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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> The majority of people I know, including myself, are in multiple wvw guilds. I have one for zerging and one for smaller group play. Some have more than that, for zerging, for different time zones, for different activity.

> People in my guild are in multiple guilds for the above reasons, and not all in the same alternative guilds either, so simply allying with other guilds we are in isn't going to keep people together.

> This is going to destroy some guilds, most likely the smaller ones. A change is needed to happen but this wouldn't be my choice and may lead to a population drop if those left behind decide it's not worth continuing to play.

> Not to mention that changing worlds every 8 weeks is going to destroy any feeling of community that is left. The smaller servers that became link worlds already complain about this and now you extend that to everyone :/


You could all found or join a big overall community guild and mark that as your wvw guild. Would that solve the issue for you?

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Will there be a new Tag or Symbole or anything that let other ppl know you are in an alliance ? (enemys as ppl on ur world)

EDIT: Will there be a place where alliances can fight each other ? That would mean u can (max.) fight 1000 vs 1000 pll if the cap for 1 Alliance is 1000 as mentioned before. That would be a mess but kinda cool ^^

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If this new idea for wvw is implemented, it will lead to factions and power guilds having control over "their" server. I don't believe this will be good for game play and smaller guilds who want to wvw in an environment where they have some control due to knowing long time players and guilds who are present, or the glue that the server provided as an identity. When I was on other servers, as I am now again for over 2 or more years on CD, my identity was more with the server than with which guild I was rep'ing. Of course my guilds mean a lot, as do the friends/players. Yet it has always, in the end been, the server which provided the core pride in my wvw activities. I'm apprehensive of the impending factionalization* and power guild structures that will be the result of these proposed changes. As such the ideas suggested by Anet are more than disruptive to how server based wvw has been working, with it's flaws so far, they will indeed fracture the fabric of the community of players. I believe this is the incorrect path to take regarding wvw.


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Let me just put this Simple **YOU ARE DESTROYING WvW** WvW Has survived on one and one thing alone, community. A feeling that when you go into wvw you see players you have always known. This is essentially cutting off player's arms and legs because you can't figure out how to match up two Athletes. With this system were going from community to . No more rankings, No more competition, No more strategy. Just Generic large scale pvp. We can go play battlefield for that!


Yes alliances will allow SOME of the people you've seen, but they are limited and people will have to be cut out to keep them. This will create toxic and anger within groups as Guild A has too many players to ally with Guild B so Guild B kicks 20 players.


This is Just putting a band-aid on a band-aid. It fixes nothing. **WvW needs dynamic balancing, that can adapt minute by minute.** You can't predict when player's are going to play a game. you can do a good job, But players can also take advantage of this.

What if a guild decides to run on a different time?

What if One world of player's get's matched up with one world of pro's?


The only thing this will do is make WvW slightly better at the cost of anything unique about it. DO NOT DO THIS. PLEASE!

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I am afraid this will completely kill WvW for a lot of people (and guilds).


Me and a friend are in a guild that does all kinds of content -pvp,pve,wvw-. Even though that guild is not dedicated to WvW, it is very active there. I'm more a casual wvw player, only participating there with that guild because I do not have the time to dedicate enough time to WvW to be in a WvW only guild. My friend, however, has a WvW guild and plays with both guilds actively. One is his WvW guild, the other is his main guild in general.


With this changes, won't he be able to play with both guilds if they don't end up in the same world? Will I be able to play with him? I'm afraid that not only this will prevent a lot of people (like me) from playing with friends who happen to have a WvW guild, but also it will kill WvW for those non-WvW-dedicated guilds that are active in that mode. Because, let's say, my guild has a group of ~15 people who play WvW together and roam 3 times per week. But that group would be completely screwed with the new changes, because a lot of its members also have WvW guilds and will be forced to choose between those WvW guilds and our general guild, resulting in less people able to play with this general guild.


This will end up making impossible to play WvW for casual people like me, unless we accept we will be playing alone. It will magnify the difference between active, experienced people and casual players who still like to WvW and it also will prevent us from mixing and playing together because the active ones will be forced to choose between guilds. It also will kill any guild that includes WvW in their activities, without fully dedicating to it.


And the solution to this isn't saying "join the same WvW guild then". Why does he have to choose between guilds, knowing that choosing one could mean he won't be able to play with that other one he's now active with, too.





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> @"Graf.1945" said:

> If this new idea for wvw is implemented, it will lead to factions and power guilds having control over "their" server. I don't believe this will be good for game play and smaller guilds who want to wvw in an environment where they have some control due to knowing long time players and guilds who are present, or the glue that the server provided as an identity. When I was on other servers, as I am now again for over 2 or more years on CD, my identity was more with the server than with which guild I was rep'ing. Of course my guilds mean a lot, as do the friends/players. Yet it has always, in the end been, the server which provided the core pride in my wvw activities. I'm apprehensive of the impending factionalization* and power guild structures that will be the result of these proposed changes. As such the ideas suggested by Anet are more than disruptive to how server based wvw has been working, with it's flaws so far, they will indeed fracture the fabric of the community of players. I believe this is the incorrect path to take regarding wvw.



