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Do we want a GvG ladder system for Guilds for PvP?


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I voted a new game because I didn't see that you changed it in the bottom. But I do have a suggestion for it. Maybe the GvG could be a bit like WvWvW. Here is my idea: the 3 borderlands could be replaced by, as I call it, a War Hall for the guild. (Number depends on how many are in the war) The war hall functions like a guild hall, except that it's more like, decorations are replaced with traps, gates, and walls for the enemy along with siege weapons. And it's more shaped like a long twisting corridor that goes into a circular room with a captured point and maybe has stairs up to another corridor and room with a point with stirs to another etc. until they get to a main point where it's worth twice as much. And the eternal battlegrounds could be revamped and put in. Again, sorry I didn't see you said the bottom wasn't a new game.

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In a way, a new PvP game would be great. It appears that once you start a poll, you can't edit the options with it.


Perhaps a new mobile gw2 game for in game rewards?


Polymock Go! Miniatures would actually have a purpose. Gotta catch them all.


But I was hoping for a return to the 8vs8 Guild vs Guild battles from Gw 1 .


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> With the upcoming 1vs1 and 2vs2 arena PvP game modes being worked on, do we as a gaming community want a new PvP ladder system for Guild vs Guild ? In particular 8 vs 8 ?


The devs are already looking into it because there is an interest...





> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We still have no current plans to support additional game modes with a queue. The long and short of it is that we feel that splitting the population right now is really risky and could have a major negative impact on the game.


> That being said, as mentioned in the Tournaments thread, we do plan to support additional game modes, to some degree, with event tournaments. The frequency of these tournaments will be determined, in part, by how popular these tournaments become. Our first special tournament will likely be a 2v2 tournament. I also foresee the possibility of Stronghold and even Courtyard tournaments.


> In addition, we’re currently discussing the feasibility of adding custom arena support/special tournament support for large team (15 v 15?) elimination style matches. This does get a bit more complicated as the current UI breaks with anything more than 10 v 10.


> What other game modes would you like to see show up in tournaments? Keep in mind that any game modes requiring new maps would involve quite a long development time.



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We really need a 1vs1 or 2vs2 ranked PvP team ladder or at least one type of PvP game mode that is Not Conquest or Stronghold.


If you compare this game to other real time strategy games like Starcraft 2 or Warcraft 3, no one ever respected team games of 3vs3 or 4vs 4. People loved playing them, but no one ever took them seriously.


The skill level of players was always stronger for solo and 2vs 2 team players battling it out.


And the problem with WvW is that you rarely have 10vs10 fights. It's always outnumbered battles of 5 vs 10 or even 10 vs 30. This is one of my favorite GW2 game formats, but I have never taken it so seriously.


This is why a 8vs8 or 10vs10 format for Guilds vs Guilds is extremely important.


Having Guild vs Guild fights could be balanced more effectively than the massive Zerg vs Zerg fights we currently have.


Having a new PvP ranked format can only introduce more gamers to the PvP community.


By the way, I'm extremely excited for the changes coming to World vs World and the game play that will result from having new worlds and players being matched up with each other 8 weeks.


And I know a new game mode would probably take over 1 year to realistically create, but I guarantee GW2 players will play PvP more if 1vs1, 2vs2 or even Guild vs Guild fights were an option.

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Guild vs Guild 8 ON 8 Tournament bracket

Solo/Duo Queue Ranked

Unranked solo duo queue.



People should be able to just play and have fun why does everyone need to be in the ranked queue just to grab pips?


This is why we get so many toxic and braindead folks in ranked. I would even banish myself to unranked I really don't care to be ranked. I might be able to play around with off meta builds in unranked and people wont strangle me because hey at least we still get something for our time (pips). A lot of people want the goodies and to have fun they don’t actually want to do ranked. We need an Arathi Basin or Warsong Gulch/ mini WvW style conquest mode. Why do we need to fight on a tiny circle thats carpet bombed its the dumbest design ever. let people fight out in the open and just grab a flag or hold an objective like a farm or something where we can move around more.


Why is everything in this game even pvp based around stacking in a little circle? Its dumb and makes things harder to balance.

let people kite and not get yelled at for being off point by making the area that you flip a farm or a blacksmith not a tiny little circle. Look at WoW they are doing something right with the map design. I mean at least you can move around while fighting for the lumber mill your not forced to stand in a full onslaught of aoe on a little circle to flip the point.


Your not going to canabalize WvW because the battles are much larger scale there so people that want big battles will stay there. Literally you could copy paste 3 objectives from the WvW map turn it into an instanced battle and there is your map. Or we can all continue to stack together on little tiny circles . The blob meta going on 6 years.


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  • 11 months later...

Yes of course we do.


But I would rather just have the return of 5vs5 Ranked ladder for exclusive Guild vs Guild ladder.


Although it would be awesome to develop new 8vs8 maps or 10vs10 maps, I would be perfectly fine with using the 5vs5 maps that we have now.


Realistically, I don't think ANET is willing to devote the time or energy to develop a new PvP system, despite having the best combat mechanics in any RPG ever. It's a joke that a game called Guild Wars 2 does not actually have Guild Vs Guild battles implemented somewhere in the game.

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