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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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How is class balance being approached with this overhaul? I'm assuming there are 2 different teams that work on these parts of the game, but what does it matter if wvw is more fair in terms of population and representation if the current meta is so incredibly unfun? With a more competitive environment, commanders/guilds/alliances are going to want people to run meta more than ever. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that navigating 63,722 scourge circles is not fun.


Also, what is stopping guilds/alliances from selling membership for gold to get you onto a more active/winning instance that season, then booting you, and doing it again the next season?


Also rip Fort Aspenwood

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**Can you Imagine - Edge of the Mists - EotM - Re-Designed to be the Main Lobby for WvW - Powered by this Alliance Design?**


1) Remove All NPCs that rely on a Player's Home Server from WvW maps & place them in EotM for easy access. Crafting NPCs should also be placed in EotM.

2) Encourage Players to AFK in EotM to allow PIPs to decay with No PIP earning. EotM is the public hang out that's outside of the Main WvW game mode maps.

3) Require Players to enter the EotM Map before allowing them to use a Special WvW based Server Guesting menu.

4) Implement the below WvW based Server Guesting Match-Up mechanics.




**EoTM Re-Designed to really attract PvE Players into the WvW game mode & to provide a common area for Guilds to recruit new members.**


Guilds from different servers have a fair chance to recruit 1st time WvW players with this systematic wiping of EotM teams every season.


World Servers are allowed to create permanent & stable Long Term Communities that can have a life cycle to be born, grow-up, die, and then be re-born again in a cycle that replenishes itself through seasonal guild changes.


The WvW game mode should emotionally engage players to return to these Long Term Communities...where fighting for something bigger than any single player or guild has deeper meaning.




**Think about it - Which would be a better choice for Match-Up mechanics for our Main WvW game mode maps?**


System based


Player driven




System - Currently World Linking & Proposed Alliance Linking


Player - Server Guesting Re-Designed for WvW & the Removal of All Fixed Tiers





ANet uses algorithms on player hours played, best guess idea, etc to form an 8 week Alliance - World Servers wiped at end of season - Reward based on current mechanics





ANet uses weekly limits on How Many & Which Servers a player fights on - World Servers Don't wipe & WvW Rank is used as a reference point to Reward players into attacking the Top Ranked WvW Servers & to Punish players for attacking Any Lower Ranked Servers




Choose wisely...each effort will take a lot of time & resources to implement, but will result in a completely different gaming experience & game mode.



Imagine if we had SERVER GUESTING for WvW...





**Can you Imagine a Re-Designed Server Guesting mechanic for WvW that would let you Pick any NA/EU Server to Fight against with Limits on How Many & Which?


Can you Imagine a Re-Designed Server Guesting mechanic for WvW that would let you change your weekly match-up (1-5) choices at reset?


Players will just need to wait in queue (to get a seat) if they only pick the Top Ranked Servers to fight against.**



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> @"Diku.2546" said:

> Choose wisely...each effort will take a lot of time & resources to implement, but will result in a completely different gaming experience & game mode.


You are right, Anets method really does sound much better than this guesting mumbo jumbo.


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> @"Selwynn.2758" said:

> I've been Jade Quarry since beta, and wvw is 100% of my game time. This change takes all the love and pride had for JQ and all the joy, pain sweat tears and success I've shared with a community that maintained world pride even through the dark time... And took a fat dump right in its mouth.


I was on JQ for years, when I left a year ago it had very little overall server pride left, there was a lot of infighting, the atmosphere was toxic and guilds left over it. I'm not disputing you feel server pride but don't assume its even close to the majority on your server.

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Legit question Anet, it was brought up in one of your live streams that the Alliance system is a long way out. Why even bother approaching the community until you had it at least at a 6 month release? I feel a good portion of the community thought that this was going to be released by summer 2018. Can you give us any more information on when you are expecting to have this rolled out, testing days etc? Anything at all really, you've kept us effectively in the dark for 2 months going into a 3rd. Has there been any progress made?

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Scourge ruined GW2's PvP... lets face it. I am excited about this new alliance patch but fighting against a million scourges just takes the fun out of it. If nothing is done to scourge then the PvP population will die even more. Hell I am considering to get back on my thief when I play WvW just so I can wreck scourges.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> We've already had the server pride discussion, it happened 2 years ago when the bottom 12 NA server names disappeared. Care to rehash how that turned out? Tldr: we were told again and again server pride is dead!


