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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ChaliElle.9137" said:

> Basically.. How will those changes support guilds that are mainly cross-region, cross-worlds communities, but sometimes group of members team up for some serious WvW?

I think I gather what you are asking. In the event of a guild, whose members span regions the matcher would group members of the same guild together. The matcher would then calculate the guild value differently per region (based on the players that are in that region). Effectivly the system would look at this like there were two guilds, one in each region. The guild could only accept and be part of one alliance so unless that alliance also spanned regions this could be limiting.


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While I enjoy the changes, I have a request to make:

Make the chosen WvW guild a stat we can fetch through the API so we can verify players in a similar manner as we can right now with checking which server an account is assigned to.


Lets see how this will work out!

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

> > > @"vier.1327" said:

> > > Wait a sec...

> > >

> > > Is it going to be always a world [sP]? Or i am going to be force to play in a world with a different lenguage?

> >

> > the thing I'm not sure about the most within this system is the EU servers. under an alliance.


> They stated in this thread language preference will sort players as well.


sweet ty.

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> @"CharonXeno.4869" said:

> 1) If you (the player) are part of Guild A and enjoy playing with players from Guild X, Y, Z. Unless those four guilds manage to join the same "Guild Alliance" and manage to get assigned to the same "World" - tough luck trying to play WvW with your friends.

There is an easy solution to this problem: allow players to make WvW subgroups for their friends list and give them the option to clarify whether their friend subgroups or their WvW guild should take priority. This way your friends would at least generally be on the same "World" as you and your guild mates unless there's some conflict of interest.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"obastable.5231" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> >We are planning to give the community some lead time before this goes live. Organizing yourselves will take time and we want to allow that to happen. Transfers are something we can monitor better with this system and respond to more quickly. Since worlds should be relatively even the amount of transferring to the higher population worlds before they become full will be less. This should prevent guilds and alliances trying to use transferring to stack servers more difficult. We're open to discussion about this though and the "fullness %s" are things be looking at and adjusting if needed until we find a good spot.


> Your wording indicates that this is largely finished and nearly ready to deploy. Also the willingness to discuss it with the community and having such concrete answers to questions.


> Will our next re-link at the end of February possibly be our last, or will we get one or two more after that? :astonished:


We have just entered the early stages of development and this will take some time to complete. I was just stating that we have already recognized the need for extra time to organize when the changes eventually go live.

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A change like this just might make a casual like me actually want to try WvWvW again in the future.

I've never cared much for server pride. The one guild I actually enjoy at times are on a different server for this game mode.

I like the people, but not enough to grind or spend cash on gems for a game mode I have sometimes a passing interest.

Yet if the game itself shuffles me around automatically to a "world" where my guild is that would help encourage me to play the game mode more often.

I'd have to get over other aspects of the mode which are my hang ups, but more time with friends could alleviate some of them.

Plus the idea of Alliances and Guilds being the focus will add some community where the removal of servers takes away a sense of community at the same time.

Though I suspect with big enough Alliances, you can recreate some of that "server pride" feeling if the population of said guilds was high enough.

This is an interesting idea to take for WvWvW, at least there's some direction for the mode.


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> @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

> > > > @"vier.1327" said:

> > > > Wait a sec...

> > > >

> > > > Is it going to be always a world [sP]? Or i am going to be force to play in a world with a different lenguage?

> > >

> > > the thing I'm not sure about the most within this system is the EU servers. under an alliance.

> >

> > They stated in this thread language preference will sort players as well.


> sweet ty.


No problem, here is the statement.


> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > WORLD = (an alliance[or a few] +guilds[a few smaller ones?] + individuals[those who didn't declare a wvw guild??])

> > In a world, is it random alliances that are matched together? And random guilds put in? and random individuals?


> Yes, except worlds will also consider language. So random alliances, guilds, and individuals that all have the same language preference.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> 5. Concern: Changing guild tags while in WvW - Say I'm repping my WvW guild and go to WvW. I wish to switch my tag to claim something but the tag I'm switching to isn't in the alliance. What happens? Am I kicked from WvW? Do I get transferred to a different instance of WvW? Do I become "red" to the other alliance members? Do I nee to rep the guild at all to enter WvW and be where I'm supposed to be with the alliance?


