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What do you think will happen when there is a 26th fractal?

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Currently there are 18 unique fractals, leaving 7 duplicates per tier that can be replaced by new unique fractals. Now, at the current rate of fractal creation and release, that will last us a good long time, but it won't last forever. What do you think will happen when all 25 slots per tier are occupied by a unique fractal but there is a new one ready to come down the pipe?


I think the most likely scenario would be increasing the number of slots per tier by a lot, say to 50/tier from 25. Everybody would have their current personal fractal level doubled. Agony would still max out at 150; the speed at which it ramped up from one fractal to the next would just be halved.


But I can see some other scenarios, like just adding one new fractal per tier at a time. You wouldn't have to do anything about personal fractal levels but all the achievements would need tweaking every time, with some things inevitably falling through the cracks every time. I think this is less likely than my first solution, but still a possibility. I can think of a few other possibilities as well. What do you think?

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Interesting question. Personally, I don't think that 50 fractals per tier is the way to go. Having 200 levels will do nothing to us veterans, but I'm certain it will be _very_ painful for beginners. With AR already being a gate, I hope they won't add another layer. Maybe an alphabetized list is a good thing - that will require some tweaks of the reward and AR system, but apart from the two points the level of an individual fractal hardly matters anyway, so why not kill it.

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They remove the Aetherpath and Mai Trin and release them as the single dungeon they used to be. Same for Molten Fractals. That's a net gain of two slots!

Preferably yet they'll remove all LS1 fractals and restore them to being LS1 instances (maybe keep the CMS and such) along with a long-awaited system to allow LS1 to be replayed. (net gain of 5 slots).

Or increase max tier to 150, reshuffle fractals to 3 tiers instead of 4, and 50 fractals per tier.

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If we ever get to that point, they'll have to revise the whole fractal level approach. Perhaps they will just drop levels and keep just the tiers, so that each fractal will have a single instance per tier, and all fractals within the tier being theoretically at the same "level". Perhaps they will think of something else. Or perhaps we'll never get 26th fractal.

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The poll is premature, especially since it doesn't offer even all the likely possibilities. Besides, that it's not happening for a while. If ANet keeps up their current pace, the 3rd expac will be out first and all sorts of things might change by then.


ANet could:

* Reduce fractals to three tiers, with the Bronze tier being like dungeons, Silver introducing instabilities, and Gold as the most challenging.

* Not worry about having identical lists in each tier, e.g Tier 1 could include the 25 shorter fractals and Tier 4 could have the 25 longest.

* Add a tier.

* Introduce a rotation to the tiers.

* Have levels go past 100, so each tier has room for more than 25.


I think the most likely is that they'll just let the tiers be different, after all, the four tiers have never really tried to be mirrors of each other. The lists tend to be different, even if a few are in the same spot in each tier.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The poll is premature, especially since it doesn't offer even all the likely possibilities. Besides, that it's not happening for a while. If ANet keeps up their current pace, the 3rd expac will be out first and all sorts of things might change by then.


> ANet could:

> * Reduce fractals to three tiers, with the Bronze tier being like dungeons, Silver introducing instabilities, and Gold as the most challenging.

> * Not worry about having identical lists in each tier, e.g Tier 1 could include the 25 shorter fractals and Tier 4 could have the 25 longest.

> * Add a tier.

> * Introduce a rotation to the tiers.

> * Have levels go past 100, so each tier has room for more than 25.


> I think the most likely is that they'll just let the tiers be different, after all, the four tiers have never really tried to be mirrors of each other. The lists tend to be different, even if a few are in the same spot in each tier.


I like the 3 tier idea. It is neater and clearer than we have now. We could fractals renamed as Bronze 1, 2, etc, silver 1, 2, 3 etc meaning the system would never need changing again. The downside is all the work to revamp the achievement and AR system which could be non trivial

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REEEE content for elites only?! REEEEEE


Although I seriously am salty about the bits of story locked in raids and would give my eyeteeth for a raid story mode.


Also I think if you do all the work of making a fractal you want as many people to enjoy it as possible, from newbies to silent wizened t4 murderhobos. So I think we'll always see a copy on every tier.

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