep attack even when CCed like kitten. Scourge doesn't stop 1 second pressure the damage and and making the control points a pure cancer.

> > > >

> > > > Against any class in the game you can contest the freaking point and try for a decap or for a hold, except scourge, broken as hell in a mode with control points.

> > >

> > > Spellbreaker counters holo? Excuse me mate, have you ever played against holo as a sb? Doesn't sound like you have

> >

> > I haven't had an issue with any holo in my two days of playing sb, nor in my months of playing core war. Minesweeper is overtuned yes, but the class as a whole is very well balanced and fun to fight imo. And that is coming from a warrior player and a thief main. Once you learn to fight them they are a blast.


> Funny that, I've played against some good Holos and barely managed to win. Just hopped on a holo for the first time today, spent some time in duel arena and destroyed warriors having played for about 4 hours. In any case, are you NA or EU? Maybe we can meet up in meow Arena?


I'm NA definitely add me I'm always looking for players to fight! It's one surefire way to get better! I'll be on later today and early tomorrow!

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Corona is also a big contributor to the mines / vent autoburst.


> 6 second cd for 8 vuln (x2) stacks, lots of might and free stability on top of 4-6k dmg crits each pulse? lol.


ahktually the stability comes from a a major trait and not the skill itself


4k-6k damage in 2-3 seconds is low damage when you consider in the current meta any profession dumps 2-4k with autos alone


but yeah holosmiths in general agree shockwave radius should be reduced to corona burst's , as well as something needs to be done about dodge mines and vent


everyone complains no one offers viable options , damage will be nerfed the question is what functionality will be given in its place ?


Also stability does not cancel Cripple,Chill,Immobilize,Slow,Weakness,Protection, etc.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Corona is also a big contributor to the mines / vent autoburst.

> >

> > 6 second cd for 8 vuln (x2) stacks, lots of might and free stability on top of 4-6k dmg crits each pulse? lol.


> ahktually the stability comes from a a major trait and not the skill itself


> 4k-6k damage in 2-3 seconds is low damage when you consider in the current meta any profession dumps 2-4k with autos alone


> but yeah holosmiths in general agree shockwave radius should be reduced to corona burst's , as well as something needs to be done about dodge mines and vent


> everyone complains no one offers viable options , damage will be nerfed the question is what functionality will be given in its place ?


> Also stability does not cancel Cripple,Chill,Immobilize,Slow,Weakness,Protection, etc.


I know it's from a trait, but it's still free stab every 6 seconds. **There is no reason not to spam corona off cd every single time**.


4-6k seems tame, but it's a pbAoE pulse, meaning that you don't need to stop dpsing while it's going on. If it was a cast-able ability that had an animation then you would be right (even then, 4-6k every 6 seconds is still a little on the high side).


The fact that engi can leap / blitz or just auto you while they have the pulsing corona threat + vent + minesweeper just pushes them extremely over the top in terms of passive burst damage.


What functionality? Don't you think corona does a little too much as it is? Short cd, damage, vuln, might stacking, stab traited, 300 radius (as wide as a node), low heat.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > Corona is also a big contributor to the mines / vent autoburst.

> > >

> > > 6 second cd for 8 vuln (x2) stacks, lots of might and free stability on top of 4-6k dmg crits each pulse? lol.

> >

> > ahktually the stability comes from a a major trait and not the skill itself

> >

> > 4k-6k damage in 2-3 seconds is low damage when you consider in the current meta any profession dumps 2-4k with autos alone

> >

> > but yeah holosmiths in general agree shockwave radius should be reduced to corona burst's , as well as something needs to be done about dodge mines and vent

> >

> > everyone complains no one offers viable options , damage will be nerfed the question is what functionality will be given in its place ?

> >

> > Also stability does not cancel Cripple,Chill,Immobilize,Slow,Weakness,Protection, etc.


> I know it's from a trait, but it's still free stab every 6 seconds. **There is no reason not to spam corona off cd every single time**.


> 4-6k seems tame, but it's a pbAoE pulse, meaning that you don't need to stop dpsing while it's going on. If it was a cast-able ability that had an animation then you would be right (even then, 4-6k every 6 seconds is still a little on the high side).


> The fact that engi can leap / blitz or just auto you while they have the pulsing corona threat + vent + minesweeper just pushes them extremely over the top in terms of passive burst damage.


> What functionality? Don't you think corona does a little too much as it is? Short cd, damage, vuln, might stacking, stab traited, 300 radius (as wide as a node), low heat.


a simple solution would be having the master trait reduce 25% of corona's damage


im all up for suggestions but everyone just comes and goes waah waah nerf all of holosmith to the ground


giving no reason or no suggestions


and the few suggestions most give are simply gutting the whole profession


for example one i saw somewhere


50% mine damage reduction, 5s icd


now i and all the holosmith friends i have agreed vent+mines is overtuned but a change like the one above is ridiculous


gonna be honest it worries me that everyone is considering holosmith's 2 stacks of stability overpowered

when before we were dealing against players with up to 8 stacks with far longer durations

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > Corona is also a big contributor to the mines / vent autoburst.

> > > >

> > > > 6 second cd for 8 vuln (x2) stacks, lots of might and free stability on top of 4-6k dmg crits each pulse? lol.

> > >

> > > ahktually the stability comes from a a major trait and not the skill itself

> > >

> > > 4k-6k damage in 2-3 seconds is low damage when you consider in the current meta any profession dumps 2-4k with autos alone

> > >

> > > but yeah holosmiths in general agree shockwave radius should be reduced to corona burst's , as well as something needs to be done about dodge mines and vent

> > >

> > > everyone complains no one offers viable options , damage will be nerfed the question is what functionality will be given in its place ?

> > >

> > > Also stability does not cancel Cripple,Chill,Immobilize,Slow,Weakness,Protection, etc.

> >

> > I know it's from a trait, but it's still free stab every 6 seconds. **There is no reason not to spam corona off cd every single time**.

> >

> > 4-6k seems tame, but it's a pbAoE pulse, meaning that you don't need to stop dpsing while it's going on. If it was a cast-able ability that had an animation then you would be right (even then, 4-6k every 6 seconds is still a little on the high side).

> >

> > The fact that engi can leap / blitz or just auto you while they have the pulsing corona threat + vent + minesweeper just pushes them extremely over the top in terms of passive burst damage.

> >

> > What functionality? Don't you think corona does a little too much as it is? Short cd, damage, vuln, might stacking, stab traited, 300 radius (as wide as a node), low heat.


> a simple solution would be having the master trait reduce 25% of corona's damage


> im all up for suggestions but everyone just comes and goes waah waah nerf all of holosmith to the ground


> giving no reason or no suggestions


> and the few suggestions most give are simply gutting the whole profession


> for example one i saw somewhere


> 50% mine damage reduction, 5s icd


> now i and all the holosmith friends i have agreed vent+mines is overtuned but a change like the one above is ridiculous


> gonna be honest it worries me that everyone is considering holosmith's 2 stacks of stability overpowered

> when before we were dealing against players with up to 8 stacks with far longer durations


So you think a measly 2 seconds cooldown increase on top of a slight damage shaving means nerfing it to the ground? k.


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