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WvW Restructuring will be Hollow

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > Server pride good one. You must be new. Most people throw the server pride into the garbage can to join winning servers.

> >

> > The pride was never server but rather guild-community. And guess what...that will stay. People/guilds that end up liking each other and worked together to achieve things can still play together in the way of forming an alliance and take pride in the name of that alliance.

> >

> > I suggest to stop spreading doom things because you are unwilling to adapt into a guild (if you were in top guild you would see that a change is needed in wvw) and instead provide good feedback so devs can work for the good of wvw.


> There are lots of players I come across whom are not in my guild but I run into them in wvw all the time. I help them and there is camaraderie and familiarity with those players. It's like having acquaintances, and usually I end up chatting with them when we're in a tight spot or accomplished something together.


> This system will get rid of all familiarity, with other players and force everyone to conform to some guilds rules in order to maintain a familiar wvw experience. I think it's not a good decision , and I think it will destroy this as well as any notion of having server pride, which is important as a motivator as it ascribes identity and camaraderie between familiar faces.



why not adding them into guild? there are players that guilds know them from chat-ts and if they like them they will make it into the alliance. but there are people that are not willing to join ts and not really communicating with people. so those will have to change their way and join a guild. after all they are playing a mmorpg not a single player game.


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> @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > Server pride good one. You must be new. Most people throw the server pride into the garbage can to join winning servers.

> > >

> > > The pride was never server but rather guild-community. And guess what...that will stay. People/guilds that end up liking each other and worked together to achieve things can still play together in the way of forming an alliance and take pride in the name of that alliance.

> > >

> > > I suggest to stop spreading doom things because you are unwilling to adapt into a guild (if you were in top guild you would see that a change is needed in wvw) and instead provide good feedback so devs can work for the good of wvw.

> >

> > There are lots of players I come across whom are not in my guild but I run into them in wvw all the time. I help them and there is camaraderie and familiarity with those players. It's like having acquaintances, and usually I end up chatting with them when we're in a tight spot or accomplished something together.

> >

> > This system will get rid of all familiarity, with other players and force everyone to conform to some guilds rules in order to maintain a familiar wvw experience. I think it's not a good decision , and I think it will destroy this as well as any notion of having server pride, which is important as a motivator as it ascribes identity and camaraderie between familiar faces.



> why not adding them into guild? there are players that guilds know them from chat-ts and if they like them they will make it into the alliance. but there are people that are not willing to join ts and not really communicating with people. so those will have to change their way and join a guild. after all they are playing a mmorpg not a single player game.



Right and once you join a guild you have to conform to other people's rules, that they simply made up. Nowhere in the game does it state that you have to do this and yet we do now if we want a similar wvw experience that we are used to.


The games slogan is play your way, and tons of people play solo, playing or interacting with people is not and should not be a requirement to playing or enjoying the game.


Just because you enjoy following others doesn't mean others do.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > > > Server pride good one. You must be new. Most people throw the server pride into the garbage can to join winning servers.

> > > >

> > > > The pride was never server but rather guild-community. And guess what...that will stay. People/guilds that end up liking each other and worked together to achieve things can still play together in the way of forming an alliance and take pride in the name of that alliance.

> > > >

> > > > I suggest to stop spreading doom things because you are unwilling to adapt into a guild (if you were in top guild you would see that a change is needed in wvw) and instead provide good feedback so devs can work for the good of wvw.

> > >

> > > There are lots of players I come across whom are not in my guild but I run into them in wvw all the time. I help them and there is camaraderie and familiarity with those players. It's like having acquaintances, and usually I end up chatting with them when we're in a tight spot or accomplished something together.

> > >

> > > This system will get rid of all familiarity, with other players and force everyone to conform to some guilds rules in order to maintain a familiar wvw experience. I think it's not a good decision , and I think it will destroy this as well as any notion of having server pride, which is important as a motivator as it ascribes identity and camaraderie between familiar faces.

> >

> >

> > why not adding them into guild? there are players that guilds know them from chat-ts and if they like them they will make it into the alliance. but there are people that are not willing to join ts and not really communicating with people. so those will have to change their way and join a guild. after all they are playing a mmorpg not a single player game.

