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Do something against naked players


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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> I go naked to train to play glassy builds. In unranked I don't see a problem with creating an artificial challenge for yourself, we all know the game won't create a challenge outside of trying to bypass everyone's passives.


I actually used to do the same thing. Glassy or not...if I can survive naked, I am going to be awesome clothed :p

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Just give automatic 24h dishonor if you enter a queued match without full equip


> each 100 armor/tougness is roughly 3% physical dmg reduced, so for heavy classes it is like loosing permanent protection boon


why? have you seen frostball99 on twitch he play naked and even reached legend while playing naked but ofc he is more skilled then others when it come to gw2 pvp

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first of all, theres only 3 pieces of armor that increase ur armor. i dont know wtf u guys are talkin about a lvl 2 player being in a disatvantage lol but any level 1 or lvl 2 toon has the armor pieces needed to pvp without losing armor ( chest, legs, shoes )


on a side note, what if the person on ur team is a nudist and just wants to identify with a naked character? forcing him to put armor on would simply not be fair.


oh and ud lose the 15% dmg boost so yeah its kinda off a trade offtrad playing naked.

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> @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Just give automatic 24h dishonor if you enter a queued match without full equip

> >

> > each 100 armor/tougness is roughly 3% physical dmg reduced, so for heavy classes it is like loosing permanent protection boon


> why? have you seen frostball99 on twitch he play naked and even reached legend while playing naked but ofc he is more skilled then others when it come to gw2 pvp

It is still an easy to avoid disadvantage. Not acceptable unless all other people in team did give him permission

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> Either you punish them for the obvious trolling, either you allow them to be naked without losing stats.


really, I had no idea if you don't wear armor you take more damage in PVP. I thought every thing is given by amulet. Sad to say and ive been playing with 2k+ hrs with ranger.

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> Either you punish them for the obvious trolling, either you allow them to be naked without losing stats.


lmao whats so wrong with running naked in pvp? let players play how they want to play. cant force people to play how you want them to play. if you dont like it then make your own team. I used to run around naked all the time. At first I didn't know you took more damage but afterwards I really didn't care. anet really shouldn't force players to play how other players want them to play. if they cater to you then they should cater to every whim of every player that don't like what other players do.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I've never been a big fan of the naked penalty. I'll put a task on our backlog to change it. Though, it's low priority so I don't know when we'd get to it.


If you cater to a player that don't like how other players choose to play then you will need to cater to every whim of every player that doesn't like how other players play.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I've never been a big fan of the naked penalty. I'll put a task on our backlog to change it. Though, it's low priority so I don't know when we'd get to it.


The naked penalty has to stay to at least try to keep pvp a little more serious and now be a bunch a monkeys running around in undies. Also if you do this for pvp all game modes are sure to ask for this as well and it's a bad hole to open. I can already see people asking for lingerie skins and I know GW would not be behind those shenanigans.

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If you make naked players have the same armor as armored players, then theres no reason to wear armor. Everyone will be naked due to human female meta. Those who choose to be naked usually do so knowingly which is a very small percentage of players. Do you want everyone to be naked?

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> @"Vallun.2071" said:

> If you make naked players have the same armor as armored players, then theres no reason to wear armor. Everyone will be naked due to human female meta. Those who choose to be naked usually do so knowingly which is a very small percentage of players. Do you want everyone to be naked?


I second this, as a gachi supporter i will not stand by a company letting naked human females roam free without penalty in pvp. It will also make your tournaments look like a joke because everyone will be naked.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > I've never been a big fan of the naked penalty. I'll put a task on our backlog to change it. Though, it's low priority so I don't know when we'd get to it.


> Why not just make the armor giving pieces a requirement when entering unranked/ranked ques?


You can just wear white gear to queue and remove it once you get in the match, even deleting it works

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I don't think it's a big deal, I didn't even know this was a thing till recently. If they want to be dumb and PvP naked, then let them. They are putting themselves at a disadvantage, have less chance of winning, therefore they will drop rank and not be matched with you. It's a problem that solves itself! Not to mention I really /rarely/ see this occur.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I've never been a big fan of the naked penalty. I'll put a task on our backlog to change it. Though, it's low priority so I don't know when we'd get to it.


The naked penalty exists for a reason. Your predecessors cared about saving at least a tiny bit of the game's integrity, and it'd be great if you wouldn't throw that out for no reason. PvP is already the laughing stock of the game, how about you stop actively trying to degrade it any further for no particular reason every chance you get?


You want to look into something? How about wintrading that's ruining any competition that is left? Any word on that?


Or what about the solo restriction? Why is it still here? The community wasn't dying fast enough so you had to give it a little push?

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As mentioned before... I do not think, that this is a real issue in PvP. There are far greater Problems like Balancing, wintrading or even bugs, that gives you 20min dishonor when trying to change characters before a match and make your team fight 4v5, because you cannot enter the match anymore (game did not start yet when this happens...even relogging to original character does not help, had this twice).

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