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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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I Hate it , been playing wvw for a long time , that's all I do

but what can I do they took the money , anet just put out what they like

ppl who hate this are going leave , and play other game

its a good way for anet to make money , every 8 weeks

ppl need to PAY to transfer to the server he or she like

since u cant stay in the same server

maybe anet should stop server transfer now , cuz people who don't know

are going spend 10 to 25 dollars to transfer and get RIP OFF

if he or she cant stay in the same server

and what if player with 5 guilds all wvw guilds all different server ?



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Ideally the system will assign a new player to a world on which their friends **or** guild mates play, thereby making it easier than it is at present for people to play with friends in WvW.

So you explained how you want to handle guild mates but what about friends? I have some more casual friends who don't want to join a guild for various reasons, does this mean I can't play with them anymore or are we going to be able to mark them on our frends list and form "WvW subgroups" with them?

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If ANET truly does go through with this preposterous idea, we can just put an "old wine in a new bottle." Time to re-engineer the #MagSwag Alliance. How about it? All PPK and bags, no PPT -- no consequences. Anything that gets in the way of the #MagSwag will get run-over and spawn camped. When the time comes, I'll contribute my roaming and scouting skill-sets to an exemplary guild within the #MagSwag Alliance.


Welcome to EOTM 2.0.


Cheers ANET.

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> @"Keviin Snow.5760" said:

> I Hate it , been playing wvw for a long time , that's all I do

> but what can I do they took the money , anet just put out what they like

> ppl who hate this are going leave , and play other game

> its a good way for anet to make money , every 8 weeks

> ppl need to PAY to transfer to the server he or she like

> since u cant stay in the same server





Not how it works. You don't have to pay to transfer anywhere if you and your buddies come together and alliance/guild with one and other before hand. Paying to transfer is you changing your mind about it. You have months, maybe a year, to get it all figured out. Get to it.

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When the game first launched Titan Alliance won every match in NA. Week after week, month after month. Supposedly they had 15 guilds and 3000 members. They dominated everything.


And then they started having internal issues, drama. Burnout. They realized winning in WvW didn't actually mean that much. So they broke up, scattered to different servers.


I have no doubt someone will try to make an Alliance under this new system who's aim will be to win every week. And maybe they'll get all the hardest core players and best commanders. And maybe they'll win season 1, and season 2, and season 3. But they'll have to do with perhaps only a 3rd of their world's total population, while other Alliances will get formed to topple the first Alliance.


I have never been more bored in WvW than when I was on the winning server. Winning is boring. Trying to beat an enemy that you've never beat before is fun. Sign me up for the Rebel Alliance.

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This is my opinion, gut reaction, and I speak here for myself.

I'm not sure that this system will achieve some of the concerns wvw players have regarding balance. I look at this and think of some random egg beater mix of players and guilds matched up against a similar mixture. No more server pride, albeit that our server CD isn't a powerhouse, but that isn't the point. We longtime wvw players on CD, I think, want to play well, and that is paramount over ranking and balance. We as a server have been plucky, hard fighters, knowing the situation. Do we strive to be ranked in tier 1? I don't think so. I think we on CD strive to show that a mid ranked server can at times be dangerous. Many of our players are dedicated and work with the hand they are dealt. The play in wvw is often challenging and that makes for better players. We don't have the Zerg mentality. We are CD wvw fighters.

Graf - a havoc commander from CD.

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Yeah! Thank you Arenanet. We can finnally play happy WvW. We will be free from tyranny pin harrasing guilds in server. The idea seems really guild wars. Nothing like other game. Guild vs Guild! Cant wait for it coming alive. Im excited to play with/vs all cools guilds out there. Wanna see more guilds fights. Seems like its gonna happen. ? It would be nice for guild wvw ladderleader board too.


This new idea seems make guilds come closer and have meaningful reward to play in WvW. Seems it will really shows your effort and not getting flame by other tyranny if lose fights. Hope guilds will click and form friendly alliance. For pugs, Im pretty sure there are players will pick them up too or form own guilds. So they wont be outkast.

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> @"Tyyphoon.5301" said:

> If ANET truly does go through with this preposterous idea, we can just put an "old wine in a new bottle." Time to re-engineer the #MagSwag Alliance. How about it? All PPK and bags, no PPT -- no consequences. Anything that gets in the way of the #MagSwag will get run-over and spawn camped. When the time comes, I'll contribute my roaming and scouting skill-sets to an exemplary guild within the #MagSwag Alliance.


> Welcome to EOTM 2.0.


> Cheers ANET.


In your example friend you would be with your fellow #MagSwag, particularly the ones you've friended and guilded yourself to. People you presumably like and want to do stuff with.


The people you particularly like and care to play with per your choice in guild and friends will always be kept together and certainly joined up with other fellow #MagSwag players, even if your total server population as it is now won't necessarily be included in this and split up across multiple servers for balance reasons.

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> @"Phlogistn.7893" said:

> > @"Jayne.9251" said:

> > I just uninstalled the game.

