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333% Buff...


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I'm not complaining about a buff, but I just want to make note of some other things.


POF has been out for 6 months, half a year... Buffs this big are happening 6 months after an expansion??? That just goes to show how off things are. Bow is still a horribly designed weapon and the damage is still not good, but better than nothing I guess.


Since raids dropped in HOT gw2 is now a pve game? My bad



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No, since GW2 was released it was a PVE game. See the real problem here is that unless Anet explicitly says so, no one can assume any change is for any particular part of the game. Weapons are not designed to provide best or even good damage. You were told this before but of course ... horse, meet water.

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Impossible Odds has a global ICD on the extra hit effect. You'll get maybe a few extra hits out of sword 4, staff 5 and sword 3 that will hit max 700 with crit and no quickness. So tell me, how is this shit a buff compared to easy quickness access, actions 50% faster. This was a purely PvE buff where any group got a mesmer to keep 100% quickness uptime, in PvP it's an obvious nerf.


You ppl really gotta test things out before saying shit based purely on numbers, just like anet.

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