> Linkings were made to try and even population,, everyone had 2 years to spread out and try to make it fairer for everyone. Instead, most of that time was spent insulting guest servers, insulting hosts that dared make it to T1, insulting hosts that avoided tier 1, bandwagonning to cheaper guest servers and complaining endlessly that some servers were locked, which coincedently and by shear irony, the locked servers seemed to always hold all the complainers guildmates!


> Players can't be trusted to police themselves, most will always choose the selfish path. This system will minimize selfishness, but still allow you to play how and with who you choose and may even give others that have had skill this whole time, but never made it to 1st because their opponents were just better at ppting.


> The only reason to not be at least willing to try a new system is because you KNOW how broken the current system is and you prefer it that way.


Tell em. Preach and preach!

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> Scourge ruined GW2's PvP... lets face it. I am excited about this new alliance patch but fighting against a million scourges just takes the fun out of it. If nothing is done to scourge then the PvP population will die even more. Hell I am considering to get back on my thief when I play WvW just so I can wreck scourges.


Thanks, now I'm having this terrifying mental image of an entire alliance of nothing but Scourges. Imagine an entire Alliance that only accept scourge players, demoralizing. Think I'll stay in PVE land for a bit longer.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > Scourge ruined GW2's PvP... lets face it. I am excited about this new alliance patch but fighting against a million scourges just takes the fun out of it. If nothing is done to scourge then the PvP population will die even more. Hell I am considering to get back on my thief when I play WvW just so I can wreck scourges.


> Thanks, now I'm having this terrifying mental image of an entire alliance of nothing but Scourges. Imagine an entire Alliance that only accept scourge players, demoralizing. Think I'll stay in PVE land for a bit longer.


Imagine entire guilds that only accept scourge players, demoralizing.


There *are* such guilds on your server, right? I mean since the alliances doesnt really add anything to that which cant be done today.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > Scourge ruined GW2's PvP... lets face it. I am excited about this new alliance patch but fighting against a million scourges just takes the fun out of it. If nothing is done to scourge then the PvP population will die even more. Hell I am considering to get back on my thief when I play WvW just so I can wreck scourges.

> >

> > Thanks, now I'm having this terrifying mental image of an entire alliance of nothing but Scourges. Imagine an entire Alliance that only accept scourge players, demoralizing. Think I'll stay in PVE land for a bit longer.


> Imagine entire guilds that only accept scourge players, demoralizing.


> There *are* such guilds on your server, right? I mean since the alliances doesnt really add anything to that which cant be done today.



Haha I know there aren't anyone quite that silly :p Relax, just messing around/joking.


Mostly toying with the idea "what if", then finally ranger would be most sought after class in the game! I think every commander would die of heart attack.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > Scourge ruined GW2's PvP... lets face it. I am excited about this new alliance patch but fighting against a million scourges just takes the fun out of it. If nothing is done to scourge then the PvP population will die even more. Hell I am considering to get back on my thief when I play WvW just so I can wreck scourges.


> Thanks, now I'm having this terrifying mental image of an entire alliance of nothing but Scourges. Imagine an entire Alliance that only accept scourge players, demoralizing. Think I'll stay in PVE land for a bit longer.


It is scary :(

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With the new underwater combat changes. You guys should make one of the alpine borderlands a full underwater borderland. Then We would have 3 different battlegrounds. It could even go as far as reconstructing eternal battlegrounds so each keep could have one of the borderland themes.

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> @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > https://imgur.com/a/jDB318R

> > The graph isn't labeled? What does it mean?


> This graph was posted earlier in this thread by Anet Raymond, the driving force behind the Alliance revamp. Each column is the man hours(read activity level) of each server. Which columns represent which servers were not provided, except for the first column which we know is Blackgate.


> Maybe Blackgate has a better skilled WvW playerbase, maybe Blackgate has better commanders, maybe Blackgate is better organized. All of these things are debatable.


> What we know via this graph is that Blackgate spends more man hours in WvW than any other server, and that due to the population caps placed on servers, no other server has the chance to stack to the level of activity that Blackgate enjoys.


> Thus every server is outnumbered by Blackgate overall(Linked servers mitigate this somewhat, and individual times zones will vary, we're talking about overall). I'm not making an argument or stating my opinion, I'm just reading the data that Anet has given us.


> And after looking at that data for a very long time Anet has decided to do away with servers and give us a more dynamic flexible system.




So instead of having teams called "servers" we become nothing, nobody and an EOTM-faceless-nameless blob without any loyalty or identity.


That's expanding EOTM without doing away with it and not revamping WvW.


