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Request to credit gem balance


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I just transferred servers and spent 1800 gems one day before the wvw restructuring was announced. I'm sure there are others in the same situation I am.


Seeing how I literally just threw 1800 gems into the trash if this goes into effect, can I get a credit to my gem balance? If I had known of this upcoming change, I would have never spent the gems on a world transfer.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> I just transferred servers and spent 1800 gems one day before the wvw restructuring was announced. I'm sure there are others in the same situation I am.


> Seeing how I literally just threw 1800 gems into the trash if this goes into effect, can I get a credit to my gem balance? If I had known of this upcoming change, I would have never spent the gems on a world transfer.


The restructuring isn't happening anytime soon. It's going to be months and months and months.


However, if you feel you want to spend those months on the old world, create a support ticket and say it was a mistake (you can reference today's announcement or not). I think it's likely that they'll move you back and refund the cost. If they don't, take the time to politely appeal the decision.


I'm sure you won't be the only person reluctant to spend gems currently, so they'll have to have a plan for responding.

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People are ridiculous. Transfers aren't guaranteed for satisfaction. This is a feature that will take months to develop, if you don't like where you were then why cancel the transfer? Are you even asking for a transfer reversal, or looking for a free transfer? As a person who has spent hundreds on transfers for guildmates through the years, you don't see me demanding a refund for a service I paid for.


What is next, People not liking the confusion change demanding refunds for a character slot and 80 boost for their mesmer? I'm sure they also want to keep the slot and the character though

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> @"neven.3785" said:

> People are ridiculous. Transfers aren't guaranteed for satisfaction. This is a feature that will take months to develop, if you don't like where you were then why cancel the transfer? Are you even asking for a transfer reversal, or looking for a free transfer? As a person who has spent hundreds on transfers for guildmates through the years, you don't see me demanding a refund for a service I paid for.


> What is next, People not liking the confusion change demanding refunds for a character slot and 80 boost for their mesmer? I'm sure they also want to keep the slot and the character though


This is different. The day the OP decided to spend 1800 gems, there was every indication that "worlds" would exist in their current form forever and beyond. The day they posted, that was no longer true. Spending 1800 gems for 6-12 months of WvW might be reasonable to them, but spending 1800 gems for 3-4 months of gameplay might not be. Maybe they'd make the same decision today, if they had waited a week, but maybe not.


It seems like a perfectly reasonable request, as long as the OP understands that it would also be reasonable for ANet to deny the refund on the basis that the change isn't scheduled and won't happen any sooner than 4-6 months at the earliest.

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I also transferred servers (region as well) after returning back to game a few days ago. But I am happy with the restructuring announcement and will never ask for refund as it is against progress. Kindly consider the following points:


1. We have asked for WvWvW changes and betterment since launch. ArenaNet is finally working in that direction let us support them. If all start asking for refunds then this proposed update may get cancelled. Don't let 1800 gems come in way of reviving this fast dying game mode.


2. Transferring servers is always a risky thing to do. There is never a 100% chance of getting what you want. For example previously in game people would follow big alliances (or guilds) from one server to another only to find out that the alliance transferred off again, or they disbanded alliance, or they left the game altogether.


3. You most likely spent 1800 gems to transfer to a WvWV server which has much better coverage and guilds than your previous server. Think of it as an investment for future. Lets say the new changes are implemented in 6 months. You can use these 6 months to get into a WvWvW guild of your choice which is active during your playtime. This will ensure that once Alliance system goes live you will have a very high chance of joining a server alliance of your liking. A random guildless player on a dead WvWvW server will have a much lower chance than you to get what he wants, no matter how much the Devs balance the new system. You spending 1800 gems now have greatly increased your chances of getting what you want when the new changes occur.


There will always be people spending gems for transferring servers. Some would be leaving dead servers, some will be leaving communities and some will be bandwagoning to the next big coattail they can ride on. WvWvW progress cannot be stopped due to this. It has been long overdue and when it is finally happening lets try and cooperate with it. We don't know when the new changes will be implemented, 6 weeks, 6 months or even a year.