_This already happens._. It's happened many many times over the past few years. The people who 'control' the server can ban guilds from the server TS/Discords, or even just outright nuke the voice comms (a.k.a. Hellhammer it). They can pay other guilds to move into the server or withhold the money. I don't think CD has played server politics, but for most other servers, this is nothing new.


Also how would guilds even have 'power' over their server under the new system? At most, the only person with any power to affect other guilds is the originator of a guild alliance, that's it. What would even be the correct path to take, according to you?

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I think I like this Anet.


I've transferred too many times to care about which server i'm actually on. However what many people who haven't transferred don't realise is there are a lot of cool communities out there. There are tags worth following in every server. You can have friends across servers and enjoy fighting against them... that's fun too.


My guild has transferred to a link server to ensure different matchups every relink. We get to fight a lot of different guilds and we get to ally a lot of the guilds we have fought and respected from across the battlefield. I know commanders on several servers and I am excited to get the chance to play with them again, as well as new ones I haven't met yet.


I have a couple reservations but I think this sounds like it'll be fun.


Cheers all, see you out there!

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I can't imagine these changes being good for roamers or tiny (like, struggling to get players on to do WvW guild missions) guilds. Small guilds will never be able to compete with the large, alliance-based guilds for members now. Just more proof than ANet only wants players in large guilds.


I think attempting to make WvW more "granular" in order to control populations is the wrong way to go about it. You want to change when players are playing? Change the rewards. Give them a buff that doubles the amount of reward track progress if they're on during a low-coverage time for their server. Adjust the Outnumbered buff. Free legendaries for players on at a random low-coverage tick. \o/ That'll really get their attention. (Sorry, BG, no loot for you.)


I think this restructuring plan is nothing more than trying to herds cats. I commend ANet for acknowledging that coverage problems _are actually_ a problem, but people suck and will find ways to exploit even the best-intentioned system. Good luck. See you in ~~WvW~~ GvG!

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Alliances, Guilds, it's a good idea but... I'm afraid players will twist this with the creation of giant guilds (200+, 500+.. players/guild) instead of alliances. They could also manipulate datas with fake WvW players inside their guild, not a good idea but still... In this scenario, one guild become one server, how to avoid this ?

In the end, are you aware that some players, some guilds will try everything to exploit the new system ?

Sorry for being pessimistic, it's maybe a great idea...


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"lksaar.8065" said:

> > Do WvW alliances have a hardcap of guilds aswell? I.e. could I create an alliance with 500 1-man wvw guilds?

> No. There will be some cap to the number of guilds in an alliance.


I hope the cap is high enough that my small guild is not penalised. We should not have to throw away our name so we can play with the server we have come to love. I'm sure there are many others who feel the same way.

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I don't understand why you make the alliance cap 500-1000.

I do not think there are WvW guilds with players that main THAT guild (not counting community guilds) that have the guild cap of 500.

Alliances should be of those close guilds that know they fight well together.

With a cap a lot lower than 500 - say 250 - they will get the chance to meet new guilds to fights along side with thanks to this new system.


1 BL has a cap of 80 players or something?

So, 3 BLs and EB account for ~320 players to be able to be active in WvW simultaneously.

An Alliance shouldn't be able to cover all BLs and EB at 1 moment in time.


I understand that you want to spread the activity of players over the available 24h, but still... the math doesn't add up for me.

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> @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> This is Just putting a band-aid on a band-aid. It fixes nothing. **WvW needs dynamic balancing, that can adapt minute by minute.** You can't predict when player's are going to play a game. you can do a good job, But players can also take advantage of this.


Yes, dynamic load balancing. Trying to predict eight weeks of behavior is insane, especially since players are really good at gaming any system created. Why destroy the server communities and virtually guarantee a toxic environment just to make the problem harder to solve?


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I claim that most people cannot predict to what extent the whole WvW changes in relation to them. The fact is, we need something new, new is always better;)


Seriously, I think as far as I can simulate it for myself, that could be something! Finally, guilds find their relevance.


I think that through the alliances we will also be able to build up/select our new community or keep it from the existing one.


I can't wait, I'm looking forward to it!


ps. Only the news that no new borderlands will be added in the near future and there are no plans for mounts is still bothering me.


But basically there are just no interesting items for WvW players in the shop. Why actually there are no fancy skins for siege weapons or more magnificent banners and suchlike. Well, one at a time.

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> @"Fazz Um.1537" said:

> I don't understand why you make the alliance cap 500-1000.

> I do not think there are WvW guilds with players that main THAT guild (not counting community guilds) that have the guild cap of 500.

> Alliances should be of those close guilds that know they fight well together.

> With a cap a lot lower than 500 - say 250 - they will get the chance to meet new guilds to fights along side with thanks to this new system.


> 1 BL has a cap of 80 players or something?

> So, 3 BLs and EB account for ~320 players to be able to be active in WvW simultaneously.

> An Alliance shouldn't be able to cover all BLs and EB at 1 moment in time.


> I understand that you want to spread the activity of players over the available 24h, but still... the math doesn't add up for me.


Cap 500-1000 players in an alliance. Players that plays at different time? Some players doesn't play long thus having shorter WvW playtime (the server/alliance will need more players for coverage) I'm guessing. It's an interesting system tho. Will cover the 4 issues highlighted. Would like to know more on how the system captures the roamers etc. (There's the picture explaning the non guilded players outside the alliance but very little info?)

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