If just a few things changed in WvW, I can almost guarantee everyone would be 'happier' and have a better WvW experience


1. All 'health' pools are too small. If a fight is over in less than two seconds, something is wrong with the health pool numbers. Raise them to triple

the numbers, make people work for a kill rather than handing it to them on a platter.


4. Voice comms inside WvW are long overdue. Even if it was only for each "map", it would make a huge difference.


3. Three entities fighting against one antoher almost always sets up one to be 'doubleteamed' by two. That's not a competitiuon, that's, well, I don't know what it is, but it's not World Versus World. If just one entity was against one entity then the 'best' would rise to the top. As it is, it's a game of 'point manipulation' such as

the case of many servers 'standing down' so they won't go up in tier.


4. Why are people who don't speak my language in my WvW? I thought the whole reason for NA and EU was to make sure we could understand one another? Another major issue not even being discussed yet and one that can break a server into many uncommunicative factions.


5. Queues should open up as many maps as needed and collapse, similar to empty maps are doing now, with timers to let everyone move to other maps

as the queues resolve.

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I read all answers from Devs in past 51 pages and didn't see answer to my few questions.

While browsing and ignoring all posts that attached images or videos to get more popularity, I saw some strange suggestions too which still doesn't answer my question.


![](https://imgur.com/1uFZPf9m.png "")


So referring to above nameless diagram, I'm gonna assume the biggest line is Black gate and the smallest is Anvil Rock. And devs are trying to fix the issue that BG, JQ and TC, FA are always occupying the first top few and then people who are tired of seeing their pie size is thinner than paper in WvW UI, transferring to higher tiers.


I'm from Anvil rock (the last one in list) so low that even gw2stats doesn't bother to collect the data for it anymore. and I don't have any complain about this. I am not "participating" in WvW and for that reason the reward track that I selected two Octobers before is still half way to complete. this is for one obvious reason,. I'm not WvW player and I only get into WvW for guaranteed loots at the end of each reward track which if seems to be impossible to gain in PVE, even after months of participating in those events and still not getting a single one. example? "Fossilized insect". More examples? "HoT mastery points" which if you read every other thread about it, people suggest "WvW becuz it is izi to do!", by current server linking every 2 months I might get lucky and get linked to 1st or 2nd server in tier and get some progress in reward track. Other times I'm seeing below stats for next 8weeks (2 months). in this case I rather avoid going to WvW because nobody likes to be sniped by a mesmer or thief as soon as you put my feet out of base.


![](https://imgur.com/ngXfgYPm.jpg "")


And here are my questions:


1. Black gate will be dissolved in new system. but what will stop them from creating guilds and alliances with same people who kept the BG on top for past 5 years and do the same thing in this new concept? if they managed to play in all time zones and keep their sever on top can't they do the same thing in any system devs design again and again?

2. I'm right now at the bottom of WvW with this new implementation I'm still at the bottom of the list, so what is the change that is going to happen here?

3. Lets say generally speaking, I did play WvW 2 octobers ago and never played since, I'll be dropping to the bottom of tiers just like what happens now if you stop at a vendor or TP to empty your bags for 5 minutes and you are already back to tier 3 participation. How long would you think it will take for me to go back to top? do you think I even consider going back to WvW and be the meat infront of cannon for another god knows how many months to reach tier 4?

4. Lets say I managed to get into a top notch high end WvW guild in Tier 1, What stops them from kicking me out or demanding to pay them gold to be in that guild? how long would it take for a guild, isn't this called pay to win?


And one little reminder, you devs are a few people which I assume you are all geniuses. but don't forget your game, your code is played by millions of players and there will always be a few smart people to figure it out and exploit your system and bring it back to what currently is, or should I say changing name of question to make it temporarily go away?

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> So instead of having teams called "servers" we become nothing, nobody and an EOTM-faceless-nameless blob without any loyalty or identity.


> That's expanding EOTM without doing away with it and not revamping WvW.


No its not, your identity is with your alliance. If your server identity is so strong then the server community will create a community guild and be in a community alliance.



> @"bobsort.4097" said:

> 1. Black gate will be dissolved in new system. but what will stop them from creating guilds and alliances with same people who kept the BG on top for past 5 years and do the same thing in this new concept? if they managed to play in all time zones and keep their sever on top can't they do the same thing in any system devs design again and again?


This has been answered so clearly you didn't read the whole thread. Alliance size will be a fraction of the current server size and will be at most 20% of the size of a world (what are currently known as servers). Thus it is impossible to create a BG in the new system.

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