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Kicked out of guild for no reason what?

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Hello everyone my game name is Dravenultimare,

Thought I'd discuss the issues I am having in the game on guilds. So I started playing almost three months ago and ended up going from guild to guild and sadly couldn't find one that was for me so I left a lot and people got mad for me doing it but the reason was because they didn't help me or put on event WvW or PvP ect that they said she/he would do and most of the time they were not ever very organized or left a lot players in the dark who wanted to join and be a part of the team. Anyways, I found one but it began to slow down and the only did stuff on the weekend or were not even telling people about events or anything going on and keeping people up to date on much, so I came on and told them.... You know guys I am THINKING about leaving the guild and going off to make my own then a player asked me in chat about it then once others seen it they kicked me out of the guild not allowing me to speak with people about it even tho there was no rule against it and told them about it long ago and was never kicked out then everyone knew about it. However, I told them I watched walk through on building guilds saying I was curious and wanted to experience everything in the game, as I had been a guild leader in many others games before Guild wars 2 but sadly I am at a loss... I have no idea what I am doing wrong, I have been nothing but helpful and always try to go out of my way to give people infor take on a boss ect but still it's odd to be in a game called guild wars you can't find any people. If your wondering maybe I just didn't try hard enough or look in the right places I have been to almost every city and not before long I started getting rude comments and people trolling me at the time for starting guild and no I didn't think it would be easy by any means to run a the guild it self but thought with all the players it shouldn't be this difficult should it?

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Unfortunately unless you already have friends who are willing to join your guild and be active it will likely be very difficult in starting up a new guild this far in. There are a great number of guilds in this game for every game mode that already have a max level guild hall, full benefits, run events, and have players who are experts in whatever they're doing and some have been running events and trains since year 1, they have everything a player could want in a guild. To get a player to pick your guild thats just beginning over the many guilds that fit this description would most likely mean that they're either new and just looking for somewhere to belong or that something about your guild, more than likely the people in it, caught their eye and convinced them to give you a shot. As for your experiences with other guilds I am sorry to hear that. GW2 has a lot of guilds which means sadly that there are also a number of bad ones out there. In my personal experience as a higher up officer in my guild and someone who looks out for potential new recruits just joining the guild does not a good member make. I look out for those people who are active in chat, attending events, and try to join in and do stuff with us whether it be using our guild forums, chatting in TS with us, or just trying to get involved. These people are the ones who catch my eye, and if I think they'll stay that way I generally try to get involved with them and prop them up by making sure they know of all of our events and I try to get them on the fast track for promotions because we want them to feel valued and if they performed they may be a great asset for our guild in the future. I'm not saying you aren't any of these things, as I don't know what exactly caused the sour relationship with your past guilds, but just letting you know the stuff I look for as a recruiting officer whenever I deal with new members.


I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors, whether you do try to stick it out and make your own guild or decide to give some other guilds a try, and hope everything works out for you. Have a great evening~ ^^

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I'm new to GW2 but I have played many MMOs before. Finding the right guild takes time and finding a connection with the people in it takes even longer. Especially now a days where a lot of people don't have a lot of time to play and only play for a few hours a day/week. It gets harder to find a consistent group of people to do content with. Just stay helpful and friendly and you'll find what you're looking for. :)

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Guilds in this game, ironically called "guild wars 2, are an afterthought. Don't feel bad about playing solo because your choices are:


a) Join a blob guild with 400-500 people where you don't matter and you get ignored in teamchat.

b) Join a small-ish guild with 50-150 people where only 10 are active, and out of those 10, 8 are representing a different guild.

c) Join 5 guilds at once and just rotate as convenience dictates - because that's how you get the most out of this very poorly thought out system. Something that I refuse to accept.



Ball is on your court.

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I been in your situation many times., I decided to make my own and stuck with it for many years, it about lv 40-45 now and has nearly everything most guilds have. I only really need members. My guild's main goal was to have a place for people to have a drama free environment free of elitism and players can play together and so dcontent with not being forced to play a meta build by others (or have certain gear) to play together, (if they want to use a specific build or gear its fine by them, I won't be against it, but I won't tolerate bullying of any kind). I never had people stay as I got too busy with life and other games and can't be the only one to help others especially new players to the game. I have a life too!


I'm not a great player by any means, but I make up for it with being knowledgeable of how the game works to a pretty decent degree and where to go and find things. I'm always looking for friendly (and somewhat patient) people that can help others and not be a elitist jerk about doing it, and people with different experience in different modes as well. I tend to struggle in the content from season 2 to current content and personally just need to have people to get achievements and such with. I do not raid do to the same sentiments of most players I am targeting and hope to do them one day with my guild with an "anything goes" attitude towards the game.

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Guilds are run the way, the management want. So they can kick you at their leisure.

Also imagine it like this. You are on a football team. You disagree with the coach a start complaining and recruiting to start a new team. I think that is a very good reason to be kicked.


As for finding a good guild. Good guilds don't need to advertise. So play the game the way you like and lay attention to guildnames and tags to see what you see a lot.

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Well, finding a bunch of people with similar interests and that play the game like you want, is not easy. I still have to find it.

