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WvW gear advantage


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Exotic gear is like 10% weaker than ascended. Farming trinkets from LS3 maps (in addition to LS3 reward tracks) is more than trivial, and it's very fast. Ascended weapons only have big impact on power focused builds because of weapon strength, it barely affects condi and healing builds. Ascended armor is not even necessary because stat difference barely exists compared to exotic (I'm not sure about defense difference, but it's not very impactful).


You're probably just "farming" it wrongly.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> ROFL, this dude, some people is just too lazy, literally the easiest MMO made for the most casual people you can probably think of, yet some people will still complain about how hard is to gear up


So it easy to gear up to fully ascended in gw2?

I'm sorry for you if you got enough spare time to play 24/7 for months just in order to get competitive gear. But this just isn't normal in real world.


what if someone has just recently started playing? It might be easy for a veteran to replace some of his gear from time to time but for a new player it takes months to get fully ascended gear. Some people have real life as well, they just can't play 24/7, in the end of the day not only the new players suffer from the lack of players the veterans also suffer from being all alone on their servers.

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Bro i don't know how else to you this but you can literally gear up in hours in this game, you can craft and all that, fractals PVE or just grind the WvW/PvP rewards for a couple weeks and get full ascended hello is this real life right now? Also exotic is between 5% and 10% weaker than ascended basically the same thing by the time you can actually play the game properly (which is what you really need to be trully competitive), learn about mechanics, about classes, animations, effects, strategies, you will be hands down, fully ascended in multiple characters, gear is nothing in this geame is completely meanigless is all about your actual ability to play the game right, by the time you actually learn this yeah believe me you will be geared.

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Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.

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No serious guild would accept a new player anyway brother, u need time to actually learn and prove yourself before applying to any decent guild. They will ask you for gameplay footage playing on a guild raid enviorment/build and background (previous guilds and whatnot), believe once u actually learn the game to a point where you will have the credentials to join any competitive guild, you will have the gear.

Play the game bro, learn the classes, learn mechanics, learn strategy, join squads, experience is all that matters, no serious guild will ever take a new player, just not gonna happen if you are trully a competitive player you will take your time to actually learn the classes before even try joining a guild bro. This is not a game where u hop in a join a guild and u dominate the world believe me when i tel you any guild that takes a new player like that it is not on the top tier for that very same reasson, if you are trully competitive you will actualy take the time needed to learn the game and avoid those newbie friendly guilds and just aim for the top tier, but you need the credentials to do it.

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> @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.


so if gear won't carry a player, what would be wrong about nullifying the gear advantage?

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It is simple, WvW players/guilds liek to theorycraft their own stuff their own composition, if they just make everything like PvP everyone will run exactly the same not a whole lot theorycrafting can do there, everyone would just runs the same ammulet . Most WvW guilds have their own builds tweaked they way it fits their style better, and that is not possible if they eliminate the posibilities of min/maxing stats. Very minor tweaks are placebo that can make it or break it for some of us (oh i got 50 power by sacrificing 10 crt and 20 toughness yeah!!!!), but don't get me wrong all that matters in the end is skill

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3 of the 4 classes I play in WvW have exotic gear, most don't even have the optimal stats because I'm lazy, one of the three doesn't even have any runes and a white weapon with the wrong stat combination - but that one poor character of mine is the one I'm the most successful with when I'm running with my Guildmates. Gear isn't very important in WvW, more important is that you play well and understand the game - if you've perfected your own gameplay THEN you can start going about optimizing your gear, and even then exotic will most likely be enough. Some stats are more accessible on ascendet gear though, so thats a point.

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> @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> exotic isn't competitive, no serious WvW guild would accept you with exotic gear, furthermore the difference is far more than the 10% if you add up infusions and additional buff-food effects. Fully buffed up it's something about 25%.



No serious guild even care as long as you bring a bunker firebrand, bubble spellbreaker or condi scourge.

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> @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> > @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> > Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.


> so if gear won't carry a player, what would be wrong about nullifying the gear advantage?