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Yes, you deserve your money back, dont even matter when you made this transfer...Anet should have warned us that this change was coming a long time ago, since they never hinted that somthing like this would happen, you and anyone else have the right to get their money back from the last transfer that you made.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Yes, you deserve your money back, dont even matter when you made this transfer...Anet should have warned us that this change was coming a long time ago, since they never hinted that somthing like this would happen, you and anyone else have the right to get their money back from the last transfer that you made.


"A long time ago"? They're giving us a lot of advance notice _now_, "a long time ago" will apply when the changes actually occur.

OP will still have a lot of time to play on the current server they're on.


That said, I understand OP's frustration with the timing of the announcement in relation to when they spent those gems and would fully be in favor of reverting that expenditure.


Pretty much in agreement with Ben K and Illconceived Was Na.


~ Kovu

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You want a refund because of a system they haven't even developed yet?

Good luck, I guess I should go back the grocery and get a refund for this milk I didn't use for 6 months.


> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Anet should have warned us that this change was coming a long time ago, since they never hinted that somthing like this would happen, you and anyone else have the right to get their money back from the last transfer that you made.


They did, with that thread, this isn't a system going into place like next week, it's several months to even a year as it hasn't been put into development. People need to reread that thread, it says several months to develop even longer than previous systems, it even says if the reception was not great (and I believe they meant about the announcement not after the system in action because it would too late by then) they would just continue with links.


If they did it earlier I'm sure someone back then would have complained as well anyways , so at what point does that stop you from asking for a refund?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Auroma.9126" said:

> I also transferred servers (region as well) after returning back to game a few days ago. But I am happy with the restructuring announcement and will never ask for refund as it is against progress. Kindly consider the following points:


> 1. We have asked for WvWvW changes and betterment since launch. ArenaNet is finally working in that direction let us support them. If all start asking for refunds then this proposed update may get cancelled. Don't let 1800 gems come in way of reviving this fast dying game mode.


> 2. Transferring servers is always a risky thing to do. There is never a 100% chance of getting what you want. For example previously in game people would follow big alliances (or guilds) from one server to another only to find out that the alliance transferred off again, or they disbanded alliance, or they left the game altogether.


> 3. You most likely spent 1800 gems to transfer to a WvWV server which has much better coverage and guilds than your previous server. Think of it as an investment for future. Lets say the new changes are implemented in 6 months. You can use these 6 months to get into a WvWvW guild of your choice which is active during your playtime. This will ensure that once Alliance system goes live you will have a very high chance of joining a server alliance of your liking. A random guildless player on a dead WvWvW server will have a much lower chance than you to get what he wants, no matter how much the Devs balance the new system. You spending 1800 gems now have greatly increased your chances of getting what you want when the new changes occur.


> There will always be people spending gems for transferring servers. Some would be leaving dead servers, some will be leaving communities and some will be bandwagoning to the next big coattail they can ride on. WvWvW progress cannot be stopped due to this. It has been long overdue and when it is finally happening lets try and cooperate with it. We don't know when the new changes will be implemented, 6 weeks, 6 months or even a year.


This is a very interesting and thoughtful perspective, Auroma. Thank you for posting your thoughts.


To those who are asking about refunds, please remember that the change *is* some time away. Certainly, you can ask, but please consider if it's truly reasonable to do so.

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> @"I Heal Ur Wounds.8165" said:

> Anet loses absolutely nothing if they refund those gems.. They should refund it.

They’ll lose their credibility for doing so. As others said, he’ll at least have months to play on his/her recently transfered sever. So, the spent gems are already been used properly, which excludes the terms for a refund.

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Just to clarify, I'm not asking ANET to return my money. I'm specifically asking about my gem balance. ANET can keep the money for all I care, I just wanted my gem purchase to be worth something and not be invalidated in a few months towards the future. I understand this restructuring may take months but regardless of the fact- I would not have transferred if I had known this beforehand. If it means returning me to my original server I'm perfectly fine with it.


Compare this situation with the Free-to-play core game and HoT expansion announcement. Players were given an opportunity for a refund if the player purchased the core game within a window sometime around the announcement.


ANET should consider giving players in this situation the same treatment.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Yes, you deserve your money back, dont even matter when you made this transfer...Anet should have warned us that this change was coming a long time ago, since they never hinted that somthing like this would happen, you and anyone else have the right to get their money back from the last transfer that you made.