But I can understand why they kicked you: saying in guild chat that you were going to leave (meaning that you weren't happy about your guild) is not good for the mood of the people still there. It would have been better to talk with your boss and see if he/she wanted to change something, otherwise leave after saying "bye, it has been nice, but I'm looking for something else".

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I think people are misunderstanding me I didn't have a bad attitude, I was not disrespectful in any way, I didn't turn people against each other, I didn't lie ect or bad mouth the guild in any way plus I never try to get people to come with me to my new guild many loved the guild and were happy with it, I got kicked out with no warning or reason as to why all because I answered a friends question on what type of guild I was going to make I also have the chat saved on my computer. I was always with them for events, guild parties getting people together to do bounty ect but never felt part of the team while other went off and only wanted their friend in the guild to help and with that we went from having about 600 players down to 479 some where around there at the time and never went back up... I asked questions straight up wasn't shy and helped out people who were novice to the game I didn't do anything wrong but wanna make a circle of friends for myself because I never knew anyone in real life who played. Anyways, it doesn't matter now after all the drama that has happened I deleted my new guild after watching walk throughs for hours and getting infor I left guild wars only being a part of chat now but still have my chapters maybe one day I may come back don't know yet.

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It is unfortunate that you did get kicked from the guild for no apparent reason. It pretty much showed what type of people they are. I'm like you in that sense, everyone that has added me, left the game. Or take large lengths off. And this been going on for years. I had my rl friend to try and play with me. Same thing. It came to the point, that chat is the only thing left. I still enjoy the game. Don't let this drama get to you. As for guilds, well here's my two cent.


As for making your own guild. It's been a long time since I actually gave any advice on this subject. As someone like yourself, who tried to create a guild and met with abject failure. I can tell you, it's a lot of work. I've helped out some small guilds in the past. What you need to realise is that, you're competing against other guilds if you're just angling for the same thing as other guilds are. New guilds won't win in that sense, since the more established guilds have an advantage. Think smart here, what will make your guild stand out. It has a quirky sense of humour? a sense of adventure etc. Does it aim at specific people with interests etc. For example I have guild name that is inspired by an anime show. And there players in this game that do watch anime. So will I target my guild based upon my interest and find like minded people. And in the future, if it requires I'll branch out to and be more inclusive to others. See where I'm going here. Have an idea on the philosophy and ethos for your guild. I'm with a guild that refuses to use VOIP and some ppl like that.


Next bit is the recruitment, now it is abhorrent that you got trolled for trying to advertise your guild in map chat. No one should be trolled. Recruitment post is essentially your selling point. Be as honest as you can, this prevents people of having false expectations, more they know of the guild and where it stands, the more understanding they could be. And don't just write one post and then leave it. No one will find it, it will get buried pretty easily and quickly. Update your post, and here is the key thing. Humanise your post, have at least one other person commenting on your recruitment post. It shows, it's not just by the numbers. That you have members that do care and enjoy being in your guild. Sadly this bit is the most tedious bit. You have to push it on a near constant basis, just to keep your post at the front page so others can view it. Not just on here but on reddit as well. You need to maximise as much coverage for your guild. Next comes the bit where you won't like. Try not to spam in map chat - players hate that. You can advertise in map chat, keep it at a minimum though. Only have your guild recruitment key points in chat, not large walls of text.


If you still want to leave the game, then best of luck. Hope you do find your way back at one point. If not, then best of luck in future endeavours.

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(NO MEMBERS EVER CAME WITH ME) and I told them before and also never got kicked until that day so why wait almost two months if I was such a threat to the guild in the first place? Plus not a single solo came with me when I left so I never poach anyone I didn't want them kind of people in my guild to start with period but good luck to all the others they left in the guild who will in fact poach them for being so stupid allowing the ones who don't show the guild using another chapter to have others as back up guild where anyone isn't happy to invite. So smart on his/her part plus on top of everything I never told them I was unhappy with the guild the truth is no one cared and only seen it's members as a number not a person this is why it lost so many people no one cared long as they had the ten people they needed to lvl the guild. Not one of your points you made are even valid, top of every single part of this the only thing I seen was a group of ignorant people who may of had the right idea in mind of what was going on but focused their attention on the wrong person who wasn't the center of the problem.

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> @"Dravenultimate.6983" said:

> (NO MEMBERS EVER CAME WITH ME) and I told them before and also never got kicked until that day so why wait almost two months if I was such a threat to the guild in the first place? Plus not a single solo came with me when I left so I never poach anyone I didn't want them kind of people in my guild to start with period but good luck to all the others they left in the guild who will in fact poach them for being so stupid allowing the ones who don't show the guild using another chapter to have others as back up guild where anyone isn't happy to invite. So smart on his/her part plus on top of everything I never told them I was unhappy with the guild the truth is no one cared and only seen it's members as a number not a person this is why it lost so many people no one cared long as they had the ten people they needed to lvl the guild. Not one of your points you made are even valid, top of every single part of this the only thing I seen was a group of ignorant people who may of had the right idea in mind of what was going on but focused their attention on the wrong person who wasn't the center of the problem.


