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Pay-To-Win specs

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First of all **Free Players** are trying a **trial** version of the game, so they can't complain about pvp not being fair.

Core game owners are the only ones who got screwed over a bit (because they are essentially in same position as free players after having paid).


Here's an interesting observation by my guild:

If you buy a game now you get HoT by default (no supported packs come without expansions) and HoT specs can beat PoF ones.

In fact I've seen successful reapers (GS variant), scrappers , Daredevils (and core thieves, btw), Druids, Herald Revs (admittedly, those were pretty good players on revs) and Dragonhunters this season.


That's majority of classes being viable as long as you're not a meta slave.



PS: **I agree about their business model changing, though, just in a different way.** If you look at most recent gem store releases, you might notice that it got some skins priced at 2k gems, some RNG mount packs (implying the mount skin you want will probably cost you a fortune too), shared inventory slots (that cost a fortune each),single glove/boot skins costing 500 gems and being released without the final part (and a full boot/glove/shoulder set being released MUCH later at a discounted price). Average price of a single skin on gemstone definitely went up...



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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > @"Colly.4073" said:

> > It’s not quite pay2win yet but it is definitely heading in that direction.


> List off one thing in the gem store that gives a player who drops money on the game a single discernable advantage over another player in combat in either WvW or PvP.


Sorry I can’t list anything at the moment because I didn’t say that it “is pay2win” and if you had read properly you would have seen that.


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I saw HoT in the gem store - PoF I haven't seen. I'll look for it again when I get home.


People who are dedicated to the game get the expansions. People who are dedicated to the game have a greater propability of being good at the game. People who are good at the game are OP, but fixing that would be stupid.


If you just want to play casually, then just do that and elite specs aren't an issue. If you want to be serious about the game, but are too cheap to support it - that's your problem.


The elite specs are NOT more powerful across the board, which means it's a general balance issue, if some specs are unbalanced and not something tied to the elite specs specifically. Since some of the elite specs are worse off than the core specs it is very clear that Anet did not in any way design them with P2W in mind.


If you're salty about not having the elite spec, support the game or find peace in casual play. I do not support F2P players wanting to be really serious about the game.

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> @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> First off I want to say **I love GW2** and I think it is a **great game**. However after coming back from a few years of not playing, I noticed their business model changed radically. Now they are selling specializations?! There's no denying that someone who does not purchase these specs has a severe disadvantage against those who do. Guild Wars 2 was doing great, it's still a great game but.. selling overpowered specs is something I highly disagree with. I am happy to spend money on GW2, I already have purchased the Heart Of Thorns expansion but.. I just feel it is quite wrong, and very pay to win, to sell these specs to players in order to be viable in pvp. They need to find another way to sell expansions to make the business model fair again.


like any mmo that is buy to play, you need to buy the expansion to get its contents it is not pay to win please do not be a little snowflake. You are not entitled to everything for free just cause you exist. and please research what pay to win is and try archage. then you will know pay to win

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> @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> First off I want to say **I love GW2** and I think it is a **great game**. However after coming back from a few years of not playing, I noticed their business model changed radically. Now they are selling specializations?! There's no denying that someone who does not purchase these specs has a severe disadvantage against those who do. Guild Wars 2 was doing great, it's still a great game but.. selling overpowered specs is something I highly disagree with. I am happy to spend money on GW2, I already have purchased the Heart Of Thorns expansion but.. I just feel it is quite wrong, and very pay to win, to sell these specs to players in order to be viable in pvp. They need to find another way to sell expansions to make the business model fair again.


by that logic every single game with an expansion is p2w. GW2 is not a free to play game, it's a free to try.


And this comes from someone who labels the whole "expansion" model as retarded and obsolete... thank you blizzard... oh wait

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> @"Colly.4073" said:

> > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > @"Colly.4073" said:

> > > It’s not quite pay2win yet but it is definitely heading in that direction.

> >

> > List off one thing in the gem store that gives a player who drops money on the game a single discernable advantage over another player in combat in either WvW or PvP.


> Sorry I can’t list anything at the moment because I didn’t say that it “is pay2win” and if you had read properly you would have seen that.



Exactly, so what information are you using to even make that crazy leap of logic that "it is definitely heading in that direction."? See, I read what you said correctly, but my point is if there is nothing for you to hang this particular hat on, then where/how are you even coming to this conclusion.



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gw2 isnt pay to win cause classes improvement's are on the expantions itself, so basicly u guys are folowing your class progression and history rather than buy items that makes any one win with lesser effort.


Tho, note the b2w in gw2 and classes overperfomance in most cases can reach a very gray area wich is what makes players confused about the gw2 b2w, but that is due gw2 gameplay is made for bad players and palyers who jsut want to feel strong withing a push of a few buttons, and balance tends to be awfull to bad most cases due how classes are designed and how to be played.

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> @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Game is B2P. You are expected to buy expansions. GW2 is not P2W. Yet.


> Are you denying the fact that someone who purchases no expansions at all, has a disadvantage against those who have access to all the elite specs? That is literally paying for an advantage lol. If PAYING FOR AN ADVANTAGE is not pay to win, then NOTHING is.


You using a strategic interpretation of pay to win to simply be right, your logic if flawed however.


they are actually introducing EXPANSION of the game. If you choose not to expand with it that is your prerogative. Those of us who do and will have a different perspective on this than you do.


You are not paying for advantage you are paying for expanded game content and specializations and all the new stuff comes with that.


Again your reasoning is fine for yours subjective opinion but not for speaking as though that opinion is word of fact for all of us.


I buy the expansions because I want to.


I will never have the time to really collect a legendary weapon, should I complain that those that have more time and money than I do should also not get that?


Or wait would you rather the company gain insufficient income to actually keep advancing the game? Gem store just doesn't cut it in the long run as to many people see this as a buy once get any and everything for free forever...

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> @"PLS.4095" said:

> > @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> > Facts: Paying for an expansion gives you an advantage in PvP over those who have not paid for these specs.

> > Pay-To-Win: Paying for an advantage.

> > That is literally the definition.


> Agree 100 %


> > P2W system is about ... buying +20% dmg booster by real money.... or perma stealth suite.. or special weapons with ultra effect .. triple dmg than best ingame weapon.



> Core engi + 50 % dmg + stab + triple damage = Holosmith

> Core engi+ perma stealth = scrapper


> Next.



You are a PVPer with a small scope mindset. What may look p2w to you is b2p for everyone else. It is not anyone else's fault that you chose a game that is not Pvp-oriented, therefore no one takes the blame but you.


If you want to cry p2w, then leave, because honestly you have no argument here. Your argument is only correct in YOUR mindset and your scope only focuses that on PvP, while going: I don't give a damn about anything else.

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It would literally be impossible to not add specs that are not better than the original. I'm not saying all of them, but if you don't want it to be considered pay to win the specs would have to be worse and equal too is just impossible because something is always gonna be better than something else

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