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Everything posted by Norbe.7630

  1. > @"Norbe.7630" said: > yes its doable > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said: > 17/20 now. Slowly but steady progressing with slightly less than one win per tourney. Plat teams totally butcher us but some other tourneys we manage to get 1 or 2 wins. by the time you get that get another one or two, you'll be gold for sure on ranking and maybe plat :) advance congrats!
  2. Its a Legendary component (bling bling), its a "Player vs Player" Legendary component for me the hardest to get was the Mystic Tribute
  3. > @"Soul.2710" said: > now I have no idea is it even possible for me to advance Go play Automated Tourneys, hone your skills there against Premade Platinums and Legendaries, if you can go toe to toe with ATLEAST one of them in a node then you will advance forsure you can post here your gameplay for evaluation :)
  4. > @"Khalisto.5780" said: >those scourge bots smash 90% of those silver players lol
  5. Warrior is my least played class in PvP. I think the images shows why. It took 3 or more screenshots to kill you while for example on my 2nd least played class the mesmer, it will only take one screenshot of combat log to down a core shout guardian
  6. There will be a time when you are attentive enough by experience on what enemies are doing, their pattern. You will see enemies make changes when they are killed by you. You will see them make changes to win. If they don't make changes on how they behave if you perma kill them on that same node, that's a bot. Also, if you are trying your best but still being outplayed by better enemies and your teammate thrash talks you and tell your a bot to everyone ingame as well as the PvP lobby mapchat, that teammate of yours is a Douch of the Arena
  7. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > do pro sports players get rated based on volatility or deviation? in pro esports i think its the "winrate" of the "team" like in dota 2 etc but to determine the "individual" skill level of each player inside those team comes glicko, elo etc etc etc
  8. > @"Orih.5210" said: >And now the truth there is nothing better i was thinking if the winrate matchmaking is better though also if what is its flaws this only on solo que though, if its a complete 5man party then we will all know who is the top 5 in every timezone
  9. > @"Khalisto.5780" said: > I see you sitting at 800 games, so i guess you testef it yourself i only doin a soft test like droppin 100 not entire division to confirm, its hard for low pop to accurately confirm, but that -20 +7 is coming and +18 -9 maybe near end season ill try the division downgrade
  10. > @"hsims.8364" said: > 1 the matchmaking is horrible pairing random skill level players and creating unfair games > 2 player afk and ruin the game > 3 players don't not pay attention to the game, just playing death match/ going 3v1 and leaving the map empty, jumping alone on 3 players, not reviving, not caping node > 4 bots, real bots 1. When i was new i dunno about skill level of player, i just learn eventually from experience 2. Yes, people afk for some reasons, i dunno why though 3. People have different strategies, infinite strategies, not limited to the meta, it whats makes or breaks a game 4. inb4 the bots were the chat spammers selling golds, now its the real game bots
  11. Chrono active 2 dodge Mirage active 1 dodge 3rd elite active 0 dodge make it chance percentage like passive
  12. Buff healthpool instead to golemlike hp. Its like watching a football game and you expect a knockout performance like in boxing, so boring.
  13. My post was deleted by a mod and jailed me for a few days.
  14. > @"MarkBecks.6453" said: > Any ideas Ladies and Gents Name the best WvW guilds on each servers they represent. I don't wanna hear the past guilds or what they've done they're already dead, i want the still active ones to be known. I don't wanna hear about jumping guilds too, i just want the guilds that their servers are proud of them.
  15. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > It's more Lich Form that they are complaining about, due to what @"Ragnar.4257" mentioned about 2v2 seasons. Ah is see, the 2v2 season. Maybe we should teach the noobs the mechanics of the games first like in PvE raids or World boss, the hardest hitting on lich form was a projectile skill 1. (i think i learned that first during one of my first fractal runs fighting asuran golem, where mesmer puts dome reflects on that golem, im sorry i forgot the PvE names and terms, i don't do that mode often) On that season i ran, trapper druid (w/staff), burn guard (w/shield), scourge/necro (w/poison cloud), mesmer (w/ kiting skill) My favorite part on that was i am acting being hurt or panicking while enemies are on lich form while I'm inside the poison cloud on my necro, their lich form expires faster than my poison cloud. Noobs just panics when they see an enemy on lich form, they run.
  16. Its population, twas answered many times many years ago thats why linking system was tested, then used as permasolution but the problem persisted thats why the alliance proposition was made but not implemented (its worse than relinking) you remember the unthinkable happened? Blackgate opened, everybody was like oh my fooking gawd! at that time twas like a covid pandemic or something on GW2 WvW scene I changed mode since then from WvW to PvP, but was surprised on what I've found it is the testing ground for the future of WvW, the solution is fcking simple, add bots you translate PvP to like 3 persons + 2 bots vs 5 people in PvP, now in WvW all they need is to place 1000 bots to play with you then WvW is saved even if you are the only one left playing that mode (for PvErs who wants to unlock Warclaw or costumes or Achievement moguls) PS: i hope Diku still fights for his World vs Globes idea lol (basically wants WvW to turn EoTM)
  17. I dont think necros OP i dont think everyone thinks necros op
  18. > @"snoow.1694" said: >most players that place higher than Bronze won‘t probably ever encounter bots, that is the first flaw in your argument. They are currently on Plat/Gold 3 right now, in fact as of this moment they are streaming lol
  19. its the same program that the engi in this thread i showed the video https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1333196#Comment_1333196 but people got no clue what they are about to see
  20. > @"Albert.3574" said: > like this bot ... second.2619 anet? ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/290873619310182400/797257652002226186/gw002.jpg "") > sometimes, "eigth" and "thrid" appears on each teams as opponents
  21. Individual options for Utility skills//weapon skills on "Snap Ground Target to Current Target"
  22. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > Domination\dueling\chronomancer with mantra of pain, that's one of the greediest things I have ever witnessed so far yeah haha, theres a code in WC3, "Greed is Good" but im not greedy lel
  23. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > That's amazing playing! is that you? the guitarist is not me, i have a habit of linking music to playing/gaming, it just happened i used his tune on practice i do love the mesmer sounds as mirrory, wine glass shatter, those limestone thing
  24. > @"necromaniac.7629" said: > you're so fast with CS split bursts that is seems like a macro, cool vid practice makes perfect, i play mesmer and i play violin you just need muscle memory and timing
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