> >


> Right and once you join a guild you have to conform to other people's rules, that they simply made up. Nowhere in the game does it state that you have to do this and yet we do now if we want a similar wvw experience that we are used to.


> The games slogan is play your way, and tons of people play solo, playing or interacting with people is not and should not be a requirement to playing or enjoying the game.


> Just because you enjoy following others doesn't mean others do.


you have to do the same in real life. don't you? people always follows rules it's how our society works. how can this be a problem? (don't forget it's an mmo if you want to play only solo single player exists.) the only problem i see is joining an awful guild with an a..hole as a guild leader. and i guess we are "arguing" in vain cause i doubt many of those pugs really care. those who care they will make it somehow

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > Here's a counterpoint. I'd love to do more WvW with my guild but since not everyone in my guild is on my server (my server was closed for ages, though it's opened now), and since I don't like leaving people out, we don't WvW as a guild. When this goes into effect, I can start running WvW events with MY community. The way WvW is structured right now actively prevents me from enjoying it. I either have to join a WvW guild and play when they want, how they want, or I can take my own guild in, and leave a third of the people out of events. Neither option appeals to me.

> >

> > The new system allows plenty of ways to keep playing with people you like. And you know, a different community is not the same as not having a community. It's an MMO and stuff changes. To me, it's more important to support new and returning players than the few players that have stuck there since the beginning and experience server pride the way the OP does.

> >

> > I lost server pride going up against Blackgate and their blobs every week for months at a time anyway. My server went from like tier 1 to like tier 4 or 5, because the way it was was unsustainable. Server pride affects less people than I think the OP thinks.


> Friends and guildies transfered out to bandwagons servers. Server pride? The one defending on the losing end? Or the one winning with a 3:1 ratio?


I, however, never transferred. I stayed on TC. And I would have continued on TC either way. But you know, it's not as much fun as a good match would be, hence I'm in favor of the proposed changes, assuming of course the algorithm does what it's supposed to do.



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You already have people you like playing with which you can keep.


By changing the people you dont like playing with, you can meet more people who you like playing with.


Just make sure alliance leader/officers are reasonable when letting people in and not letting every "i wanna join but will quit game or turn salty after a week" in


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> @"Eater of Peeps.9062" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > It just means that people that aren't liked on their current server likely won't be a part of the alliances that are formed out of those servers.... Unless you are in a guild that is welcomed.

> >

> > Otherwise an individual player will have a likely different experience each 8 weeks.

> >

> > So.., let's say someone was on BG and followed the large Zergs but would not join the TS nor run a class that was welcome, that person would likely end up rotating worlds every 8 weeks. Good thing is that person will have fresh people to impress.


> So, um, how friendly. Nice a net is endorsing more mean spirited exclusionary play. People not liked don't get to be part of the alliances? Real nice. Doesn't anyone feel ashamed anymore?


Not sure how that was mean. If someone doesn't run with people consistently, then the opportunity to run with new people every 8 weeks should be refreshing.


If someone gets a rep in the first pairing, they likely would welcome an opportunity to work with different people in the next pairing.


This gives some people a clean slate.

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I am looking forwaed to the change. Fighting for guild pride is much more personal meaningful to me than server pride.


I think we may see more commanders, different tatics, and stronger competion.


If you want to make sure you and roaming buddies stay together either friend them or create a guild together.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I feel like restructuring wvw, while possibly needed will create a hollow gaming experience, much like the pve mega server system we currently have.


> There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


> It just feels like its going to gut the wvw community in exchange for some form of balancing. Not sure it's a good idea overall since pve has felt like an empty experience to me since mega server was introduced.


I've posted in the "Restructuring" thread, but I had to let you know there are many of us feel the same way.


We will be tossed into faceless blobs who shout down those who were trusted in our servers by our friends.


It's EOTM 2.0 with pips.


A totally disgusting and money grubbing move by Anet rather than giving us the game we were given at the beginning with tournaments and

a chance to build a community.


Sadder than sad.