The tagging of a guild for wvw, is for the purpose of distributing the population at the start of a new season. Going by the original post I'll assume you can change tags freely as usual, you just won't be able to join players from another guild if they are on another server until the next season. Once a season starts you are on that server for whatever guild you tagged as your wvw guild for 8 weeks, unless you transfer. If there's another guild you want to play with then make sure they are in the same alliance for that season.


> Once new worlds have been created and everyone has been sorted onto their WvW worlds, the new season has officially began.

> During a season players can manage their WvW guilds and alliances after reset and through the end of Week 7, but their WvW guild and WvW alliances will not be updated until the start of the next season.

> Ex: If you are playing WvW with Guild A this season and decide to set Guild B as your WvW guild in the middle of the season, you will not be able to play with Guild B until the next season, unless you transfer (more about that later).

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WOW. Gonna miss TC, but its whatever. Not like i'm playing a whole lot anymore. If i were, i'd be raging against this, as we all know that a 'top alliance' will rise and dominate the entire thing, just like Blackgate has been doing for the last 3-4 years. However, i do hope it all becomes k-trains. I like EOTM - no one ever defends. lol

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> @"Mana.6248" said:

> Cool stuff. I don't like the whole idea, but whatever happens, happens.

> What made my blood boil is the fact that you're giving up on the old Worlds concept. I just recently got myself a fully expanded second account only so I can enjoy the WvW with a certain guild on a lower tier server, while keeping my "main account" on the higher tier one. Was happy with my decision, until today. After the restructure thing I will have no use for the mentioned second account, and, well, you know, money doesn't grow on trees. I'm completely uninterested in any other aspect (PvE, PvP) of GW2 at present, so, a serious question now - can I expect a refund?


Many players have multiple accounts, I have 3 myself and though they are currently all on the same server (and will continue so until this is implemented), I've still been throwing around a few ideas for after this is implemented in case I want to wander servers so to speak.


First, I have 4 guilds, 2 have a GH with all wvw upgrades and 2 were created before GHs and are now just used for bank storage (apparently new guilds don't come with a bank automatically, but these have 1 thanks to being created before HOT). Anyway, the 2 older non GH guilds had +5 before HOT, but now not, but, they are still guilds at my disposal. If I choose to mark 1 of the GH guilds as my wvw guild on my main acct and alliance with my other GH guild, then theoritically I can use the 2 non GH guilds as my wvw guilds for one or both of my alts so I can wander with those accta so to speak. Given that the 2 disposable guilds don't have any upgrades other than the bank, if I don't join those guilds to an alliance with the guilds that do have upgrades, theoretically, I'd end up with accts on 2 maybe 3 different servers when this goes into place and according to the "rules" I'd still be able to claim objectives using the upgraded guilds on those alts even if they aren't marked as my wvw guild.


In your case, it sounds like you have an opportunity to join a friend's guild on the lower tier acct, and provided it's not the same guild as your upper tier acct and you don't alliance with that guild, then after this goes live your two accts will probably still be on seperate sessions. But, who knows?

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> @"Doraen.9718" said:

> Is there any chance that people who paid for server transfers will be given a refund? At least in in-game gold or gems? I switched to my current server a couple of years ago and convinced a whole lot of my friends to do so as well, by either completely emptying our their banks to convert gold to gems, or just spending money for gems. One of which just transferred last week, and we're all a bit annoyed that it was just a waste.


This stuff is still in early planning stages, personally I doubt it will be ready at minimum for another 6-9 months or more like a year at least, this isn't something coming out next week. You have lots of time to play in the current system and make the move worth it. Most of us empty our accounts to get enough gems to move usually, it is what it is, that's what you do sometimes to play with friends.

