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[Suggestion] Give Roleplayers their own chat channel


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Pretty much the title. Obviously the roleplayer chat group would be disabled by default but when checked in chat channel selection box players would be able to view and switch to the roleplayer channel (via /rp). The channel would function identically to /say (you would have to be near whoever send the message like in /say) except you can't see the text if you don't have the roleplayer chat group enabled including all emote text (like "player bows") and /me even though all emotes with animations would still play the animations normally for all players even if they aren't in the RP channel.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> normally these end up filled with awful nsfw rp. I have read some of the funniest things in the BDO rp chat.


> great idea OP, I bet gw2 can come up with some deeply cringe-worthy rp's. maybe they will even get a villain as incredible as Dremlock, I doubt it somehow tho


I can describe the bdo-rp-chat in one word: traps


To the OP: We don't need an additional rp-chat, despite some people who spam their fantasies in the world chat and no-one needs nor wants them. It's fine like it is now.

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The main reason why I want a RP chat is so that RPers can RP wherever they want and potentially they can deselect all forms of chat except /rp and get a more immersive experience without bothering everyone else.


I remember once I was doing a trek with my guild and we all congregated on a single location in the black citadel where several RPers happened to be RPing. One of my guildies didn't have a single WP in the black citadel and we all stared awkwardly at the RPers who had to pause their RP for 3-5 minutes while the newbie tried to figure out how to get to us. On another occasion a group of 15 RPers were RPing next to the Royal Terrace. 14 of them were doing a normal RP but one of them was spewing tons of NSFW crap into chat and triggering my guildies so we all used the snowball transformation and clogged up all the doors and windows of the building he was in until the annoying RPer went away. A separate RP chat would prevent both of these problems. Considering they added a bunch of emotes towards the beginning of LWS3 specifically for RPers and they keep mentioning RPers on stream I'm assuming the RP community is big enough to merit their own chat group (I suggested keeping the RP channel to /say range to avoid it getting clogged with NSFW crap like it is in BDO and so multiple groups of RPers can be in closer proximity to each other although it might be better if the radius was even smaller than /say).

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Unless I misunderstand, this already exists. We have custom emotes and a chat filter that can toggle emotes on and off. If RPers wish to hide their chat from those with emotes disabled, they could use the /me (or /em, I forget off hand which). On the flip side, emote range is so ridiculously long that many probably opt to use /say instead to bother less people (and others use both because /say makes sense for dialog while /me for actions).

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