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> @"Eater of Peeps.9062" said:

> > @"Rampage.7145" said:



> Nice personal attack of op. This is exactly y "friends" forming alliances and excluding those they don't like or who in mean spirited judgmental attacks accuse people of leeching or not following rigid game play arbitrarily set up by some cliquish mean boys group r the problem which needs to be addressed in wvw. If a net wants to make all wvw totally random (no guild alliances) that would be totally fun. Everyone playing their best with random peeps all the time .much more fun and vital


Tell me again why it's important that we keep the current system so that you can continue to run with these "cliquish mean boys group" types?


You can't very well argue about camaraderie and playing with all the people you currently run into and then berate those same people for being mean and not letting you join their alliance/guild.

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It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.


Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.

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I really like the idea of alliances/guilds being the focal point in WvW, instead of the server. The only possible complaint I could have is getting to know new commanders and how they operate. Like now, I know which commander I should follow and listen to, because they seem to do a good job. Whereas, there are commanders I stay away from, because they are horrible at commanding, and tend to be more like Rurik.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.


> Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.


Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.


Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > they said if it doesn't work out they will go back to links. I'm guessing they will have a poll after a couple of months of testing.


> Hmm, don't know if that would happen. We did have "beta" for server pairings and that's felt pretty much permanent until now.


its possible.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.

> >

> > Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.


> Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.


> Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.


Or they could join a guild. Not everyone quits when things get tough.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.


Stacking is already a thing we have now, the new system in theory will make it harder to stack since Alliances have a limit.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.


You clearly have no idea how the system will work, or else you are just a pure troll.


The system will place organized alliances + randoms in one world against another world with a similar composition. It will *not* place 4 huge organized alliances on one world against a world full of random pugs. Stop spreading fear based on duplicity.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.

> > >

> > > Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.

> >

> > Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.

> >

> > Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.


> Or they could join a guild. Not everyone quits when things get tough.


Either way solo players will now be at a huge disadvantage, as playing solo will now be penalized. Joining a guild isn't the answer as it defeats the purpose and agenda behind playing solo. Forcing solo players to group up in order to have some semblance of balance isn't a good idea.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.


ah, no. What will happen is that alliances stacked with organized guilds will be paired with low play hour players and guilds to balance the total play hours for a world. The stacked alliances would be more likely to be NOT paired together because there wouldn't be a balance in play hours between worlds.


The successful alliances will be the ones that work with their unaligned guilds and solo players. An exclusive alliance will soon find that they don't have enough players to compete with the alliances that are inclusive and either change their ways or drop in tiers. Once an exclusive alliance drops tiers they will break apart because of infighting and all you'd have left are alliances that are inclusive. Inclusive alliances will eventually reach max cap and break up into smaller alliances that can once again grow.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.

> > > > >

> > > > > Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.

> > > >

> > > > Or they could join a guild. Not everyone quits when things get tough.

> > >

> > > Either way solo players will now be at a huge disadvantage, as playing solo will now be penalized. Joining a guild isn't the answer as it defeats the purpose and agenda behind playing solo. Forcing solo players to group up in order to have some semblance of balance isn't a good idea.

> >

> > If they're too stubborn to join a guild then they get what they deserve. I don't actually think playing solo will be that bad tbh I think you're being overly dramatic as usual.


> Why are you equating playing solo as being stubborn and people in need of punishment and getting what they deserve?


Because if, as you claim, it's not going to be possible to have a good time playing solo after the restructuring then people who continue to refuse to join a guild are either masochistic or just incredibly stubborn. In either case they get what they deserve.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > > It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.

> > > > >

> > > > > Or they could join a guild. Not everyone quits when things get tough.

> > > >

> > > > Either way solo players will now be at a huge disadvantage, as playing solo will now be penalized. Joining a guild isn't the answer as it defeats the purpose and agenda behind playing solo. Forcing solo players to group up in order to have some semblance of balance isn't a good idea.

> > >

> > > If they're too stubborn to join a guild then they get what they deserve. I don't actually think playing solo will be that bad tbh I think you're being overly dramatic as usual.

> >

> > Why are you equating playing solo as being stubborn and people in need of punishment and getting what they deserve?


> Because if, as you claim, it's not going to be possible to have a good time playing solo after the restructuring then people who continue to refuse to join a guild are either masochistic or just incredibly stubborn. In either case they get what they deserve.