It was likely the fact that if you in guild chat tried to recruit members for your guild they perceived at as an attempted poaching of members. The success or failure of that is not part of the reason to kick.


If I was running a guild and a guild member tried to poach members to their guild, I'd kick them. Wouldn't matter if they were successful in their attempt or not.

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Yes only I never poached anyone I just said I was leaving and going to make my own guild then had someone ask me straight up, well what kind of guild and got kicked for giving a answer period. I never went around saying hey guys come on over lol that had not happened at any time and I never looked for players with in the guild either this is the whole point that didn't add up I got kicked for speaking about it.

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> @"Dravenultimate.6983" said:

> Yes only I never poached anyone I just said I was leaving and going to make my own guild then had someone ask me straight up, well what kind of guild and got kicked for giving a answer period. I never went around saying hey guys come on over lol that had not happened at any time and I never looked for players with in the guild either this is the whole point that didn't add up I got kicked for speaking about it.



That’s the thing though. You may not have explicitly said what you did with the intention of grabbing players for your new guild, but that’s how it comes across to others. If you get asked in that gchat about the guild you’re creating, of course you are going to upsell it, you’re creating a new guild where you can make the rules. It may be innocent conversation to you, to the guild officers it’s self advertisement.

If you’re going to create your own guild, you are essentially leaving your current guild, you won’t have the time or resources for it.

I’d have probably kicked you as well. Only I’d have asked why you weren’t happy in the guild to see if it could have been solved.

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I start to be confused. You said that you've been kicked after having said in gchat that you wanted to leave, right?

Then why are you worrying about it? If you already didn't like the guild and wanted to leave, who cares if they kicked you before you could quit? A matter of pride? Who cares. Start your own guild or try to find some other guild that fits better your expectations. Misunderstandings can happen.

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Saying in guild chat that you are not happy with the guild and are going to leave and make your own guild does indeed look like an attempt to recruit people from the guild to your new one before leaving. In most of the cases it also is exactly how it seems. That kind of behavior is not tolerated even if it is not clearly written down in guild rules.


Kicking a person who does that is very understandable thing to do since the person in question is going to leave anyway so it's better to prevent them causing harm to the guild before they go.


Maybe you will understand this better when it happens to your own guild the first time.

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> @"Dravenultimate.6983" said:

> Thought I'd discuss the issues I am having in the game on guilds.


You just had bad luck with your guilds. You can go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild and read all the recruiting threads, at least guilds who actively recruit or advertise their guild probably not only want to just gather more and more members but also care about them because they want them to stay and represent. Also low level guilds probably are more motivated to complete guild missions together and to claim and develop their guild hall. So to get a more involving guild experience, I'd recommend to join a smaller, low-level guild. The downside will be, that it's more possible to not find enough guild members for group activities, but in case there are enough people on these activities can be much fun.


Personally I'm in just one guild, the other four slots are empty. I don't have to care about representation and can concentrate on one. It is small and low level, so currently there's something to do with and for the guild at any time. We have static groups for fractals and dungeons and also fixed dates for guild missions, all concentrated on weekend's evenings, because during the week most of our members work. The upside is: if all members have time and are online, we play in full groups. The downside is: we also had some weeks where we did fracs and dungeons in four or even in three and only could do the easy guild bounty and race missions, because real life put a spoke in our wheel. But the advantages outweigh dry spells.


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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> Saying in guild chat that you are not happy with the guild and are going to leave and make your own guild does indeed look like an attempt to recruit people from the guild to your new one before leaving. In most of the cases it also is exactly how it seems. That kind of behavior is not tolerated even if it is not clearly written down in guild rules.


> Kicking a person who does that is very understandable thing to do since the person in question is going to leave anyway so it's better to prevent them causing harm to the guild before they go.


> Maybe you will understand this better when it happens to your own guild the first time.


I do believe that the OP didn't go about it the right way, maybe should have whispered then left without telling anyone else to avoid the drama. That's one way, to flip it the guild mate could have just revealed what was said. Either way, the OP's main issue was trying to recruit new members to his/her guild. Starting a new guild, is pretty hard. It was hard enough with out guild halls. Now it's even harder, as it could be seen to have a guild hall lined up at some point.

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Not surprising someone with kick ability didn’t want you talking about a new guild in their chat. There were probably better ways to handle it on both sides, but does it even matter?


My honest advice is find a fully upgraded guild, rep it when you want the personal benefits, and keep looking for other guilds. Make sure your chat shows all guild chat so you can find things to do easier. If a guild doesn’t work out, just leave without saying anything. If someone asks via whisper, feel free to explain. If you run across someone who does things you like at times you play, ask them if they’re in a guild you can join since you enjoy the stuff you’ve done together. Heck, even ask in a meta or HP train during down time if anyone knows a guild good for someone just getting started.


But don’t be surprised if a lot of people don’t really know of a good guild, or tell you the guild they are in sucks. I don’t see a lot of people in pug groups with the same guild tag like other games where it’s normal 2 or 3 guild members joined a queue as a group. I guess it’s to be expected given the design of guilds though, and the way players are often leaving for months at a time.

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