Build diversity, slight tweaks in numbers can make a player more valuable. I can do that for a while in exotic.


Food is easily available, and usually dropped by commanders.


Infusions? Cheap as hell in the WvW vendor. If yo think that total bump of what.... 50 points if it's max ascended, is that much of a difference, maybe this isn't your game mode.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> > > @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> > > Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.

> >

> > so if gear won't carry a player, what would be wrong about nullifying the gear advantage?


> Build diversity, slight tweaks in numbers can make a player more valuable. I can do that for a while in exotic.


> Food is easily available, and usually dropped by commanders.


> Infusions? Cheap as hell in the WvW vendor. If yo think that total bump of what.... 50 points if it's max ascended, is that much of a difference, maybe this isn't your game mode.


I am sure a raiding group would love to have you.

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> @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.


This... I have 4 Ascended pieces, 2 Legendary, Legendary weaps and Ascended trinkets all with infusions. I really look good.


They will not keep you alive much longer than Exotic if you don't have situational awareness!!!

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> > Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.


> This... I have 4 Ascended pieces, 2 Legendary, Legendary weaps and Ascended trinkets all with infusions. I really look good.


> They will not keep you alive much longer than Exotic if you don't have situational awareness!!!


yes they will, believe it or not

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> @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> > > Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.

> >

> > This... I have 4 Ascended pieces, 2 Legendary, Legendary weaps and Ascended trinkets all with infusions. I really look good.

> >

> > They will not keep you alive much longer than Exotic if you don't have situational awareness!!!


> yes they will, believe it or not


They will? You've stated you don't have them, yet you know they will keep you alive longer...

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> @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> hi guys would love to play WvW again, but I'm tired of all this farming in order to get the best gear, so if you made WvW like PvP or at least make it possible to get perfect WvW gear within 1-2 days, you would definitely get more players playing WvW.


I am on favor for removing PvE gear from WvW and adding something more like with what we have on sPvP....but, getting gear on GW2 is not hard at all, you could say this years ago, but right now, is really easy to get a full set of exotic gear. Dailies give you 2 gold, which is enough to buy a piece of gear on the TP, you also have reward tracks, that will give a gear of any stat that you want, thanks for the powercreep dungeons are even more easier to run....and you can allways ask for you guild for some money to get a full set with sigils and runes included...obvious you wont make it in 1~2 days, but you dont need more than a week to get ready for WvW.


> @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> > > Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.

> >

> > This... I have 4 Ascended pieces, 2 Legendary, Legendary weaps and Ascended trinkets all with infusions. I really look good.

> >

> > They will not keep you alive much longer than Exotic if you don't have situational awareness!!!


> yes they will, believe it or not


Ascended gear dosent make that much of a diference, in truth, the only place you need it is Fractals...the stat diference is like what? 10% or something? Ascended gear cant carry you on fights, you still need skills to win fights. You might have a edge when fighting against people of the same skill as you, but better players will still beat you.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"ankortwat.4926" said:

> > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > > @"jacksmith.6028" said:

> > > > Exotic is totally competitive. I have full ascended with infusions on one account and the exotics from the reward tracks on another. Not a huge amount of difference in performance . Most fight guilds I've been in are fine with exotics if you can show you know how to fight. The cool thing about WvW is that gear won't carry a player.

> > >

> > > This... I have 4 Ascended pieces, 2 Legendary, Legendary weaps and Ascended trinkets all with infusions. I really look good.

> > >

> > > They will not keep you alive much longer than Exotic if you don't have situational awareness!!!

> >

> > yes they will, believe it or not


> They will? You've stated you don't have them, yet you know they will keep you alive longer...


I had fully ascended before the recent meta change.

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The only thing rhat really makes a difference is the weapon. Otherwise Asc gear doesn't make too big a difference.


Are there situations that arise where you'll have died in exotic but not ascended? Yes. But those are extremely few and far between and even still it usually implies you'd have have lost the fight, anyways.

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