> >

> > I wanted to leave a short note to my fellow players on Piken (and even those on the "other" forum):

> >

> > Thank you.

> >

> > Thank you for being there when my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer, and later brain cancer.

> >

> > The community was the reason I played (even though I haven't been on in a while because of the above). You guys were the reason why I was so invested. You helped me more than you could possibly know.

> >

> > I know this is just a video game, but you all gave me support when I had none.

> >

> > And this decision to kill that community has completely gutted me.

> >

> > xox

> > J.


> I can understand that sentiment Jayne, I also felt kicked in the gut reading this. I have lost loved ones in the game, and made life long friends. We had an entire server hold a funeral procession for a server member and raise funds for his funeral. Game communities are often more to us than our "real life" communities. I know many of us spend more time "here" than anywhere else.

> Because I love this game, and the community I play on, and the guild I helped create, and the friends I have made here (even those no longer on TC), I will hold out to see how this turns out. And hope to make things better for those I **can** play with.


> F L Ö Guild Leader/Commander Valkyrja Söngur [ODIN], a Tarnished Coast Server Admin


Instead of having a server community, or server identity holding your pride, imagine the new possibilities of making friends, allies or even a massive WvsW community. Instead of having 15 different small unbalanced comminities, you get 1 group of ppl playing and fighting together but have a joyful time all around. It's not like you never get to play with anyone you used to, you can create a piken alliance, or tarnished aliance, it just means that your server name might be different every 2 months, just like the excisting links can change too.

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Will the amount of guilds we can be in be raised? I’m not in any large guilds that do WvW as a whole and I would prefer not to leave any of my current guilds to join a guild that is a WvW guild. Yes I understand the alliance part, however, getting allied with a WvW guild from a smaller guild probably won’t happen because larger guilds want their name out there. Another option would be to let guilds change their guild tag to show the guild they are allined with. I have been a leader of a small guild for years and have been allies with a larger guild for a couple of years. We actually wanted to change our guild tag to match theirs to show that we are together but, that has never been an option.

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I've never posted here, but with this I need clarify something. I am in 5 guilds, one is my own, one is large and is my main WvW running guild and the 3 other guilds would probably be in this alliance anyways....


"You will count as 1 player. This is handled by being able to only select 1 of those guilds as your WvW guild.

McKenna Berdrow Game Designer (sorry don't know how to quote)


This tells me I have to pick the main WvW guild over my own if I read this correctly. So my little guild now cannot do wvw guild missions to grow?


Or can I chose the main guild, be counted so to say, and at anytime switch to my personal guild to run missions?


I fear my personal WvW guild takes a hit, or my main WvW guild forces me to pick between them, and I don't see why, either way I am in the main guild, and I only count as me anyways?

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> @"Xtc Soul Dragon.2067" said:

> I never wanted to post on these forums. After 7 years of playing Guild Wars 1, I know all too well the arrogance and vitriol and lies that get splattered around textboards. But after hearing about this thread in WvW tonight, coincidentally enough, I had to come here and share my opinion, for once.


> Arena Net, this is the single most destructive decision you could do to the WvW community, and it doesn't even fix the issue that you're trying to resolve. You're going to delete 5 years of WvW history to cater to casuals and haters of a gamemode they don't understand or appreciate, for the sake of temporarily changing the line-up that will quickly result in the same complaints that you're having now. The players that only put in an hour of WvW gameplay a week will always complain about not being included, always ignoring their own lack of self-inclusion and refusing to acknowledge their own contribution while demanding the same rewards.


> In your initial post you blatantly display whom your ire and dscrimination is aimed at, and that is my home server, since prerelease, of Blackgate. It's a running gag here in my server about how much Anet hates Blackgate, and we wear it as a badge of honor because we are STILL successful by our hardwork and dedication despite fighting, at some times, up to 6 servers at once. Your idea to dissolve servers for the sake of shifting WvW power about guilds instead of server populations will end in the exact same situation we're in now, and that is an alliance with mostly Blackgate members dominating the WvW field, and you'll have effectively achieved nothing but taking our name away from us.


> You also introduce the worst element of all into the WvW environment, something that is protected right now by an account's home server location, and that is the human element. If only alliances with guilds can participate in high tiered WvW matches, then the decision on who gets to play in high tier WvW will come down to those few leaders of said guilds. Imperfect, biased, self-interested, prejudicial, human players. They will, without a doubt, hold their alliance's status over their individual players' heads as a cudgel (an ever-increasingly popular term these days) to force submission from their numbers in order to continue playing in a tier that they may have already spent YEARS working to achieve. Favoritism will determine who is tier 1, not skill or dedication or hours or sacrifice. It'll come down to kissing the right butt, and continue kissing that butt until this new system too fails to change the demographic you're so eager to create waves in.


