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Anet scrapping worlds, but a new chance.


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I see Anet announced they are scrapping worlds and doing an alliance system.

My big thing is Anet REALLY should make the rewards good since they are taking away the world I have been on since the game began :/

It would make matches have meaning since they are taking the server away. I've been with the majority of these people for years. I will miss a lot of them. So Anet please give us something as a reward that's good :/

The chance I was referring to in the title above is that this change may possibly push guilds to strengthen their numbers. > >

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Oh dont worry, it will turn into an eotm style ktrain since there will be no reason whatsoever to care about stuff like defending, scouting, roaming, small team play. You are not playing for your server, community, or anything so why care? Since these types of playstyles are not rewarding, blobbing up and ktraining will be the only thing that people will do and we will have 24/7 pvd.


The fun part will be when anet announces rewards for winning servers. That has obviously worked out so well in the past right?


Oh and I cant wait to see the same people who are gushing over themselves about how great this is, come back here complaining about not having enough coverage because a few guilds can stack a server in one timezone and lock it, not being able to recruit for their guilds because they shut out militia, nobody to fight, and only seeing people ktraining!

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Yep its gonna be eotm. Every man for himself. With this change, all guilds will withdraw to their own TS/discord, so no more 50 man groups with voiced commander. It'll be pug heaven and a silent place. No more community guilds for call outs because there is no point to recreate them every 8 week.


I wonder who will take the community guilds 500 man fully upgraded guild hall on my server and make a run for it lol. You can only have one guild now so you have to leave all your other friends behind.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Yep its gonna be eotm. Every man for himself. With this change, all guilds will withdraw to their own TS/discord, so no more 50 man groups with voiced commander. It'll be pug heaven and a silent place. No more community guilds for call outs because there is no point to recreate them every 8 week.


> I wonder who will take the community guilds 500 man fully upgraded guild hall on my server and make a run for it lol. You can only have one guild now so you have to leave all your other friends behind.


Why would you have to 'recreate' the community guilds? Just stay in it and mark it as your main wvw guild at the beginning of the season. Make a second one for your friends and join in an alliance with it.


And idk why anyone would bother to make a 'run for it' with a guild. I don't think you even can. Can you kick people of the same rank as you as a guild leader? So long as you can't, if the guild has more than one person in a leadership position.


Also this shit already happens anyway lol, with TS and such. Remember Hellhammer?

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

>You are not playing for your server, community, or anything so why care? Since these types of playstyles are not rewarding, blobbing up and ktraining will be the only thing that people will do and we will have 24/7 pvd.


I already don't care much about those things. I log on to fight people and read mag team chat so the success or failure of the new system from my perspective will be measured by how many people there are to fight and whether or not team chat is still hilarious or not.


I imagine you'll say something like "well why fight if there's no community you're fighting for or some objective to defend?" And the answer to that is: because fighting is fun.

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> @"aandiarie.7195" said:

> This thread if for anet to improve the rewards if they are going to gut our server O_O the least they can do.


Why is it that players have this unfounded sense of entitlement? ANet are trying to improve the system and would probably be working hard to make these changes positive for the WvW community which has seen falling population numbers for some time now.

What could possibly be the reason to "reward" or compensate people when what they are planning to arrange is hugely beneficial?

If players are afraid of losing their friends and guilds, then they need not be worried. Under the proposed system, you would have plenty of time to arrange for you and your contacts to be grouped into a guild or an alliance 500-1000 strong(TBC). They mentioned this is far from implementation stage and players would have **months** to form links. "Rewards" are not justified in my opinion.


Perhaps players will be given titles relating to their original/historic server name like "Veteran Defender of Blackgate" or similar - if this is what you meant.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"aandiarie.7195" said:

> > This thread if for anet to improve the rewards if they are going to gut our server O_O the least they can do.


> Why is it that players have this unfounded sense of entitlement? ANet are trying to improve the system and would probably be working hard to make these changes positive for the WvW community which has seen falling population numbers for some time now.

> What could possibly be the reason to "reward" or compensate people when what they are planning to arrange is hugely beneficial?

> If players are afraid of losing their friends and guilds, then they need not be worried. Under the proposed system, you would have plenty of time to arrange for you and your contacts to be grouped into a guild or an alliance 500-1000 strong(TBC). They mentioned this is far from implementation stage and players would have **months** to form links. "Rewards" are not justified in my opinion.


> Perhaps players will be given titles relating to their original/historic server name like "Veteran Defender of Blackgate" or similar - if this is what you meant.


I agree. So many posts of how dead or broken WvW has becaome and they already poo poo'in the proposed changes. It amazes me sometimes how ANET hasn't just turned off the servers....

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The main area where anet fucked up in the first place was making server linking. Hadnt anet fucked around with the classes and bring the first pirateshit into the game due to stability nerf then most servers would have kept on flourishing. The reason for server populations being the way they are atm isnt due to the players, its due to anet disregarding the cries of players over the long years of what is fun for them. We have been middle fingered by anet for a long long time and thanks to them they have strangled WvW to the point it is now.

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> @"Lobo Dela Noche.5127" said:


> Maybe if they would just do a classic server merger and stop with coming up with gimmicks to dodge the stigma of admitting that the population has dropped they wouldn't get so much backlash.


Server Merging keeps the following problems:

* Still allows Band-Wagoning/Transferring/Stacking

* Still locks some players from playing with each others

* Still keeps server drama an implosion

* Still allows servers to "buy" coverage

* Still keeps you stuck with all the same trolls in your server


And probably a few more.


What it would do is:

* Minor shape-up for a couple of months, until the "same old" (bonus point, 8 weeks is a season in new system)

* Fall right back into the same problem a little while later, and we would have to merge servers again. Thus not really solving anything at all.

* Each community would just continue to dwindle slowly until it collapses (because only 5 roamers left)


Servers has been one of the main underlying problems with WvW since first tournament. It is just simply put a horrible solution. It can't sustain itself because game-populations always dwindle with time/age. It is too static and can't update itself or change itself without destroying something. They honestly shouldn't have used servers in the first place.


The new suggested system may not be perfect, but at least it fixes some of the largest problems with the server structure. The rest, we will just have to see about.

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