But you see, the post that the developers made *was doing exactly that.* The change is not happening now -- the post was made to give everyone notice that this will be coming in the future. "Warning" given.


> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> This restructuring may never see the light of day. We have a long way to go and the original post by the Devs may get changed entirely.


This is very true. The devs involved have given every indication that the matter is still under research and discussion, and it is possible that the final form may change.

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When you pay to move servers it isn't actually the act of moving your account that you're paying for - this can be done for free - but rather the act of moving your characters in their current state. You see, you could transfer your account for free if you delete your characters first, but you opted to pay for the convenience of not having to do that. I think you got what you paid for, whether you realized that at the time or not, and I do hope no one gives you a refund.


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I have transferred a few times...would like to go back to my original server but get ALL my gems back from each transfer :astonished: Nah...just kidding but I see where some may be concerned but in general I have to agree with @"Auroma.9126" that if you did the transfer because you wanted to better suit your play-style or time zone it probably is a good investment now.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"neven.3785" said:

> > People are ridiculous. Transfers aren't guaranteed for satisfaction. This is a feature that will take months to develop, if you don't like where you were then why cancel the transfer? Are you even asking for a transfer reversal, or looking for a free transfer? As a person who has spent hundreds on transfers for guildmates through the years, you don't see me demanding a refund for a service I paid for.

> >

> > What is next, People not liking the confusion change demanding refunds for a character slot and 80 boost for their mesmer? I'm sure they also want to keep the slot and the character though


> This is different. The day the OP decided to spend 1800 gems, there was every indication that "worlds" would exist in their current form forever and beyond. The day they posted, that was no longer true. Spending 1800 gems for 6-12 months of WvW might be reasonable to them, but spending 1800 gems for 3-4 months of gameplay might not be. Maybe they'd make the same decision today, if they had waited a week, but maybe not.


> It seems like a perfectly reasonable request, as long as the OP understands that it would also be reasonable for ANet to deny the refund on the basis that the change isn't scheduled and won't happen any sooner than 4-6 months at the earliest.


I'm pretty sure at least one MMO EULA that I have read through over the years indicates that the player is to understand that s/he is involved with virtual assets that have no guarantee attached to them and have no promise of permanence. I mean, I know I am probably the only person who reads EULAs, but...


Let's be real; this change is going to take months to implement. OP will get plenty of wear out of the new server.

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> @"diamondgirl.6315" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"neven.3785" said:

> > > People are ridiculous. Transfers aren't guaranteed for satisfaction. This is a feature that will take months to develop, if you don't like where you were then why cancel the transfer? Are you even asking for a transfer reversal, or looking for a free transfer? As a person who has spent hundreds on transfers for guildmates through the years, you don't see me demanding a refund for a service I paid for.

> > >

> > > What is next, People not liking the confusion change demanding refunds for a character slot and 80 boost for their mesmer? I'm sure they also want to keep the slot and the character though

> >

> > This is different. The day the OP decided to spend 1800 gems, there was every indication that "worlds" would exist in their current form forever and beyond. The day they posted, that was no longer true. Spending 1800 gems for 6-12 months of WvW might be reasonable to them, but spending 1800 gems for 3-4 months of gameplay might not be. Maybe they'd make the same decision today, if they had waited a week, but maybe not.

> >

> > It seems like a perfectly reasonable request, as long as the OP understands that it would also be reasonable for ANet to deny the refund on the basis that the change isn't scheduled and won't happen any sooner than 4-6 months at the earliest.


> I'm pretty sure at least one MMO EULA that I have read through over the years indicates that the player is to understand that s/he is involved with virtual assets that have no guarantee attached to them and have no promise of permanence. I mean, I know I am probably the only person who reads EULAs, but...


> Let's be real; this change is going to take months to implement. OP will get plenty of wear out of the new server.


The EULA doesn't say that ANet cannot reverse the transfer; it just spells out that it's their decision. In the past, they have refunded purchases made in similar circumstances, if the request is put in shortly after the changes. That's all the OP wanted to know.




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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> You want a refund because of a system they haven't even developed yet?

> Good luck, I guess I should go back the grocery and get a refund for this milk I didn't use for 6 months.


Or, maybe the grocery should mail you a surcharge for that cottage cheese.



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