Wasn't aware that solo players needed to be punished lol. I think all guilds should be banned that would be my definition of getting what they deserve, why not make wvw 100% random with no guilds or alliance, failure to comply with that would be people being stubborn and if they are upset with that, then they are getting what they deserve.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.


> Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.


> Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.


You're both exaggerating to make a point. No one "deserves" to get stomped because they choose to roam and it's unlikely that solitary players are going to just up & quit entirely because the system changed. Everyone is going to have to adapt to the new system and, as with any major upheaval, some types of players will need to adapt less and some will need to do more. Some will prefer the new system and some won't. None of that, by itself, is evidence of whether the system does what it's designed to do or whether it's good for the game or not.


The new system obviously favors people in organized guilds, but then again, so did the old system. The old system benefited those who stacked on the same server and created issues for those who didn't swap (especially if they were unlucky enough to have accidentally chosen a world that ended up not suiting their preferences). The old system allowed for unaffiliated players to join a cause (the world) for long periods of time; the new system makes it harder for that particular niche. The old system made it difficult for PvE-focused guilds to do any WvW together; the new system makes that easy.


Until the system is finalized, it's going to be difficult to predict exactly how much this is going to affect us. All we know for sure, is that it's going to mix things up a lot. And that is, after all, something that nearly all WvW fans have been asking for.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > > > It's pretty straightforward, the new system is going to stack zergs of organized guilds vs single players who are solo. The matchups will become lopsided because the first thing they will do is figure out how to get all organized alliances on the same server/team color. The system caters to guilds and not solo players, as in there are mechanics which are going to reserve spots for alliance members on teams, but not solo players. Wvw will now be a slew of prideful guilds which stomp solo players who don't even have a server or any semblance of pride or identity. The experience will become hollow and I think it will ruin a lot of the motivation to play wvw.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Solo players deserve to get stomped if they refuse to join guilds. If things happen as you predict then these solo players will presumably try to join guilds so they stop getting stomped.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Or solo players could quit, and then guilds will have no new members and nobody to really fight against.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sounds like a lot of fun, conform to some guys made up rules or get trounced, exactly my point, not a very good update to wvw.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Or they could join a guild. Not everyone quits when things get tough.

> > > > >

> > > > > Either way solo players will now be at a huge disadvantage, as playing solo will now be penalized. Joining a guild isn't the answer as it defeats the purpose and agenda behind playing solo. Forcing solo players to group up in order to have some semblance of balance isn't a good idea.

> > > >

> > > > If they're too stubborn to join a guild then they get what they deserve. I don't actually think playing solo will be that bad tbh I think you're being overly dramatic as usual.

> > >

> > > Why are you equating playing solo as being stubborn and people in need of punishment and getting what they deserve?

> >

> > Because if, as you claim, it's not going to be possible to have a good time playing solo after the restructuring then people who continue to refuse to join a guild are either masochistic or just incredibly stubborn. In either case they get what they deserve.


> Wasn't aware that solo players needed to be punished lol. I think all guilds should be banned that would be my definition of getting what they deserve, why not make wvw 100% random with no guilds or alliance, failure to comply with that would be people being stubborn and if they are upset with that, then they are getting what they deserve.


So campaign to have guilds banned. Doesn't look like Anet is going in that direction though so I guess people will just have to join guilds if playing solo is terrible or quit the game if they're too stubborn to join a guild. End of thread.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I feel like restructuring wvw, while possibly needed will create a hollow gaming experience, much like the pve mega server system we currently have.


> There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


> It just feels like its going to gut the wvw community in exchange for some form of balancing. Not sure it's a good idea overall since pve has felt like an empty experience to me since mega server was introduced.


Won't be more "hollow" than what we have now: our servers are full of trolls, spies and so on, it's not some clean state of the original worlds, those still playing after 5 years on the same server are an extreme minority. In an alliance at least you will be able to pick with whom to pay and set limits on what is tolerated, same in a guild, and both of these groups are kept or moved together. There will be a meaning and you finally can be "proud" being part of a group, unlike the current state on the servers.

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