> I am not opposed to trying this idea, but I am fanatically opposed to having it forced onto me and my server with no recourse. Go ahead and replace the failed Edge of the Mists experiment; the lacklust rewards of that gamemode will not be missed. Do not delete 5 years of WvW rivalry and identity for shallow and foresight-lacking purposes, you as the developer do not write the history of your game, the players do. You make changes and introduce new ideas into the game world, but WE the players are the ones that experience the game, WE write the game's history, and WE decide what works, what's fun, what's exploitable, and what has got to go. WvW has been server-based since the beta weekends in 2012 (that we the masses were allowed to initially experience), and the moment you expunge that from the game is the moment that WvW ceases to have a reason to exist in a lot of our hearts and minds. Give your players choice, we've earned that. Do not take away something that gives us the pride, and some of us the reason, to log onto your servers each night and spend hours of our time holding a banner that is much more than a simple server name. It is a history that we the players have created on our own, for we have earned the right to keep our identity after over half a decade of dedication.


> I am Blackgate. We are Blackgate.

> ~Xtc Soul Dragon


Overly dramatic. If you're right then BG keeps winning so if you're so worried about losing the name just make the "Blackgate Alliance" so everyone knows they're still fighting Blackgate. Simple solution.

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This is really the greatest thing for WvW. It's going to cause a lot of things. It will feel like a brave new world for sure. It's the type of excitement this game needed for along time and what a lot of us have talked about for years. It will be interesting to see this take shape. One things for sure just by this announcement players are already starting to decide and guild are already talking about reforming.


for those of you that think it is possible for another BG (in an alliance form) to form, you're simply not understanding the system. 500 to 1000 players and or guild slots do not equate to even 25% of a server. As ArenaNets diagram shows, a single world would be made up of many alliances and they will be cycled and reformed every 8 weeks.


This system would then give ArenaNet the ultimate flexibility of determining proper coverage and world populations and they can choose to use whatever scoring format they wanted. A system of this nature also allows for everyone to play with the same goals in mind and allows for balance within any given tournament format. Thus, now we have reasons to fight for first in an healthy environment as flexible as our communities are intended to be.


So the days of super stacking servers would be over. The only thing you could effectively do within this current system is stack your alliance that could equate to 10% of a total world population. The days of avoiding a said tier would vanish, because of the cycles themselves. It wouldn't just effect BG but JQ MAG and the rest. Server communities would become alliance communities.


Also happy ArenaNet decided to go with the term alliances instead of the messy term Battlegroups xD.


welp. That sums this up. I'm excited for the first time in years.

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> @"Megz.7613" said:

> I've never posted here, but with this I need clarify something. I am in 5 guilds, one is my own, one is large and is my main WvW running guild and the 3 other guilds would probably be in this alliance anyways....


> "You will count as 1 player. This is handled by being able to only select 1 of those guilds as your WvW guild.

> McKenna Berdrow Game Designer (sorry don't know how to quote)


> This tells me I have to pick the main WvW guild over my own if I read this correctly. So my little guild now cannot do wvw guild missions to grow?


> Or can I chose the main guild, be counted so to say, and at anytime switch to my personal guild to run missions?


> I fear my personal WvW guild takes a hit, or my main WvW guild forces me to pick between them, and I don't see why, either way I am in the main guild, and I only count as me anyways?


Choosing your main wvw guild only servers purpose into placing you on same world (server) with other players who chose that guild as main wvw guild. It has nothing to do with representing guild (which gets favor after you complete guild missions). Since your small guilds will be in alliance with big one anyways, you have nothing to worry about.

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wow. this. sounds. awesome.


at this point im nostalgic for the good old days of wandering around t8 soloing and 1v1ing over keeps/towers, but i realize itll never come back and that sort of thing was prolly never intended anyways. i miss it. but so far this sounds like a much better system than server links. much more fleshed out. without the kind of cracks i seem to fall into and get lost in that make the experience a long term eye roll. i look forward to it.

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> @"obastable.5231" said:

> I'm sure there'll be a lot of those posts to come, including the "What about our investments in our server websites, teamspeak, etc., etc..??" complaints.

I admin for one of those server websites (borlis.org). No complaints from me on the new system. I am concerned about some sense of continuity in the alliances. Will players be able to name their own alliances? That would make everyone, I think, feel more invested in their alliances, like they feel it's truly theirs, whether they go for the old server loyalties or choose to create something new. It would allow us to adapt existing infrastructure to the purpose of the new system.

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Whether this plan revitalizes WVW or kills it entirely, it needed to happen. WVW was already dying a slow death anyways, keeping the status quo was only going to lead to one possible outcome.


On the downside, I guess this means actual rewards in WVW are never gonna happen. Because if server stacking now is a thing, Alliance stacking (which seems way easier than server stacking) will definitely be a thing, particularly if there are actual rewards in WVW based on performance.

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> @"shagwell.1349" said:

> I don't know, because I mainly roam or pug into open tags, but isn't 500-1000 players 90% of the active wvw guilds?


Nah. 500-1000 players is maybe 2-3 blob guilds (whose rosters can go up to 200-300 in guild) or 6-7 smaller guilds who have 50-100 people in their rosters.

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