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Just a minor thing (allready discussed, but from a different perspectives). When looking at regional binding. Gw2 tends to look at language settings, so e.g. Players with the interface language set to German tend to be put together. I do know quite a bit of people playing the game on a non English interface setting but being active in English speaking communities, so I would suggest to have an additional option for guilds to mark their community language. It will help to sort those type of players with the community they play with as the interface language setting is a bad indicator to what people prefer in their community.

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A potential solution for being able to run with multiple wvw guilds (for those of us that roam and do hardcore fight guild raiding) would be revamping the 'guesting' options, to being able to 'guest' to our other wvw guilds without a time limitation. (Ie. My wvw fight guild raids M-W-F), I roam with my other guild after those hours, and on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I want to be able to run with both. My roaming group may not be able to get into the alliance with my fight guild, and this is definitely something that needs to be addressed. I can list my roaming guild as a WvW guild, for sure, but my fight guild would be my Main WvW guild. Can we get logistics on this?

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Being in a PvX guild, my biggest concern is how we need to designate ourselves as a WvW guild. Can we still WvW and do PvE guild missions if we do that or is PvX no longer an option. Also, when only 50 people out of 500 do WvW in our guild, would all 500 count as part of our alliance, making our alliance very weak?

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> @"Earlywood.7438" said:

> Being in a PvX guild, my biggest concern is how we need to designate ourselves as a WvW guild. Can we still WvW and do PvE guild missions if we do that or is PvX no longer an option. Also, when only 50 people out of 500 do WvW in our guild, would all 500 count as part of our alliance, making our alliance very weak?


The 50 will count to the alliance most likely. your other 450 will be RNG as pugs and scattered to various worlds. WvW and PvE missions can be currently done across servers/worlds. don't see how that would effect. The world cap would probably have a fluid margin of error accounting for rng pugs being place.

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I don't know if this has already been mentioned but what about the language problem.


I don't know about NA, but in the EU there are separate worlds for English, French, German and Spanish speakers. I would imagine it would be really awkward for an English speaker such as myself to suddenly end up on a world with only German or Spanish speakers ( I speak a little bit of French, but I doubt it would be enough to follow what was going on).

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If this change came to pass that'll be it for my girlfriend and I; I'm not sure why anyone thinks it's a good idea. Who wants a world-mmo without a stable world and community? Every two months everyone outside of your alliance is gonna be a stranger - do people literally only talk to and do things with their guild mates? They're basically saying that if you're not a wvw enthusiast this isn't the game for you anymore.. so it's not the game for us anymore.

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> @"Oenanthe.6549" said:

> I don't know if this has already been mentioned but what about the language problem.


> I don't know about NA, but in the EU there are separate worlds for English, French, German and Spanish speakers. I would imagine it would be really awkward for an English speaker such as myself to suddenly end up on a world with only German or Spanish speakers ( I speak a little bit of French, but I doubt it would be enough to follow what was going on).


It was answered early on in the thread and I reposted that answer 10 posts ago....


But here it is again.


> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > WORLD = (an alliance[or a few] +guilds[a few smaller ones?] + individuals[those who didn't declare a wvw guild??])

> > In a world, is it random alliances that are matched together? And random guilds put in? and random individuals?


> Yes, except worlds will also consider language. So random alliances, guilds, and individuals that all have the same language preference.

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> @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> When the game first launched Titan Alliance won every match in NA. Week after week, month after month. Supposedly they had 15 guilds and 3000 members. They dominated everything.


> And then they started having internal issues, drama. Burnout. They realized winning in WvW didn't actually mean that much. So they broke up, scattered to different servers.


> I have no doubt someone will try to make an Alliance under this new system who's aim will be to win every week. And maybe they'll get all the hardest core players and best commanders. And maybe they'll win season 1, and season 2, and season 3. But they'll have to do with perhaps only a 3rd of their world's total population, while other Alliances will get formed to topple the first Alliance.


> I have never been more bored in WvW than when I was on the winning server. Winning is boring. Trying to beat an enemy that you've never beat before is fun. Sign me up for the Rebel Alliance.


im AA that time :p

Titan Alliance was strong that time with 7/24 Queue 4 map

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